So I am POD#3 things have been great besides some gas discomfort. I am on the clear liquids for a week sipping my water. Lifes good. I am down 5#'s since surg date. I have been noticing a trend of other pre-op wls patients and my caregivers in the hospital asking me; "WHY"? "You're not big enough to have the surgery yet" or "You don't need the surgery". I guess it wasn't safe to assume that other wls patients haven't been going through the same battle as me for a majority of their lives. I just didn't wake up 100 pounds overweight. I can understand my caregivers because I am one. Especially because where I was operated on is pretty new to having WLS patients. My first experience of dealing with this type of judgement was at the bariatric surgery seminar that I attended. I was looked at up and down by a gentleman my age but in the 450 pound range. Never have I had to ask myself the question do I need this. This is tool to help break a chain, my destiny. FAT and BALD. I will settle for the bald part, I enjoy not paying $28 a month in haircuts. Has anyone else encountered this type of behavior?