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Found 1,208 results

  1. Hello All, after being away for quite some time I am BACK to inspire, motivate, encourage and to be encouraged. I had my gastric bypass in Sept of 2015 and today I weighed myself and the SHOCK of seeing the scale read 201after 5 years was a SLAP in the face. Now today I need to lose 35 pounds. I need all of your help and encouragement. How do you lose weigh post gastric bypass? Can my stomach shrink? Has anyone else had this experience? Help need to reach my goal weight again. Please see recent photo below.
  2. Hey sleevers! I was sleeved on June 11 so I'm one month out. Yay! In my first 2 weeks I lost really well, then it slowed and then I gained? What?!?!?!? I know stalls are normal and expected but wanted to see if anyone else out there had any issues with gaining?? I am now getting 65-80 oz of Water and 65-80 gr Protein. Here are my stats: SW: 320 Wk 1: 307 (loss of 13 lbs) WK 2: 301 (loss of 6 lbs) WK 3: 299 (loss of 2 lbs) WK 4: 301.5 (gain of 1.5 lbs) I know stalls are pretty normal at this time but this gain has stuck for 5 days. I do need to start exercising. Anyone else seeing gains? Or sleevers who are farther along, any insight or encouragement? Thanks and be blessed!!
  3. I am a little more than a year out from my gastric sleeve an initially lost around 75 lbs. I recently started back on my antidepressant and seem to crave carbs. I have put back on about 20 lbs and really need to get my snacking under control. In the past being on antidepressants was a major cause of my weight gain and I am trying to tame the carb monster since I started back on the meds. Any suggestions besides getting back to religiously tracking calories. I still work out about 4 days a week. I think focusing on my protein intake may help with the carb cravings but I thought I would see if others have any recommendations. Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. I had RNY on 4/4/17. I lost 26.6 lbs in like 2 1/2 weeks. This week I started on soft foods and gained 5lbs. I am super nervous. I know I shouldn't pay attention to the scale so I weigh myself once a week. My question is, is this normal? I drink at least 1 premier a day, been doing at least 48 oz of water but more when I can fit it in. I eat yogurt for a morning snack and eat 1 meal. Am I doing something wrong? I guess I figured my weight would just instantly drop off weekly.
  5. Tretta Morvant

    Weight gain

    I am 8 years out from my gastric sleeve. I have gained 35 pounds. I need to get this off! My lowest weight after surgery was 155. Now I’m 190. It’s gotta go. I am retired now so I’m not as active as when I was working. I have back issues and can’t do a lot of exercising. I have been going to line dancing 1 day a week and I can tolerate that pretty well. Give me some tips how to jump start my weight loss again!
  6. So i lost 20lbs by 3-1/2 weeks, by 4 weeks i had gained 3lbs. Is that normal??
  7. I am finishing my liquid stage, during which I lost 24 pounds, today. Is it inevitable to gain weight now that I am starting to eat food? I find it hard to believe that, even with careful monitoring, that I won't gain weight initially. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you, Bruce
  8. Hi, I need help! I had the sleeve in March of 2015. About a year ago I started gaining weight back. I've gained about 25 lbs back. I recently got a personal trainer and have been working out consistently for 2 months. The problem is the scale hasn't moved. My trainer focuses on strength training. So 4 of the 5 days we workout we are lifting and 1 day is cardio for about 30 minutes. He wants me to eat more because of this but physically I can't ( you guys can relate). He wants me to eat more than 1200 calories a day but I'm only getting in about 600. Maybe 700 or 800 on a good day. I just need advice. I don't know if I should cut back on the strength training or revamp my eating (which I don't know what I should do with my eating). I just want to lose the weight I gained so that I can feel better in my body like I did year 1 and 2 after surgery. Any advise who would! Thanks in advanced.
  9. Did you gained weight during your 6 months visit? If so did you still get approve ? I have amerigroup they don't require me to lose but I'm afraid I gained last months I was on my period, and I gained this month :/ and on my period too
  10. I’m about 5 and a half weeks post-op, and my period showed up about a week ago. I haven’t seen a period in roughly 3 years (very irregular). The issue is this: sweet/salty cravings have surfaced, I’ve gained 2 lbs during this week that my period has been on. I’ve had horrible pms symptoms, my flow has been super heavy 😩. Has anyone else experienced weight gain this early on? Please tell me that I haven’t messed anything up. It’s very discouraging to see the scale go up when I was losing just fine. At 1 month post-op I was down a little over 30 lbs total from my highest weight. I’m just hoping to see the numbers on the scale start to go down again. Especially after my period has gone off; should the weight I’ve gained go away? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Happy New Year 🎆!!
  11. Just checking in, really trying to stay consistent on the forums here seems to help me stay accountable. I am 22 months post op and was doing great at my lowest (although still not my goal), then i gained 10 lbs during a SUPER stressful two semesters of grad school and starting a new job, and switching that job from days to nights, and just life in general. Because I haven't seen my surgeon in about 9 months and didn't have the option to see my usual nutrition clinician (new insurance doesn't cover their services), I took the steps today to make an appointment with my surgeon in June AND called for a NUT appointment with the bariatric clinic in a nearby town that my insurance covers. I had every intention of starting a 5 day pouch test too, but having just accepted a huge promotion in my new job, my coworkers are giving me a big giant potluck tomorrow night and even though I'll eat healthy, i didn't want to stand there with a shake and turn my nose up at their efforts. So, 5 day pouch reset starting sunday night... I would love any input as far as pouch test success, getting back on track, etc. I currently have 10 lbs to get back to my lowest, and about 25 to my goal!! I CAN DO THIS.
  12. Augh... I was on vacation and I came in contact with something I was allergic to. My legs swelled and I had a very nasty angry looking rash. The local er gave me prednisone. Normally I would not take it because I get really bad mood and eating issues even taking small doses. However the swelling pain and itch was intolerable. So my weight is up which is frustrating because in 3 weeks I have my final weight in. I was told from month to month i had to maintain or lose. I'm down 15 total but so far have 3 pound weight gain since starting this medicine. I'm retaining Water and other parts of my body are swollen. I'm drinking a lot of water but the return is not where I think it should be.Any tips on getting this weight back down? I have 6 more days of the prednisone to go. (I have dropped an email to my doctors on this but I would like to hear if any one has had a similar experience) Sent from my SM-G935V using the BariatricPal App
  13. I take sedating medicine, and stopped smoking around 14 years now. I believe that this has made it harder for me to move forward with my weight loss, with the Gastric Lap Band, which I've had 16 years ago now. I wont change the banding, cause I know if I get it removed, bye bye to the weight loss, bring on the weight gain. So far I've lost the ideal weight, then I stopped the smoking and it increased. I have 50 lbs to go now, I can do it. Can anyone related to this at all?
  14. Size66

    Unfill & rapid weight gain

    I had a band fitted 5 years ago and was happy with the weight loss. For the last year I developed severe reflux , night cough, sliming. Etc. Surgeon reduced my fill by half and the symptoms disappeared immediately. BUT I’ve also gained a ton of weight in 2 months , feel no restriction and get severe bloating. Anyone else have this problem . Going to try a little fill ( after the holidays !!🤪)
  15. BayougirlMrsS

    Weight gain.....

    First.... I know this is the Rants & Raves section. This is why i'm posting it here!!!! Trust that i know i will get flack for this.... I'm confused about how people are gaining weight during the Covid..... Shouldn't people be losing? It would seem to me that with people not having to get up and go to work they would have more time to dedicate to there diet and exercise. People have been complaining for YEARSSSSS that they don't have time to plan their meal and don't have time to exercise. What about now? What's stopping people from either... growing there on veggies or buying them and having more time to food prep. Also, why aren't people taking the time to exercise more.... walking, running, yoga, stretching..... repurposing those milk jugs and filling them with water/sand. Grab those resistance bands and use them or the exercise equipment you are using as a clothes hanger....... I just really don't understand. Not trying to be mean.... i really just don't understand. There is no way i'm the only person that has these questions.
  16. LadyIvy

    No Water = Weight Gain

    This is so frustrating. I have been working on developing the habits neccesary after my surgery which includes no water 30 minutes before, during, and 30 minutes after a meal. I haven't been drinking 15 minutes before and during and I have been making it about 10- 15 minutes after before I have to drink something. This is a big accomplishment for me. I have also been working on chewing my food very well. I still have to not allow myself to get distracted and do better with it when I eat alone. I will work on that too. I noticed that some of my changes seem to have resulted in me gaining weight. For example, now that I am focused on being sure that I get breakfast, my metabolism is higher so I am hungrier much more often throughout the day. Also, I have noticed that when I don't drink water during a meal, I need to eat much more to get the same feeling. I don't know what to do! I am bigger than I have ever been in my life and it only seems to be getting worse when I combine these habits. Not sure how to work on this.
  17. I'm a little over 2 weeks post op, and I've been sticking to the foods In my diet plan. I've dropped a total of 19 lbs but today I weighed myself again and I've gained back 3 lbs.. could this be because I'm about to get my period in 3 days? Please tell me it's just hormones and I'm not messing this up somehow Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. I am 16 days post op and haven't lost anything in about 5 days, today I gained about .5 pound. I know this isn't a true stall but I was wondering if anyone has hit this wall so soon. So far I've done awesome and I am happy with it but I feel like I am failing already. I am busting my butt to get fluids and protein in, but find it almost impossible to hit them daily. I am also cleared for food and can eat about an oz at a meal. Most of the time it's a meat or a cheese stick ( for the protein). But I am really focusing on fluids over real food. I've also had a bad allergic reaction to the adhesive they used, so I am not sure if that is playing a role. I plan to keep up with increasing fluids/ protein as well as increase my walking. ( currently a mile 4-5 days a week) Is this normal? Did I hit the dreaded three week stall early? Thanks in advance
  19. tiffaneyhoover9110

    Weight gain

    I've had my VSG for about 3 years. In the past year I've put on 44 pounds. I just started an all liquid diet again will that help re shrink my sleeve. I'm a driver so I'm behind the wheel of a car all day. The hours I work leaves little time for exercise. Any help will be appreciated.
  20. Hey everyone! I'm looking for advice and encouragement. I had my weight loss surgery in December 2016, so I'm 3.5 years out now. I dropped around 160 pounds, from my biggest being 360 and my smallest being 187. I was so blessed to lose so much in about 14 months. Maintenance was relatively easy at first. I purposefully gained 15 pounds because being 6'2 with a large build, 187 started getting me questions about being sick. 200-205 is my personal goal and sweet spot, where I feel the best and think I look the best. Fast forward to September 2019. I was having my first endoscopy since my surgery, as a follows up to Barrett's esophagus that was found when I had my bypass. What I thought would be routine, turned worst case scenario when I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Apparently I'm in that 2% that has Barrett's that actually progresses to cancer. Luckily we caught it very early stage and I have been able to have ablation therapy treatment versus the typical chemo and radiation. I've developed recurrent esophageal stricture due to scar tissue from ablation therapy, causing me to choke frequently. Needless to say, it's all been very scary, and my eating got out of whack for a while. I've quickly gained weight and I'm at 220.2 today. I need to lose 20 pounds ASAP. The current COVID-19 situation and working from home, having access to food 24/7 coupled with stress eating is proving difficult to overcome. I thought I'd post here to see if anyone has words of encouragement or advice to help me get back on track quickly. 3.5 years and I was very proud to be maintaining at my goal weight of around 200, and now I'm scared the scale will continue to creep up on me.
  21. New to this app. Don't really have a support group to ask. Is it normal to gain 3 lbs in a week this soon? I had RNY bypass April 20th and this just really got me down today. Sent from my LG-H811 using the BariatricPal App
  22. I saw a recent picture of Carnie Wilson today on tmz.com and couldn't believe how much weight she has gained. She looks like she is 220-240 again. I feel so sorry for her. My doctor said that bipass patients typically gain back 25% of their weight in the first few years. I am so glad I have the band!
  23. So I'm very frustrated! I quit smoking 12 days ago and I'm doing the Nicorette gum. I've already gained back 3 lb of the seven I lost in the past two and a half months! I am so so so frustrated! My tentative procedure date is September 24th and I cannot gain any weight before the procedure! What do I do? HELP...

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