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Found 2,865 results

  1. Coookies

    30 days out and not losing

    its normal and will end, make sure you are getting in all of your water too... my "3 week stall" actually occurred in week 5 for me.. it's different for everyone... don't stress, that makes it worse.. also, you could try switching out one of the shakes for real protein (in addition to your dinner protein)... maybe for breakfast....
  2. Ok guys, I've heard about 3 weeks stall but this is ridiculous...I had my surgery on january 18th, weighing 194. Around february first I was down to 178. So I've only lost 16 pounds since Jan 18th!!! This is so discouraging. I know part of the problem is I'm not getting enough protein. So this past week, I started whey protein shakes, 1 shake equals 38 grams of protein. I try to get the remainder of protein from food. Also I have not been able to drink 64oz everyday. Should I try the 5 day pouch test? I'm getting worried that I may have failed the sleeve
  3. So, I was sleeved on 3/25. I have no problems eating what I should be eating or getting the amount of protein I should be getting, but this past 4-5 days the scale has not moved. I was wondering if that was normal or if anyone else has experienced this. I am starting to wonder if this surgery was the right decision for me or if my body is just saying what the heck did you do to me? I have lost 15 lbs since surgery, but nothing in the past 4-5 days. Just curious. Thanks!
  4. Are you guys outta your stall yet? I'm at week 3 and haven't lost a pound since Monday. I am totally prepared for the 3 week stall everyone goes through but I'm on full liquids and am having a lot of issues getting anything think down. I'm able to get blended creamed Soup, blended greek yogurt, and nectar Protein Water... but that's seriously it! I'm not even close to getting 64oz of fluids in, and maybe get 60g of protein in a day.... I'm so sad! I was so excited to drink my yummy chocolate Protein shakes, but NOPE, they dont go down! So, I was just wondering if ya'll were able to break your stall and at which week did it break? For me, it's not like I can up my calorie intake, or increase protein, etc. I have come to accept the fact that it's gonna take me a while longer to move through the stages. But any advice would be appreciated!!
  5. I think we all go through the dreaded 3 week stall. Stay with healthy foods and what you can eat comfortably. I myself wouldn't even try to eat junk food anymore. Why set myself up for those bad habits again? I'm not quite 3 months out. I was at a stall for what seemed like weeks, right after surgery. It was driving me batty! I even thought I did better on my own with the weight loss I had lost before surgery. I still only get in 400-800 calories a day. Then boom, the scale started moving. Looking at my tools on MyFitnessPal, I had lost 10 pounds in 20 days. That is on average a half a pound a day! You're going to have stalls. You're body is just rearranging it's self. While you stall, you lose inches. Once that is done, the scale starts moving again. You didn't gain all your weight overnight. You're not going to lose it over night.
  6. Same thing happened to me, I had surgery 20 days ago. I lost 14 pounds in 8 days then I went 5 days without losing. I freaked out cause like you said, I had heard about the 3 week stall but not one at one week. Then I lost 2 pounds. So far this week I haven't lost anything (which is very frustrating). First thing, stop weighing yourself every day. I know it's amazing to have lost so much so soon. I made myself put the scale away and will weigh myself once a week at work. I don't believe this is a stall. Your body is regrouping. Just continue what you are doing and you will lose weight. Congrats on the awesome weight loss.
  7. OK, so I was all brave with my talk of how I was all mentally prepared for the inevitable “3 Week Stall”. Yeah, big talk sister! Then after no weight loss since last Thursday, I got socked, like an old fashioned cartoon this morning, WHAM! Picture me (or not) in the bathroom, buck naked with my mouth hanging open, standing on my scale and yelling, “GAINED A POUND??! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!” Not a pretty sight! I’m sort of slogging around in the denial stage right now. “…more water…must have more water…” OK, so I know some of you are gonna say that I should stop weighing every day; but shoot, the novelty hasn’t worn off yet. Maybe it just did…probably not, because I know that I’m going to have to work it out and machinate the heck out of this thing, at least the first time. It’s just the way I do things. Grrrrr So anyway, what do I do? I go running straight to this forum and search “stall” and read just about every post that has anything to do with the word stall!! OK, I got through 2 pages full—there are a LOT of us talking about “stall”. The more I read, the more normal I felt (hahaha, that alone was worth the price of admission!) and I stumbled across this amazingly succinct explanation of why we stall. Now, this makes sense to me and I can deal with it a little more rationally (Lord, I hope that’s not gonna earn me another “yeah, big talk sister!”) Thanks to meggiep for posting this link! I thought it was worth bumping up! The WHY behind the STALL Thanks for listening. I hope this link makes someone else feel "normal." Susan
  8. ... Dear stall.. you can't see it but I am giving you the finger. Indeed, I am. Sigh!
  9. Sounds good...been on my 3 week stall for a week now. Anyways today is my bday and I'm having me some cheesecake lol!
  10. YURiiMii

    Not losing weight

    I went through that 3 weeks stall as well but it seems I hit another stall. I was sleeved on 11/15/12 I weighed in at 311 and I got down to 288 but it seems that I gain 4lbs then lose those same 4lbs. I asked my doctor about it but he said it happens and I will get passed it but boy is it discouraging.
  11. Lissa

    Help :(

    The dreaded 3 week stall strikes again!! You are NOT done losing weight!! Don't even let yourself think that! This is a great time to take your measurements and see if you are losing inches. If you didn't take them before surgery, then do it now and watch those inches shrink! I lost my first pants size during a stall. I was frustrated by the darn scale and, while I was getting dressed one morning, my pants fell off my booty! That's when I realized that there are lots of NSVs (non-scale victories) to be found. If your clothes are getting bigger and you are more able to do things, then you are still getting the benefits of the sleeve, even if the scale isn't moving. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. It's definitely true! If you are exercising, even walking and very light weights, then you are building muscle. Even if it's a tiny bit of exercise, it's more than you were doing before surgery and your body responds very quickly to that little bit of exercise. Believe me, I don't work out intensly and I'm seeing HUGE results from my 30 minutes of walking per day and my 3 pound hand weights 3 times a week! At just over 5 months out, I'm seeing definition in my arms and legs, plus my weight is redistributing itself into more feminine lines, instead of the sponge-bob squarepants look I had before! Put the scale away, get out your measuring tape and work on drinking your Water. You will start losing again, and very quickly! Good luck!!
  12. Lisa :)

    Help :(

    Definitely, definitely, definitely STOP WORRYING If you search past (and even current) posts here you will read about the dreaded week 3 stall....there is even one by me!!!! You have to keep in mind that after losing so much weight so quickly your body needs time to adjust to that weight. I will also tell you that stressing out over it can make it worse. Just keep doing what you're doing and TRY not to focus on the number on the scale....it's just a number!!! Instead, focus on the NSV's (non-scale victories). When I hit the 3 week stall (which lasted 2 weeks BTW), I took my measurements and even though I hadn't lost ANY weight in two weeks, I had lost several inches....proof that the scale can, at times, be my worst enemy!! So, don't beat yourself up....you're doing great!!!!
  13. andersonlj

    This Week Is Just Not Starting Off Right-- Week 3

    This is called the 3 week stall. It happend to me also and I gained a couple of pounds and I thought it was because I ate a little more on New Years Eve. I have put the scale away and got back to eating all of my protein, water, taking all of my vitaimins and have continued to go to the gym. Next week when I get the scale out I know that the number will be a good one. Keep up the fight. http://www.tickerfactory.com/ezticker/weight_loss.php/wLHbQ7h
  14. Today, I am 3 weeks out from band to sleeve revision. My 3 week stall started at two weeks out, and I haven't moved since. I am a lightweight (didn't wait to gain all my band weight back when that went down the crapper) and only have another 20-30 lbs to goal. How long did your 3 week stall last? I wonder if I'm done losing already? If I am, so be it, my most pressing need was to make sure that I didn't keep gaining. Also, for reference, I'm eating mostly mushy foods, just starting to work in some actual meat. Yesterday I had turkey lunchmeat for the first time, today I had shredded chicken for the first time. Otherwise I'm doing yogurts, cottage cheese, string cheese, tuna salad, that type of thing. I generally get in my 60-64 oz of Water, and am usually in the 55 -60 g of Protein a day, without using any Protein shakes. Thoughts? How did other lightweights fare?
  15. VJSlim

    Stalls Suck

    Ah the dreaded 3 week stall. Dont worry - almost everyone here has gone through this. Keep doing everything you are supposed to. The stall will break pretty soon and your scale will move
  16. twinsmom727

    Anyone else in a stall?

    I had a 3 week stall and that started right around the beginning of my third week post op. They say it's normal and that your body is adjusting. I'm almost 7 months out and have had 4 stalls. Good luck!
  17. QTRNY2018


    Unfortunately looks like I’ll be back for another this week. Coupled with a 3 week stall I am no happy RNY camper.
  18. My sister and I in the same boat. 3 weeks out and no loss. From what I've been reading this is normal. Alot of people experience the 3 week stall. With the amount of food that you are intaking...loss is bound to pick up again soon. Hang in there!! Trust me this is going to work for you. I'll keep you updated.
  19. Did great the first six months, now haven't lost anything the past 2 months, just losing and gaining the same 2 pounds. I am so not looking forward to my next appt. with my surgeon on June 22. I am so embarrased that I may not even have lost a pound by then. Everyone talks about the 3 week stall and the 3 month stall. Anybody experience a stall in the later months? Help! Ducker
  20. Lanette

    Setting Goals

    So far, I have not really set any time/weight goals. I haven't had a clue how to even guess how much I would lose. My original goal in my head was to hit Onederland by July 4. I think based on factoring in a 3 week stall and losing about 5 pounds a week, I'm going to bump that up a little to around June 10th. So....there you have it....my first goal. I want to lose 35 pounds and hit Onederland by June 10th.
  21. Butterthebean

    So Annoyed

    It's called the 3 week stall. Basically, once you start a reduced calorie diet your body starts burning glycogen for fuel because it's the most accessible fuel source. For every pound of glycogen you burn, you will use 4 pounds of Water weight as well. This accounts for everyone's initial and easy weight loss when they start a diet or have WLS. Once your body realizes that this calorie deficit is going to continue past the point of using all your glycogen stores, then it starts to burn fat. But at the same time it must refill your glycogen stores, along with that water weight which keeps the glycogen soluble. So at this point you are burning fat but adding water weight. If the fat loss does not outpace the water gain your weight will stall, but you are still burning fat. Once the glycogen and water weight have been restored, you will see the scale start to move again.
  22. Ms skinniness

    Should I Be Worried?

    Perhaps uping your protein intake and water will give you a boost. Just a little at a time. This could be your 3 week stall as well. It happens. you will lose weight and have that beautiful slim new body that's shouting out "SEXY."
  23. Beautyandbeyond


    Yep at that nasty 3 week stall too. I AM MORE THAN A NUMBER!!! GRRRR. D#%@ scale!
  24. I will be 3 weeks post-op on Wednesday. My scale hasn't budged in a week and a half. In the first week and a half after surgery I lost 13lbs. I have heard of the 3 week stall but this was only after a week and a half. I am following everything I need to. I meet my protein requirements most days, get all my reccomended vitamins, plenty of water, and I'm walking every day. Has this happened to anyone else. I'm feeling very down and wondering if this is going to work for me.
  25. Hi Just my take on this.It might be clouded by my current 3 week stall though..lol I am 6 minths out and all of a sudden I am thinking of food way to often.I am also hungry.Real stomach hungry,a feeling that I suppose is hunger (never felt hungry before in my life as I was always eating) As a 45 year old habitual dieter that's not been at my goal weight for over 20 years and having to constantly tell myself not to eat now at 6 months out,I would have done the Ds if 1.it didnt have the bafhroom issues ans 2.the malabsorption of Vitamins were not so severe.I also would have considered the RNY if I havent seen so many of my friends gain 50 plus pounds 4 to 5 years after the RNY. So,the botom line is one will have to relearn to 1. eat only at meal times and not snack all the time,2.have self control in your choices 3. Make peace with all this, no matter which one of the surgeries you have. And if you can do that for the RNY or the DS then you can do that for the sleeve which at this time seems to be the surgery with less long term health issues in terms of nutrition. One thing though.It was so shocking for me when I realized that I can snack and that carbs do go down so easily.I am sure that if I snack all the time it would be possilbe for me to regain everything I have lost.I have no doubt about it.When we graze we usually choose high fat high calorie Snacks and rubbish goes down so easy with the sleeve. Permanent changes in the way we think about food and saying no to ourselves even when we dont want to is definetely necessary. But the sleeve is working for me and I am working on changing my bad patterns.Having said all this my close friend had the RNY,lost all her weight,eats great gourmet foods,stays at her goal and have more restriction than me,had right from the start.She had her surgery quite a few years ago and she's still doing great and she finds it so easy.

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