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Found 15,849 results

  1. I think you have to look at your history. Do you feel you're pretty much "doomed" to weigh more? Tried diets? Have a strong genetic tendency toward weight gain? If you're pretty sure that *without* this surgery, you'll one day have a BMI of 40 or more...then why wait? Youll just have more to lose, a potentially harder recovery, and maybe co-morbidities. I know it's not an easy decision. I'm a bander to sleeve, too. In some ways, deciding to get the band was easier. BMI of 40 and absolutely miserable. I kind of felt like I had no choice. My BMI is 32 or 33 now (got down to 26 BMI) and I KNOW, without something, I'll be back to a 40 BMI. So once I knew the band needed to come out, the decision was pretty much made. Still not easy though...putting myself through a surgery and everything while still feeling mostly normal...kind of hard. So look at where you think you'll be in 5 yrs. Is it worth confronting your weight now or later?
  2. Scorpianna

    Thanks A Lot To The Forists...

    Dear All; I'm soooo sad! Today I saw my surgeon to review the last details pre-surgery and he said that he changed his mind, because my BMI is too low now and he thinks that I could manage keep doing my diet in order to avoid the VSG at all !!!! I can't believe that my "reward" for loosing weight all these months would end in this! Yes, I'm a few pounds lighter now, but without VSG I'd not be able to broken my vicious cycle of loosing weight-gaining weight. I began with 37,5 BMI in December and the surgeon proposed to loose some weight for preparing myself for the sleeve, but now he says that I'm too healthy (I have no illnesses) and that I shouldn't risk myself with this. By the way, I was going to pay this by myself, so, he is loosing US 10000! I realy don't understand why he refused now (1 week before the surgery!!!) I am so sad and confused that I'm sure I made a zillion mistakes writing all this thoughts and feelings here.... I apologize again for my awful English and thank you all for reading... P.
  3. 18 lbs in the hospital....also demanded lasix; freaked out when I saw the weight gain! Lost 11 after the lasix in the hospital, the rest in the next 3 days when I was home.
  4. There were many reasons for me choosing WLS in the first place, and the biggest drive force was for me to be able to conceive, have a healthy pregnancy, and deliver a healthy baby without the complications of obesity during pregnancy. I've been waiting 3 long weeks to share this news with all of you, and am happy to report I AM PREGNANT ! ! ! After 14 long, exhausting, and emotionally draining months, I'm finally pregnant. I am considered high risk for several reasons, and VSG does throw me into that category along with other medical issues I have which are NOT related to VSG at all. I have an idiopathic clotting disorder and the cause, reason is still unknown. We do know that I am missing certain Protein factors in my platelets, but other than that, they can not pinpoint the cause or even give it a name hence the "idiopathic". We know the treatment is similar to that of Von Willebrand's disease, but all of my work ups have been negative for VW factor. It's kind of crazy, and I have a feeling I will be having more lab work due to the disorder and pregnancy. I have that "mother's intuition" that we are pulling for Team Blue, and if all goes well, I will have a repeat c-section and tubal ligation since I will be 35 yrs old a month after the baby is delivered. My husband is elated, overjoyed, and of course stressed. He's become the food police all over again, and worries that I am not eating enough. BUT, per the recommendations, I am getting enough calories/protein/carbs currently. They expect me to gain 25-30lbs during the pregnancy, and I kind of snickered at that thought process, but I am not saying it won't happen. I've never read any WLS patient gaining that much post-WLS except band patients. So, we'll see how the weight gain goes. Thus far, I am experiencing sore boobs, crazy food cravings for anything spicy, and fatigue. I have experienced zero morning sickness and for that I am very grateful. I've been cleared to continue my Celebrate multi, b12, and Calcium. The formulation of these Vitamins actually exceed the values of any prenatal on the market, and my labs looked stellar except for my platelets were low normal (which is normal for me). Today was my first ultrasound appointment. I knew the day we conceived "Little Sprout", and had the due date spot on. Everything was perfect, strong, steady heartbeat at 150bpm, everything looked good internally. I'm being referred to a civilian high-risk ob/gyn team and my pregnancy will be co-managed between them and the base provider. All this means is that I'll have double appointments that most pregnant women have to go through. Sorry for the quality. The base equipment is a bit dated, but we were able to hear the heartbeat, and of course I cried. My husband was able to attend, and he just stood there staring at the screen kind of in awe. It was truly the most joyous event I've experienced. Thank you for all of your continued support and encouragement. I would ask that you keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. This is going to be a long process, and Sprout is due November 5th. This place is kind of like my 2nd home so I'm sure I'll be posting more updates as the months progress. . Oh and I don't have much of a belly bump at all yet. I'm bloating, but my clothes are fitting the same, and I have not gained any weight to date. I'm not any hungrier than I was before pregnancy, just insane cravings for random foods I would not have eaten. It'll be interesting to see how I look this pregnancy. I was around 200lbs when I was pregnant with my son 13 yrs ago, and gained 37lbs so I was just huge and round. This time I'm interested to see how my body changes, and hopefully I'll get the cute baby bump that I see on everyone else.
  5. chicks3

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    wow, what a letter, packed with questions, and realizations and guilt and everything in between. Welcome!!! I think in AA thats what they call the first step! I am less than 2 weeks post op and already, even after 2 weeks of liquids and major surgery I would not change a thing. Only regret is that this was not available to me in my 30's. I am now 52 and Thank God it's available now. This is a life changing TOOL that will help you get to a healthy weight. If your dr. doesn't agree, change Dr's! The older you get, the faster the co-morbidity issues come up. The one thing my lap band group was adament about was smoking, they will not treat you if you are a smoker, they feel it does nothing but hinder recovery. I quit a year and a half ago, and never regret doing so. I used a "magic Pill" called Chantix, that from day one was a miracle for myself and my husband. We both were 30+ year smokers, we have both quit and never looked back. I did gain weight, but that weight gain was what brought me to the lap band surgery in the first place. If I were still a smoker I wouldn't have felt I needed to loose weight, that 25 lbs I gained put me over the edge and I felt I needed help to loose. (does that make sense??) Where in upstate NY are you? I am in the Rochester area....are you close to me? I wish you luck, I hope you make that first phone call and get the ball rolling, keep up that determination and all else will fall into place. Carol
  6. Ok I've been reading this thread for days. Round and round we go. This is my personal experience with carbonated beverages post sleeve. It is not to be construed as advice one way or another. Just one person's take on this subject. I drank a few sips of Dr Pepper about a week post op. Only 3 or 4 small sips because the carbonation made me feel like I'd explode. Nothing bad happened. I drank a little of it here and there, never could manage more than a few small drinks but I certainly had some any time I wanted it. Nothing bad happened. At 3 years out I will sometimes get a small Coke or whatever at 7-11 if I want one. I can drink the small size but it takes a while due to the carbonation making me feel like a big balloon. I prefer Slurpees. I can drink a small one in about 30 minutes and it satisfies any urge I have to drink Cokes. I have one or 2 each week ( ok maybe 3 sometimes) and they are delicious. Again, nothing bad happened. My sleeve works great, it sure as heck hasn't stretched, and I do not have a problem with gaining weight. If I gain a pound or 2 occasionally I just cut out the candy and slurpees for a few days and the pounds fall off. I eat what I want, drink what I want, and have done so since week 2 post op. I'm healthy, have a fully functioning sleeve, and am doing very well. No stretching of the sleeve, no uncontrollable weight gain, no adverse consequence.
  7. How does zero calorie and zero sugar diet pop cause you to gain weight? I see Chrystal Light talked about here a lot and it has aspartame and a list of chemicals longer than diet pop. Why is that recommend over diet pop? Just because a doctor says so is not good enough for me. When I was a kid our family doctor told us we would all have heart attacks if we continued to eat eggs. Anti eggs was the fad back then and most doctors went with it. Now eggs are considered a super food. What happened? Why did doctors suddenly change? Diet pop has been out for 50 years and yet there are very few studies that actually study causation. The ones I have found show that people do not gain anymore weight by drinking diet pop. I personally have lost 70 pounds and counting drinking diet pop. None of the ingredients in diet pop has been proven to cause weight gain. Diet pop is just a carbonated version of Water and Chrystal Light.
  8. tmw41

    Getting to Know You

    Hello all! I am 41, married with 2 grown kids and 3 grandkids that all live out of town...(husband is 15 yrs older so I inherited all the kids and grandkids!) No children of my own, but we have 2 dogs that get treated better than most humans! I have had back problems since I was a teenager (and in shape) but that has been made worse by my weight gain over time. My breaking point to decide to do this has been pretty recent when both my back and my knees got so bad I could barely walk. It is such an embarrassment every day at work as I hobble down the hall to the ladies room, out to the parking lot, etc... I work with a bunch of fit people that work out multiple times daily, so I feel so judged most of the time. Whether they are actually judging me...who knows but that is how I feel. Some folks won't even look me in the eye anymore as they pass me in the hallway. I live in the Houston area and I am getting banded a week from today, April 4th by Dr. Spivak. I don't have any pre-op diet to follow but I have started replacing at least 1 meal a day with a protein shake more as a way to test out a few different brands/flavors. My husband is incredibly supportive as well as the few people I have told. I was so embarrassed that I let myself get into the position of neeeding surgery, but everyone I have told has been so supportive since it is obvious my weight is really beginning to take a toll on my body. I am having sugery on a Monday and my husband convinced me to take the entire week off so I could heal properly. Not an ideal way to spend vacation time, but I know it will be worth it in the long run! At this 10 seconds I am not nervous about the actual procedure, but I am really scared about everything that follows. Knowing that when I wake up in the recovery room, my life will be different is hard for me to get my hands around. I am ready to make this change, but if I am to be completely honest I am scared too. Don't get me wrong...I am excited too! I have never been a great fan of exercise, but since walking is so painful for me now I have to say I am looking forward to being able to move again. Just dropping 20-25 lbs will help in that respect. I don't think I will take being ABLE to exercise for granted again! I am tired of living in pain, having no clothes that fit, etc. I am looking forward to being able to shop somewhere other than Lane Bryant and Avenue. I have shopped there for so many years I cannot even begin to imagine what that will be like. Anyway, that is a little about me. It's been nice reading about everyone and I am looking forward to hearing about everybody's experiences as we all go thru this in the next few weeks.
  9. I plan fully on committing to this. I never said I wasn't going to. I was asking if this can help when weight gain before was from eating crap vs eating large portions of everything.
  10. You sound pretty determined. Your determination will be your strongest asset in regaining your health and staying healthy. I will double down on what others have already said -- that WLS long-term success requires significant lifestyle and behavioral changes -- re what you eat, how much you exercise / move, your eating habits (eating slower, not drinking with meals, etc.), and for many people changing the ground rules for many of their relationships, both personal and professional. Some resources that have been hugely helpful to me in addressing these changes in my own life include: * I've been in therapy for two years (started just before WLS -- I'm sleeved). It's been so helpful in helping me learn how to care for my own needs before caring for others' needs. My greatly improved self-care has been critical to my losing 100 pounds and maintaining that weight loss for a year. * I'm a pretty regular measurer of my foods and liquids. Without that consistency I'd definitely be experiencing "portion creep." Two of the foods I consistently underestimate are cheese and nuts. My eye thinks that 1.5 - 2.0 ounces of cheese is 1 ounce. And my guesstimates about nuts are just, well, nuts! As high-calorie as both these foods are, they can present problems over time. And they're not the only ones. * I have planned and tracked all my meals / Snacks / everything on the online food tracker at www.myfitnesspal.com. * I weigh every morning. Not everyone can or even should do this. But everyone should weigh at the same interval -- whether it's once a day, every week, every month, etc. It's easy when you don't weigh regularly to ignore the impact of developing eating problems and the resulting weight gain. That's how some people wake up one morning and realize they've "suddenly" regained 20 pounds. Re measuring and tracking, I do not know how anyone knows for sure how much they're eating without measuring and tracking or how their intake might be slowly changing over time. I challenge everyone pre-op to measure and then track their food intake for at least one week to learn and/or confirm just how much they're actually eating in terms of macronutrients (calories / Protein / carbs / fat). Finally, the folks who seem (to me) to have the most problems along the way are those who have WLS so they'll "never have to diet again." Usually what they mean is that they don't want to ever have to make any future tough choices about what to eat or how much to eat -- because they expect their new gastrointestinal system will make those choices for them or somehow negate the impact of the bad choices they do make. Please believe me when I say that even after WLS you will still have to make plenty of tough choices about what to eat and drink. You're about to put your foot on the road to health. That road and your journey will never end. Good luck to you.
  11. tchrshelli

    Do have Mirena?

    I got mirena in March of 09. I have had a slow steady weight gain since then. Almost 30 pounds!!! I had it removed on Monday and have already lsot 5 pounds. My Doc doesn't believe the mirena had anything to do with my weight gain, but I have found plenty of women with the same problem. I am just praying my weight loss will continue!
  12. Alex Brecher

    Plateau? Get Over It!

    How Do You Know When You Hit a Plateau? Simply enough, a plateau is when you stop losing weight even though you want to. It’s not just a day or two without weight loss. It’s a period of a few weeks or more when you keep trying to lose weight, but the scale does not budge. You think you are doing everything you can and should be doing to lose weight, but still you do not see results. That is a plateau. It can be frustrating and discouraging and seem to be unfair. Stay Positive Plateaus can be maddening, but the absolute worst thing you can do during a plateau is to give up. If you decide that your diet is not worth the effort, you are almost certainly going to gain weight. Going back to your old, pre-surgery diet habits, taking oversized portions, and eating high-fat, high-sugary foods will not just make you gain weight. These bad habits can erase your health gains. Worse, they could cause some of the weight loss surgery complications that you already know about, such as the following: Stretching of the sleeve in vertical sleeve gastrectomy Dumping syndrome in gastric bypass Esophagitis with the adjustable gastric band (lap-band) Feeling nauseous or having diarrhea Another reason to stay positive is to keep up your motivation to continue all of the other healthy behaviors in your lifestyle. Don’t fall into the trap of “all-or-nothing,” in which you decide to give up all of your healthy efforts just because your weight loss isn’t quite what you want it to be. These include: Taking your daily vitamin and mineral supplements Getting enough protein and fluids each day Following your regularly exercise routine It Could Be Worse And it will be worse if you give up. It may sound strange, but you can stay positive by thinking about how much better your weight is now than where it could be if you gave up trying. If your careful diet is not leading to the weight loss you had hoped for, it is still preventing weight gain. If you give up, you will gain weight, and probably be pretty disappointed in yourself. Measure Success in Other Ways Another way to stay positive is to stop focusing on the scale. Find other ways to measure your progress. Tracking your body measurements, for example, can let you know that you are shrinking and building muscle even if your total weight is not decreasing right now. Tracking behaviors instead of measurements is another strategy. For example, you assess your success according to whether you eat well, such as hitting your protein goals or sticking to your planned menu. Other successful behaviors to be proud of yourself for are planning and preparing meals ahead of time and making sure you drink enough fluids at times other than meal times. Be Honest and Go Back to the Basics “Why me?” That’s a natural question when you hit a plateau, but most people don’t ask it seriously. However, if you think seriously about what is causing the plateau and how you can fix it, this question can actually help you break through the barrier and get back to losing weight. In many cases, you can figure out “why me” by asking yourself these questions. “Am I logging every single bite that goes into my mouth?” “Am I following the meal plan my nutritionist or surgeon gave me?” “Am I measuring – not eyeballing – all of the foods I eat?” “Am I exercising as much as I am supposed to be?” “Am I getting in my protein each day?” “Have I been too busy or preoccupied to plan my meals and snacks in advance?” If you answer these questions honestly, you might discover that you have slipped up and are not keeping up your good habits quite as well as you thought you had. Go back to the basics of meal planning and nutritious eating, and you are almost sure to see the scale move again within weeks. You’re in Charge! Plateaus are frustrating and nobody wants to experience them at some point, but almost everyone does. These steps can help you when you notice that you are in a plateau. Stay positive and keep up your healthy behaviors. Focus on other measures of success besides the scale. Assess your diet honestly. Make any necessary changes. You can get over your plateau, and you will be stronger for it! Just be patient and do what you know is right for your health.
  13. I am curious to hear from other bandsters who have had a tummy tuck and then gained some weight back. How does your stomach 'feel' now? I was banded on 1-12-07 and had a tummy tuck on 2-19-08 after losing about 50 pounds. Since that time, I have had to start taking a couple of different medications for almost daily migraines, and have gained back around 15 pounds. I am so disappointed and just feel miserable about it. I am going to work really hard to get the weight off again so that I don't feel like a COMPLETE failure, but am having a hard time ending my pity-party . . . I need one more fill to hopefully get me back to my 'sweet spot' (life was good when I was at my sweet spot!) and I have that appt. scheduled for next Tuesday morning. I know that not having enough fill for the past 6 months has allowed me too much room for error in my eating. I have got to get the structure back and then figure out how to deal with the medications. I am concerned too, because before I had the TT, my stomach felt 'normal' other than being able to feel the port. Now I often have discomfort in my abdomen that feels like it is sometimes going to pop. It feels so tight and uncomfortable and my upper abdomen looks like a watermelon. I didn't start this thread to whine, I just wanted to see if there were others out there who either had, or are experencing the same things I am. I would love to hear from you if you don't mind sharing. Thanks in advance for your input.
  14. Tired_Old_Man

    will lapband save me from myself?

    So true, but the Band does help. I would do it again, even though all my family members think the Lap-Band has been a failure. Losing 95 pounds when you want to lose 150 is like the old half-full/half-empty debate. I still love to eat. Food has been my companion (though not my friend) ever since I was a child. I used to be skinny (my nick-name in high-school) until I hurt my leg playing football in college, then my calorie output dropped, but my calorie input rose. Result: 80 pound weight gain in 8 months. Since the Lap-Band surgery, I have grieved like I lost a friend, but it was only a companion, no make that an acquaintance. Sometimes when I got stuck at a weight and just could not lose, it was because I wasn't eating enough and my (prehistoric) thermostat drove my metabolism to protect me from starving. Instead of cutting back, I ate a little more including fat. I did not eat huge amounts of fat, but I stopped avoiding fat. Someday, I hope to start losing again. I seem to be in a stuck situation again, but I seem to keep injuring myself every time I start back to the gym. My body doesn't respond to training the way it used to. Hope my rant helped.
  15. @@doingitmyway I lost 64 Ib (29 kg). Probably would have lost bit more, but I was bit slack with my exercises lately. I gained 90 Ib (41 kg) in 2 years 2014-2016 partly due to my Graves Disease (hyper-thyroid) doing 180 degree turn, and mucking up my metabolism. I developed awful sweet and fatty foods cravings, so I had a massive, rapid weight gain. I would love to lose another 33 Ib. My weight loss has slowed down a bit when I hit 6 months post op. So, I am plodding along .....
  16. baby ruth

    Do have Mirena?

    I've been reading some old post on those of you that have Mirena for heavy bleeding. I'm wondering if there is anyone that it didn't help with this problem? Has anyone had weight gain since getting put in? Have you noticed a change in how fast your losing weight since you had it put in? And, this may be awkward...but how do you check the"threads"? I've looked on the Mirena website and can't find that...it says your healthcare provider will show you how? Do you check the threads monthly? One of the older post someone states that her partner didn't like nuva ring because he could feel it? Has anyone had there partner tell them they can feel it? I've had my tubes tied since 1990.....never had any reason to give bc a second thought.... there are so many different choices now. I was only on the pill for 3 years before I had my daughter and not quite 3 years after...same pill both times and weight gain was the only problem I had with it. So, that's my excuse for asking dumb questions...naive. Ruth
  17. InTheCityGirl

    let's get to know each other

    Hi Everyone! I am a 35 years old. I've been married for 3 years and together with my DH for 12 years total. I was a marketing exec for a bunch of large Fortune 500 companies up until the end of October (60 hour work weeks, traveling, drinking too much, eating way too much, etc.). I am taking 6 months to take care of myself. The most important is my new band! I have struggled with weight gain since about age 23. It just creeped up every year until I am where I am today - 98 lbs of fat, sleep apnea, difficulty breathing, cholesteral creeping up, blood pressure creeping up, etc., etc. I finally gave in to my need for this change when I call home and my mom has had 2 mini strokes, a heart attack, diabetes all before the age of 60. I don't want to die young and/or be disabled by health problems before I can even collect my SS checks:-) I stuggle because my DH is handicapped and this has really prevented me from being the active person I used to be. As part of my 6 months of time off, I need to get adjusted to eating healthy with the help of my band and finding a way to exercise properly. The Merry Losers Rock!!!
  18. orionburn

    January Sleevers Check-In

    I second what Nika said. Just hang in there! I had some serious regret my first week with all the complications I had, but every week has gotten better and better and so has my outlook. Don't beat yourself up too badly about not losing a bunch of weight yet. It'll come in time. I was very frustrated because I came home weighing more than what I did my day of surgery. Having to lose the "hospital" weight gain made the first week and a half frustrating, but once I got past that hump things were better. I will say the better I do on my fluids, Vitamins, and Protein the better the weight seems to come off. It does make a difference. Keep your chin up!
  19. Right after surgery I was able to lose weight faster than a speeding bullet, my restriction was more powerful than a locomotive and my metabolism could easily leap a tall building with a single bound. Today, my kryptonite is time. Time has made me once again a weight loss mortal. I am able to gain weigh even though my diet has remained healthy. I don't lose the weight gained as fast and I am able to eat more. What to do? I actually fore saw this problem. The first year of my WLS journey when I was researching and going through the process to be approved I went to as many group meetings that I was allowed to attend. I always picked the brain of the people in attendance. Like many on this board they were ALL newbies with the success stories only newbies can tell. Not a single failure in the group. That is until one day a woman showed up and started telling us her story. She was five years out from surgery lost a lot of weight and put most of it back on. She warned everyone that things would change as you get further out from surgery and that it wouldn't necessarily be for the better. She had wished that she did not get caught up in the euphoria of her early success. She said that it's like winning the lottery. One day you have more money than you'd ever dream of having. If you don't plan on saving it you'll go bankrupt. That's what happened to her. She won the weight loss lottery. She lost more weight than she could have dreamed losing. Trouble was, she didn't plan her long term weight loss and now, she went "bankrupt". As I went through my daily routine I came across others who had WLS and many had indeed gained the weight back. I was in my doctors office and the medical attendant there told me about her failure when I told her that I was going through the process to get approved for WLS. She told me that it creeps up on you. Two pounds turns to four, four to eight than you're back to where you started. You start to Feel helpless and give up. As I went to the group meetings pre and post surgery I noticed not many people stuck around. There were no veterans in the group just eager newbies who can attest to the success of WLS. Seems as if the veterans drift away and either gain the weight back in silence or just get tired of hearing the same stories of success over and over. I knew that I would probably lose my WLS super powers someday and I had hoped to plan for it. First, I did lose a lot of weight in the mid 90's and I never thought that I'd get back to being obese. I was so wrong. Like my medical attendant experienced, five pounds turned to ten then to 20 and you know the rest. It took me less that four years to gain back the weight and then some. It took another 17 years to get WLS. I decided that I would use every tool that I could in order to keep the weight off and maintain my health. I joined Over Eaters Anonymous. It's another support group away from the support group my surgeon has. I started seeing a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. ( I'm a compulsive over eater) and I have family and friends who have had WLS who I can call to get and give support to. I also weigh myself every week at the same time on the same scale and set a "Red Alert" weight of 160lbs. ( Have a log since the day of my surgery) If I go above the 160 I know that I must redouble my efforts. Here is where my lost WLS super powers comes in. Despite all this I am having a difficult time losing the five pounds that I am over. I feel as if I am now a mere weight loss mortal who has to work two to three times harder to lose and maintain the weight loss. I can't say it wasn't expected. From all the people I spoke to I knew this day would come. It's that, I was once a WLS immortal and now I have to struggle like all others to lose weight. My saving grace (I hope it is) I planned for it since I went through it before and I took the advice of those who went before me seriously. For all of you newbies who are experiencing the euphoria of being WLS immortal plan for day like me when you lose that super power. Just a note, there are many who do maintain their WLS super powers. They are on this forum and they are truly superstars. They unfortunately are the exception to the trend. I find their advice to be invaluable and I look for their posts for such advice. To everyone, good luck with your new found health.
  20. ConnieA0278

    Maryland Lap Band Support Group

    I have never had it before i have been tested many times and always normal untill now. So that still isn't the reason for the weight gain.
  21. EmileeKaye

    Car Wreck!!!

    I can't help much, the accident I was in was when I was 9. The guy hit us after running a stop sign. I had multiple MRI's, had to go to physical therapy for a couple of years, and think the pain and injury had a lot to do with my rapid weight gain during those years. My lower back and neck still hurt on occasion, but have really gotten better with my weight loss. I know we had to go through a lawyer and it took a couple years at least to get the settlement. My mom received $20,000 for her, she had severe shoulder problems that has needed multiple surgeries and I received $18,000 that was put into a CD until I turned 18. I do not know any other specifics or what the lawyer made on the whole deal.
  22. How does zero calorie and zero sugar diet pop cause you to gain weight? I see Chrystal Light talked about here a lot and it has aspartame and a list of chemicals longer than diet pop. Why is that recommend over diet pop? Just because a doctor says so is not good enough for me. When I was a kid our family doctor told us we would all have heart attacks if we continued to eat eggs. Anti eggs was the fad back then and most doctors went with it. Now eggs are considered a super food. What happened? Why did doctors suddenly change? Diet pop has been out for 50 years and yet there are very few studies that actually study causation. The ones I have found show that people do not gain anymore weight by drinking diet pop. I personally have lost 70 pounds and counting drinking diet pop. None of the ingredients in diet pop has been proven to cause weight gain. Diet pop is just a carbonated version of Water and Chrystal Light. Never listen to a doctor. Just do what ever you think is right.
  23. I take this mainly because I need the Wellbutrin part of it, but am terrified of taking a depression/anxiety medication on its own because of potential weigh gain side effects. My doctor thought this would be a good fit because I would still get the wellbutrin benefit without having to worry about weight gain. So far so good and I was able to lose the last 10 pounds I wanted to get off.
  24. mizzjen

    15 years out

    Wow, it took me a few days to figure out how to get back into this forum. I'm grateful for the many comments on here. It's gives me hope. I heard the wrong things early in my glory days of weight dropping off. " if you are able to keep the weight off 3 years you will not have any problems ". Unfortunately I took it to heart and allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted. My weight did go up and down some about 10lbs. I worked full time at a physical job and exercised my days off. I hit 40, job change, weight gain. Found out about disabilitys more weight gain. Lost our home in a house fire, more weight gain. I have always known I'm a sugar addict. Most of the time Doctors and professionals laughed like I'm Kidding. I wish, but notice they don't laugh at alcoholism or drug addiction. So long story short I lost my job, home, had a scary gun accident that left me with PTSD and 75lbs of extra fat. I'm feeling depressed beyond understanding to most. Sugar feels like my only comfort in life. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Sleeved on 5/22 and went in at 299.5, highest weight of my life. This morning I was 275. Thankfully I didn't have the water weight gain but we all have our problems. Maybe it was a trade out for the vomiting blood, and severe spasms due to hernia repair (I didn't know I had). Ill admit day 1-3 I was hating life and was definitely one of the 'OMG what have I done!' people. Today tho is day 12, and each day has gotten a little better. I track EVERYTHING on my fitness pal app and I'm getting at least 60oz of liquid and 60 protein....finally. Still having spasms occasionally and the tightness/bloating nearly every time I eat. I'm guessing from hernia repair. My diet phases seem to be different then most i've seen on here. I went home on full liquids and moved to soft foods after one week. Everything seems to be looking up. I'm starting to get excited about losing weight

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