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Found 17,501 results

  1. I would agree that it’s wise to contact your doctor but while waiting for your appointment you may as well work to rule out a few things. How many carbs are you having? Could it be keto flu? Especially if you are burning all that you are eating you could be in ketosis on more carbs than someone who isn’t active. Less than 50g is what they say for ketosis for the average person but the more active you are the more carbs you can have and still achieve ketosis. Some very active people can be in ketosis on 200g of carbs, even. Maybe try adding some healthy carbs for a couple of exercise days and see if that helps alleviate your symptoms. Unless your team wants you in ketosis, in which case I guess you just have to kinda wait it out. My NP told me to increase my carbs because I am walking around 5-7 miles a day and I showed her my food log app and my activity app and she said you need to be eating more carbs and protein as long as you keep up this level of activity. It kinda tough. Seems counter productive but I increased mine and I am still losing. I usually get them from vegetables and fruits so I get a variety of nutrients but I will add a small amount of brown rice (1/3 cup) to my dinner if my carbs are too low for the day. My calories went up a bit too but she said that was okay.
  2. Arabesque

    Liquid diet.

    Remember the first week is always the hardest on the liquid diet. I didn’t do it for my surgery but I did it myself a couple of time to try to lose weight before I ever thought about surgery. Maybe be a little more gentle on yourself and give your body time to get used to the reduced calories, low/no carbs, and whatever else has been cut from your usual diet like sugar & caffeine & your body used to rely on. The spring cleaning jobs will still be there & who cares if it takes you longer to get through them. (Mine are still there from last year 😂.)
  3. FifiLux

    I am considered Normal BMI!

    @AmberFL In all your exercising have you found that your arms are firming up, if they were flabby before? Just looking for some tips as they remain a problem area for me and doing arm weights at home (mix between 1.5kg and 3kg) a few days a week for some reps doesn't seem to be making any inroads. My legs are always going to be a problem area for me because of lymphedema but that just stops me wearing shorts or a short dress leaving me still with plenty of options but having to keep my arms covered all the time (because I hate my arms) is a pain.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Did i plateau

    When I had my sleeve I would weigh myself daily (because I couldn’t help myself, lol) but I only recorded it once a week. That way I would see the downward trend better. Our weight can fluctuate by a couple pounds in either direction for so many things. We would really be better off if we would just Weigh like once a month but I get it. That’s really hard.
  5. MrsDemps

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Had my surgery on 4/15 then 3 day later I had and infection with 15 count white blood cell, heart racing and temp 104. I was taking the following day for.catscan and was told that i had a cyst or abcess. When i was returned to r[m the Physician told.my hisband they had to do surgery and my.husband asked when and we were told in 45.minutes. I have another surgery within 3 days of the gastric surgery. Part of stomach was left open. Which caused infection. This has been and scary situation for me.and my family. I stayed in hospital for 18 days and was sent home with 3 drainage tubes and PICC LINES. Not sure why I am have some much saliva which causes me.to spit constantly and want to stop.
  6. Any surgery twins? Had surgery on Monday, June 3rd- Monday. HW- 273 Before surgery- 234 CW- 230 So far, week one has went well. I haven’t felt any hunger until today. I’ve been able to meet my goals daily 💪 so far! I am on full liquids currently and haven’t had any nausea or vomiting. Some soreness/tenderness but not any extreme pain. Wish me well and give me your best tips for success!
  7. trishaaustin2001


    Hello. Things are not good but I did break down and I see a therapist is 2 weeks.
  8. I did 2 things preop that helped immensely: 1) this may sound weird but i guessed i’d be in a little pain from the incisions so a couple of days before going into the clinic i move everything i figured i’d need in the first week post up to middle shelves in my kitchen/fridge : cups, scales, protein shakes and powders etc. And thank god i did because i had abdominal muscle pain (like i’d done 10000 crunches) and was told not to bend down for a while. 2) i wrote out « meal » plans from what my dietician provided in order to clearly see what time of day i’d eat (protein shakes) and drink (water). I’m the kind of person who needs a set plan that’s clear and that i can follow because i was lost the first few days. I wrote out 4 weeks of meal plans and i varied the shakes and purées and soups so i didn’t get sick of one specific one (never ate the same one 2 meals in a row and alternated with the next day). Not sure it actually helped my experience but it did help me see clearly mentally 🤣
  9. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    I spent about $100 ($64 US) on just a few vegetables (handful of green beans & sugar snap peas, bunch of broccolini & asparagus, some grapes, tub of baby tomatoes, 2x tubs labneh, 2 pork chops & 3 chicken schnitzels). The grapes were the most expensive but will last me a couple of weeks. Then went to the grocery store & spent another $130 on 2L milk, pack cheese sticks, macadamia nuts, mixed seeds, 3 bottles sparkling water, tub of hummus, 8 protein bars, bag of frozen mixed vegetables & a few other bits & bobs (deodorant, toothpaste,…). Two large bags worth. All for just one person. And I’ll be at the shops again next week (to get those cucumbers 😉.)
  10. JennyBeez


    Goodness yes. I am incredibly emotionally reactive right now -- and prior to all this, as an adult I've always been very non-reactive, to the extent that I used to wonder if I was a sociopath. The past two-ish-weeks I've been on a rage bender, and now I'm starting to see that ease but now instead I get teary when I tell my dog I love her, etc. XD
  11. FifiLux

    I did it!!! OMG I really did it!!!!

    Woohoo way to go, great end to the week.
  12. I have been looking online and there are 3 so far that their work looks really good, one of them actually specialize in surgery for bariatric patients. So maybe I start at least visiting them and see if they also tell me I need to lose 20more pounds.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Am I behind?

    I lost 79 pounds in 4 months. That averages out to roughly 20 pounds per month, or 5 pounds per week. I was 388 on surgery day. You're doing great. Don't compare yourself to others. Rome wasn't built in a day, so just stick to the diet, move your body, and you'll get there.
  14. Kat

    Not Enough Calories

    Arabesque thank you, I have lost 80 pounds so far I am currently 160 the goal I was given from my doctors is 130. So I have 30 pounds left to go. I am 5’3. I know you are all right and the stall will pass. It’s just my first real stall I did not go through the 3 week stall and this stall just reminds me to much of all my diet failures. I know it’s all in my head and will pass!
  15. cjbowers2005

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I am scheduled in less than a week, May 28th for Sadie revision
  16. At 3 months out, I'm still between 1/2 cup to a cup per meal, depending on what it is. Thinner and wetter dishes are better tolerated for me; if I have a 2oz turkey burger patty, I can eat one or two bites of cooked vegetables -- but if I have that same amount of patty with gravy or ground up in a stew/chili/etc, I can stomach a bit more veg. At 2 months -- and even now at 3 -- the texture of food seems to affect me more than the quantity. Anything too dry (including both white and dark poultry for some reason) induces vomiting and/or dumping syndrome. Egg whites. Even when I think it's moist, often my body argues back and proves me wrong. I've heard from so many people -- on this forum, in my program support group, from my care team -- and it will get easier and better as time goes by, both in terms of portions and foods becoming less irritating, usually around the 1 to 2 year mark. Some people can never go back to a few certain foods, others can eat pretty normally. Bear through it. Cater to your tummy's tantrums when you need to -- move into soft food as slowly as you need to. Make your meal half puree and half soft if it helps (pureed sweet potato or really well mashed cauliflower/potato is a great side dish to help your protein get down).
  17. AmberFL

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    its been a weird week! Im glad its Friday here and my work day is done in 6hours lol! a GG?! wow I am sure you have nice boobies still even with the weight loss. I think with the weight loss and breastfeeding two of my children for over a year my boobs were like ya there is no way your coming back from this. So booby surgery is a must for me lol! Hoping to have a chillax weekend! You as well and get those lashes girl!!! I am thinking about it too but I spend way too much money on myself as it is hahahah
  18. NeonRaven8919

    Surgeon Appointment - YAY!

    Oh that's really soon! Congrats! I felt the same way when I got called to arrange the surgery date so soon! I think I felt really thrown is becaus the first thing they did was out me on a 12 week diet very suddenly and I didn't have time to prepare and had to throw out good food and buy new things for the diet. I think also it was the fact that getting that call means it's finally happening! Especially as you've been on the NHs waiting list for a long time. It's not just a vague idea of soothing that will happen on the future anymore but a real thing that you have to prepare for. It's scary and exciting! I didn't think to ask any questions, but since my mother went through it back in 2008, I knew already about the surgery and the complications.
  19. NeonRaven8919

    Just approved for Surgery in October 2024

    Yes the doctor wants me to lose 10% of my weight before the surgery. Being on the national health service, I guess they want to take extra precautions to make the surgery approved by their boards and directors. 12 weeks seems a really long time, but I've had weight problems for over 30 years so in the grand scheme of things, it's no time at all. Thanks for the suggestion about ways to celebrate my birthday! I've made plans to get my nails done with a friend so that will be great!
  20. @LisaCaryl Sorry, I didn't want to worry you! I'm close to giving up on trying to make healthy food choices is what I really meant. I'm feeling slightly better this evening although I'm freezing again because of the cold and rain in the UK. I think I'm just so so done in by all the traveling for work - I've still had less than 30 days at home since my surgery at the end of Feb and I know I'll be travelling pretty much non stop till mid July - and I'm so over the cold and the random hotel rooms and the living out of a suitcase. My partner is also travelling a lot so we barely see each other which normally we're fine with but the last 7-8 months have been especially bad travel wize. I think I just need a few good nights sleep in my own bed... I get home on wednesday evening and have a week a home before fmying off. Thankyou. Clothes feeling looser is a hard one because I travel light so basically just swap out one work dress for another from my suitcase when I'm home without trying anything on. I do have a dietician from the clinic I was operated at but the contact is just through whatsapp. I spoke to my partner earlier about how down I am (partner is not a GP or a psychiatrist but is a doctor.) and he thinks that it's just really because all this travelling and rain and cold is shitty and to keep upbeat and work i have to find something to get the negative emotions out on so I'm going with the lack of weightloss. The rational person inside me knows that this stall will pass but the emotional person is just so over the struggle allready!
  21. My surgery is the 25th, so I'm just starting the liquid diet, but it's not too bad so far. I have a recommendation for something crunchy: crushed ice! I measure 17 ounces of water into a gallon baggie and add a packet of fruit punch crystal light. Set it in the freezer, and when it's solid, crush it with a rolling pin or heavy pan. If you have a thermos, the ice shards keep for a while and are fun to munch on during the day. Hope the next week goes by quickly for you!
  22. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    there are 17,501 posts here on Bariatric Pal about the infamous "three-week stall" (it often strikes the third week after surgery, but not always - it can be the second week - or fourth - or fifth - but in any event, it hits most of us very soon after surgery. And no, I am NOT kidding about there being 17,501 posts on it. Here they are: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three-week stall best thing to do is just make sure you're following your program - and then stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you're following your program, the stall WILL break. It usually takes 1-3 weeks. And just so you know, this is likely the first of many stalls..
  23. My sister who was sleeved on Aug 30th and now myself who was sleeved on Dec 28th both have trouble sleeping. I am used to being exhausted and sleep a good 8 hours a night, but since surgery, I wake after 5 hours and just can't go back to sleep. If I do get up for awhile and go back to bed I can get in another 2-3 hours. I am back to work now so I don't have the time to do back to bed. Does this ever change? Does anyone out there have a remedy? I blame it on all the Protein so I've been trying to get my daily requirements in before 2:00, but it didn't work last night. Bingo, 3:00 am and I am up for the day. Help!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. I have 3 kids 12, 6 and 2. I did not tell them. The day that I went my mom stayed over and hubs and I told the kids that I had to go to the doctors because my stomach needed to get checked and fixed. Now all they see is that my eating habits have changed, and I workout every day. So they just think that I made a lifestyle change and got thinner that way. My oldest is my step son and his mom is very very body conscious and body shames? She struggles with her weight and has made comments how my daughter has slimmed down, or how the 12 has finally lost his baby weight and will barely eat. I nip that in the butt quick! I have to tell her that we cannot speak negatively in front of our kids, its going to cause a complex like we have. I grew up with my mom always talking about weight and she still does. I try my best to not surround our conversations on negative body image. I do home work outs 2-3x a week and sometimes with my daughter who is 6 asks to work out with me to get skinny, I tell her its not to get skinny its to get strong and stay healthy. So I try to just surround our convos around that. Its tough with kids!
  25. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    I’m terms of work it really does vary quite a bit person to person. I had my sleeve 3.5 years ago and physically I could’ve returned to a desk job the next day out of hospital in terms of pain but I was tired and took alot of naps. Some people that had same surgery around same time as me were in pain for a week. I think one of the main differences is whether any air gets trapped in there because that causes a lot of pain and takes a while to get it all out. I have been on these boards for a while though and honestly there are plenty of people with very little pain from day one like me and then there are also others who are in a great deal of pain for a couple weeks. I have even seen some that take a full month off. I’d say MOST fall somewhere in between. I would also keep in mind what your home demands are too. If you can’t come home and just rest then it will probably take you a little longer to be able to return to work because even when you do feel ready for work you most likely will not have your normal stamina for a little while. You most likely will need naps at night for a while after working full time. if you do a search on here for recovery time or time off work, etc. You will see lots of posts about this if you want to get a better idea.

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