Hi!! Thought I would post and hopefully reassure others considering a band to bypass.
I have been banned twice. First failed due to slippage, and this one I have chosen to have removed due to disappointing weight loss results. At first banding I was 220 pounds, lost 22, removed band and put all back on plus an additional 26. Rebanded 5 years ago at 246, lost about 50 then put back on about 25 during and after pregnancy. With this band I felt like I was constantly choking on my food, but never really full. In the end after several fills I was consuming a lot of saucy slider foods.. and the indigestion pain has been terrible. Not cool.
Today prior to the band removal surgery I weighed in at 220 pounds.
The surgery was quick and all went well, woke up in recovery about 4 hrs ago. I'm taking half an endone and can feel a tiny bit of pain around Port site but it not bad at all. No gas pains. Just ate a yoghurt and in a half hour I will be heading home.
So glad this part is over, and nowhere near as painful as I thought.
My surgeon wants the band out and 3-4 months before bypass.
Will post in a few days time to update you all on pain levels and hunger etc.