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Found 2,865 results

  1. pmorgan315

    May Surgeries - check in!

    My surgery was 5/26. Overall I feel I am doing great. My recovery from surgery was with no issue but I did hit a 3 week stall. It was in week 3 and it lasted a little over 3 weeks. However, in the past week weight is dropping. I struggled to get in enough protein and fluid for a while. I am now comfortably getting my protein and water in and exercising without issue. I am like you as far as food. I often don’t get to my vegetables because I am full after eating my protein portion. I also am never hungry and have to make myself eat because of that. As of today I am down 38 pounds and was told at my surgeons office last week that I am doing great. More than anything, I feel so much better than before and am sleeping better than I have in years!!! So thankful!
  2. I am 2 weeks post op and haven't lost any weight yet. I lost 23lbs pre-surgery so I'm trying not to be discouraged but it's tough! I'm struggling with being hungry, tired, and grouchy. I know the hunger is mostly in my head. But I'm always tired and I'm not sure if my meds that had been previously working for my mental health are not working anymore or if it's just all the changes or all of the above. The lack of weightloss has been really hard to deal with. I know it's not going to just melt off but even 1 or 2 pounds in 2 weeks would have made it feel like this wasn't a mistake. If this is the dreaded "3 weeks stall" how do I get passed it? How long does it last? I'm desperate for a ray of sunshine right now.
  3. Stalls happen. For me, they happen all the time. However, probably something like 80% of people have their first stall within the first month. It's generally referred to as 'the 3 week stall' because it usually happens around week 3 post op though can happen around weeks 2-5. Stalls generally last between 2-3 weeks. My longest one lasted 47 days. And no, I'm not joking. I lost 2 pounds on May 5th and then didn't lose anything until June 22nd where I lost 1 pound. Fifteen days later I lost another pound (it's been two days since I lost that last pound lol so who knows how long until I lose another). However, I'm also 17 months out so I'm getting closer to maintenance so my experience is a little different I guess, but I've had stalls constantly throughout my journey. It's an annoying part of it, for me. But hey, I've still lost 138 pounds since my surgery (and an additional 68 pounds prior to surgery) so try not to stress (next to impossible not to, I know).
  4. Flounder

    Any April 2021 surgeries?!

    Broke my 3 week stall, down 7lb now hope it keeps going!
  5. I had surgery on 3/2. I have went from 308 to 255. I have been on a 3 week stall. I even went and saw the nutritionist just to make sure I am on track. "Just be patient" they say. Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. It is normal to have a stall at 3-5 weeks post surgery. I am currently in the middle of said stall. I amd 28 days post surgery. The first few weeks was water weight, these next couple of weeks your body is adjusting to the shock of the surgery and the change in eating habits and amounts. After about week 6 the weight should start coming off again. Here are some additional tips: 1. Check your weight no more than 2x per week. If you need to, put your scale away on "non-weighing days" to ensure that you won't use it. 2. Focus on your HABITS and enjoy the journey. This is not a yo-yo diet. It is not a quick fix. This is your new life. Treat your body with kindness and you'll see what amazing things it will do for you. 3. Remember that weight loss (when graphed) often looks like a staircase rather than a steep slope. Some days you'll lose, others you won't. Don't judge yourself based on those numbers. 4. If you do weigh yourself, make sure that you are also taking note of your measurements. Fat takes up a lot more space than muscle. If you're losing inches and slowly losing pounds, this is often an indication that you are losing fat rather than muscle. If you do notice the dreaded "3 week stall", think of it as a badge of honor, a milestone, and "just a phase". Rather than thinking of your journey being "off course", remind yourself that it is just beginning. Time to enjoy the ride!
  7. Greendragonfly

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Funny 16 the magic number and the 3 week stall seem to be the norm 🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. ShanIAmVA

    May Surgeries - check in!

    But I didn't sign up for a 12-18 month process. I signed up for the 12-18 day package. LOL And I do believe 16 is the magic number. LOL I had my obligatory 3 week stall but back to losing again. YAY!
  9. smilelaura

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I had surgery the 24th also, I too have only lost 16 lbs. I totally agree with It being the 3 week stall. Follow the program. It will work out! ☺️
  10. Jmk77379

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Hi all, 1 month post surgery today, I've lost 40 lbs overall , 20 since surgery. I've been experiencing the dreaded 3 week stall, its frustrating but not unexpected with all the forums about it out there. I started riding my bike again, I don't like walking and started a at home exercise regime. Doing yard work is my best exercise! I'm trying to get more than 600 calories a day, it's tough when I'm not hungry, I've been focusing on getting protein. I don't miss my Diet Dr. Pepper habit, which i thought would be the hardest part. Food selection hasn't been too bad, I do like the ricotta bake, I add shrimp and mushrooms. Sugar free jello for snacks and tons of yogurt. I can start regular foods next week but I don't expect I'll be getting too adventurous until I get further out. . I've had a few colleagues ask me if I've lost weight as my face they see on Teams calls is much thinner, I've told a few and not ashamed by it. We booked a trip to Nassau, Bahamas next month and I look forward to not being the beached whale. Hope you all the best, John..
  11. It will be ok! 😀 My 3-week stall lasted 10 days. Stick to the plan and you will see the weight decrease! Good luck and enjoy the next phase.
  12. DareMightyThings

    Cleaning up diet Pre Surgery

    Wow you are doing really well. Those all seem like appropriate and safe amounts and not too bad either! Yea im sure you probably heard of the 3 week stall that can last a few days to a week maybe it could be that?
  13. PuraVida37

    Weight loss first two weeks

    I had the 3 week stall in week 2. Stayed the same for an entire week. Now in Week 5 I'm moving down pretty well. It's not a race. Just do what they told you and slow and steady wins out.
  14. I’m 15 days post roux en y and have been doing well and even running slowly, Ran 2 miles in less than 32 minutes yesterday including a hill! Last night I felt dehydrated and hungry and I’m now 15 days after surgery so I picked. Mushy meal of beef vegetable soup and I ate it. This morning had horrific bleeding stomach problems and had to miss work. Haven’t had this before- so I tried to eat eggs late afternoon and threw up. This is my first bad day. I am tolerating my medications, etc. but today my stomach is cramping and not very happy. also the weight loss stalled this week- not sure why. Today I finally dropped a pound. anyone have any comments?
  15. As everybody else has said, the “3 week stall” is a real thing. I will be 4 weeks post op tomorrow and from about the 12 day mark to the 22 day mark, I only lost 2 lbs. I started to freak a little because I’m barely eating and have no hunger or desire to eat. My nutritionist said it was normal and I confirmed that here on the message boards. My best advice is like everybody else said, stick to the script and only weigh once a week. I’m down 60 lbs in 6 weeks (2 weeks pre op diet until now). So while I had that little “stall”, I’m averaging 1lb a day. So I look at the big picture. I wish I had your hunger!
  16. KayBee1972

    Is a 7 month stall a thing?

    Initial 25lb loss, then 5 week stall, followed by a 5.5 lb loss, and another 3 week stall. 5 days a week exercise(ish). I was at a work event for a week so it was much harder to track food and exercise when in a hotel working 12 hour shifts. I'm tracking every bite in MFP and come in between 850-900cal per day. No idea what to do. But you're not alone.
  17. JazzyJess20

    Purée and stall?

    I'm definitely experiencing the 3 week stall. I've lost only .6 lbs in the last 3 days. I've walked and know I've been consuming less than 1000 calories a day. Alittle scary, considering the cravings (sacrifices) I have had to repeatedly push down. After losing weight so rapidly within the first 2 weeks, this is a bit upsetting. I want to desperately get out of the 300s.
  18. rjan


    My first stall started after 4.5 weeks, and my worst one started after about 2 months and lasted 3 weeks. Stalls happen to everyone. Telling you that probably won't erase your anxiety though... I remember my really long stall after 2 months was at exactly my lowest adult weight, where I had stalled out for nearly a year when trying to lose weight "normally" in my 20s. All I could think was that I must have reached the lowest I could ever get, so why did I bother to get my insides cut open? But I kept at it, and after losing almost nothing in my 3rd month, I lost 12 lbs in my 4th month. Just keep trucking on! As long as you don't use it as an excuse to ruin your diet, the weight loss will return!
  19. Suzi_the_Q

    I violate thermodynamics and it's crap

    Girllllll it's WAY too early to start freaking out. First off, you often GAIN anywhere between 5-15 lbs from the fluids they pump into you and swelling. That can take a couple of weeks to shake off, plus your surgery involves a lot of sutures- so again SWELLING. Secondly, your body has just been through what it perceives as a trauma; it's a whole lot of chaos as far as it's concerned and it may take a little while to get with the program you have in mind. Lastly, there's that damned 3 week stall thing... Mine came at about 2 or 2.5 weeks... and lasted more than 3 weeks from there. It was very disheartening, but it did break eventually! (And I've had smaller stalls since, I've learned to live with it.) It's not a race, it's a marathon, and really this is a lifestyle change. RE: when you "get to look ok"? WLS patients have a lot of body dysmorphia issues. In your mind, you may get to your goal and still not feel like that. It's something to address with a counselor, setting your expectations realistically. (I may be wrong, you may have realistic expectations but are expressing it as part of this general frustration.) Generally, I think you are being too hard on yourself and need to be a kinder to yourself during this process. You're doing all the right things. Everyone who goes through this is afraid it won't work for them. Give it some time and keep doing what you're doing. Maybe contact your surgeon about what your expectations should be; this type of surgery is pretty new, so it may be a little different. It'll be ok, just give it time.
  20. WafflingWafa

    one month post op

    I've just come through a 3 week stall..it isn't fun! At surgery 119 kg First 2 week Post op 116 .. by 6 weeks it was 112 kg then a stall Of 3 weeks so frustrating ( it was only the fact that clothes were getting looser that stopped me having a melt down!!) Weigh in yesterday 111kg So hopefully??! I wonder how much age is a factor ( I'm 66) plus I loss about 15 kg in the year prior to surgery) Just trying to plod on and stay sane ( or sane-ish!) Good luck
  21. Creekimp13

    one month post op

    The first month has the infamous 3 week stall averaged in....and it can ruin your average. Next month will be better. Don't panic. Stick to your program.
  22. I had the sleeve done on 2/4. Lost weight for 3 weeks, stalled for 5 and now just recently started losing weight again. The problem I have is that it seems slower than before. Since March 27th I have maybe lost 5 or 6 lbs. I have 2 different scales, one is a body composition scale that I picked up to see if I could get some kind of baseline on my stats. Anyway 5 lbs in 10 days doesn't seem like much compared to how fast it went in the first 3 weeks. Just wondering if that is normal expected weight loss now? By my calculations I should be burning about a net of 2000 calories per day, which seems like I should be losing more weight than I am. Maybe I'm just impatient because I lost so much perceived ground during the ridiculously long stall.
  23. loridee11

    Is this not working?

    My "3 week stall" lasted about 3 1/2 weeks. Be patient and follow your plan!
  24. I was sleeved January 27th 2021 starting weight was 215 day of surgery went down to 200 first 3 weeks after surgery, but I have since lost weight very slowly I was in the 3 week stall for about 3 weeks at 199 and today 2 months post op I am at 191 and I know it is still going down just really slowly about 1 pound every week or two and I am not sure if this is normal I just feel like it's so slowww!! anyone else in January? how is it going or has anyone experienced really slow weight loss?
  25. Hi! I had surgery on March 10th 2021. From 3 week Pre-op until now, I have lost a total of 19 pounds (nearing 6 weeks total time). I have not lost any weight in the last 10 days. I’ve spent a good period of time assuring myself by reading the great feedback on others posts about similar questions but, most suggest the 3 week stall and I have heard that the stall can happen 2-4 weeks post surgery. Has anyone ever heard of a stall basically right out of the gate? I am tracking - I am at 600 calories/day and 60g of protein. My Pre-Op Diet Start Weight was 257 and I am currently 238. Thanks in advance for the advice and feedback, a little challenging to not be discouraged!

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