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Found 8,836 results

  1. I posted a while ago about my weight loss, and regain and taking control again. Started at 320 or there abouts 5'2" and 54 years old 10 years ago. VSG. Lost weight and got to 180 pounds. Over 8 years I regained to 220. Started slow weight loss / getting back into control in mid July this past year. I have now lost 30 pounds. Back to 190. I started my weight loss with a BMI over 54 in the 300's. I am still considered obese at 190 and a BMI just under 34; but darn it, I am so flipping proud of myself. Yes, I am 64 years old. No, I can't really exercise ... but I do some short walks and I garden and vegetable garden, take care of my chickens. I had to get a local teen to help me lift 40 pound bags of feed this year; but I can still haul the 25 lb bags.... and I continue to work full time in my career. Life is good. In my weight loss journey this time out, I stopped at 20 pounds lost and took a break. I experimented with adding in more foods, and balancing out what I needed to do to maintain that 20 pound loss, and did that for a month, then decided to lose some more. I think that i never really paid all that much attention to how much, what kinds of foods how I Prepare them.... and exactly how my body reacts to it. I use very little salt at home. When I eat out, I gain weight from the added salt. Yes, it is water weight from the salt; but being on lock down at home and working from home, with no lunches out for meetings.... going to have to find places to lunch that cut the sodium out !!! Going to continue what I am doing. Taking breaks, slow weight loss and maybe make it down to overweight, or not.... but will be pleased to keep that 30 # off !!! Still using my VSG. 10 years later.
  2. Anyone post opt at least 10 years? Well i am and I have gained more weight than  when i started 10 years ago.. slowly been gaining weight so i had my band tightened in 2018. started throwing up so bad i had to have it emptied in 2019. i have gained 30 pds! i have an appt to have it filled again but this pandemic has had them reschedule.. i am miserable.. i am 300pds ..5"9! Any suggestions? i started at 275 when i was banded.. lost 75 pds the first year!! now look@!! please no trolls

  3. Need help since staying on track while at home because Covid 19. surgery was done 08/01/2018 highest weight 196, lowest 134 September 2019 I'm struggling gained 5 lbs. What are others doing to cope with boredom hunger and limited excericise
  4. hi everyone. I'm beyond frustrated. I am just over 4 months post op with gastric sleeve. I have lost close to 60 lbs already so I can't really complain how ever, I have been doing everything right and have not lost ONE lb in over 10 days now. In fact, I gained 1 lb as of this morning. I am doing everything right. Has anyone gone through this? I thought a stall wasn't supposed to last this long??!! Thanks!
  5. For the past ten days, I have been experiencing constant dull nausea in my lower abdomen. It worsens when I eat (so I'm only getting about 400 calories a day) and sometimes I have to lay in bed because sitting and eating can increase the nausea. I messaged my bariatric surgeon last week and only heard back from his nurse on Monday. She was rather dismissive, saying that I might have the stomach flu and I should write again in a few days if I'm not feeling better. I also messaged my PCP who does not have a bariatric background, and she hypothesized that it might be heartburn (I don't think so -- I have no pain in my chest or upper abdomen) but said if the nausea continued, she would see me in her office. But again, she's not familiar with the surgery and possible complications, so might not know what tests to order. I spent time researching through Dr. Google and got worried about internal hernias, which could be life-threatening if left untreated. Apparently, sometimes the only symptom is mild nausea. Or maybe I have an ulcer. Am I worrying too much? Has anyone else had a long episode of nausea (lasting over a week) that resolved on its own? Or was from another cause? As you can see, I am already seeking proper medical advice, so only would like to hear anecdotal information and suggestions. Thanks.
  6. Sabs211

    Dec 2019

    Around 300lbs
  7. Before 400+ lbs
  8. I had my gastric sleeve done September 10, 2020... I started out 330# before surgery.... I'm down to 260# now... I've been stalled out for over two months now.... I exercise when I can (Bad back/knees)... I follow my diet , get my protein and drink my water... But still not losing any weight... I've done everything I can think of to break the stall.... Even went back to liquid diet....  Sometimes I think this was a mistake having the surgery...

    1. maddmar


      sorry to hear that don't feel down. Maybe a reset meaning something new. I am in the process of having the surgery a second time. I had Lapland in 2012 removed in 2018 and I have gained everything back and some. When I stalled on lapband I had to do something new for me I joined a free boot camp and Zumba and then boom dropped 38 pounds in 2 months. I know you said bad back and knees so find something with your limits. But I think try something new I stalled for 8 months

  9. Hello, I have gone through menapause and after that happened I have gained a lot of my weight back. Very sad. I need some good information and ideas what to do. Not having any problems with my Band. Had it looked at a few years ago to make sure. The RD that the office has is Horribe. She is No help. I did have to have my band fluid reduced years ago due to Acid Refux. Now I only have Acid reflux every now and then. I really need a NEW starting point. Any help would be great. Thanks
  10. Too much anxiety and stress:

    So lately thanks to COVID 19 (I don't have it though been trying to stay safe and healthy) I've been having severe anxiety and panic attacks lately. I've always had this problem but it's getting worse so as a result I've been having bad insomnia and getting sleep is hard for me right now. I wish it were easier but it's a work in progress AGAIN. I thought I got over this hump a while ago and was getting sleep but now my insomnia is back in full spring and I hate it! My grandmother is also moving on Tuesday and that is also stressing me out because I'll have no family nearby since everybody is in other states now thanks to California being too high. It makes me so sad man! But I am seeing her today on Monday for the last time before she leaves on Tuesday this week.

    1. Charm82


      Man that just sucks! I'm praying for you girlie, do you have something that can help your insomnia? I use the Patch MD sleep starter patch which helps as well as weight lifting wears me out enough to help me sleep. As for your Anxiety over COVID-19 continue to be safe and protect yourself and you'll be good. It's so easy to get anxiety flying around so you should definitely have some things that can calm and/or distract you.

  11. So happy to be alive and on the road to being well and fit. Happy anniversary to all my fellow March 2019 sleevers! To everyone else! Let's keep it moving!!!
  12. BriarRose

    10 years out From Sleeve

    Soo. I started my weight loss journey over 10 years ago. I am 5'2" I had surgery and was, if I remember correctly about 320 pounds. (and I had lost weight before surgery..) I was 54 years old. I lost over 100 pounds. I got down to 180 pounds. I could never get lower than that. But my doctors were pleased and so was I. Over 10 years I managed to gain weight and this past July, got mad at myself when I realized I weighed 220 !!!! I told myself that I needed to reverse the trend, and get back to a healthier weight. My initial goal was to lose 10 pounds in a year. Well, I lost 10 pounds in 4 months and then lost another 12 in the last 4 months, and for the first time in about 6 years am just under that 200 pound weight at 198. ( I will claim those last 2 pounds ! ) I refuse to do any drastic dieting, just "going back to my sleeve eating." More protein, less carbs, more vegetables. occasional treats. Cut out the popcorn and chips which are my slider foods.... and although I really cannot exercise with my other physical issues, I am moving more and feeling better. I would be happy to be in the mid 190's for this coming July - but focusing more on making sure I don't backslide again.... I am posting because .... well, how do you explain to anyone that you have already lost over 140 pounds and gained back 40, and now have lost 20... 10 years later and it's all connected ? And at my age, no one really notices.... although I did go buy new jeans/slacks for work because darn it, I didn't keep the smaller clothing !!! Anyone else as far out as I am ? Having issues ? Getting back on track this late in the game ?
  13. Let me start out by saying that I know this is a really trivial concern. I have a friend in quarantine after a potential exposure at work, and a friend of a friend in the hospital on a ventilator. But darn it, it's still driving me crazy that I'm home in self-isolation (after returning from travel for my surgery) without a scale. I haven't weighed once since my surgery. I don't have/didn't buy a scale on purpose - for long term weightloss, having a scale in the house is a really bad idea for me. I get obsessed, and then after a few months I get mentally exhausted. I need to adjust to a new lifestyle where I don't think about food all the time, and personally, weighing every day doesn't help me with that. I was planning to weigh at a gym or doctor's office every week or (preferably) two. Anyone else missing their scale access?
  14. Seems like I'm at a stall. But when I went my primary. She said im doing great How are you all coming alone? Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. My surgery was March 27th of 2019 and though I don't post in forums often, I have kept up with logging my weight info. I wanted to drop by to see how my fellow March 2019 sleevers are doing. Hands down a great decision for my health, physically and mentally. I feel great and I hope you all do as well.
  16. Having a revision to my sleeve having the RYN on 4/10 due to hernia and GERD. Now with this corona going on I’m scared as of yet they have not postponed my surgery. Wondering if I should postpone it
  17. The seriousness of the coronavirus is beginning to concern me in Massachusetts. The U.S. does not have nearly enough tests and IMHO our government, which has been underfunding science, does not have a good plan to combat it. About 20 major universities have asked students not to come back after Spring Break. I'm healthy, but my husband and parents are older and have compromised immune systems. My father is in a nursing home. I have a few thoughts, and I'm curious about what you think, and how things are in countries besides the U.S. As more tests become available, I think there will be a sharp increase in cases over the next several weeks. In the U.S. some people have been asked to self-quarantine. The period seems to be for two weeks. I would avoid all unnecessary visits to the hospital. I'm not sure what I would do if my surgery was in the next few weeks. I'm keeping our house stocked with 2 weeks of food as recommended by the CDC (Center for Disease Control). Keeping all my medications in stock Washing my hands carefully and often I also have purchased small amounts of these things, although I'm not sure they will help: N95 Masks, rubber gloves, antibacterial wipes, and hand sanitizer. What do you think? What are you doing?
  18. Holy Hell..... found this old picture from before my Lapband in 2009. Found on my friend's FB page. It said post Feb 2010.... But i'm 99.9% sure it was pre op liquid diet..... That would have made me 232# back then..... that jacket was a 3XL...(maybe a 4). I was so sad back then. I really felt at the end of my rope. I'm so happy with the way things turned out. Looked back at some of my post and damn the things i said..... i was one of the "i only lost" posters... I was also still under the delusion that i could make my marriage work. Didn't know it then, but he was cheating.... in so many ways. Since then i had the band placed Nov 2009, looking back now... i really didn't lose a whole lot that first year... like 60#. I lost another 20 the next year..... i hovered at 143-145 for years. I had a TT in March of 2012. 2015/2016 told him i wanted a divorce. Oct. 2016 meet the love of my life. March 2017, my band slipped and had an ER removal. Aug 2017 moved to Mississippi. Feb 2019 started menopause... and the weight really started coming back on.... from 143# removal day to 173.5 .... Found a Dr. that would do a Low BMI revision.... 2.5 years later. 14K OOP.... and worth every cent. Got married Sept. 26, 2019 (one month pre op). Today i weight 131.? It has taken me 10 years to lose 100#s.... Stated at a size 18-20 pants...
    1. summerset



      I think it's a good example for the pendulum coming to the middle after having swayed into the opposite direction first (obese - skinny).

      I see so many people on here giving the impression of being down right obsessed.

  19. crigney21

    Gastric Bypass - April 2019

    Gastric Bypass - April 2019
  20. I was sleeved in Prague end of Oct. I travelled alone and found it to be the best thing I have done for myself, I have lost 3 and a half stone so far but stalled and feel I'm stuck even although I am losing inches there has been not much change in weight since christmas time, has anyone else had this problem over 4 months out all lost weight happened right at the beginning then weeks of a stall but inches lost still on a stall dont seem to be shifting much now worried that's it and I wont lose any more now .
  21. I had surgery on February 10.

    1. november11


      hey ! how are you doing ? You okay?

    2. 1JoAnne


      Wow thank you so much for asking! I am doing alright... 🙂 I didn’t tell anybody that I was having surgery- I took a week vacation from work and I didn’t tell my parents or siblings (or any extended family) ... so other than hospital staff you are the very first person to ask me how I’m doing... and I might be a little emotional because it made me tear up

    3. november11


      I am glad to hear back from you . I know it could be rough at first but the day will come when you look back at this day and be so grateful for the new life that is odviously ahead of you. sorry it took me so long to notice your reply.. you know you can message me anytime with any questions or concerns I have been on this forum for three months before I even had surgery and on it at least 6 hours everyday at work . so im here for you....just keep drinking water,water,and more water it is soooo important......

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