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Found 1,208 results

  1. Hi, I could use any insight or encouragement. I'm 2 years post VSG and had been maintaining 138 for about a year, I think (I was briefly slightly lower but I don't count that). I'd noticed it getting a little tougher to maintain my weight. I recently had an egg retrieval procedure (as in IVF, although I actually froze the eggs for later), and I'm planning on more similar procedures. They told me I would gain 3-5 pounds of water weight and should lose it within a week after the procedure. Well, I gained 5 lbs. (up to 143) and even two weeks later had lost nothing. I'm afraid my body was just looking for an opportunity to gain weight back and won't be able to lose the weight--and I especially don't want to keep gaining more weight with each additional procedure. I decided to start dieting, and after 4 or 5 days I've gained a half pound. I'm doing some SlimFast and adding some Quest snack bars and a tiny amount of fruit. Maybe that's the wrong diet but I don't know what else to do? I've never had to attempt deliberate weight loss since my surgery. I have to think my caloric intake was already pretty low to begin with (and maybe also my metabolism?), but I didn't even count--does anyone have an estimate? I think I'm a special case due to my bariatric status, and it didn't seem like the fertility practitioners had any knowledge to help me.
  2. Perhaps this post will help someone who is seeking to do VSG or some form of WLS because I will be honest with you about my journey. It has been 8 months since I had VSG surgery and I have lost only 44 lbs. Up to a month ago I had lost 55 lbs but I have since gained 10 lbs. There are a couple reasons for my weight loss failure and I am just putting them down in writing not so much so that folks can be critical, but more for the folks out there considering this surgery or might just have had it. I have not been committed to the process of changing bad habits or incorporating exercise into my lifestyle. I must have thought that having VSG was going to magically take away my appetite and food cravings for bad food. Guess what? I was starving the day after surgery! My appetite really never left. So if I did not CHOOSE what to eat and what not to eat, you could pack in tons of calories even in small portions. To cut to the chase, VSG does not work if you are not disciplined with your food choices. That shouldn't be a huge revelation but I actually had a mindset that my stomach would be gone and I would not even want to eat anymore so all the weight would just melt away. It does not happen that way! I did not follow the instructions and guidelines post surgery about not eating and drinking at the same time. I had been told not to do it, I read that it would stretch your stomach pouch, but I still went ahead and did it. Guess what? My stomach has stretched and I can basically eat a small 'normal' size meal at only 7 months out when it should not be like that this early. Again, not being committed to the process I am a type II diabetic. The catch 22 is that taking insulin makes you GAIN weight. That is just the nature of insulin and the more insulin you have to take, the more you gain weight. The first 4 months after surgery I was taking hardly any insulin at all but as my stomach expanded and I was able to eat more I had to increase insulin intake. So as a diabetic I'm really supposed to be exercising to compensate for that but cant seem to get this life style discipline into my life. I have a tread mill in the spare room - what is wrong with me!!!! I am hoping that I can gather the motivation, the inspiration that inner push that I need to develop discipline in my life. i'm almost 50 years old and its really hard changing the way you have lived for so long but there are no short cuts, not even VSG 'saved' me. Sometimes I think the biggest problem and hinderance is just me because discipline does not depend on emotions - discipline is 'just do it' no matter if you 'feel' it or not...………..I NEED this, I need to get this translated from my head knowledge into practical living...….I'm rambling now I'm hoping my update in the next 3 months will be a very different one in a more successful direction
  3. 2Bsmaller18

    Preop weight gain

    So due to the holidays I have gained 2 lbs. I have my final nut visit tomorrow. I plan to wear light weight clothing, plan to take an Epsom bath tonight and tomorrow am and only drink a half of a protein shake in the morning before the appt. I have been eating really clean (low sodium etc.) the past few days, drinking tons of water and limiting to 1100 calories so I am hoping the scale looks better tomorrow. So my question- does insurance look at the weight from the first and last doctor's appointment or the nutritionist? It is at 2 different offices and 2 different scales. My doctor appointment is next week and surely I can lose the 2 pounds by then and be less than my initial appointment. I can't delay either appointment due to insurance number of days requirement. Ugh!! I wish I would have been more mindful over the holidays.
  4. Hello, My name is Andrea from New Jersey. had my VSG done in September of 2012. At my largest, I was 250lbs. In less than a year post op, I went down to 165lbs. I felt that I looked good! I could fit into so many cute outfits without feeling ashamed of how I felt in my body. Health-wise, it was a bit more complicated. Between my “water-nausea”, not being able to drink and eat at the same time, needing to take vitamins everyday, feeling sick after enthusiastically eating my favorite foods, and then, of course getting gall stones and needing my gallbladder removed in 2013, my VSG came with a lot of mixed feelings. Nevertheless, I was happy to feel like I looked good and have the energy that came along with that. Fast forward to February of 2017, I find out I’m pregnant with my first child. At that point, I had been able to maintain a steady 165-170 lbs. At 36 weeks, I went into labor and subsequently had my daughter a month before her due date. On the day I gave birth, I weighed 200lbs. I thought it was normal. The few days following the birth of my baby girl, I actually went down to 180lbs. Not exactly where I wanted to be, but at the time I thought my body would go back to 165-170lbs. ....Boy was I wrong. My daughter was born in September of 2017. In the winter months, specifically January, February and March of 2018 my daughter was diagnosed with RSV, Influenza Type A, and Metapneumovirus, respectively. My husband and I spent many days in the hospital with her.... stressing, worrying, sad, not getting paid time off (in my case), and, of course.....eating. During this time is when I believe my body began to turn on me. Today, I weigh 209lbs. I went from a size 8 to a 14, I feel that I have less energy, and I know that I’m unhealthy. I seem to have regained an almost insatiable hunger fueled by my constant anxiety and stress. Not to say that I didn’t suffer from these things before, but honestly, I don’t know what has changed exactly that doesn’t allow my body to metabolize quicker and keep the pounds off. I need help, but I’m scared of the actual work of exercising and eating better, because even though in theory, it sounds pretty simple, let’s be honest, those things require a great amount of inner strength and discipline. Just trying to figure out if I can actually do that creates a significant amount of anxiety, stress and, thus ultimately makes me want to eat. That’s the way I find comfort, the way I shut up that voice on the inside. Prior to having my baby girl, I could literally eat whatever the eff’ I wanted, and if I made a minuscule change to my diet, I would lose weight immediately. That’s no longer the case. Nowadays, I feel more like I used to pre-op, and that makes me feel very depressed. I don’t fit in like 95% of my old clothes and I’m slowly but surely needing bigger and bigger sizes. A few months ago, I followed up with my bariatric surgeon to see if there was anything that could be done. He prescribed Topiramate, so I wouldn’t get hungry at night. (It doesn’t work). My other doc prescribed Zoloft (for depression), Bupropion (for weight loss and depression), and Klonopin (for anxiety). Nothing’s really changed. I want to have another baby (hopefully) in a year or two, and I have strongly toyed with the idea of a revision immediately after that. For now though, I don’t feel mentally strong enough to change my circumstances, but I pray that side of me will eventually change, along with my circumstances. Blessings to you all in your journey too 😌 Any kind advice and/or your own stories welcome. ❤️
  5. Hi all! My surgery is next month and my pre-op appointment is tomorrow. I've gained a few pounds since my last weigh-in a couple months ago. Did any of you gain weight after approval? If so, did it matter? My pre-op appointment is tomorrow, so I'll find out then but I wanted to check in with everyone here to see if anyone else experienced this.
  6. Hi Guys- I am about 2.6 yrs post vsg surgery. I had my baby 3/7/18...,.... 9 months ago. During the pregnancy I lost quite a bit of weight...which is typical for me...I lost about 25lbs with my earlier 2 pregnancies as well so this time around was no different, its just how my body reacts to being pregnant. I loose weight during the pregnancy and gain weight after. This time around the weight gain seems to be worse. At the beginning of my pregnancy I weighed in at 156. A month after I had baby, I was 143. I am now 173!!!! A little history. The day of my vsg surgery, I weighed in at 229. My lowest weight, 143 was right after I gave birth. Has anyone experienced this or any weight gain at all? I keep hearing "Oh its just your horomones!" My baby is 9 months, though im still nursing, I don't think my hormones have as much to do with this. I am hungry ALL the time!, I crave junk. I feel extremely heavy to where I am uncomfortable all the time. I HATE looking in the mirror and at photos because I feel as though I look the same way I did prior to surgery even though I am still about 55 lbs less...I don't see it. My husband argues that's its all in my head. I argue back that I don't think the tight clothes are lying to me. I cant even fit the clothes I wore during pregnancy. After I had baby and was at my lowest weight I felt great! My family thought I didn't look well and said I had lost too much. I on the other hand was very happy inside and out. This is really taking an emotional toll on me physically, mentally, I am scared that I will be back at 229 in no time if I keep this up. Ive tried dieting (keto, low carb, intermittent fasting etc etc) I cant seem to kick the hunger. I can also eat ALMOST a normal size plate of food. I don't feel any restriction unless I'm eating meat. Thoughts? Ideas? Pleeeeaaaase :)
  7. I just had surgery a month ago. I'm not in a relationship currently. I'm 30 years old. I don't have any plans on ever having a child, but if I did... I have a huge concern now given the bypass. My mother gained 100lbs when she was pregnant with me when she was 22 (she ate very healthily, but her hormones went nuts). She is just now losing that weight... 30 years later. I am terrified that would happen to me and destroy any potential weight loss success I've had. Has this happened to anyone that has gotten pregnant? Is this a concern for anyone?
  8. I had gastric sleeve in 2011. Lowest weight was 148. I now weigh 195 lbs. Where am I going wrong. I heard that I can reset my sleeve is this true. If so what do I do. And does the sleeve stretch itself out. My highest weight was 275. And for those who say this surgery is cheating I've worked harder at keeping my weight down with this than if I just pitched a tent in the gym and lived there. Lol Sent from my SM-J327T using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Sammyhasbeensleeved

    Weight Gain

    My first week and a half was amazing I saw almost 2-3 pounds a day and lost over 20 pounds and then it just stopped. Week 3 and now week 4 I have not lost a single pound and I noticed that I have gained 3 pounds and I feel like it is mostly my fault. I don't drink enough water because I am not thirsty and I am eating soft solids now and I don't eat enough I think or I could be eating the wrong foods. I am just feeling defeated. My support from the surgeons office tells me its probably my body going into starvation mode and possibly constipated. I just feel alone and it is making me depressed. I don't binge eat but during Thanksgiving I went crazy on the stuffing I might have eaten that stuff in bits throughout the day I really wanted to feel normal for a day but now full regret since I saw the scale go up one pound. Is there anyway feeling the same way or has been there and was able to overcome it?
  10. Netty1967

    Weight gain

    Hello, I gained 35 pounds since my surgery over two years ago. If anyone has regained and loss again, please give me some pointers.
  11. I gained 3 lbs one month post op I’m kinda freaking out I was doing so well but I started eating normal! My stomach takes food well 😞 any helpers please 😞
  12. I got up this morning and weighed 179.6. This afternoon I weighed 182.0. I haven't eaten anything today (totally nothing). I had nasal surgery this morning to repair a deviated septum (that's why I haven't eaten yet today), they must have really pumped me full of fluids during the procedure. I have been peeing a lot since getting released and was really surprised when I stepped on the scale. I hope it goes away as fast as I gained it, I don't want to be above 180lbs. LOL
  13. tankman77

    Weight Gain

    Hi, I am 5 months post op from my gastric sleeve surgery! I weigh myself every Saturday morning once a week. Since the Gastric Sleeve surgery I had lost 59 lbs. Got on the scale and it said I gaine 3.7 lbs. in 1 week since last weigh in...anyone have did happen? I did not deviate from my diet seems odd. Out of 22 weeks I have gained weight in only 4 weeks usually lose between .5 - 2 lbs per week! thanks, Rob
  14. I need to be on a 3 different types of psych medications that cause weight gain! I didn't want to take them, but my sanity and health depends on them and I was taking one of them before surgery. I have asked for similar medications that don't have the weight gain side effect and it seems like there are none that would take care of my symptoms. So I've been taking these. As a result, my weight loss has been very slow and compared to others minimal! I am at 13 months post op and have already gained 6 lbs after starting my last medication which was a month ago! Now, I'm not saying I have been perfect, but I don't think I've ate so bad as to have gained 6 lbs! I'm ashamed to tell anyone, but I'm sure they can tell themselves! I have already stopped taking one of the medications that causes weight gain because it really wasn't helping my symptoms much. There are 2 other medications I take that cause weight gain but since these are in my system long term, I am afraid to stop taking them and seriously doubt my doctor would approve. I'm afraid of not taking them too. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow, but I doubt anything will come out of it. There aren't many weight neutral psych medications! and it's already been difficult to get me stable so since these meds work for my condition, I doubt that my doctor will change them. And quite frankly, I am afraid to try other things since like I said, it took a long time and many trial and errors for me to become emotionally stable. My weight loss surgeon said the meds makes it harder to lose, but they have actually caused a weight gain! He gave me phentermine to help, but it's been two weeks on them and I see no difference! My eating hasn't changed much from when I was losing. I still exercise daily and stay away from starchy food. I haven't been consistent with logging food, which I started doing again yesterday. I'm 10 lbs away from my goal but I am not hopeful that I can lose these last 10 lbs. and I'm afraid of gaining more weight if I continue taking these medications. I feel defeated and feel like a failure because of the 6 lbs I've gained back. Has anyone been in this situation? What did you do? Please share your experience if you have had similar issues. Thank you
  15. I am currently 11 months post op and sitting at 56kgs and pre op I was 102kgs. I find that no matter what I do or what I try I can’t stop the weight loss and I’m starting to feel and look unhealthy. Has any had this issue and tried any shakes or supplements to help gain a few kgs, because my food consumption is so low there is no chance of myself gaining a few kgs back that way
  16. emk101009

    Weight gain

    I have asked this question before and didn't get many responses. I had the sleeve over 5 years ago. I lost 90#. I have gained back half over the past 2 years due to binge eating, prednisone, and the fact that my surgeon NEVER told me I would need to live on 1000 calories a day. When I went back to see him about 6 months ago he told me its too late and will not be able to lose weight anymore!!!!! I am really frustrated and struggling.
  17. It’s been almost two years since I got the sleeve and I’m not satisfied where I am. I feel like I could be doing more but I have no motivation in me. I still try to eat healthy but it’s kind of out of control now. I’m scared to be 300 lbs again or to gain any more weight. Lowest weight was 185 I’m at 194 right now. I feel kind of depressed to be honest like I let myself down.. I just need support I guess.
  18. Listening to this podcast at the moment. Extremely interesting. A lot of scientific big words but even I understand it. Dom D’Agostino, Ph.D., is an assistant professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, and a senior research scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC). Layne Norton is a renowned prep/physique coach and pro-natural bodybuilder/powerlifter with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences.
  19. Hi there, I just joined this site looking for support and suggestions on my 1st major weight gain 16 years post a very successful gastric bypass surgery. I am 52, had the surgery at 36, and lost 198 lbs, and maintained a goal weight of 170 lbs, with a yearly fluctuation of 10 lbs, or so, post operatively. I also maintain yearly blood work that drives my nutrition and supplemental needs with my primary doctor. I gained about 20 lbs about 4 years ago after back surgery, but brought it down again within the year. Here is my problem, last January I started menopause, stopped oral contraceptive, and have experienced heavy insomnia, hot flashes, hormone shifts, and large weight gain of 50 lbs for the year. I have to add that this total change in my physical, and emotional health, has led to some depression, which of course does not help. I am still going through Menopause but I feel more emotionally stable and ready to address the weight gain. My question is, where do I start? My surgeon had always said "you have a permanent tool at your disposal, so if you feel yourself slipping from your program, then go back to the beginning" which I have always assumed he meant to start at only fluids and gradually increase intake from there, but I've never truly slipped with a significant weight gain in 15 years, so never had to go back. I would appreciate surgeon and fellow post operative patients advice and suggestions please.
  20. Anyone have vsg after lap band removal? I had my band removed 9 months ago and am slowly gaining. BMI 27. Considering Dr. Pompa in Mexico. Any advice welcome!
  21. Hey everyone! Just got back from the hospital today after receiving my magic sleeve powers on Tuesday 8/28. My only fear going in was that they were going to peep inside and find that my liver was too gigantic and slippery to proceed with the surgery, at which point I would have promptly yanked the IV from my arm and lowered myself onto the nearest corndog in defeat. I stayed very faithful to the food and calorie intake as prescribed by the 2-week pre-op diet to make sure I did all I could do to avert disaster. What I didn't do apparently was drink at least 64oz of water during those days to ensure I was properly hydrated for the moment. The surgery went well, but they IV'd the crap out of me afterwards and when I hopped on that scale yesterday I had gained 14 lbs of water since the surgery! The team didn't seemed bothered by it, though they would have preferred that I were hydrated to begin with. Looking back I think I focused way too much on the weigh-in going into surgery and became paranoid about not shrinking my liver enough that I loss track of the water. Just thought I'd throw that out there so people can avoid my mistake. A few other takeaways: - I was so delirious and distracted after the surgery that I didn't even question when one of the nurses gave me apple juice as a first drink attempt. What resulted was intense and completely avoidable. Nothing like the choke-dump combo to start things off! - I'm finding that room temperature to hot fluids are the way to go. When I sip something ice cold I feel like my pipes seize up and the drink takes the slow elevator down to Sleeveville. - That GERD feeling is so real. I just get this vision due to the sounds and the pressure that everything I consume is falling into a natural geyser. I found that rocking myself to force a burp was the only way to survive—reminded me of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and made me wish I had practiced my burping skills in high school. I also had a family member pound my chest and my back at the same time after a hard swallow so I would burp like a baby. It triggered many a cardiac alarm in the hospital, but I didn't care. It was worth the relief.
  22. I am fairly new into the process. I have completed my psych eval and will be doing my EGD on Wednesday. Ever since my first appointment, I have eaten well and exercised due to my doctor telling me that he wants me to stay the same weight or lose weight. Well I weighed myself this morning and I have GAINED 7 pounds since seeing my doctor last and i do not know why! I am freaking out that when I see him on Wednesday, he will tell me I cannot have the surgery. Anyone deal with something like this and what was the outcome?? Thank you all in advance!!!
  23. Hello everyone I'm posting this because I'm starting to feel really alone. I'm one month away from hitting my first year and I'm feel like I did nothing. Let me explain.. I have depression and I have to take meds for it everyday for the rest of my life. I feel like mentally i'm doing so much better. The one thing that is making me have big set backs is the meds and what they are doing to me. At this point in the game the meds have taken over and I can stop eating. I eat non stop even when I tell myself NO!! I have been up and down (mostly up) with my weight. I eat so much that it isn't even funny. I know my sleeve still works because at some point I stop and i'm full. Also the stuff i'm eating is sooo bad ( soda, candy, chips) . I try everyday to move forward and not fall back down the same road. I'm starting to take one day at a time and not be so down but it's so hard when you work so hard to get something and now you're messing it up. My partner and I are starting to count calories in hopes that will help me get back on track. I want to fix it. If I can fix my mental I can fix my physical . Please if anyone is having the sam issues as me let's talk being it suck having to feel alone in a place where there are so many of us.
  24. I’m feeling a little depressed of lately and have been eating my emotions away.. I’m 1 year post gastric sleeve i only lost a total of 70lbs i was hoping to loose at least a 100 or more based on most people i know lost 100 or more. I only lost 70 but i know why because I’ve been eating off way off... In addition i gained like 6-7lbs i was 268 now I’m 274.i started at 243 I have to get back in track i got really excited that i can eat and been snacking on a lot of nuts plus i wanna work out more haven’t done it consistently since surgery.. i also wanna do the keto diet have anyone tried keto or intermittent fasting after gastric sleeve... I know i ‘m my own downfall when it comes to my diet!!!! I’ve been thru so much with surgery and complications i dont wanna gain it back i need some motivation and some inspiration... Feeling so defeated

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