Hi friends, well I've been rolling along thinking I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread, doing everything right to the letter, wondering why others are having troubles, but finally last night I ran into my first bump in the road.I think I now know what "dumping" is. Now I'm not sure why this happened or exactly what I did different from other nights, but I might have eaten too fast or a bit too much and plus I'm now on my surgeon's second phase diet which is puree. Well I ate my 4 oz of protein shake, 2 oz of cottage cheese, 4 oz of a pudding, 1 oz of egg salad and then was lying down to watch computer screen; I fell asleep briefly then woke up to a kinda nasty sense that I either (excuse the TMI that's coming)had to vomit or go to the bathroom, so it was the latter after all, but I sat there pretty miserable for 20 minutes, feeling light headed and nauseus, didn't want to stand from nausea and light headedness, so wow, not much fun!! I take it that was dumping, right?
Well, I would like to try to avoid that in the future but not sure what I did