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  1. I am getting extremely frustrated. Please let me know if this experience is unique to me. I am 2 weeks post op, and I have not lost any weight in the second week. I know there is a 3 week stall is it possible to have a stall in the second week. I am not getting consistent information from the surgeon about my nutritional requirements and I am concerned because I am not feeling restricted on liquids and maybe I am over doing it. I was not having regrets, but I am starting to now. Also, I am able to start purees tomorrow and not sure what I can and cant have. I have another weird situation. My primary care doctor is the director of a nutritional and weight loss program. I got cleared for surgery by his nutritionist, however she does not specialize in bariatrics. Now I need a nutritionist that does specialize in bariatrics, and the one recommended by the surgeons office says she cant treat me because I did not do the initial evaluation with her. I am at a loss because I don't know what I should and should not be doing. My surgery was uncomplicated, however getting information I need to be a success has been very complicated. My doctor's office has given me contradicting information both pre and post op, and I am beyond frustrated and in tears. I want to be a success but all I see is failure in my future. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. @@Marlymamamar - You may be panicking a bit. Your profile says you have already lost 90 pounds (assuming mostly prior to pre-op). That is a tremendous weight loss! I am assuming this took you a while and know that this is a marathon not a sprint. And you walked 8 miles at 2 weeks post-op? That is amazing! I am 11 weeks post-op and walked 3 miles yesterday and was quite proud of myself for that. Quite impressive that you would walk for what I am assuming is at least 2 1/2 hours straight. Truly you should relax and be proud of your accomplishments thus far. Now, having said that - if the scale drives you nuts, don't weigh every day and most certainly don't weigh several times a day. Weight doesn't work like that. Weigh in the morning before you eat and take that as your weight for the day. I do remember suddenly being able to drink so much more Fluid and worrying about it and rest assured, everyone confirmed that was normal. You haven't done anything wrong. Your swelling has just reduced making fluids easier. Once you start on soft foods and even more so on dense Protein, you will feel the restriction. Just stick to the program - protein (ESPECIALLY if you are walking 8 miles a day!) and fluids. You may be entering the 3 week stall a little early. (VERY common occurrence.) You are doing great. Be proud of yourself!
  3. blizair09

    Weight loss

    My team told me to stay off of the scale at least until my first follow-up appointment (one week after surgery). I did as they said, and everything has worked out. I had a nice loss in the first month, even with the "3 week stall" that lasted about half of that time. Nothing is going to be accurate at first. Even at one-month post-op, I wonder if it is completely accurate. Healing takes time and that makes the scale go crazy sometimes. Good luck!
  4. Patoonces

    4 month stall?

    Im at four months. Scale didn't move in over a week. I'm so use to it moving so I'm very disappointed. I started out at relatively low bmi, weighed about 218 at 5'6" but I've been losing at the least a pound a week. Haven't stalled since the dreaded 3 week stall so I'm concerned
  5. I am 17 days post op and i have hit a stall. I started mushy food on Sunday and have only lost 1 pound in 5 days !!! Since surgery I have lost 13 pounds. I thought it would be more and im getting a little frustrated. I keep hearing people tell me about the 3 week stall but i dont get it. I am not eating fatting food, i am only eating 3 meals and its low calories... Im hoping this is just a phase and that i start losing more soon.....
  6. Hi Everyone I've been doing some great reading around the forum of people's issues with stalls, in particular, the dreaded 3 week stall. I'm now 4wks post op today, have healed really well and in all ways feel great.... BUT I've been stalled the last two weeks with my weight loss. It's gone up and down by 1kg in the past two weeks (sorry folks, I'm in Aus and we're metric, so don't know the imperial conversion!!). Anyways, I'm consuming approximately 800 calories a day and I'm doing 2-3km walks everyday to every second day. After reading a number of posts by the veterans, who have mentioned increasing calorie content and Water, I'm curious if that could work for me - given I'm already at the ideal calorie intake & doing really well getting my water in. I'm using an app on my phone to record what I'm eating so it tells me how many kj's, how much Protein, fat, sugar, carbs etc are in. As of yesterday, I've finally managed to get to 60grms of protein, but my carbs are 66grms. Which seems to mostly come from having a glass of milk, which my dietician suggested I take to get in protein. As I'm quite terrified the stall is permanent (despite reading comments that it does start again - I don't have much faith it will!!), I'm wondering what the next step is. If I'm in starvation mode but increase my calories, is that going to bugger things up making the body thing "woo hoo!! Foood!!!!" and then gain weight because I've given it more calories?? And on days that I exercise, should I also increase calorie content?? It's almost like a maths equation or a science project! I did ask my surgeon last week, but his only comment was "weight is hard to lose". Which I'm sure most of you would agree with my response of "no shit sherlock"!! (I didn't actually say that to him, but I'm sure he read it on my face!!!). I know I'm probably being an eager beaver. And I'm also committing the cardinal sin of comparing my progress against a friend who had it done in June and I know week for week, she's progressed better than I have, so am having feelings of failing at this. Sorry for the 20 questions folks. I'm just really keen to kick this stall to the curb and get with the losing of weight again. I'm just so bummed it's not changing!!! Cheers RozzieJ
  7. Hi all, so I am exactly one month out today and am down 21 lbs., which is what I was down on 1/10/13 at my follow-up with my surgeon...soooo apparently I hit the dreaded 3 week stall. I did take my measurements and have lost 8.5", all from my waist up! It needs to switch to below the belt next month.....keeping my fingers crossed. lol
  8. Tiff1977

    It's Gonna Happen!

    OMG I'm so glad you posted this cuz I was convinced that I was that one person this wouldn't work for. I'm going thru that lovely 3 week stall and thought this was a joke. I'm so glad I read this. Congrats om your weight lose, and thanks for giving me hope
  9. Kristin

    Dreaded 3-week Stall - Info?

    I also had a 3 week stall. I will admit, I was frustrated. It lasted a week, during that time, I just continued doing what I had been, I went to the gym and after a week, it broke. I hear some last longer than others. If it happens, it is nothing you are doing wrong, just your body sorting out all the changes going on. I am officially 5 weeks out now and down another 9lbs since my stall! Yay! It is good to hear that you are recovering well. And you are down 25lbs?? How sweet is that!!? Good Luck!
  10. Hey, everyone. I'm two weeks post-op as of today, down 25 pounds since December 1st, and recovering nicely. I keep reading occasional comments about the 3-week stall. Am I about to hit a weight-loss wall? What happened to you, and what did you do about it? Thanks.
  11. Babbs

    Early weight loss stall

    It's called "The Dreaded 3 week Stall". Frustrating, but totally normal. Probably won't be your last stall, either. I probably had 4 or 5 stalls in a matter of a year. They totally suck but just part of the whole process. They got me where I am now
  12. southernbelleAU

    Early weight loss stall

    i had the "3 week stall" as well! i was told by friends who had this procedure that it DOES happen, and to keep doing what im doing. i lost 25lbs almost immediately after surgery and after 3 weeks of sitting in one place on the scale, i lost another 5 pounds. Just keep getting that protein in and AS MUCH liquid as you can, and you will do fine! i still can't get all 64oz a day in and im 5 weeks out from surgery. it is a rewarding process and i can already tell i made the right decision. Just trust yourself and the process and you will surprise yourself!
  13. Answer: It depends. (anyone who tells you otherwise is lying) It all depends on your level of activity, total caloric intake, Protein intake, hydration level, individual metabolism, and frankly, a whole lot of "I'm your body and I'll lose more when I damn well please." Don't get discouraged. The 3 week stall is a rite of passage. You're one of us now.
  14. amiskinnyyet

    Over 300's

    I stopped weighing myself after 340. During the last two months of my doctor supervised diet I took it super seriously and started walking 1 hour per day 6 days a week and lost 40 pounds. I was 299 pounds when I was sleeved on 10/27/16. I just ended my 3 week stall and am losing again I weigh 266 today. It's absolutely possible. I'm am a 29 year old 5'5 female. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. I was sleeved on Jan. 22 so I’m 3.5 weeks post-op. Up until Feb. 9th, I was losing weight at a pretty consistent rate. However, since the 9th, I’ve been bouncing up and down between 3 pounds. I have heard about and understand the science behind the 3 week stall. I also understand that my body is going under major changes but I’m afraid I’m doing something wrong with my food choices. If it is just a stall, how long do they usually last? I am starting to get discouraged. I know I wasn’t getting enough Water and Protein so I’ve been very conscientious about meeting the minimums over the last week or so. I have also been experiencing light-headedness. I have emailed my NUT but I don't think I'll hear from her until Tuesday. I figured I'd ask the experts in this group to see if you had any guidance. Thanks in advance for your help.
  16. Today marks the day I have weighed the least in about 11 years. Last week I had the dreaded 3 week stall. Stepped on scale today and was rewarded with 2 lbs down. I am wearing clothes today that were tight a month ago and now they are baggy and I have to keep pulling my pants up. What a happy feeling. Down 27lbs as of today...surgery was 24 days ago. Doing well!! Spring in my step and tears in my eyes b/c this is actually working!! What a Happy Valentine's Day----I do love my NEW self. If you are thinking about this, it DOES work...I was doubtful, too, so glad I did it.
  17. NMJG

    What was the point?

    It is just the infamous 3 week stall. Happens to most people. Stick to your plan and don't get discouraged. Measure with a tape measure, you are losing inches even when the scale doesn't move. Completely normal for the scale to stick on a number at this point. Give it a few weeks, then you can get pissed off
  18. On my 3 week stall now and it has been 3 1/2 weeks.....really needed to hear this today. Thanks for sharing. When you went back to liquids did you stop losing when you went back to solids? I just posted about this earlier today because, like you, I have been scared to death that I'm going to be that person that it doesn't work for.
  19. It's the dreaded 3 week stall and it can last a few days to a few weeks. Double check that your protein drinks aren't hiding sugar and carbs anywhere. You do NOT need to add extra cals at this point. Up your water, move (walk) and stay the course. You'll be fine. I didnt' start really losing until I could start eating food (softs) with some fiber from veggies cuz my body and insulin really hated all the protein shakes and kept my insulin too high.
  20. What's your carb intake? Until I dropped mine below 20grams a day I wasn't losing weight. Also at 3 weeks out you ARE in the infamous 3 week stall, but gaining 15 pounds is a bit odd. Are you retaining fluids? Are your bowel movements normal? (Yeah, no privacy on this forum! Lol)
  21. I thought I was going to be the ONE person The Sleeve didn't work for. My "stall" lasted a whole month so I decided to go BACK on all liquids to try and kick my body back into weight loss mode again. I only had to do that a couple of days and THANKFULLY I am losing again (down 5 new lbs in the last 2 weeks). I still feel someone my size should be slimming quicker but I am staying positive and focused on continued weight loss. I do feel GREAT and loving that I am getting back into some of my old clothes already and enjoying working out. I was just sleeved on Feb 28th, 2011! Any others have a similar experience so early? I want to hear how YOU overcome stalls.
  22. Gregory822

    Stalled after 1.5 weeks?

    That is weird I thought people get losing weight week after week. I get my surgery(bypass) on 01/19. What is this 3 week stall you’re talking about?
  23. AnA92212

    3 weeks post op and stalled.

    3 week stall is unavoidable for most. Just stick with it.
  24. At 3 weeks post op, I went into a 2 1/2 - 3 week stall. I freaked, but found out by searching this site that it is completely normal. My favorite snacks: Hormel Turkey pepperoni slices (17 slices = 70 cals, 0 carbs, 9 gr protein) These travel real well in a little ziploc in my purse...ok with no refrigeration for the day! cheese stick (also keeps ok in my purse for a day) Snack packs of tuna or chicken salad (in the snack cans..no need to refrigerate) Kavli Crispy flatbreads (whole grain) and a laughing cow wedge Jerkey Mini Baby Bell Light Cheeses
  25. "3 week stall" (which really isn't a stall) is almost something we need to expect... but no one tells us about. Honestly, don't try to break it. It's not really a stall, it's your body trying to adjust. You're seeing what goes in to your body, but you aren't seeing what's happening on the inside. Your body's kind of freaking out right now, trying to survive this famine. Your body doesn't know it's supposed to be eating less, your body just knows how to survive. To it, there's not much food, so it must be starving. Reserve energy "troops" are being mobilized out of bunkers like your liver and into your bloodstream. Your metabolism may have been given the order to lay low and avoid enemy fire. Your body is pulling resources like Fluid away from more well-fed troops and giving it to the ones who aren't doing so hot. All of this fluctuation is behind most things we call "stalls" (it's also behind most unexplainable or quick weight losses/gains). Your body is doing exactly what it should do. Don't have a knee jerk reaction and try to "fix" something, because there's nothing wrong and nothing to fix. If you try to fix, you're just going to throw things off even more. After about 5 or 6 weeks of this, then you can start looking at what you're doing and what you night be able to change, but even then you can do everything right and see no results. It's just a fact of being alive.

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