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Found 17,501 results

  1. Saffy1

    Pre op diet

    From the usa 2 week liquid diet -very strict 1. 32 oz water/sugar free calorie free liquids 2. Clear broth 1x a day 3. 3 protein shakes 6 ounces total of 340 calories combined That's all I am allowed.
  2. FORGIVE THE LENGTHY MESSAGE. NEED TO GIVE CONTEXT I am wondering if any one experienceD this my starting weight was 139kg before surgery on the 15th of January 2023 on day of surgery it was 131kg 2 weeks post-op i was stalled for 8weeks which was not a bother to me at the time i healed quite quickly with no complications and was moved to solids within 3 weeks by the dietitian too. between January and April i lost some weight down to 111kg Since april i have not lost anything. I have gained and lost 3-4 kg since April till date which is September 6th 2023 I do everything many people say on every platform which had never been a challenge namely Monitor what i eat: I eat between 88 - 1200 calories I have more protein than anything eggs, lean meat, chicken, fish, shrimps carbs are mostly bulgur wheat. which i have sparingly 2ce a month. Plantain i have daily to balance my protein intake but not as much as protein. I prob have more grams of protein a day and that includes protein water. I work out 4-5 days a week for up to 1:30 - 2:00 hours each day In April i worked out more 4 days a week 2ce a day 2day time cardio 1:30 hours night time strength training. no weights heavier than 25kg I take 2-3 liters of water throughout the day no compared to 3 months ago. Up to 1liter during my work out and the rest throughout the day. mostly sips. I do get hungry but try to drink water to quench or use the plantain (carb for the day) to satisfy myself i take my vitamins biotin and all recommended as well as powdered collagen Recent bloods shows everything within normal range. I am going into my 5th month and i am still 111kg Since April. My dietitian is numb on what is going on, the nurse recommended liquid collagen ( which makes no sense) and have said hormones.... but hormones cannot affect this 5months straight. I did bloods to check my thyroids and it showed elevated parathyroid (no idea what that means)..... not gotten an explanation as my vitamin levels and calcium levels are normal my nails are very soft and brittle and my hair falls like the weather ( only blessed to have a full head of hair but cant say it is helpful soon) No ...... the clothes i wore in April are still the same September. measurements are the same..... the only win i am getting from this is that my knee and ankle dont hurt as much when i workout. i dont burn out as i used to and i work out more than i used to before which was walking up to 50k-70ksteps a day. I have never been one who drank alcohol and haven't started post surgery. I have never been one who ate junk food like crisps, tacos, burgers. I have not been diagnosed diabetic nor with PCOS i noticed when i had no carbs in my diet i lost fast but when i introduced carbs as suggested by the dietitian everything came on hold I NEED SOME SIGN THAT I AM NOT IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE OR A LONG DREAM!!! Cos it feels pointless having done the surgery not to be an effective tool Anyone in a similar predicament before
  3. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis Still stalled I had my 3-month appointment yesterday. It seems I'm on track based on the numbers my doctor wants to see, which is losing at least 10% of your day-of-surgery weight at the 3-month mark. For me, that would be 22.3 lbs, and I've lost 22.4 lbs. So, I just have to trust the process, I guess. I have to go in Friday morning to have blood drawn for iron and B-12 check, and I need to redo my TSH (thyroid) from my physical earlier this week because Biotin messes up the results! So I have to stop my multivitamin and my biotin supplement for 72 hours before retesting. And @Noelle74it's so true that the weight does not just "fall off." Maybe the first few weeks, but after that? It's a struggle. Lots of ups and downs. Lots of frustration. I think a lot of trial and error, too, until you find what works for you. My plan is to just keep tracking protein and water, as directed by my dietician, for the next month. I have a vacation at the end of June. If I get back from that and don't like my progress, I will try limiting carbs to under 50g per day until my 6-month check-up at the end of August. If I'm worried at that point, I will talk to doctor about adding GLP-1. But hopefully there will be no cause for concern. My next thing is to learn how to use my resistance bands! That's my goal for the coming week.
  4. SomeBigGuy

    Feeling regret

    Congrats on the surgery and taking a huge step forward in improving your health! Also, welcome to the post-op malaise phase of the process, haha! I was there a few months ago, and I think its a rite of passage to be like "What have I done?!!" somewhere in the first 6 weeks. It does get better gradually, but the first month is the roughest. You will be able to eat "normal" foods again soon. I think I was able to eat most things again around the 3 month mark (mostly excluding carbonated drinks and alcohol). Just take your time and listen to your body. Some things will fight back, and if they do, just wait 3-5 days before trying again. I had a lot of trouble with green veggies initially, but was able to handle them around week 6. Also remember the weight loss pattern will resemble stairs and not a straight line. You'll have periods of weight loss, followed by a couple/few weeks of stalling and slight regain. This is just your body recalibrating itself after a large loss to ensure its safe to continue letting go of fat reserves, because it mistakenly thinks you're in a survival event and doesn't want you to starve to death. Just remember this is part of the process, and its not a failure. This really got me down initially and compounded that regret feeling, but after a long stall I'm making progress again. Also, Cipro is very likely the culprit in making you feel sick. it's a very strong antibiotic, and good at its job, but the side effects can be harsh. I've developed some partial hearing loss because of it after years of taking it for recurring Diverticulitis. Ask your doctor if there is another antibiotic that can do the job, but with fewer side effects. Good luck, and I wish you luck on your journey!
  5. Livgreen___

    VSG stall

    I will definitely get onto the team and surgeon! Start weight before surgery was 21.9 , 20.9 after LRD before surgery. Lowest after surgery 17 stone, currently at 19. After surgery total loss was 3 stone 9lbs which I think isn’t great surgery was feb 2022 got to 17 stone august 2022. Then gained now stalled at 19 stone for nearly a year.
  6. Btaylor91

    November 2023 buddies

    I had my sleeve surgery on Nov 20th. Monday marked the beginning of week 7 post op. Since week 3 I have not lost anything (if anything, I've gone up a couple pounds). I am getting 60-70g protein. Water is a bit of a struggle due to just forgetting to drink water (no issue drinking it, literally just forget). My MIL has been bugging me the last week to remember water, thankfully, so I'm getting 64oz now. Hopefully this is just a *really* long 3 week stall. Just 4 weeks long now. Aughhhh.
  7. Stalls are par for the course and do not mean you are doing anything wrong. It is just your body's way of assessing and adjusting. Remember surgery is a shock to the body and with limited capacity, the typical nutrients your body was used to getting is greatly reduced. Do not panic, do not go into overdrive to change too much. Stick with your program, aim for the protein (and fiber) and water goals, take your vitamins and don't obsess too much over the scale. Trust me I know it's much easier said than done, but almost all of us have been there a time or two or more and it is completely normal. As @SomeBigGuy stated weightloss is not a straight line. (There is a whole lengthy thread under 3 week stall - though again it doesn't necessarily only occur at 3 weeks or just once.)
  8. Please try not to worry. My dietician said this is very common. She said after about 2 weeks, I may stall for a month. She said to watch for clothing fitting looser during this time and not to be concerned about the scale. It will pick up again!
  9. BeanitoDiego

    How much protein is too much?

    Seems like you've hit the 3-week stall. Totally normal! Lots and lots of posts here about it in the forums. Keep in mind that with the shakes, you were also getting the benefit of the liquid. In my program, I was still eating soups at this stage, which also helped with my liquid intake. I'm 6 months post-op and drinking water is still a full time job. 80 ounces or more every day 😎
  10. It seems like more and more new users forget to use the sidebar with surgery info and progress. While it's obviously anyone's choice to keep the information private, it makes it so much easier to help with questions when you have an idea of where people are in their journey. I'm wondering if it's simply because more users are mobile-only? Maybe they don't see the sidebars (I use BP on desktop only)? Maybe they don't even know it's there? It's especially helpful when someone asks about nutrition, complications, phase-specific worries and stalls to understand right off the bat where they are in their journey. There's a world of difference between stalls happening for a BMI52 duodenal switch patient who had surgery 7 weeks ago and lost 10 lbs total and then a sleever who's a year out at BMI24. It's getting harder and harder to tell as fewer and fewer new users use the sidebar. Maybe we the site could help nudge people to fill in the info?
  11. learn2cook

    Weight gain three weeks post op

    I did. You may also be hitting the famous three week stall. It’s a well known topic thread on here. I had/have PICOS (does menopause get rid of it?) and it made me a slow looser. Just stick to your nutrition plan. 10lbs will just suddenly fall of when your body adjusts. I suggest not getting on the scale until you notice your underwear feels a little looser. Also, you might want to check in with your endocrinologist about any adjustments if you still feel overwhelming hunger and/ or wonky fatigue. Number one thing I’ve learned is be patient with yourself. You’ve got this!
  12. Happy to read everyones progress! I @LisaCaryl I feel you I'm still in Cairo so haven't weighed yet... I have no idea if I've lost at all this week or stalled or gained. Ramadan is over now so it'll be back to getting lunch normally etc, but I'm not sure it'll be a joy like it used too... even though I love the food from north africa to the middle east. Also Bit freaked that I have another week until I can weigh myself. @kissabeth It's so amazing to fit back into old clothes isn't it! Well done you. And well done for making it through the interrogation. @RonHall908 I know how depressing the stalls are ... but you've already lost over 100 pounds ... thats amazing I mean thats like the average weight of a 13 year old ... you've lost the équivalant of a teenager! @NickelChip How was the eclipse?
  13. Jonathan Carlson

    Not losing weight

    If all you're eating is protein, the weight will come off. Don't worry about a quick stall! Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk
  14. RonHall908

    Down 127 lbs. since October 2023

    Thank you! It feels like it has been longer, but when I look at the July picture it just doesn't seem like it has only been 10 months. Scales wins are better, but inches are pretty good too. I see you just had gastric bypass in March. I hope all is well. Seems like I've had a lot of stalls. But losing 48 lbs. Since my surgery Feb 7th. Seems odd to say I had any stalls.
  15. Bypass2Freedom

    An Up And Down Week

    Stalls are literally the worst 😂 I am trying to keep that same mindset - once my body has recalibrated, it'll go back to losing, but the devil side of my brain is telling me: "weigh yourself after a bowel movement" 😂 Send help 💀
  16. Hi y'all! I have my surgery (AHHHHH!) scheduled for this upcoming TUESDAY! Today is Friday. I have NOT yet purchased my vitamins. I have the paper sitting in front of me. I've attached a picture since I'm confused about the second column (regimen). I need to take a bariatric supplement that has calcium & B-12. Some of them have iron in them already. Can someone help explain what the second column means? I'm SUPER worried about the hair loss aspect...I was told that the BEST vitamins on the market are the Bariatric Advantage Advanced EA Multivitamin. What vitamins do you recommend as a first time surgery patient? I know the above ones I mentioned are the most expensive, but I was told they're the best of the best...is that true?
  17. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Oh, hello, three-week stall. I see you've arrived like clockwork. I'm one of those people who weighs every morning as soon as I wake up. I started doing it the day before my pre-op diet began. I won't do it forever, but I really wanted the record so I could look back and see what patterns my weight loss actually took, because I think it's easy to forget over time. Plus, I like graphs. So, I hit 217 lbs on Tuesday, and have now been that weight for 4 weigh-ins in a row. I think my body must have access to a calendar because it hit the 3-week mark perfectly. I mean, I'm kind of impressed.
  18. NickelChip


    First, a long stall between 3 to 6 months is totally normal and the type of thing doctors should tell us to expect. But weight loss surgery is a game changer. This is no longer about calorie restriction to force your body to shed some weight, and if you think about it logically, it's impossible that your body is carrying out all its bodily functions on less than 1000 calories per day. It's burning fat, and also shifting fluids which account for a lot of what the scale reports to you as weight. If someone who had not had surgery said I will only 800 calories, you would be concerned for their health. I say this as someone who is in a similar place mentally and emotionally as you are after stalling again for 9 days: you have to stop the dieting mentality. Calorie restriction got you nowhere before and it will do nothing but hinder you now. Stop counting calories, especially if your team does not require it. Stop weighing yourself. Focus on eating protein, veggies, fruit, beans, nuts, and seeds. Focus on avoiding artificial sweeteners, processed foods, and simple carbs. Focus on creating sustainable habits and getting the right balance of foods every time you eat. Weigh yourself in a week. Or a month. This isn't about the scale or what you lose from day to day. It's about getting healthy for the rest of your life. It'll happen but you need to step back and not drive yourself crazy over it.
  19. Cj975

    November 2023 buddies

    I am right there with you. 7 weeks today and have been stalled close to 2 weeks. Frustrating.
  20. 2 weeks post surgery 3 weeks post surgery 4 weeks post surgery And I'll do a 5 weeks post surgery tonight
  21. Alice F

    Mexican Food

    Mexican was my first restaurant after DS surgery. I was only twe and a half weeks out. I ate the beef and cheese from a taco and refried beans. I had enough beans left for 3 more meals at home. It was perfect!
  22. SomeBigGuy

    Cut Fat Keep Fit

    Congratulations on the surgery and improving your health! Sounds like you are doing well! Just a heads up, you're approaching the dreaded Week 3 Stall, as its known, but don't get discouraged. Everyone hits a wall for about 2-4 weeks around that point, but that's just your body recalibrating itself to deal with the rapid weight loss. It will retain water and try to hold on to fat because its panicking from sudden change. Keep the same diet and stay the course, and it will release that fat once it realizes its safe. Expect the same temporary plateau around the Month #3 and Month #6 marks as well. Our body has to readjust periodically. Weight loss will resemble stair steps, with a brief regain of a kg or two before resuming loss, instead of a straight downward line. Just remember it's normal when that happens! You're doing great!
  23. Jalapeño

    Vaping after Surgery

    I'm 3 weeks post op. I'm vaping but nicotine free. Do not have any nicotine post surgery because it will slow down your healing.
  24. chelseajeann13

    July 2024 surgery buddies

    My surgery is July 3. I'm on day 8 of my pre-op liquid diet. My entirely proud of how I've been doing it if Im being honest.. 😐but I am tightening up since I'm now less than a week away.
  25. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @RonHall908 Wow, what a difference in your face! That is just a night and day transformation. Well done! I've pretty much been stalled the past couple of weeks. Down 1/2 lb, up 1/2 lb. Infuriating. An interesting thing to note is that I'm right at the weight I managed to hit about 7 years ago during my last really serious successful attempt at weight loss. Going back over my records, the lowest I hit was 203.8 after about 9 months of nutrition counseling and regular daily exercise. After that, it was a long plateau and a slow and steady climb back up. Lo and behold, I am at 203.8 again. It makes me wonder if my body has some reason it wants to stall out at this weight, which hopefully the surgery will eventually win out over. Or the universe just wants to mess with me because I'm an ounce away from lowest weight in over 20 years, 1 lb away from my half-way weight loss goal milestone, and 3.9 lbs away from onederland. So what a great time to stall and stew! I almost kicked my scale this morning.

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