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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hey there, thanks for asking :) My weight hasn't changed for like 2 weeks :( I started going to the gym for about an hour of cardio a day for the past 8 days and still nothing. I won't let myself give up and I'm hoping my fill on the 14th will decrease my appetite enough. How are you doing?

  2. I've been good girl..just trying to get this weight off..slowly going down..its been a struggle but still managing..howo are yu.i see you still look as fabolous! AS EVA

  3. I have been banded for 2 years in September. I only lost about 60 pounds My weight loss has slowed down lately . I read a book about the band. the writer suggested that we should have a support group. So here I am, looking for support

  4. How is your weight loss journey coming along?

  5. Can anyone tell about how much saline is required in the band before the weight start to come off.. I am 5cc filled no fills yet externally Post a second Op as my band flipped over. and became twisted.. Stayed the same No weight loss!

  6. You look great! Congrats on your weight loss!

  7. Ok it is March and I have decided that I don't want to lose any more weight I am a size 9 and weigh 157. This has been a very easy journey and I would not trade it for the world. If any of you are out there thinking about doing this stop thinking and do it... It will save some of your life and give some of you new lifes... This is not the cure all and end all you will still have to have self control and will power but alot less of it. I love being able to wear normal clothes and not be tied down to three fat stores that you can shop at.... So if you are thinking about it take the next step and change your life...

  8. Really glad to hear that your surgery went so well. Keep us posted on how the weight loss goes...Congratulations on getting it done!!!

  9. I'm doing great. It's as if I never had surgery. The weight loss has stopped though and I am falling back to old habits. Need that fill soon :)


    How are you doing?

  10. I try to get to the gym at least 3x a week and i lift free weights at home. I also hit the speed bag and heavy bag on the days that i dont do cardio at the gym. I jog 3 miles when i go to the gym.

  11. Yes! I am pretty happy with the results, Love my band. Your weight loss is pretty awesome as well, keep up the great work.

  12. wow 14 lbs. away from your goal weight! That's awesome!

  13. So I get my fill today so depressing to learn I gained 2lbs and according to Dr. Office scale only lost 9lbs. So far I have a total of 4.5 cc's in my band. He wants me to wait 3months for fill #3 no way I said so he said two months. I said ok schedule it but Im sure Ill be back in 1month. My Dr. is cool but way to conservative. My sister was banded in Texas and 5cc was put in her band at the time of banding.

  14. I just saw your weight loss ticker! You are doing incredibly great!!! Keep up the good work. :)

  15. Hi - had a bad fitted on 13th Feb'11 but i've lost no weight. I had my 3rd fill two weeks ago and am now at 6.7ml. I know everyone is different but shouldn't I have lost some weight by now? I eat sensibly and exercise sometimes but to no avail - help.

  16. Great job on your weight loss! Keep up the good work!!!

  17. I am having surgery next week. I am so happy for you and your weight loss! I am inspired by you. Thank you!


  18. Hi..Here's my latest photo. Your were right, starting losing weight again..Down 25 lbs post surgery..How are you?

  19. Stop it now. Plateaus end - they always do - but don't let this one end with a weight gain. Keep on doing what you know you should and can do. Can you share with me whatever it is that is going on in your life? We are all in this together

  20. Thanks!

    Since I struggled with my weight all my life, I would have never believed 5 years ago, that I'd be here, trying to pay it forward and help others get the most from this amazing tool.


    I love your passion and committment. It's obvious that you are one of those people who is going to do great because you are working really hard to learn how to get the most out of your tool.


    One thing I learned on the thread that I started about - do you bend the rules - is that the word rules doesn't work for most of us - we'be been there done that and the hard a fast rules didn't work for many of us as a way of life (I got the word from allergan's site). What I do know is that over the years, there is a lot that I've learned about how to get the most out of this tool, and I'm trying to figure out language for how to share that. Would love to get your ideas about what resonates with you.


    BTW, in my 4th year, I get a lot of inspiration from people like you. Thanks for that!

  21. Im not too sure, I was full of movtivation at the start but now since my weight seems to be at a stand still I feel like I have failed. I keep trying to find that one thing that had me so hyped at first to I can get back to it. I need a work out partner, I used to have one but we lost contact. I haven't had a fill since last month, but I think I have found that spot cause its hard keeping everything down.

  22. Im not too sure, I was full of movtivation at the start but now since my weight seems to be at a stand still I feel like I have failed. I keep trying to find that one thing that had me so hyped at first to I can get back to it. I need a work out partner, I used to have one but we lost contact. I haven't had a fill since last month, but I think I have found that spot cause its hard keeping everything down.

  23. Hey Megan, how is it going?? I feel like a failure. I have gained 4 lbs of the 22 I lost since pre op diet.. I cant go to the potty, not since saturday, feel hungry within 3 hours , What the hell, any advice?? Hope you are doing better,,,Cant wait to get a fill, I hope that will help!!! Take care, hope I hear from you soon...... Laura

  24. I'm not sure exactly...my weight loss was gradual and sometimes at a stand still then the next thing you know I would lose 5 pounds easy. It's a marathon not a sprint so just stick to eating right and exercising when you can and the weight will come off

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