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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hey y'all I am 2 week post op and I'm soo happy that I will be starting stage 2 tomorrow I can't wait. I lost 18 lbs I'm soo proud of myself for being so patient and consistent through these two weeks cuz it's been hard these past few days to come to the second stage of this process trust me they were hard but I made it Sent from my moto g power (2022) using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Hi, I'm new to this forum. I am one week out from gastric sleeve surgery. During the first 4 days, I had terrible shoulder pain. My surgeon said it happens to some patients and is due to air left in the stomach after surgery. Currently, the pain comes back periodically. I have a fear of intaking too many ounces per hour. At my post-op discharge, I was told to try to get 4 ounces in per hour. On day 5 I was able to finish 4 oz in 30-45 minutes. My fear is that I will jeopardize the integrity of the stomach sutures. Has anybody else experienced these issues?
  3. Hello, this a little personal question for the ladies.. was wondering if any of you experienced bleeding after Intercourse that will only last 20-30 min the most it has happened to me twice … I just want to know if it’s normal and it only means I need to wait longer for intercourse.
  4. After my sleeve surgery on 3/13, the biggest issue was dealing with severe pain on my right side about six inches under my right breast just above one incision by about three inches. I rested with a heating pad for several days in a row and was able to get through it. Doc said it could be the abdominal wall healing through a small bleed. Haven’t had any issues in over a week, but last night as I reached up into my pantry I felt a sharp pain in the same spot. I tried to breathe in, but that made it hurt worse. Now it’s tender to the touch... I can sit and stand without pain, but if I try to stand upright AND breath in deeply I will feel a sharp burning pain (like stabbing) that takes my breath away. To be clear, I can breathe fine when sitting. Left a message with my doctor’s nurse, but she hasn’t returned my call yet. Thought I’d check in with you all to see if this is common? Has it happened to anyone else? Thoughts?
  5. I had a mini gastric bypass surgery exactly 3 months back. Since there didn't seem much activity on specific forum for mini gastric bypass (as it isn't common in US), so I thought i would put it in regular bypass forum. Starting weight: 326 lbs Current weight (exactly 3 months post Op): 252 lbs making total weight loss of around 74 lbs. Diet: Currently taking 1000 (or maybe 1100 at times) calories. Protein rich diet with around 70 to 80g of daily protein and low carb. 3 meals and in-between I take protein shake, pure coconut water (around 500 ml a day) and sometimes raw Tofu once or twice in day if I feel hungry. I use weighing scale to make sure I know how much I eat. Workout: 4 to 5 miles of walk daily. Gym of 7 to 8 hours total every week. Main focus on HIIT and weights, and includes 2.5 hour of cardio. I have felt since I started gym, my body feels more leaner and in shape but appetite has slightly gone up. Like maybe 3 extra tablespoon of Quinoa. But what do you guys think of my progress? Any red flags or caution? As now is the time to correct things if something is wrong. Do you think a weight of 180 lbs is something achievable for me? Thanks a lot.
  6. Less than a week before gastric bypass surgery. I'm nervous but excited. Been lurking here for a while, reading. I'm about ready as I'm going to get. Down 20 pounds in 3 months. A ton of pre op testing done and cleared. Food/drinks, chewable vitamins, protein, meds bought. On 2-week preop diet now which includes 2 protein shakes a day along with 3 ounces lean protein and 2 1/2 C.  non starchy veggies and is totally do able for me. Clear liquid day before surgery. A full sugar Gatorade night before  and again 2 hrs before arriving at the hospital. Interesting how different everyone's diets are depending on your doctor.

    I'm optimistic all will go well. Good luck to the April surgeries happening this month and to all that are going through the process.  {{hugs}}

  7. Narmato1


    Hi! I’m new to this group. I’m hoping to find People who are like me and may can help. I had surgery may 2022. I’ve lost 91lbs, but I’ve been stalled for weeks. Any suggestions on how to get back in the game???
  8. ReinventingRuben

    New Here - 1 week post-op

    Hi everybody. Just had VGS surgery last Monday (Happy Spring). Started my initial bariatric journey at 241 and when I got to the hospital i was 229. Down 14 pounds this morning and seeing my surgeon tomorrow for the post-op appointment. I've been able to tolerate all clear and thicker liquids thus far and looking forward to purees next week. Right now it seems I can only hold 4 to 4.5 oz at a time but water and clear protein supplements I'm able to drink 32 oz. in 3.5 hours. Is that ok? Will I not be able to hold 4 oz of pureed foods?
  9. I’m 2 weeks post op today and smack in the middle of the purées stage. Trying to get my protein is a struggle without shakes, but working on it. Tried an Oikos Triple Zero smooth yogurt today. They are 5.2oz. Is that too much at this stage? I ate about 4oz in 30 mins, feel fine. Do any of you finish the 5oz?
  10. I know stalls are normal, but man I am getting pissed at this point. I hit 7 months on March 17th, but I have been in a stall for almost 2 months. I have tried eating carbs then going back to no carbs. I tried upping the calories. I upped my exercise(and gained 2 lbs). I have no idea what else to do. So what other things have worked for people to get over a long term stall. 🤬
  11. Blossoming1

    Week 2

    I wanted to list my experiences to see if others have the same and what they have done I have not experienced dumping yet. I often forget to not drink and eat at the same time. I was surprised I am ok. I am hungry often. Getting protein is a nonstop struggle.. I found out split pea soup has a lot of protein so I put it in a blender and eat it. Muscle milk, and protein shakes with fresh fruit. Protein shakes, if they are to thick, hurt me. I have ate vegan for three years. I am not super excited about not eating vegan. But, I feel in the first few weeks it is easier and I am ok with that. BUT I took a bite of scrambled eggs and it HURT. I am scared to try dairy because I have not had these things in over 3 years. Before surgery if I accidentally ate dairy, meat, etc it hurt my stomach. Has anyone had experiences with trying it after being vegan for awhile? I am moving to soft foods and I would like some ideas. I saw people eat oatmeal and potates and both are on my list of foods to avoid. Ideas? Please share your experiences with me.
  12. I was sleeved on Jan 31st, 2023 and I’m 8 weeks out. The diet plan my doctor has me on allows me to start eating chicken at 8 weeks (which I hit yesterday) but when I eat it, it always leaves me feeling not so great. I’ve had very small pieces in soups before the 8 weeks and that didn’t bother me at all. But now that it’s by itself, it’s giving me some discomfort. Has anyone else had a similar issue? And if so, has it gotten better with time?
  13. LaCrayFrancis

    First before PIC 3-13

    From the album: Before

    © Myself

  14. Hello I am new to this group. I am having the DS on April 4, 2023. I am starting my 2 week diet today.
  15. I had bypass on 2/13, I've always followed the plan very closely. I managed to lose 70 pounds pre-op on the dieticians plans and working out and then 20 pounds on the liquid diet. Since surgery I've only lost 5 pounds. I thought I was doing very well but I guess not? I stick close to the diet plan, though I admit my calories can go over but my main goal has always been to get to my protein goal before anything else. I've been working out 4-5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. I do a lot of strength training because I am into strongwoman stuff, so its been weird staying in the weight restriction. I also hit my water goals alongside my protein goals. I made the mistake of posting this on a facebook support group and.. wow. I don't think I've ever felt worse about myself, there was almost no support and a lot of telling me I'm doing something wrong obviously. A lot of people there were blaming the scant amount of bbq sauce I use or the single string cheese. Most were telling me I'm eating far too much. Others were telling me to stop working out entirely? I don't want to be skinny, I want to be healthy and I want to be strong. Am I eating too much still? When I don't work out I get 600 calories, and when I do its usually more around 800 to be honest. I don't feel like I'm making the wrong decisions. Meal 1: Oikos Triple Zero yogurt to take my meds with. Meal 2: Fairlife elite core protein in my coffee. Meal 3: 3 oz turkey lunch meat 1 oz of cheeze and mustard. Meal 4: 1 String cheese. Meal 5: 4-5 oz of chicken with bbq sauce (its not sugar free, I live in the country and the rural grocery store doesnt stock sugar free and the next closest is over 50 miles away). I'm so confused and heartbroken.
  16. Billy123


    So I had a lower BMI of I think 32 after pre-op but after the first week I have not lost anything. I am still on pureed foods right now. I am getting so upset because I saw on this low BMI site all these stories of people not losing except like 15 pounds. The only thing is I am handicapped so I don't walk much except to get around house or go shopping. Could this be problem? I just pray I didn't go thru all of this for 15 pounds, which by the way I haven't even lost yet. I have lost 10 pounds since surgery. I have no problems following diet to a tee or anything like that. Please help me!
  17. Everyone talks about the post-op weight loss stall - when does it pick up again? I'm trying not to compare myself to other people's successes, but honestly am frustrated. I am 3 weeks post-op and still on the pureed foods program. I'm only getting about 4-600 calories a day and reach for about 80g of protein and make it there most days thanks to my shakes. The scale hasn't moved in a week - I guess I should be asking my surgical team, but when can I expect that to change? I know I don't walk like I should, I suppose I should do more than 30 minutes a day. My doctor also told me to take a laxative every 3-4 days due to the dietary restrictions causing constipation. Any encouragement would be appreciated.
  18. I am 3 weeks post op today from the gastric sleeve. I feel great, I have energy during the day, no pain and I am down 20lbs. So far it has been all liquid diet and pureed soup. Today is the first day I actually feel hungry and want food. I had a half of can of chopped tuna but I am still hungry. What were you all eating/drinking at 3 weeks post op?
  19. Hey everyone! I was 5 months post op yesterday. I’ve been stalled for about three weeks now and it’s driving me crazy! I noticed I was slacking in protein and water. I’ve been meeting those goals consistently for the last two weeks. I eat around 1000 calories and exercise most days burning on average 400 calories. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  20. Hi all, tomorrow I will be one week out from my bypass. My recovery has been a bit bumpy, I spent about 24 hours over the weekend puking (I don't know where it all came from!) and in pretty severe gas type pain. That calmed down, and know I'm just trying to increase clear fluids, and not worry about protein. It was scary and painful and I don't want to overdo it again! It's kinda weird thinking I've had virtual no calories for a week, but since I'm able to use the bathroom and everything seems normal there, I'm just going to press on and hope for more each day. Anyhow, my surgeon closes incisions with staples, and I'm scheduled to have them removed this week. While I'm looking forward to having them out because I think they are gross, I'm honestly super nervous! I've never had staples out. Could anyone share their experience or insight on what to expect?
  21. Hi guys, So today i was finally able to come home after my procedure. I'm one week post op and after one hell of a week and a long drive home i've just realised i swallowed some panadol tablets whole twice. Theres no pain and it doesnt feel blocked but im still in the hyper concerned post surgery haze i worry what might occur from this. Anyone had a similar situation or any suggestions? The hospital told me i needed to buy chewable multi vitamins and gave me small tablets in hospital. They even told me to keep taking my metformin with no mention of crushing it so it really slipped my mind.
  22. A year ago I started having awful pain in my stomach that went around to my back, for 6 months I suffered thinking it had to be gas. Nope. They did a a CT scan, upper gi, and a EGD this past Nov and said my intestines were inflamed but can't tell me what is happening or why. I want to know if anyone else is going through this
  23. My surgery has been scheduled for March 30th,. Which is super exciting! But I’m super nervous too! Any tips or words of encouragement? TIA!! 💜
  24. My first two weeks I dropped a lot of weight about 21 lbs but I am on the fourth week and have been stuck at about 203. I was at 201 at the end of the first two weeks then I went up two lbs. I am getting frustrated because I am exercising, hitting my protein goals/liquid goals and I am not getting above 500 calories a day. I just feel like crying (I have been crying) and feel like maybe having PCOS that this weight is still not gonna come off even with this surgery. It sucks to not be able eat most things and go through this to just be stuck like this. Even if I could just get to 199 within a week I would be happy but I see the scale is going up little by little. Everyone keeps saying trust the process but I just can't right now. Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  25. Start Weight 390 BMI 54.4

    Surgery Weight 353 BMI 49.2

    VSG 01/24/2023

    Current Weight 318 BMI 44.4

    Goal Weight 160-180 BMI 20-25



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