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Found 2,865 results

  1. Wt before 254 Wt on surgery 244 Today 231 5"6 Exercise fir me is seven days a week 5 mils a day 2/3 if I do the elliptical for 30 mins. Been in the 3 week stall for a bit now lmao. Sleeved 9/26/12
  2. That is the dreaded 3 week stall , I went through that ... That one stall lasted approx 2 weeks for me before I saw the scale move again ... your body is just adjusting , you are doing fine ... keep up the good work
  3. Heidi Wilson Hooper


    Okay, here goes. My fb group has been tremendous support. I want to hear from others who are a ways out! I have lost 35 pounds since Aug 1 and I am going on a 3 week stall! How much longer will this last? I have been drinking lots of fluid..taking vitamins...getting my protien in! Any suggestions...any hope? Thanks!
  4. Hello VST Fam.... I am now leading into my 9th week (yeahhhhh...I'm getting there). Anyway, like everyone else was stating on here, I reached the dreaded 3 weeks stall. My stall lasted for 5 weeks...yikes! But it's true. I tried everything to break my stall, ie. working out more, getting in more Water, getting in more portein, etc. Then, one morning after my workout I stopped in a Krogers. I was craving.....FOR CARBS! So, I bought some Kroger brand French Toast. It has like 16grams of Protein. Only like...230 calories for 2 slices. Still being knew, I didn't know if my tummy could handle bread, but I was willing to try. Sooo, I went home and fixed me 1 slice of toast and 2 slices of turkey bacon. I had plenty of water after I had finished. Showered, got dressed and went on about my day -- monitoring the affects of the bread on my tummy. No side affects, great! Sooo, the next day I did the same thing. By day 3 -- I had dropped 5lbs after a 5 week stall!!! 7lbs in that today week. I had finally broke my stall, and lead myself into ONDERLAND!!! If you are further out (beyond 1month), and you have reached a stall --reintroducing a carb might be the trick. I have literally put carbs back into my diet. I have been exercising like crazy, and wanted to see some results. My body was going into starvation mode! I was loosing inches (and I have created a topic on this.. ), but not loosing lbs.. I personally, needed the lbs. *Note: Someone said to me, lbs are not that important! I informed her, when you are like myself and have high blood pressure, or other ailgments that you might be dealing with -- and you go to your PCP, your doctor doesn't say "Come over here and let me measure you. No! They say, please step on the scale". Soooo, in this case -- lbs are VERY IMPORTANT! Especially, if I ever plan to get off my medicine, permanently. -------------------- Ok enough said! Please, feel free to share your "Stall Breakers". Please tell how long you have stalled and what worked for you to get the scale moving again!!! (Congrats to all of you on all your accomplishments with VSG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  5. susanfaye

    Weight Loss Stall Already

    I was sleeved on aug 6th also. I have hit the dreaded 3 week stall too. I have read sol many stories here I just decided to roll with it. It is frustrating, but I know it will eventually end. Good luck to you!
  6. lsheshequin

    Old Habits...

    I've really been struggling for the last 2-3 weeks. I had RNY on May 11/15. As of today I am 178 lbs, down from 250 lbs (72 lbs). At 5 & 1/2 months out I feel I should have lost a little more. My weight loss has been quite slow since about the beginning of August. Today I finally came out of a 3 week stall. However, I know that the slowed weight loss is entirely my doing. My appetite has definitely returned and I have been making bad choices quite regularly over the last month or so. I do fairly well during the day, although I have had a slice of pizza more often than I should. However, it's mainly the evenings that are my downfall. After the kids are in bed and chores are done I end up snacking and the Snacks have changed from veggies & fruit to chips, pretzels, popcorn...anything salty and crunchy! I know it's not wise and everyday I tell myself today I won't succumb to the cravings...but I really feel like I'm losing the battle. I truly don't want to screw this up but it's so hard! I've recently joined a gym and have a personal trainer who requires that I keep a food journal but even that doesn't seem to be helping! I am due to see my nutritionist as well as the bariatric centre's psychologist in a couple of weeks and I'm hoping that they will have some support and tools to offer. I just don't know how to wire my brain to keep the motivation. Feeling so down.
  7. Bean80128

    Don't beat me up....

    I just came out of a 3 week stall. it started week 5. I was having about 800 calorie per day and exercising. A few people from this community suggested upping my calories. It was scary but, as soon as i increased calories, the stall ended. Coincidence?? Are you consuming enough?
  8. FluffyChix

    WHAT am I doing wrong ?

    Congrats and bigger congrats on making a decision to improve your quality of life and chances of living recurrence free (from stroke). You are doing the best thing you can do for your health! I second being careful about milk having lots of "sugars" in them. Most protein powders do not need additional calories or carbs from more protein. And it sounds as if you are getting plenty of protein. Also, too much protein can convert to energy or stored fat. Because you are sedentary you most likely have a lower TREE (total energy expenditure). Also, check your protein powder to make sure it doesn't have a lot of carbs or added sugars! Drink the lowest carb one you can. I agree you've gotten into the dreaded 3 week stall that hits anytime between 2-6 weeks. But 16lbs during that time frame is awesome! Average losses for mobil wls peeps is only 2-4lbs/week. So that's brilliant. Work your plan, follow your doc's progression to a T and you will be worlds different in 6 months! Cheers!
  9. MowryRocks

    Two weeks post op and gaining?

    In the beginning, I lost like 18lbs and then I gained 5 and hit the 3 week stall. It all came off. Head down, nose to the grind stone, it will all be ok.
  10. I had my surgery on Jan 21st and hit that dreaded 3 week stall. I was in that stall for about a month and a week. And now my 2 stall is happening now. I have been sitting at the same weight since APRIL 21st. I'm losing my mind!!!! Did you all hit your second stall so soon?
  11. I just got out of the dreaded 3 week stall and it was brutal. I was almost at tears most of the time and it took its toll on me but when I broke it I realized that I was being pretty silly about the whole thing. I would of never lost even close to this much weight without the surgery so I was worried about losing what? ....Three maybe four pounds? If you are truly concerned about it though. Which I was I went back to basics. I went back on the liquid diet. Made sure if anything I got in 50g of protein and 90% of my water. If you choose to eat the pureed stuff just watch for sodium in foods it can tend to hold the water and also vamp up your work out a lil. I broke my stall in about 2 days of doing this. Good luck and don't worry your body does need time for adjustments and you will start to lose again real soon. Good luck!
  12. Not only the 3 week stall, I have perhaps had longer ones thattotally depressed me until I found such wonderful people of this forum. Thankfully 6 week out and I am doing fine inch wise but weight keeps fluctuating before it goes down. But life is simply great post VSG. No diabetic medication, no hypertension medication. Can actually walk 3 miles, feel fit and can actually jog - something that I could never do before.
  13. DivaStyleCoach

    March Exercise challenge

    Afternoon Warriors! Been having a ball with my at-home rowing machine lately...I still walk every morning with DD and DDog. The rower kicked my butt the first couple of weeks, but I'm finding my stride now. I'm up from the base 20 minute workout to 30 minutes now - I add fast-paced music before and after (love my iPhone!) to keep the heart rate and calorie burn up. Started out covering barely 1000m, last night rowed 4413m in 30:17, with a 3:40 split time for 500m. I have progressed quite a bit - it made me wonder what the heck I was waiting for! And I've lost the 2 pounds I gained before my 3-week stall. I've been fighting to get rid of it and since my fill in mid-Feb, I've been logging my food and exercising more, and it is starting to pay off! Looking forward to more losses by the end of the month, and I'll be purchasing the 40 minute workout by the end of the month as well!:cursing:
  14. I love my RD. I do refer to her as an RD out of respect for her licensure. But, I don't take umbrage at others saying Nut or nut. Meh, to each their own. There's a bazillion diets out there and I reckon, many paths to the same goal. Maybe fewer paths to maintain that goal... - but who am I to say? I'm just a schmoe on the internet who gets most of my wisdom from Charles Schultz and Dr. Seuss. The 3 week stall is real people! Just sayin...it's a wicked beast with 3 heads and a forked tail and it whispers lies and deceptions in your ear! And mine is gone (I think)! Woot! Take that you little bi*ch and suck on it! Down 1.4lbs since my stall... . The crops are saved and so is everyone around me.
  15. ProudGrammy

    19 Days Post No Loss Is 6

    Actually..... it was my mistake - the 3 week stall does happen at 3 weeks - and lasts for different lengths of time - I misinterpreted (msp?) your question. my goof kathy
  16. hope2Bfitand40

    19 Days Post No Loss Is 6

    PDX, how long does the 3 week stall last?
  17. Hi Everyone! I was hoping I could get some guidance! I feel like ever since I've been told that I can eat soft foods my weight has stayed the same!! My surgery was on July 14th and 1 week later my dr approved me to start soft foods since I was recovering well. Now, one week later I got on the scale only to see that my weight is the exact same!! Now, i've already been told about the dreaded 3-week stall but mine is happening at 2 weekss 😭 Nothing has changed besides eating soft foods and usually, I can only squeeze in dinner. For 2 weeks post op, my eating schedule has been AM Protein shake which takes hours for me to finish. Water Gatorade W/ Protein Water or Crystal light with unflavored protein water. Dinner, eating my protein first then vegetables, and usually ONLY last a couple of bites because I'm not hungry, to begin with. Any suggestions as to what could be going on?
  18. I was one of the lucky ones that gained 10 pounds from swelling and fluids. Thankfully I have started losing but experiencing the 3 weeks stall now. I can see my body shrinking and co-workers ask me daily if I'm losing weight. So I know I'm losing inches. Chin up...the scales will start going down soon. ????????
  19. ok can anyone help me, I haven't read a ton about stalls after the first 3 week stall which lasted almost 3 weeks for me now i am on another stall at 2 months, and i have been stalled for 2 weeks, what is going on?
  20. So unfortunately I did check my weight and I only lost 1lb since my post op appointment last week and I am extremely annoyed. Like in another week I’ll be 4 weeks out and I only lost 14 lbs after surgery so far. I am trying my best with protein and water goals and I am following the plan, not to mention I move a lot and my bms are normal so I’m not understanding what the issue is. Trying to not get discouraged I know this is normal but still it’s a little disheartening but I know it will get better.
  21. Used2b575lbs


    look up 3 week stall it is very common... I myself stalled for 7 weeks at 6 months out. Just keep following your doctors recommendations and contact your nutritionist. Your body may have gone into starvation mode stopping the weight loss. You may have to try getting in some liquid calories to let your body know everything will be alright. Good Luck!
  22. alwaysonadiet

    H Pylori

    Yeah doc said its a cocktail of meds. 3 different antibiotics and a strong PPI. He said sometimes it's too much for your new stomach to handle. I guess the little critters are hard to get rid of. I'm not even on solid foods yet so taking some harsh bacteria eaton drugs may not sit well. That's my guess. I'm still worried to let it sit around in there though and I never thought that it may be the reason I'm at a stall. I just assumed it was a normal 3 week stall maybe it's the H Pylori? I wonder if there is home remedies? I read on a post from another site to eat baked garlic and that kills it?? Anybody heard that?
  23. i1Linda

    Officially lost 100lbs

    AJW - you're right, we are TWINS! So cool. My goal is 140 (really 139...want to be in the 130's for some reason). Once I get down closer, I plan to reevaluate. Everyone tells me I will be too skinny lower than 140 but I can't imagine me ever being "too skinny". I finally broke my nearly 3 week stall at 182 today.... down to 179 - yippee!!! I haven't been in the 170's since well before my first pregnancy (about 9 years). :001_tt2:
  24. mousecat88

    2 month stall

    I had an 8 week stall at 3 months out - I never had that 3-week stall everyone talks about in the beginning. But yeah, it was terrible for those 2 months. But then it picked up again. Now that I am closer to goal weight, it is dripping off much much slower. Just had another 2 week stall, actually. I definitely echo catwoman's comment.
  25. That's awesome! Congratulations! I don't have any pictures to post yet. I started at 258 and am now 211. I just this week lost 3 lbs after nearly a 3 week stall. I'm pretty much eating whatever I want, but just a bite or two. Much more than that I end up feeling sick. I have to drink a protein shake each day just to meet my protein. I ended up getting two liters of IV fluids at my six week check up because I was dehydrated. It's a huge struggle to get my fluids in. Have to say that I love my sleeve too, despite any discomfort it may be giving me right now. Keep up the good work!

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