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Found 15,822 results

  1. Depends on the goal weight you're talking about. The one I tell my team to prove that I have a realistic understanding of what my surgical outcome is likely to be? I punched in my numbers to an online outcome calculator, rounded down so that they had the opportunity to gently adjust my expectations. I don't remember what this number is, because I could not care less about it. The one I use for my usual calculations and plans at this stage? I used an ideal body weight calculator (there are a number of different equations) and picked the highest version to be realistic. The secret one that I rarely admit or factor into planning? It's the one above, minus 10% of the amount of weight I would have lost at that body weight to buffer against expected weight gain. I doubt I'll reach this one, it depends on how I feel and whether plastic surgeons have a minimum weight requirement. I dunno, it doesn't really matter all that much at this point. I have no idea how much weight will come off from plastics and top surgery, how much weight I'm stuck with because it's extra bone or organ tissue that supported my fat body, and how my transition would realistically affect those calculations anyway.
  2. ms.sss


    hi! im 4 years out too! (50 yrs old, female, 5'2", moderately active and weighed 119.2 this morning) i stopped basing my diet on macros a couple years ago, i mostly rely on calorie monitoring (i still track everything out of habit). Based on my data, i've been averaging about 60g protein a day, of course there are some days i have like 20 and other days when i have 150...but on average its about 60. I haven't noticed any significant relation to weight gain/loss with my protein intake. Nor any relation with fats or carbs for that matter. (carbs do seem to have an affect on my appearance, but that's another story). the only thing that affects my weight is number of calories consumed over time, and to a lesser degree, activity levels. so its been an ongoing tweaking process to balance the two. A couple years ago i was an exercise fiend, and was taking in 2500+ calories. Now i'm a 2-3 day a week casual exerciser and average about 1800. im sure if i didn't reduce my intake when my activity levels went down, i'd be 20-30 lbs heavier than i am today. For those keeping score, i've (so far) maintained below goal weight since i reached it at 7 mnths post op. FULL DISCLOSURE: i am in good health (as my most recent labs can attest), and i have no diagnosed medical issues that would affect my metabolism. @SpartanMaker summed up the science surrounding protein well enough that i dont need to add anything more, but i do want to highlight the point they raised about the fact that the body can only metabolize x amount of protein (the amount varies slightly from person to person), and that any excess protein will be stored for energy (i.e., fat if you dont use it up). So i wonder, did your team give you a scientific or medical reason as to why they object to your protein level intake? Also, did they offer an opinion as to how you would replace those protein calories to stay at 1500 over all? (more fat? more carbs?) While i would not recommend NOT listening to your team, i do advocate the asking of questions to get an understanding of the reasoning behind a recommendation so you can make an informed decision for yourself. Good Luck! ❤️
  3. Keona1323


    Hey everyone. I am 4 years out and struggling with the covid 20 and some additional weight gain on top of that. I am working with an online coach for exercise training and nutrition following a macro based diet. I have not lost any weight so I reached out to the team where I had my surgery and they commented that my macros are way to high for protein. They were happy my calories were in the 1500 range (135g protein/160g carb/ 45g fat) but concerned about the protein being so high (optimum is 60-80g). Anyone else follow macro based plans?
  4. BigSue

    Am I overreacting

    Oh wow, I feel your pain! My parents came to visit me, after I had lost 200 pounds, and my mom saw me mixing the essential amino acid supplement that I take daily (as recommended by my PCP). She looked at the label and said, “You know that has CALORIES?!” Five. It has five calories in a scoop. And thanks, mom, I lost 200 pounds without your help but I still need you to micromanage my calories. I guess some moms just can’t help themselves. Most of the time — and I think this is true in your case and mine — they have good intentions but no idea how harmful they can be. My mom put me on the path of yo-yo dieting from my pre-teen years. I’m sure she just wanted me to be healthy and never anticipated that the yo-yo dieting would contribute to long-term weight gain. So I feel free to ignore her comments.
  5. I don't know about this company or policy in particular, but many won't approve revisions for weight gain. Some, however, approve them if there are medical issues. Since you've had issues with GERD and high blood pressure, that *might* be enough for some companies -but again, not all companies approve revisions. I wonder if a doctor could have a peer-to-peer review with them. Although your current surgeon isn't in your network, so that might be an issue - is there a bariatric surgeon who's in your network that you could do a consultation with?
  6. There’s grazing & there’s grazing. Grazing when you eat an appropriately portioned size healthy meal over a few hours or eat several small healthy meals over the day that meet your caloric & nutritional needs are fine. Anything else, like grazing just to eat, or for boredom, etc. or grazing beyond just a mid morning &/or mid afternoon snack can be worrying & lead to the weight gain fear you have. Consider what you’re grazing on & why you’re grazing. Do you exceed your caloric need by grazing? Maybe try the mini meal grazing or eating a meal by picking at it over a few hours. Or even reduce your grazing to just a single between meal snack. (I snack three times a day. It gives me a needed additional 25 odd grams of protein but still fits within my caloric needs.) Worth trying.
  7. MG83

    30 lbs away!

    I agree that everyone's journey is different! Before my weight gain, I did have a pretty fast metabolism, as far as what I am doing now is just prioritizing protein and trying to stay away from carbs.
  8. I've had a long history with weight problems. By the age of ''4'' I was already 68 pounds despite having the diet of the typical child. By the time I was 15 I was in the 180's and eating honestly no different from my peers. By 17 I had joined a teen fitness group and failed to lose any weight what-so-ever. I resorted to starvation about a year later and by 19 I was 150 pounds and subsisting on 500 calories per day, taking diet pills and using tea laxatives. This lead to a cardiac issue which lead me into an Anorexia treatment center by 20. I cleaned up my act and began a ''healthy eating journey'' but sadly for me that resulted in a slow creeping weight gain of about 7-8 pounds per year. Sometime in 2014 I had reached ''180'' again and decided to join a gym. Worked out for months and lost nothing. I reduced my sugars, cut out processed food.. somehow I ended up weighing even more. I was 186 by the end of that year. By 2021 I was ''210'' pounds. My doctor weighed me. I was in shock. Literal shock.. could not even believe it because I was working with a nutritionist at the time and following through with everything. This last year I have worked out constantly, eaten no carbs and I am 208. I have only lost two pounds. I am nearly 33 year old and my weight has been a seemingly life long struggle and close to resistant to change unless extreme measures were taken (Anorexia). I am very disappointed with this. I have been tested for PCOS, Cushing's, NCCH etc many times and nothing showed up. I had severe acne (took accutane three times) and mild hirsutism as well but all blood tests come back normal, ultrasound reveal no cysts and I've gotten a monthly period since 13 years old. No doctor can explain this. I feel as though they do NOT believe me when I tell them what I eat. I just had an appointment with an endocrinologist and he said what I was telling him was ''impossible''. I have asked my doctor to refer me for weight loss surgery but at 210 pounds and 5'7 they just won't do it. I am at a loss.
  9. Hope4NewMe

    Chronic pain and transfer addiction

    I have not been in your position with the pain but I have been depressed in the past and I can feel your struggle in your words. I would for sure get a new therapist if they are not listening to you and realizing that you need help and not telling you to just deal with things. As far as the weight gain, the lack of exercise usually isn't the biggest cause. Some people can lose without any exercise at all. I totally understand your frustration to have your options so limited but you can only control so much. You are doing the best you can. I would look at your calories and you'll probably have to lower them to get the weight to come back off again. Alcohol is usually pretty high in calories, so it might be the main culprit. So for motivations sake, quitting the alcohol might make the weight gain stop and then when you feel better in control of your life you can make more diet changes and then lose the weight too. Sometimes just having something that you can control when everything else feels so out of control helps ground you and give you the mental stability to deal with things. So controlling your diet and calories could be a good start. I wish you the very best though and take care!
  10. catwoman7

    Weight gain

    first of all, pouch resets are discouraged by most dietitians. It just puts you back into "diet mentality". Just go back to basics - protein first, then non-starchy vegetables, and then, if you're still hungry, a small serving of fruit or complex carbs. And log everything you eat so you know how much and when you're eating. secondly, the vast majority of us have a rebound weight gain of 10-20 lbs after we hit our lowest weight. It's just your body settling in to a weight it's comfortable at. I used to "attend" Unjury's Zoom support groups occasionally, which often feature speakers. There was a really interesting dietitian on once who said at her clinic, they don't even consider it a regain unless the person has gained more than 15% of their lowest weight (so for you, that's 25.5 lbs). I regained about 20 lbs in year 3 (it usually occurs in year 2 or 3, after you hit your lowest weight). It really bothered me for a long time, but clearly this is where my body wants to be. I could always go lower by cutting my calories, but then, I've been sitting at this weight for quite awhile, so it evidently is not as important to me as I think it is, otherwise i'd be doing exactly that (cutting calories). I know it'd be a struggle trying to get down to my lowest weight again and staying there, because my body seems to be comfortable where it is. Do-able, but it would be a lot of work and then a challenge to stay there. I've kind of given up the ghost at this point. if after tracking you find you're taking in too many calories and are doing too much eating while you're not really hungry, then do what you need to to get back on track (the suggestions people had of going back to your clinic for support - therapy and/or dietitian is a good one). But if that's not really the case, if this is just the normal rebound that most of us experience, then know it's just that...normal - and also, expected.
  11. RDC2019

    Weight gain

    Will a pouch reset help after 2yrs rny and gaining back 20lbs? Sent from my LM-T600 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. I had the same thing, acid reflux terribly, weight gain just all around miserable. I had had the roux-n-y 15 years ago. I had called to check into the revision surgery and the first thing they did was an upper barium test. Low and behold I have a 2 1/2 cm fistula attaching my pouch to my remnant stomach. At that point, it became a repair of a complication instead of a revision. My surgery is coming up and I am so excited. Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Abbynormal4875

    Insurance GERD Revision

    Just curious if insurance will cover you if they want to do a revision from a sleeve to a bypass. 18 months out no weight gain buy having unbelievable GERD affecting my health.
  14. Jeanniebug

    Day 7 concerns

    Are you tracking your calories? At a week out, you're probably not getting much over 500 calories a day. Logic says that consuming only 500 calories a day, you're going to lose weight whether you want to or not. But, your body is freaking out, right now. It doesn't know what you've done to it. It has to adjust to its current condition and then you will start losing again. Stalls - and even slight weight gains - are a normal and expected part of the process. If you're going to weigh yourself everyday, then you need to come to terms with this fact. The scale is going to go up and down, but the overall trend will be downward. If you're making yourself crazy with it, then switch to once-a-week weigh ins.
  15. Thunderkiss1965

    Crazy Food Dreams After Surgery

    I have had a few of those dreams about eating. They’re not anything like gorging on unhealthy foods… (my weight gain wasn’t food addiction related) I’m almost 4 weeks post op from my sleeve surgery. My dreams are about having a poached egg on toast or having a salad with grilled chicken… I think whatever you’re missing food wise your brain is trying to help you make up for it somehow with dreams? Anyway I can see how it would be scary to dream you are a bunch of off limits foods in access and be afraid you ruined your sleeve! Mine are more like “I was able to swallow the bite of salad without getting foamies”’.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023


    No. That's got nothing to do with a PAP. Ways to find it are through blood work and classic symptoms such as irregular or non existent periods, skin tags, dark areas under arms and under breasts, predominant weight gain in the stomach area, inability to get or stay pregnant, major hormonal imbalances, insulin resistance, etc...
  17. froufrou

    February 2019 weight loss buds

    Hello hello... just checking in. Not much to report except a weight gain. Now up to 270... been bouncing around that for a while. I am incredibly anemic and find it hard to keep my levels up and think that I may just have to have iron infusions for the rest of my life. I'm vegetarian and I am just wondering if my stomach has become injured after the sleeve leak and then the RNY... I don't think I can absorb iron. I've been on Saxenda for a bit, but it's not doing a lot for me, except maybe keeping my weight stable, which is good I guess! I'm thinking of going on Wegovy when it's available. Apparently it's low on stock because people love it so much. How is everyone doing? I'd love to hear how everyone is. Anyone else having issues with keeping their vitamin levels up? @Goody222 you look amazing! You must feel great! Well done!! Love to all xxx
  18. SleeveToBypass2023


    I was diabetic pre surgery and my blood sugar never went over 160 after a meal, but my A1c was 7.4. Type 2 diabetes causes weight gain among other issues. Psych meds definitely cause weight gain, and hormonal imbalances (particularly PCOS, which I have) definitely cause weight gain and slow down or stop weight loss.
  19. ShoppGirl

    New, Dazed and Confused

    I had sleeve because I was worried about medication absorption. Since then I have read about tons of bypasses who are on meds, even the psyc meds I worried about and they have had zero issues. I am a year and a half out and so far no gerd issues but I have not lost all I weight and I struggle with regain. In all fairness one of my meds does clearly state is causes weight gain and with the depression I don’t exercise like I should but I still can’t help but wonder if I would be in a different boat with bypass. Don’t get me wrong I don’t regret my choice. I am glad I chose something because they are both great surgeries that will get you down to a much more healthy weight. I just can’t help but wonder what if I had chosen bypass would I be sporting my skinny jeans right now.
  20. SpartanMaker


    Oh how nice it would be if diabetes made you lose weight! People with diabetes don't respond correctly to insulin. The main job of insulin is to signal your cells to take up the sugar in your blood to use as fuel. Because that process isn't working like it should, people with diabetes have excess sugar in their blood. That excess blood sugar has to go somewhere. Where it goes is that your body converts it into fat and stores it. There's a reason why type 2 diabetes is strongly correlated with obesity. Being overweight can lead to insulin resistance on a cellular level, which can lead to more weight gain, which makes your body unable to as efficiently process the insulin, which can lead to more weight gain, and so on. Now just like any other potential hormonal imbalance, being diabetic does not make you gain weight. It just means that all other things being equal, it's more likely. To gain weight, you still have to eat more than you burn, regardless of any hormone issues.
  21. The foods that you mention nuts , butters and avocados, but also dried and fresh fruits, whole grain breads, potatoes (sweet and white), oatmeal, full fat dairy, I have ate from day one. Except pasta , high carb food. Are you saying to eat pasta , high carb foods? Of course I have since trying to put weight on. Healthy dense calorie food does not help with weight gain. But that’s for me. Everyone is different. I do need to mention my stomach feels more restricted. I was up to two cups of food 1 year out. Now being 2 plus years I’m down to 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup. Any ideas anyone.
  22. kaylee50

    1 week post op

    I had a different sleeve procedure (ESG), but had the same fears. I thought I was feeling hunger. So I talked to my team about it, expecting the lecture. But they told me something that really opened my eyes: I have for decades interpreted every little stomach gurgle as a hunger signal. (This was part of my problem that led to my weight gain.) Time to stop and think about it first. Is this really hunger, or could it be thirst, gas, another sort of discomfort? I mean, like you I am only weeks out, so there is really no way this could be real hunger. I was told see if it responds to a sip of water. See if a sip of protein shake helps. Change position (sit/stand/turn over if in bed) to see if that makes it go away. Try a lozenge -- I had some sugar-free lemon Ricola drops because of the sore throat typical after an endoscopy. Bingo! That worked wonders! I don't know if it's an oral fixation thing, but a tiny lozenge does the trick. Here's how I know I am not really hungry: if I am working on a work project, I can go all day without feeling hunger. I am one of those that has to set a reminder to eat on my phone. So that feeling I was interpreting as hunger was something else. ("I'm not saying it was aliens, but it could have been aliens." 😁)
  23. Hi David, Well I have some gerd with weight gain with my vsg surgery which was in 2018. So last year I asked if I can get resleeved due to the weight gain and slight gerd issues. and i was told in California they don’t do that the only option I had was bypass, So I went with that..my surgery was cancelled at 0100 last year due to my iron levels. I had to do the 10 week class as part of the revision requirements. So I’m all cleared now (this year) i plan on doing things way different this time around and actually puttin in the work..with my sleeve I didn’t workout or anything (I don’t advise that all) plus we were in the pandy sooooooo crossing fingers that I find things that help me along this new journey so I stay consistent but it’s all mental Honestly!
  24. Hi David. Have you met with your surgeon yet? They will likely have an opinion of which surgery they feel is best for you. If you are on certain medications they may trend towards sleeve IF all other things are equal but if you have GERD they typically lean towards bypass (not always though). Those are not the only factors and it’s not exactly that clear cut. It certainly doesn’t hurt to do your research but you surgeon should help considerably to make this decision. Mine said he would do sleeve or bypass (if I really wanted it) but he recommended sleeve. He thought bypass was overkill for me and the NP thought because of my medications that the conservative option was safer. I didn’t lose all the weight I hoped though and struggle to keep it off. I will always sorta wonder if I would’ve lost more with bypass. Who knows though. I am on medication that causes weight gain so I may be in the same exact boat with bypass. It’s really hard to say. They are both really good surgeries, though. Regardless of whether I can fit into my skinny jeans I am very happy I did the surgery. I was already beginning to have knee pain with exercise and I know that at the rate I was going I would be even heavier now than I was pre surgery with more knee pain so the Fact that I am maintaining anywhere below that weight and pain free is better than I could’ve done on my own. I didn’t have to decide on which surgery until my pre op appointment. Hopefully your team will give you time to make your decision too.
  25. KimA-GA

    Regained it all

    be proud that you know you need to act and are reaching out! life is hard and we all need to start again sometimes. how long ago was your surgery? what eating style made you successful in loosing weight last time ? what do you think your biggest issue is that is causing weight gain ?

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