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Found 1,208 results

  1. Onesassychick79

    weight gain?!

    I am 7 months out, down 91lbs since last Jan...but lately the scale has only moved up!! Not eating anything different...since 6mos dr visit have actually increased protein, doing more resistance and weights, and taking my vitamins...i have gained 4lbs...this freaks me out!!! I am self pay and feel like If I'm not losing I may have wasted a lot of money!! I'm scared that this is it and I have a lot more to lose!!! Really tempted to go back to my crash diet thinking to shake things up...help!!!
  2. Hello all so yesterday I weighed myself and I.T look like I have gain weight instead of losing .. went from 193 on April 24 to 198 on April 30th . My nurse friend told me could be water weight or the fact I haven’t poop ? I’m not gonna lie feel like I’m failing and I’m a bit paranoid .. this COVID -19 has made me stressed eat only at work . Btw I work at a hospital on a covid floor.. Help ! I need some encouraging words
  3. I'm one week post op and I've actually gained two pounds. Been on jello and shakes for two weeks. [emoji20]
  4. I need help and tips on loosing weight and maintaining it off my surgery date is not scheduled however the insurance won't approve me and that's my worry. I'm craving so much and I'm out of breath a lot lately I need help something.
  5. hello. i had a sleeve surgery last jan...23rd jan 2014. then on 13th oct 2014 I had knee transplant ,both knees. now I notice I am slowly gaining weight. I am walking a lot.eating Proteins, having Water. I am scared at this gain.... does anyone have a similar experience.
  6. I am curious to hear from other bandsters who have had a tummy tuck and then gained some weight back. How does your stomach 'feel' now? I was banded on 1-12-07 and had a tummy tuck on 2-19-08 after losing about 50 pounds. Since that time, I have had to start taking a couple of different medications for almost daily migraines, and have gained back around 15 pounds. I am so disappointed and just feel miserable about it. I am going to work really hard to get the weight off again so that I don't feel like a COMPLETE failure, but am having a hard time ending my pity-party . . . I need one more fill to hopefully get me back to my 'sweet spot' (life was good when I was at my sweet spot!) and I have that appt. scheduled for next Tuesday morning. I know that not having enough fill for the past 6 months has allowed me too much room for error in my eating. I have got to get the structure back and then figure out how to deal with the medications. I am concerned too, because before I had the TT, my stomach felt 'normal' other than being able to feel the port. Now I often have discomfort in my abdomen that feels like it is sometimes going to pop. It feels so tight and uncomfortable and my upper abdomen looks like a watermelon. I didn't start this thread to whine, I just wanted to see if there were others out there who either had, or are experencing the same things I am. I would love to hear from you if you don't mind sharing. Thanks in advance for your input.
  7. Just thought I'd share some stats for those of you that weigh everyday and get freaked out by gaining a pound or two some days. I went to urgent care yesterday because I was really dehydrated (I've got a clostridial infection causing diarrhea). They took my vitals including weight before giving me 3liters IV. Needless to say I felt instantly better and returned home. This morning I did my normal weekly weigh in and I was 11 pounds up from yesterday! So keep in mind how much hydration status and Fluid intake/output plays a role in your daily weight fluctuation.
  8. Kalberda

    Struggling With Weight Gain

    Hi Everyone: I hope this message will not encourgage anyone on how i feel. Just needed some support. Been banded since 12/16/11, almost a year has gone by. My weight lost was from 240 to 163. Now since them i have been depressed on what to eat. Its really hard for me to see someone eating a hamburger with a bun! Potatoes, squash, rich, eggs, green beans, broccoli and yorgurt are so hard for me to eat. It doesn't matter how i eat them or cut them, they just don't feel good. I had to change doctor due to moving from another state. I now weight 180 and i don't understand how i gained weight. It don't seem like i eat anything. I have been having a couple glasses of Bailey's Irish Cream! Can you believe i can drink this! There are a lost of days i ask myself why did i do this! Please give me some suggestions. Thanks, Kelly
  9. I came home from the hospital on Friday after gastric bypass revision from lapband on Tuesday and I had gained 19#'s. I know that it is from all the fluids given to me while in the hospital, but it still feels like a set back. I was very swollen and that has gone down and I have lost 17 of the 19#'s. but it looks like at my one week f/u on Thursday I will probably just barely be below weight day of surgery? Did anyone else experience this.?
  10. It is my third day and everything went according to plan. Just got home from the hospital and weighed myself for the first time. I was shocked to see that i actually have gained 8 pounds since the day of surgery. How is that possible? Is it the gas, is it the fluids, or is there something else?
  11. I got the sleeve in October 2017. I was down 135lbs and it felt great. Last April I started to gain a little back. I wasn’t surprised since I wasn’t being as strict as I had been. Unfortunately, it has snowballed and I have gained 35lbs back. I feel like I never had the surgery and my sweet tooth is out of control. Could I have stretched my stomach out back to the size it was? How can I shrink it? Help! Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  12. I am close to 3 years out. I lost rapidly at first - close to 90 lbs. I have been faithfully exercising every day. I get anywhere between 15k-25k "steps" per day. Typically, I get roughly 90 "active minutes" per day - frequently more. I am quite certain that my body is in "starvation mode" - as I have actually gained about 15 pounds. I still don't feel hunger, so I tend not to eat an awful lot. I get full very quickly and I find it quite hard to get enough calories in most days. I realize that probably 50% of my problem is in my head. I am fearful of overeating - and I find it really hard to eat when I have no appetite. I do realize that I need to make some changes - as this is clearly not working to my benefit. I will try to increase my caloric intake to see if this makes a difference. Has anyone else made the same mistake? Did you have any luck when you increased your calories? How far out were you? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Kim
  13. tankman77

    Weight Gain

    Hi, I am 5 months post op from my gastric sleeve surgery! I weigh myself every Saturday morning once a week. Since the Gastric Sleeve surgery I had lost 59 lbs. Got on the scale and it said I gaine 3.7 lbs. in 1 week since last weigh in...anyone have did happen? I did not deviate from my diet seems odd. Out of 22 weeks I have gained weight in only 4 weeks usually lose between .5 - 2 lbs per week! thanks, Rob
  14. Can someone help with my weight gain??? Please!! I had my sleeve surgery two and half years ago and for about two years I stayed the same weight...125 lbs. However about two months ago...my weight went up to 137 lbs and my frame is filling out more with muscle and not so boney. But I am concerned as I have gained 12 lbs. in only two months! I have been exercising the same as I always have although honestly I have been snacking a bit but nothing out of control. My calorie intake is roughly the same. I don't understand what is happening with my body and my clothes don't fit well. What can I do?
  15. I am 5 weeks post op and I understand there are stalls in losing weight but is it normal to gain? I was down 40 pounds 2 weeks ago and I have slowly gained back 5 pounds, I am trying not to panic but when I see the scale moving up instead of down it's kind of scary. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. beachdreams17

    Weight Gain/Stall

    Hi! I had my sleeve done 3/27 and initially lost 30 ponds in 4 weeks. YAY! Then I didn't lose anything and now I've gained a few pounds. It's possible that I'm PMS'ing but I'm SO sad/frustrated. I've been very vigilant w/what I'm eating and trying to exercise. I've had a few complications since the surgery including getting a kidney infection and getting put back into the hospital. I haven't been going to the bathroom which worries me. My dietician at my hospital is not very helpful and just wants me to see someone else. It's quite upsetting because I really want this to work. My drs are aware of all of this but man is is this frustrating. I did drink one day but only vodka/water and am freaked that I ruined this. I don't feel like I really know who to talk to about this with because I'm feeling like it's not working now w/the stall/weight gain SO early on. Help! Height: 5'10" Surgery Weight: 264 Current Weight: 237 Goal Weight: 160
  17. So all my paperwork has been submitted to insurance last Friday 2/13. I'm nervous bc I weighed 284 at the initial weigh -in and at my last appointment on Friday I weighed in at 293. I've worked so hard this entire time to try to get the weight back to the original 284 but it's been such a struggle, the lowest I've gotten is 290. I've cut out carbs, eaten high protein, and drank about 120 oz of water a day. I've also been working out every day but he weight won't budge. Will I get denied because of this? I've worked so hard and my doctors know it too.
  18. Hi all! My surgery is next month and my pre-op appointment is tomorrow. I've gained a few pounds since my last weigh-in a couple months ago. Did any of you gain weight after approval? If so, did it matter? My pre-op appointment is tomorrow, so I'll find out then but I wanted to check in with everyone here to see if anyone else experienced this.
  19. Hi all! Just needed a little encouragement. I just got denied (first time) for my VGS because I gained eight pounds during my three-month supervised weight loss. The reason I gained weight is that I was a "lightweight" at 205/5'2 and my nutritionist told me not to lose too much weight or I might be denied. Eight pounds isn't a big deal, I know, and they said I just need to come in and weigh when I have lost that. So now I think I'm going to try to practice the liquid liver-shrinking diet I'll need to do pre-surgery to drop those pounds. It's day one and only breakfast and I am starving, lol. Any tips or tricks to get yourself through the liquid diet? TIA.
  20. Meintraining

    Weight gain

    Hello. I had my surgery on Tuesday. When they weighed me after surgery in the hospital I gained 5 pounds. I chalked it up to bloating and tried not to let it get to me. I weighed myself today and I still weigh the same amount. 5 lbs more than the morning of my surgery. Is that normal 5 days out??? Please be honest with me.
  21. A Sleeve4me

    weight gain

    Good morning everyone, I had my surgery done Sept 20,2012..I have gained 20 lbs since and I don't know where to start to get it off. I have to admit that I don't exercise. I used to walk at the park but lately I have just been going with the flow eating whatever. I also notice that I can eat more now than before over the last 2 years. Any suggestions on Protein rich foods that can help me stay full longer so that I won't snack as much. Please help!
  22. I am 2 yrs going on 3 in February post op. I lost a total of 60 lbs in the first year but re gained 45lbs that's a lot. In that time I went through a separation, relocated to a new state and fell back to my old eating habits  this is hard to admit but I need help again. I'm working on eating better however I need help, tips how do I start my weight loss again. BTW does anyone else feel hungry all the time?
  23. I have 10 days till my last Nut appointment I have to loose some weight because I am over the weight I was when I first started my doctor told me in fine I will still get approved but I'm stressing because I think I may get denied I have aetna please help what can I do this last 10days Sent from my SM-G920R4 using the BariatricPal App
  24. So Monday is my surgery pending insurance clearance. Thursday I have a pre-op pre-admission test. I had a 6 month nutrition program that I had to lose 25 pounds to qualify and I did. Exactly 25. My problem now is that I gained some of that back. I’m so worried they will deny me, the doctor at least. I worry about everything.

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