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Found 172 results

  1. Newbie here, first post! That said I have done my fair share of reading and creeping and have come to understand the 3 week stall is pretty common. That said... Tomorrow marks the 4th week post op and this entire week has had 0 loss. I have now lost 13 pounds post op bringing me to 17.4 in the last 30 days, and I feel like the surgery and the recovery was it worth 13 pounds? I feel stuck, I feel discouraged living like this during the holidays and not able to eat all the treats and food around. Now with the rant done, I am looking for a good puree to soft solids daily menu with food ratios that anyone can point me too? I am good at following a plan but suck at just making something up in a pinch, I have been planning but you know how it goes, sometimes you just don't feel like the things you made previously. I guess I just needed to vent, and in a space where others maybe have dealt with this themselves..
  2. Hi- just wondering if you didn’t experience the infamous 3 week stall, when did it show up? And I’ve read it can last 1-3 weeks. Any variations on that out there?
  3. Please please tell me this is normal. I've also only lost 12lbs in the first 2 weeks and now in a 3 week stall. I'm glad I've not gained anything cause i think i would be even more disheartened. I'm taking in around 700cals a day, getting my protein in and fluids. I have been doing light exercise on cross trainer but too scared to push it. should i be doing anything different or do i just wait it out? I knew it was coming, but mannnnnn... 3 weeks :(
  4. The 3 week stall has finally lifted and I am so thankful lol

  5. As the title says, I hit my 3 week stall about 2 days ago. I have been through this before, so I know not to check my weight for a week now. The stalls are the worst part of all this, and as time goes on, they get longer and longer. But I've already been to this dance, so at least I know what to expect. My gerd is getting bad. I had to go up to 40mg every day and see how that works (going to every other day caused issues, so today starts every day again). I was really hoping that I would be able to get off PPI with this revision, but so far, no. At least I've gone from 80mg daily to 40. If I could get down to maybe 20mg I could learn to be ok with it. I guess time will tell. I was given the ok to try some ground turkey and HOLY CRAP I FOUND THE RESTRICTION!!!!!! I can eat scrambled eggs, avocado, hummus, refried beans, even cheese cubes....nothing. But I had 2 tbsp of ground turkey and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD there was ALL KINDS of restriction!!!!! I've never had this before. It's awesome!!!! I was told my stomach is the size of a golf ball, and I found it hard to believe before, but oh man I believe it now!!!
  6. Almost been a 3 week stall :C Hoping to kick it in gear and lose 10 lbs by 3/24.

    1. Bigbeaz


      You can do it. I fought threw my two stalls. :)

  7. *Battling the 3 week stall!*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. skinnygirlwithin


      i look at it this way... i am down 72lbs in 4 1/2 months... when have i EVER been able to say that??? NEVER... so if i am at a stall for a few weeks... then so be it, it wont be forever... So i am going to try to shake it up a bit, and do my "pre-op" diet for the next 2-3 days... keep strong - we will get through this together!!

    3. ~*ROBIN*~


      I only lost 2lbs this week. Maybe it's because I wasn't drinking the water like I should. Need to flush out the FAT! I think our bodies are still out of whack and wondering what it should be doing. Drink drink drink....walk walk walk. :-)

    4. O-Town Body Rock

      O-Town Body Rock

      Nevermind. Lost 3 pounds and stalled again. So day #4 of stall #2.

      (Hi Robin!!!)

  8. The dreaded 3 week stall!!! UGH!!!

    1. Pac-woman


      It will move, increase your calories




      Thanks so much! I actually lost 2 pounds today but I'm still up one from my lowest! UGH...maybe tomorrow! Fingers crossed! Constipation is another problem that's affecting this!!! UGH, again!!!

  9. Suppose I hit the 3 week stall. Scale hasn't moved in about a week and a half and I'm starting to think it never will again...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SalOdyssey


      Just a speed bump in the road. This too will pass! I hit a speed bump of my own the getting the surgery done, but this too shall pass and I will overcome. Hope all else is well BD!! :)

    3. ProudGrammy


      stalls are a bummer!!! if the scale hasn't moved for at least 3 weeks - that's a stall- scale not moving about one week, that' frustration!!! it will move if i have to come over and kick it!!! LOL - don't worry, you will start to lose weight again, while you win the game!! good luck - kathy

    4. Shaydi.Laine


      Happened to me at just 2 weeks out. Nothing to fret over, your body is just readjusting. I noticed a big drop in the tape measure during that first stall, so try paying more attention to that than the scale :)

  10. Going on a 3 week stall...

  11. Hello 3 week stall, I've been waiting for you.....

  12. Yay! My 3 week stall has passed! Down another 2 lbs!

  13. Is experiencing the dreaded 3 week stall....UGH!

  14. Only lost .6 today....wondering if I am at the dreaded 3 week stall?

  15. Still on my 3 week stall. It's been 7 days and no weight loss.

  16. Joy@boman

    3 week stall?

    I have heard of three week stall but I am coming up on two weeks and havnt lost anything so it scares me to stall in 3rd week. I have lost zero since coming home from hospital. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Sleeved on 1/8. Lost 14 pds the first week. and only 3 pds since then... so frustrated! I'm getting all of my water and protein in, keeping calories and carbs low. -- not hard considering the little amount we can consume. Tell me this is happening to others too, and that it will end!
  18. Ok, so I have weighed the same for 10 days. I'm 4 weeks out, and of course I'm starting to worry. I log my food, I get my Protein, I am getting 500-700 calories a day, and I'm just frustrated. Tomorrow is my one month surgiversary, so I'll do measurements and maybe that will make me feel better, but right now I'm seriously down about this. I tried putting away the scale, but that gave me anxiety, so now I'm back to weighing once a day in the morning, and the same number just keeps showing up. I HATE 289!:cursing: And of course it's hard not to compare myself to my husband (who got sleeved the same day as me). He had a small stall as well, but now is back to losing 2 lbs./day the past few days. He'll soon weigh less than me at this rate! Do I just keep doing what I'm doing, or is there something I should try to break this? I'm willing to try something new, but I'm not sure what:confused:
  19. So, I was sleeved on 3/25. I have no problems eating what I should be eating or getting the amount of protein I should be getting, but this past 4-5 days the scale has not moved. I was wondering if that was normal or if anyone else has experienced this. I am starting to wonder if this surgery was the right decision for me or if my body is just saying what the heck did you do to me? I have lost 15 lbs since surgery, but nothing in the past 4-5 days. Just curious. Thanks!
  20. Today, I am 3 weeks out from band to sleeve revision. My 3 week stall started at two weeks out, and I haven't moved since. I am a lightweight (didn't wait to gain all my band weight back when that went down the crapper) and only have another 20-30 lbs to goal. How long did your 3 week stall last? I wonder if I'm done losing already? If I am, so be it, my most pressing need was to make sure that I didn't keep gaining. Also, for reference, I'm eating mostly mushy foods, just starting to work in some actual meat. Yesterday I had turkey lunchmeat for the first time, today I had shredded chicken for the first time. Otherwise I'm doing yogurts, cottage cheese, string cheese, tuna salad, that type of thing. I generally get in my 60-64 oz of Water, and am usually in the 55 -60 g of Protein a day, without using any Protein shakes. Thoughts? How did other lightweights fare?
  21. So unfortunately I did check my weight and I only lost 1lb since my post op appointment last week and I am extremely annoyed. Like in another week I’ll be 4 weeks out and I only lost 14 lbs after surgery so far. I am trying my best with protein and water goals and I am following the plan, not to mention I move a lot and my bms are normal so I’m not understanding what the issue is. Trying to not get discouraged I know this is normal but still it’s a little disheartening but I know it will get better.
  22. Hey, everyone. I'm two weeks post-op as of today, down 25 pounds since December 1st, and recovering nicely. I keep reading occasional comments about the 3-week stall. Am I about to hit a weight-loss wall? What happened to you, and what did you do about it? Thanks.
  23. I thought I was going to be the ONE person The Sleeve didn't work for. My "stall" lasted a whole month so I decided to go BACK on all liquids to try and kick my body back into weight loss mode again. I only had to do that a couple of days and THANKFULLY I am losing again (down 5 new lbs in the last 2 weeks). I still feel someone my size should be slimming quicker but I am staying positive and focused on continued weight loss. I do feel GREAT and loving that I am getting back into some of my old clothes already and enjoying working out. I was just sleeved on Feb 28th, 2011! Any others have a similar experience so early? I want to hear how YOU overcome stalls.
  24. Errrr, I have hit the infamous 3 week stall. It seems way to early to experience this, it is so discouraging. In the back of my mind I am thinking I will be the only one in the world that this won't work for. I am following my diet so I guess I will try to kick up the exercise a bit. Any other suggestions?
  25. AAARRRGH!!! I have been stalled for 4 days now! What am I doing wrong? What can I do better? I am fighting this battle in my head that the weight is not going to come off and I am getting discouraged. My diet today: breakfast : 1.5 egg whites lunch: 1/4 c guacamole or 1/2 c egg drop soup dinner: 4 oz cottage cheese. water inbetween meals. I know I need ALOT more Protein in my diet, but I needed a break from the Protein Shakes (and the constapation that goes with it). sigh* What do I need to do.

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