Hi everyone! I stumbled upon this site as I was trying drifting around the web, trying to ease my nerves. I am scheduled for lap band in mid- feb. live in CT and I have been refusing to even consider surgery for at least 8 years. This summer, i watched my son take his first surfing lessone. Next to him in the ocean was a woman who was older than me, learning to surf. That is when I started to seriously consider this. BY November I was sure.
I have cleared all hurdles and now await my procedure.
I have told a few friends and co-workers and their reactions have upset me a bit. ' You don't need that!" " You're gonna puke constantly!" " You are curvy, not FAT!" SO little understanding.
Anyway, i am nervous about the surgery itself becasue i don't tolerate surgery well, and I am so afraid of feeling hungry but only being able to drink ( for three weeks post-op.) Any encouraging words will help and it is nice to " meet" you all!