My husband has been wanting me to go to this festival for years, but I would not go. I was always too big. It is hot this time of year and I knew I would burn up; not to mention the pain I would be in from having to carry myself around. Well, this year we went. I walked around with no pain or exertion at all, did not even dew up, let alone sweat. And drum roll please..... I rode ALL of the rides. I haven't been on rides in years. I had no trouble what so ever fitting in the seats or fastening the guards. And to top it all off, my husband boosted me by the waist into a tall seat and another operator offered to get me down. YAY!! So this is a video link to me celebrating my SV in NSV-ville. By the way, this thing will scare your drawers off. (P.S. sorry I didn't put this in my earlier post, but I didn't know how )