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Found 17,501 results

  1. First of all, i want to thank you for all the support and encouragement you've given to us, newbies. I’m getting my surgery in 2 weeks and i have some questions about strenght training. How long after the surgery did u go back to the gym? I used to be a hard lifter, legday was my favourite day(especially deadlifts, hacksquats) and im kinda scared i wont be able to do this anymore. So how should i start? light weights at the beginning? It’s still ok to do cardio after the workout ? Help 🥺
  2. Hi All, wondering if anyone has had this issue and can offer any advise: My surgery was on 1/9/23. At my appt on 1/17/23 I was down 35 lbs, 10 of which was from the week prior to surgery being on liquid diet. My doctor switched me to purée as of 1/17 which I’ve been following to a tee. But ever since switching my scale has been stuck, no loss and actually up 1 lb yesterday - back down that 1 lb today. I’m worried because I’m told the biggest weight loss happens in first 90 days, did I go through all of this for just 35 lbs lost?😩
  3. I’ve been sleeve almost 1 1/2 and I don’t want to gained weight…. Who like me? Help…
  4. bigelle44


    From the album: Lynn

    Starting weight

    © No

  5. I'm new to this weight loss journey and not going to lie about its touch and can be quiet over whelming sometimes.

    1. Tommie Lynn

      Tommie Lynn

      I agree, I just came home yesterday from being sleeved and there's so much to get used to. I know I can do this and don't regret my decision at all.

    2. Kcolomes


      Not going to lie this is one of the hardest things I have ever done and dare someone to say I took the easy way to weight loss LOL! Hang in there the first couple of weeks are hard. But it gets better 😉

  6. Hi there I am curious if anyone has tried a weight loss program called noom? I had a bypass 21 months ago and I still have 18 pounds left to lose to reach my goal weight Of 128 lbs. The surgery was amazing but I feel like it’s very easy to experience stalls and start to lose focus. They report that most people will reach their goal weight by 18 months and afterwords effects of the surgery will start to diminish which is not an encouraging thing to hear! Would love to hear others stories or advice on how they lost those last 20 lbs etc😊 Michele
  7. HW: 563.5lbs(April 22) SW: 449lbs(Halloween 22) CW: 404.1lbs I feel like I'm not where I should be for my size. Am I losing weight too slow or am I where I should be @ 10 weeks post op?
  8. Hi there this is probably a common issue with weight loss surgery. I am almost 2 years post op from a bypass and really have zero complaints ..but stopped exercising over 4 months ago and became more lenient on my food choices and ended up gaining 7 lbs over the last 6 months.. The issue is once you see a slight gain it seems hard to lose an ounce of weight. I’ve downloaded a weight loss app and started monitoring my daily calories, water intake and exercise with no luck so far. I’m curious how others out there who encountered this situation were able to restart there weight loss. What apps are you using? Did you continue using the protein shakes? I feel responsible here but want to stop it before the weight creeps up anymore.. I made a huge decision to get the surgery and it really helped me out but as the surgeon stated it was only a tool that we ultimately have to do the hard work to keep the weight off! I appreciate everyone’s feedback on this issue! Michelle
  9. PsychoMantis

    Goal Weight?

    I am a 5’5” female and my weight the day of surgery with clothes on was 226 lbs. I’ve tried to look up a good height to weight ratio online and it said I should be around 110 lbs, which seems a bit low. What should my goal weight actually be or is there a good place I can look it up? It varies from website to website.
  10. Hi- I had a bypass in 2016 and just had a sleeve December 7th. I am 22 days post op and my scale hasn’t moved since day 14. Is this normal? Pre op weight - 253 Surgery weight - 237 Current - 220
  11. Hey, I had a VGS on 22nd Nov and now 4weeks PO. I’ve lost 22lbs so far (11lbs of this on the LRD pre surgery). I was hoping for a little more progress than where I’m at currently, I’ve been sitting at a loss of 22lbs for the last 2 weeks - I know of the 3 week stall period, just want to see if anyone had had similar losses to me in their first 4 weeks to see if I’m on track, as often posts I see it seems everyone has massive losses in the first month or so and mine seems a little low :( starting weight was 250lbs ans I’m 5ft 8in for reference - thank you
  12. I was removing snow from my car in freezing weather when a neighbor who is like a stranger to me snuck up behind me and was within inches from my face and said "you have lost alot of weight". I don't associate with this person as there are over 100 tenants here and you can't know everyone. I was startled as I didn't even know they were there and what popped out was "oh? I don't know." To which they replied, "well you have!". They then turned around and walked away. The way they said "well you have" was kind of in a mean tone of voice. Almost like they didn't like me saying "Oh? I don't know". I felt uncomfortable about what happened. During a support group, the dietician at the bariatric center I go to said we can respond any way we feel fit when people make comments about our weight loss that make us feel our privacy is being invaded or if someone is being nosy compared to someone paying us a heartfelt caring compliment. If someone you don't associate with mentions your weight loss in a way that doesn't feel complimentary or genuine, what are some approaches you have taken? I could have said "mind your own business", "can't you see I am busy", "why did you just sneak up behind me like that", etc. And maybe I should have! Thanks.
  13. Hi! I know this is obviously different for everyone but I am curious how long it took you to reach goal weight? I started at 303 in March and I'm down to 202 at the moment. My goal weight is 160 and I was really hopeful I'd get there by the 1 year mark but the loss has slowed down so much I'm not sure I'll make it. I think I'm more curious if anyone had a slow down around this point in time and the weight loss picked back up? I've heard from others that it tends to slow down after 6 months and stay that way. I actually mainly starting to worry that I won't hit my goal at all and maybe I need to change my expectations.....
  14. I'm curious about everyone's thought process when picking their goal weight (if you have one, that is!) Is it a weight you've been before that you know feels good to you? Did you pick based on your doctor's recommendation or the BMI scale? Did you decide not to have one? I've been gaining weight steadily since puberty and have never had a time in my adult life where I felt like I was a weight that felt good on me, so I'm a little lost in the woods as to what my goal weight is or should be... honestly I picked a number at random and if I get there I'm planning on being open to revision once I see how I look/feel. Which brings up another question - if you had a goal weight, did it ever change, before or after you reached it? Why?
  15. I had surgery RNY February 2021. 300 lbs before — I am now 132 lbs 5’7” which is way too skinny in my opinion. My BMI is 20 (getting REAL close to 19). Honestly have a hard time eating even 1400 calories a day, too full! Everyone tells me “eat more” but of course I can’t. I have an appointment with dietician in a few weeks to assess. I want to stabilize, or gain back maybe 20 lbs but can’t seem to be able. Lost 10 lbs in the last 6 months so it’s a slow loss right now. But I am almost afraid to exercise for fear of losing more! Help!
  16. WTF lol. So i weighed myself on the 4th... at 205lb. and again today and i am at 208lb That is a big increase in such a short time with healthier stuff eaten. and i weigh myself naked every time haha. Well this increase better decrease lol.
  17. I've had a long history with weight problems. By the age of ''4'' I was already 68 pounds despite having the diet of the typical child. By the time I was 15 I was in the 180's and eating honestly no different from my peers. By 17 I had joined a teen fitness group and failed to lose any weight what-so-ever. I resorted to starvation about a year later and by 19 I was 150 pounds and subsisting on 500 calories per day, taking diet pills and using tea laxatives. This lead to a cardiac issue which lead me into an Anorexia treatment center by 20. I cleaned up my act and began a ''healthy eating journey'' but sadly for me that resulted in a slow creeping weight gain of about 7-8 pounds per year. Sometime in 2014 I had reached ''180'' again and decided to join a gym. Worked out for months and lost nothing. I reduced my sugars, cut out processed food.. somehow I ended up weighing even more. I was 186 by the end of that year. By 2021 I was ''210'' pounds. My doctor weighed me. I was in shock. Literal shock.. could not even believe it because I was working with a nutritionist at the time and following through with everything. This last year I have worked out constantly, eaten no carbs and I am 208. I have only lost two pounds. I am nearly 33 year old and my weight has been a seemingly life long struggle and close to resistant to change unless extreme measures were taken (Anorexia). I am very disappointed with this. I have been tested for PCOS, Cushing's, NCCH etc many times and nothing showed up. I had severe acne (took accutane three times) and mild hirsutism as well but all blood tests come back normal, ultrasound reveal no cysts and I've gotten a monthly period since 13 years old. No doctor can explain this. I feel as though they do NOT believe me when I tell them what I eat. I just had an appointment with an endocrinologist and he said what I was telling him was ''impossible''. I have asked my doctor to refer me for weight loss surgery but at 210 pounds and 5'7 they just won't do it. I am at a loss.
  18. The Struggle is real but with the proper tools and determination the job can get done! I’ve struggled with being overweight the majority of my life. Growing up the fat kid at school and in the family was not easy. I always had the love and support of my family but sometimes people were really mean and made assumptions about fat people that weren’t necessarily true. I don’t remember a time growing up when I was not on some sort of a diet. 20 years ago I made arguably the best decision I’ve ever made regarding my weight. I underwent Bariatric Surgery! It was the tool I used to maximize weight loss ,change bad eating habits and understand portion control. Over the course of those years I’ve lost 170 Ibs. I’m a tiny girl at only 4’11. My highest weight was 296 Ibs, lowest weight 126 Ibs and current weight 145 Ibs. For years it’s been difficult for me to discuss this journey because of past trauma. I decided recently that it is more important to share my story because someone might benefit from it. Someone might need help, or information. Why not help people? It’s time out for being embarrassed of photos when I was really obese. It’s time to celebrate and be proud of my success. My story is one of Success by God’s Grace. Having Bariatric surgery in 2002, at young age, was good for me. It’s been a Positive weight loss journey through dedication, discipline, and accountability. Ultimately, I Desire to function as a weight loss surgery guide. I’ve contemplated writing this post for a few weeks now. I hope this post inspires someone in a positive way.
  19. Hello all. I started the process for bariatric surgery in February 2022. I weighed 310 lbs at 5'6, BMI 50. I completed my 6 months of supervised weight loss in August. I received approval for my surgery in September from my insurance company. I am STILL waiting for my surgery to be scheduled. My pre op testing was just completed last week. After the testing they said to allow 2 weeks for it to be processed and then another 4 weeks for them to call with the surgery date. Then I will 2 weeks of pre op diet. So likely it is another 8 weeks until my surgery will happen. My problem is I have been on Ozempic since May and steadily losing. My current weight is 245 which puts me right at the BMI cut off of 40. In 8 weeks I will likely be around 230 which will definitly be below. I guess my question is... my insurance requires a BMI greater then 40 for bariatric surgery, If I show up for surgery with a BMI lower than that will they cancel my surgery? I hate stop all the progress I've made this past year. I'm in a good weight loss groove. But I really never expected it to take 5-6 months AFTER my 6 months of supervised weight loss and insurance approval to actually get in for the procedure.
  20. Never hungry, but either don't eat or reach back to old bad habits for snacking. Any advice? I think I'll do the 5 day pouch reset. Anyone else with similar situation? Please respond. Sent from my LM-T600 using BariatricPal mobile app
  21. RDC2019

    Weight gain

    Will a pouch reset help after 2yrs rny and gaining back 20lbs? Sent from my LM-T600 using BariatricPal mobile app
  22. Hello I had my surgery 12 weeks ago. My bmi was 33 My starting weight was 200 pounds/90 kilo In 12 weeks I lost 50 pounds I know its allot. I count my calories I eat 1000 calories per a day I do 30 minutes Stationary bike 6 Times a week I would like to loose 20 more pounds. I hit a stoll this week. Will I get to loose my 20 pound in this next few month? My friend is worried that I will not be able to stop the weight loss. I think the body knows when to stop. I am worried That my stoll will last forever.. I did the surgery out of my country therefore I can't contact my doctor.
  23. Hello I had my surgery 12 weeks ago. My bmi was 33 My starting weight was 200 pounds/90 kilo In 12 weeks I lost 50 pounds I know its allot. I count my calories I eat 1000 calories per a day I do 30 minutes Stationary bike 6 Times a week I would like to loose 20 more pounds. I hit a stoll this week. Will I get to loose my 20 pound in this next few month? My friend is worried that I will not be able to stop the weight loss. I think the body knows when to stop. I am worried That my stoll will last forever.. I did the surgery out of my country therefore I can't contact my doctor.
  24. I'd love to see yalls progress to help me envision the future! Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app

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