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Found 1,208 results

  1. I’m feeling a little depressed of lately and have been eating my emotions away.. I’m 1 year post gastric sleeve i only lost a total of 70lbs i was hoping to loose at least a 100 or more based on most people i know lost 100 or more. I only lost 70 but i know why because I’ve been eating off way off... In addition i gained like 6-7lbs i was 268 now I’m 274.i started at 243 I have to get back in track i got really excited that i can eat and been snacking on a lot of nuts plus i wanna work out more haven’t done it consistently since surgery.. i also wanna do the keto diet have anyone tried keto or intermittent fasting after gastric sleeve... I know i ‘m my own downfall when it comes to my diet!!!! I’ve been thru so much with surgery and complications i dont wanna gain it back i need some motivation and some inspiration... Feeling so defeated
  2. I've had my lap band for about 5 years now. At first I was loosing weight slowly (due to other separate health problems) then last summer, i lost a huge amount of weight very quickly due to extreme stress, and where my port is I was having discomfort, so i went to my new doctor who told me I had to gained weight and that would help with the discomfort, but did not want me to gain too much. I am 5'9 and I was 135lbs and he told me i needed to be at 160lbs. He is not my original doctor that did my surgery and fills. We moved to a different state. Over the last 5 months I (reluctantly) have gained the weight the doc told me to, and even though some of the port discomfort is gone, I now have constant heart burn and acid reflex and pain under my ribs after i eat (I had my gallbladder removed last year) or drink too much I do not drink any alcohol, soda or things like that mainly water tea sometimes and coffee and food has been getting stuck more than it use to. It is extremely hard for me to get back into the doctor, but do see my family primary monthly. I am wondering what type of tests should i ask my primary to order to make sure everything with the band is ok. And if anyone else has had similar problems and what helped. I'm thinking of trying the apple cider vinegar to help with heart burn acid reflex but am open to trying something
  3. Hi Everyone! I had vsg surgery June 2016. I went from 230 to 154. I got pregnant with our 3rd boy in 2017. During the pregnancy I maintained the weight until the very end I was up a few lbs to 158. I had a csection and by the time i got home from hospital I was up to 167!!!! I had gained weight after delivering which made no sense to me but i learned it was mostly fluid retention from hospital iv’s. I watched carefully what i ate and after 2 months the retention came off plus more as i was down to 144lbs. After that and 2 months of breastfeeding I developed major cravings for junk.....mostly sugar. I was also very stressed and had been hit with ppd...depression. I was treated for depression but my cravings turned into out of control eatting of anything sweet. I am beginning to gain weight and definitely look ALOT heavier although i am 158, i look bigger than i did when i was last 158 if that makes sense. This is really depressing me and I need help as im afraid if i keep up at this rate ill be 230lbs again. Im also eating alot more quantity wise...its like i never had the surgery! I dont get the tight full feeling anymore that told me when to stop eating, i also dont the pain that tells me I overate. Has anyone else gone through this? How can i reverse it and start loosing again? Is it possible that ive stretched my sleeve? lastly, has anyone else breastfed and have gotten these cravings?
  4. Hi everyone, I am 5 weeks, almost 6 weeks since my gastric bypass. I did have an IUD put in on day 9 and haven't stopped bleeding. That might be TMI but it might help explain some things. After week 2, I got down to 261lbs. I was 283 in the hospital after surgery. I did really well. Now I'm up to 266.5. Some daily info on me is my BMR is 1962.85, I use about 2,777 calories a day, I take in about 60 to 70 oz of water, and I eat about 800 calories a day. Why am I gaining weight? I've been around this weight for the last 3 weeks. I've heard of stalls, but a 3 week stall right out of the gate? Am I failing at weight loss surgery? As far as exercise, I haven't been released to do anything besides walk, and I could be better at that. I will get on that actually, going to try to hit the gym tomorrow and get back on track with that. My food looks like this: Morning: Protein shake with 20g protein, 9 carbs, 7g fiber, 2g sugar (I have to use plant based for it to not come back up) I add 8oz of almond milk and decaf coffee. I use very low fat low sugar almond milk with 30 calories. Lunch: either 2 pieces of sliced turkey with 2 pieces of thin sliced cheese or Tuna or Greek Yogurt and a baby bel Snack: light baby bel Dinner: Usually the same as lunch, however, I haven't been tolerating much for dinner very well so I have had two night of cherrios and almond milk for a total of 130 calories. I was released to eat cold cereals as long as they have less than 3g of sugar. I will take any advice, any dinner advice, any work out advice. Please help a momma out!!! Thanks
  5. Has anyone gotten pregnant after the sleeve? I’m 10 weeks and having bad food aversions and nausea. Idk how I’m going to gain weight when I barely ate before pregnancy and now even less with pregnancy because nothing looks appetizing and I’m sick half the time (not throwing up just nausea). I’m just nervous I won’t be able to eat enough to gain the recommended weight for pregnancy. Sigh! 😞
  6. "Eat less, move more" is the simple way to stay slim, but some scientists now suspect body weight is much more complex. One area of research is "obesogens" which are chemicals absorbed from the environment and food that are thought to disrupt the way hormones operate, potentially leading to weight gain. Research by Harvard University found that women (men less so) struggled to maintain weight loss after higher levels of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) were found in their blood. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/press-releases/pfass-chemicals-environment-body-weight/ http://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1002502 https://coach.nine.com.au/2018/07/26/11/10/obesogenics-chemicals-weight-gain
  7. I am 5 months post op and at a weight where I can finally run again without hurting my joints. I can run a mile without stopping which is a sheer miracle. I absolutely love running but I'm afraid now that I am consistent with it, I will begin to gain muscle and I may gain weight. I know that's dumb. How do you battle the scale and weight loss while also working out and building muscle? I don't know why but I'm so afraid I'll stop losing weight. I have 25 pounds to go, so I know I'm close and I don't want to mess it up!
  8. I had sleeve surgery in April 2015 and I was doing great. I was 235 on my surgery day and I got to my lowest post surgery weight last year, 152. I am now 173 and completely stuck. My goal has always been 135 but now I just want to get back to 152. I felt and looked healthy there. I feel gross and like a complete failure now. My question is how do you continue to lose weight? Any tips to keep motivated? I don’t know anyone who has had wls surgery that I can ask or confide in. Thanks, Tiff
  9. I had my sleeve on 7/21/2018 and I started losing a pound in a half a day. I was 350lbs pre surgery and I have STOPPED losing weight and I am stuck at 313lbs. I weight myself every morning and noticed this morning I was actually 316lbs. This is super discouraging and so I wonder that is happening. What should I be doing differently? I recently started walking and swimming on a daily basis. Trying to walk always 30 minutes of some exercise a day. Nothing seems to work. I feel like these last 16lbs are taunting me! Some help ease my mind :-)
  10. I am 6 years post op and throughout the past couple of years I have gained a substantial amount of weight back after I had lost it. I lost 100lbs and have gained 45lbs. I am so upset with myself and I don’t know what to do. I don’t feel like I overeat but there has to be something I am doing wrong. I don’t even remember the basics anymore. Please help!!
  11. MissPriss81

    Weight gain on preop liquid?!

    I’m on day 5 of my pre-op liquid and have GAINED 6lbs! WTH!? I’m assuming it’s the sodium from the broths.... Totally insane!
  12. hoot temple

    weight gain

    2yrs, weight coming back, help
  13. So I'm very frustrated! I quit smoking 12 days ago and I'm doing the Nicorette gum. I've already gained back 3 lb of the seven I lost in the past two and a half months! I am so so so frustrated! My tentative procedure date is September 24th and I cannot gain any weight before the procedure! What do I do? HELP...
  14. Hello. I’m a post-gastric sleeve from March 1, 2016. I was 325 at my highest and 189 at my lowest. Even had 7lbs I’d excess apron skin and fat cut off. I’ve gained about 40lbs back and am getting scared. It’s my Surgeons advice that I do a reset, a liquid diet for two weeks and follow the original post-op plan starting with puréed foods. Doing the reset doesn’t bother me and I know it’ll force me out of some addictions I’ve developed... but I cannot stand drinking plain water! It’s been over two years now and I don’t remember if crystal light or V8 was allowed on the original plan or not... and can’t get a hold of the surgeons office or the nutritionist to ask either. Help???
  15. I am a year post op and am gaining weight. Are there others who this has happened to and what can I do to get back on track? I only lost 52 pounds in a years time and feel as if I lost control over my eating. Exactly how much should I be eating per meal - how much protein? 3 ozs meat? 1 cup of veggies? Can someone help me out? I was told to "reset" my pouch by starting the 5 day diet - liquids on the first day, etc. Thanks!
  16. So yesterday wasn’t a great for me as far as following my diet. I weighed myself yesterday morning at 309.2 and this morning, the same scale, is reading 315-317!!!!!!!! I am not proud but yesterday I did eat more often than I should have. I had egg salad(without bread))for a snack and I usually do not snack. I also had part of a sno cone which did have sugar. I’m just unsure how there was such a dramatic increase in weight. TMI, But I will also add I have used the bathroom. I know you shouldn’t weigh everyday but I have never “gained” so much in one day even before surgery. I could go to a buffet and still not gain so much! Hw-378 Sw- 363 (2/27/18) CW-310.6
  17. I'm at a stall. I've been between 170 and 175 for the past couple of months, which my DR. told me to expect after I dropped the amount of weight I did. The past week or so, I've been seeing that my weight is slowing creeping up to the 180 mark and I'm scared to death. I've been monitoring my carb and sugar intake and I've gone back on the protein shakes for breakfast or lunch. I'm extremely worried that i'm going to gain back all the weight. I've seen myself falling into past habits (binge eating disorder and weighing myself every day up to 3x a day), eating sugary food (candy) and not getting enough liquids in. It probably isn't helping that i'm trying to complete my degree for college and I signed myself up for 6 summer classes to finish in the next 4 months. I need help. I tried talking to my husband, and though he is sympathetic, his advice is stop eating bad food, which is easier said than done. If anybody has gone through something similar, i'd love to hear how you overcome this stall.
  18. are There option after. Surgery to help you with weight gain?
  19. Hi all! I was sleeved on March 29th after my band was removed. I was banded 16 years..had some issues last few years and ended last week with removal. I am now a week post op. I know it's still early..but I have gained 5lbs. I know I shouldn't weigh myself, but of course I see others here who have dropped weight the first week. I know newbies are different than previously banded..but my weight has just stuck at 206.2. It has not budged down even an ounce. Yesterday while getting a pedicure, I finally noticed that my feet, ankles and legs looked a little swollen. Wondered why the flip flops felt a little tighter..but subtly..so I figure I am retaining fluids..wondering if anyone else has? Probably the newbies dropping weight right away may not have noticed this..but is already discouraging to see nothing happening. I had band completely unfilled 2 years ago after a routine check after many years showed my esophagus had expanded. I had quickly gained 30 lbs in a month and added another 20. So been 50lbs up since..even after being refilled. At least i didn't gain back 130lb I lost with band..but really would like to see this 50lbs go. Hoping that this turns around. I realized I had this tea by Traditional Medicinals in the house called Weightless for temporary water weight gain..so herbal diaruretic tea..see if that helps. Anyone else have this??
  20. So Monday is my surgery pending insurance clearance. Thursday I have a pre-op pre-admission test. I had a 6 month nutrition program that I had to lose 25 pounds to qualify and I did. Exactly 25. My problem now is that I gained some of that back. I’m so worried they will deny me, the doctor at least. I worry about everything.
  21. Help one year since surgery. Up until a few weeks ago maintaining all the weight I lost at goal 75 pounds down. Now the hunger has come back to a degree and I put on four pounds in the last week. Am so upset. I know I am eating to many snacks. Also has anyone been diabetic free for more than five years. I have been off of medication for it since the day after surgery. But heard for some reason it usually returns after five years. Also anyone have any recommendations for skin wrinkles? Bad on face especially neck. Sorry for so many questions but just found this site. Thank you and suggestions for any of the above would be appreciated.
  22. Immediately after the surgery I was curious about my weight I went I to surgery weighing 198 lbs. After surgery I weighed 230 [emoji21]🤤[emoji24] why???? I know I'm swollen everywhere but why is the question Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. I’ve had a curious day. I forgot to weigh in first thing this morning. So I weighed just a few mins ago. It says I weigh 327. That is after my shake and coffee. I know, logically, that this doesn’t mean I’ve necessarily gained weight but it’s messing with my head. Also, my blood sugars are not so good today but I cut down on my long acting insulin to see if it’d help with the lows. LOL. It did! Not to worried about that right now. Nerves are coming into play. It’s not a freak out nerves but I am having a bout of the doubts. I know I’m going to do this but some things are worrying me. My mom is sick and she’s my support system. I’ll likely be alone more than not in the hospital. I have pretty severe social and general anxiety. So that’s a big worry. No matter what I’ll be alone overnight due to our critters needing one of us home. I’m writing this down to let it go. I’ll do wonderfully!
  24. michelemm

    weight gain

    weight gain in 3 days
  25. So i’m a week post-op and today i weighed myself and gained four pounds. I’ve been sticking to my liquids and required protein but have noticed bloating so could this be the cause? I’ve also been working out with some very VERY light moderate weight lifting. Was wondering if this is normal, either way i took the batteries out of my scale because i don’t want to get obsessed with my numbers or discouraged. On another note i’ve noticed my emotions have been all over the place since surgery. Sometimes I’ll get angry and today i’ve just been crying for no reason. Is this common after surgery? Or could it be the fact that I was very emotionally dependent on food so now I’m forced to let it out one way or another. Would a counselor or therapist be good to cope with Post surgery emotions?

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