A group from Scotland’s University for Sporting Excellence found no difference in the muscle growth response to protein after a full-body resistance training workout between more muscular and smaller participants. Except when it came to specific exercises.
The study split young, resistance-trained males into two groups; those with lower lean body mass (<less than 65 kilograms) and higher lean body mass, 70 kilograms and higher. Each volunteer participated in two trials where they consumed protein after resistance exercise. In one trial participants consumed 20 grams of whey protein and in the second, they consumed 40 grams of whey protein after exercise. Scientists measured the muscle’s ability to grow at an increased rate with metabolic tracers and muscle biopsies.
The amount of muscle worked in a single session has a bigger impact on the amount of protein needed afterwards, than the amount of muscle in the body.” If you’re just doing legs and weights, more protein may not matter, but if the exercise is whole-body resistance exercise, more is better.