Hi all! I have a question that I just need input on until I’m able to reach out to my nutritionist or surgeon.
I think I messed up!!!! I’m on day 5 of my 7day pre-op diet.
The first 5 days consists of tons of water and SF electrolytes, 3 protein shakes , 1-2 boiled eggs, cottage cheese or low-fat string cheese, a lean protein meal with non-starchy veg and non- starchy veggies, SF jello, SF popsicles and broth as snacks or to quell hunger pangs. Think Keto and in fact I have reached ketosis (i have that telltale fruity, albeit, rotten apple flavor in my mouth for 2 days and I have test strips that confirm because I once tried to follow the keto diet). The last two days are protein and then clear liquids.
So here’s the thing my mind was set on “keto, keto, keto” and I completely flubbed and ate some raspberries this morning!!!! Raspberries are keto approved but….. I don’t know if they are pre-op gastric bypass approved!! I’m tail spinning. I think I totally messed up!
Input please!
Thank you!!