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Found 17,501 results

  1. happynewbie


    So it’s been a little over 3 months since my surgery. I haven’t lost any weight for the last two weeks. I actually think I gained a lb or two! ( if my scale is accurate lol). Despite efforts of trying to exercise more. Walking up to 4 miles a day plus riding stationary bike 20 minutes most days! Also been cutting back and only eating 500 to 650 calories a day. What is going on?!?!?
  2. Well, here I am at 3:13 AM looking for everything I need to order or have for after surgery. I for the most part have what I need. It's just my mind. LOL I am super nervous and I have surgery Monday morning around 5 AM or at least that's my arrival time. To be Frank, I'm scared chitless. I never do anything, but I'm just so sick of being this way.  I have done diets, pills, and everything. The 1972 Dr. Atkins book helped me lose 100 lbs, but gain it back once I fell off the low-carb wagon.  But, I have more faith in this process. I'm going to have the gastric sleeve. 

    1. GMaJen


      The surgery is as much about hope as the weight loss for me. My doc tried to talk me out of the surgery because I lost so much weight on the lifestyle change diet they made me go on, but I told her I needed the hope and I'd have never gone on such a restrictive diet without an end in site. Studies have shown that a low calorie diet usually results in regaining more than lost. I need this reset so I can eat less and my body won't fight me. Just gotta keep my mind on my side.

  3. Hi, I am 3 months and 2 days since my gastric sleeve. I try not to weight myself often but keep finding that I do. I know that there will be stalls and slows but I wasn't expecting to lose only 6 lbs in the entire month. I have not been exercising regularly but i have been following everything else: drinking enough water, getting all my protein in, keeping a low carb diet. I realize that i have been not eating much during the day but tend to get my food in the evenings. Could that impact my weight loss? Any help is welcomed!
  4. Silkston


    From the album: March 1 2023


    © Me

  5. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I am 6 days post-op sleeve and haven't had this much energy in YEARS. Is this all nerves or residual excitement for this life change? I'm (of course) still on full liquids for at least another week. I want to start walking more but am worried about feeling hungry if I do too much before I'm eating again. Don't get me wrong, I'm up and walking around, and trying to keep busy for at least 10 minutes every hour, but tomorrow I'm back to work at a sedentary job. I have my first post-op appointment in 2 days, and another 6 days after that until I see my dietician again. Hopefully I'll get to move on to pureed food stage next week.
  6. What types of exercises did yall do at 4 weeks p.o?
  7. Hi everyone, im new here… had to find a support group somehow even though I really didn’t think I needed one in the first place. I’m pretty strong and have had many medical issues in the past (breast cancer being one of them). I’m 44 now and living in Belgium. But no matter where you live things are pretty similar surgery wise. I had surgery about 2 weeks ago. Everything went well. Prior to it, I had this super strict diet which was not liquid but sugar free, fat free and carb free, to reduce the size of my liver. It was really hard and I lost 6kg (around 12 pounds I think). Surgery as I said went super smoothly and I felt like I had made the best choice…well… as long as I was on pain meds and not eating I should say. Because as soon as I got home it started with the buildup gasses which extremely uncomfortable and sometimes painful. I had a liquid diet and stuck to it religiously even though I could never keep up with the quantities. At best I had half of every tiny meal and only managed 3 out of the 6. I was starting to feel miserable. My stomach would gurgle and make horrible burping sound at the slightest sip of water. Then came week 2, in which I am right now. This week it is minced food. So I can have cream cheese and blitzed vegetables (as long as it is smooth) mixed with a lot of protein. I was happy for the change, but I have experienced dumping yesterday which lasted 2 hours and then today again TWICE in a row! To say that I absolutely afraid of food now is an understatement. I barely have 300cal a day. I feel “fine” but exhausted at the same time. I look at food videos and want to cry. I’m not hungry, just scared of what I’ve done. The gassy feeling is slightly better but I though dumping happened when eating fatty foods or sugary foods?? Ibanez done none of that I experienced horrible pain. I don’t think I’ll be able to take it…. That’s how I ended up here. I hope someone can help me in understanding what is going on and maybe tell me it is really going to get better? Drinking water is the worst. I barely have 1 glass a day. I can’t manage more… I’m devastated. Ive lost 13kg since doing the pre-op diet. (Around 26 pounds) I fear it might be too fast. Please help…
  8. Kind of freaking out a bit, I'm 3 weeks post sleeve and my weight loss has stalled for the past 4 days. I'm scared I am doing something wrong and not even realizing it. Has this happened to anyone else?
  9. So I haven’t been able to lose any weight since the 2nd week mark of my weight loss journey. I’m 4 weeks out today & ive only lost 6.7kg (1.1 ish stone) I’m feeling so disheartened and don’t know what to do or what I could try. My diet plan from the company I had my surgery with, was awful! I’m not even sure what foods I should and shouldn’t be on. I don’t know how many calories I’m aiming for or capping at…. What exercises are allowed other than walking. I’m just really struggling at this point and I’m not getting decent results, especially compared to those surrounding me! Like seriously it’s turnt my life upside down (which I could live with if the results were decent) and the results aren’t changing. One whole week. My weight loss stood at exactly 6.7kg loss (the exact same to last week.) Any help? Or anyone going through the same!!?
  10. can I see pictures of what yall eat
  11. Hi all! I’m a new member of the group - I hope you’re all well! I had gastric sleeve surgery on 31st January 2023, after losing 13lbs on the pre-op diet. On the morning of my surgery, I weighed 281lbs. I lost no weight in the first week even though I was drinking my required water intake and having between 60-80g of protein a day. Today is two weeks post op. I’m officially allowed to move onto purées and so first thing this morning, I weighed myself and I’ve only lost 4lbs?? I try not to compare myself to others, but I’m so disheartened and even low key regret having the surgery now. I keep seeing people reporting a stone weight loss in a week, 12 lbs a week, 8 lbs the second week etc and so I assumed this would be the same for me. I’ve been very strict with my post op diet and making sure to get in at least 30 mins of movement a day. I’ve typically been consuming protein shakes, water, protein yogurt, tomato soups and the odd sugar-free/fat free children’s ice cream lolly. I feel like I’m doing something wrong, and feel like a bit of a failure. I feel like my body is actively working against me. I spoke to my bariatric nurse who just said ‘you’re still healing, give it time’, but I don’t know if it’s just an excuse.
  12. Three weeks post op, I am running out of things to eat. Shakes, broth, jello, pudding and scrambled egg. What else can we eat 3rd week post op?
  13. From the album: Weight-Loss Journey

    © OhSnapItsJonny

  14. Pouchify

    4 weeks post op

    From the album: Lapband revision to RNY

    Down 15lbs. 4 weeks post op. Lapband to RNY

    © Pouchify

  15. My two week anniversary today (lost 10.4 kilos since my bypass, 22.93 pounds) and generally had good progression over the time. I’m shocked by how little I need to eat so far in purée section but presume this increases over time. Biggest shock is how easily I cry over emotional or sad things. Cried seeing someone who I thought might be homeless yesterday. Not that I was emotionless before but gee, this has been a ride lol I have had moments of regret and realisation of what I paid to have done to me. I doubt these will Continue past a point but my mind has been my biggest enemy, the rest, so far, has been good.
  16. RDC2019

    Weight Stall

    Hi everyone! Is anyone experiencing wt. stall? If so,for how long? Sent from my LM-T600 using BariatricPal mobile app
  17. How many struggle with eating after gastric bypass surgery? I've followed all the instructions (ie chewing well, waiting between bites, etc), but can't hardly stand the taste of most foods I eat. I've particularly had problems with protein shakes, protein water and protein powders. Some days I feel like I don't even want to eat. I'm concerned because I never reach the amount of protein and water recommended. Will this ever end? Good news is I've lost 48 lbs since November 23, 2022. Sent from my SM-A205U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  18. I’m 21 days post op and have lost 16-18 lbs (depends on the day) but I’ve been kinda hanging at that weight for about 5 days. My doc said they was normal but I’m wondering as this is a revision if I’ll keep losing or is that it? I’m down 36-38 lbs from before I started the 2 week pre-op Optifast diet. Never intended this for more weight loss just to stop the GERD but now that I’ve had some I want more. I’m at about 750 calories a day now on the purée phase. Just short walks around the neighborhood. I get pretty tired during the day and nap at least once a day. Water and protein are on target. Thanks for any insight?
  19. Have any of you experience a stall in the weight loss? At the 3-month mark I noticed I stopped losing weight and I even gained 2 pounds. My diet has changed a little bit and continue to follow suggestions by my nutritionist.
  20. I am 7 days post GB! I have been walking multiple times a day for 15 mins a time; plus get up every hour and stand and do my breathing exercises. What sort of exercise worked for you all? What week were you cleared for more? I have to wear surgical / DVT prevention stockings for another week so I get some looks out walking lol (had a very conservative surgeon) who had multiple tests and other things before I even left hospital to ensure no issues so I’m making sure I’m just as conservative and patient!!
  21. I I’m close to 5 weeks post-bypass, and food just tastes bland. I do get hungry, and I do get full (sort of), but I don’t feel satisfied. Feels like I have to over-season stuff just to taste it. This gets better, right?
  22. Friday is almost here!!! Ekkk Im both excited and nervous, tell me please what time did you have to report in and what time did your surgery get schedule for?
  23. claireJennians

    5 weeks post op

    Hello All Advice needed. I’m 5 weeks post op. I’m struggling with a lot of pain on occasions (random) with drinking water and eating!! Like sharp contractions but worse! Can last seconds / minutes or hours! My stools are very pale almost white! Plus I’ve not lost any weight in like 2 weeks in fact I’ve gained weight!! Help!!
  24. Hi all, this is my first post. I have gastroparesis and am going in for an RNY in March. I've always had the pre-planned mindset, and I'm worried about the clear liquid weeks since I'm allergic to beef and beef protein is in alot of foods. No hospital jello for me! What is the normal type of protein supplement those first two weeks? I'm going to start cooking and freezing chicken bone broth soon, so I can eat easily. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to getting to know y'all!

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