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Found 2,865 results

  1. elp93


    Yes the 3 week, 3 month stall curse lol. It’s totally normal. I am 1.5 months post op and I am down to 225 from 256lbs surgery and I had a 3 week stall that lasted about two weeks. Best thing to do is put a way the scale for one to two weeks. :) your body is just in panic mode but if you are doing what you are supposed to do you will lose the weight whether you look at your scale or not ❤️
  2. Mz D

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    I've hit that 3 week stall too. Just have to push through it. I'm working on meeting my water goals and moving more.
  3. tonya5073

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    Is there a 3 week stall? I was wondering 😉
  4. Prisci1608

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    I’m in the US ! How about you? I’m doing okay! I think I hit that 3 week stall everyone talks about! But I was recently cleared for eggs, tuna & flaky fishes! What stage they have you in?
  5. Sleeve_Me_Alone

    September Surgery Buddies!!

    I'll echo what others have said: the 3 week stall is REAL. There are THOUSANDS of posts here from folks who stall somewhere between week 3-6 for 1-3 weeks, sometimes more. Your body is likely rebounding from surgery and catching up with all the changes. Give it time, be patient, stay the course, follow your plan. It won't last forever, and it will happen again. Its all just part of the process. If its taxing you mentally, maybe take a week or two break from the scale. Take body measurements for a couple weeks instead, or use photos to track progress. Remember that the scale is only ONE measure of progress, other things can be just as valuable. Lastly, a TRUE stall is generally considered 3+ weeks; 4 days is absolutely nothing. You're right where you're supposed to be!
  6. vikingbeast

    September Surgery Buddies!!

    There's absolutely no way 600-700 calories wouldn't lead to loss in an adult. Stalls happen! You might want—this is such perverse logic but it works for some people—to increase your calories by 100-150 just for a week. It won't be enough to put you anywhere near maintenance, but it might break the stall. I broke my 3-week stall with the help of a dietitian by adding 100 calories of carbohydrate. To @CtotheTina - the 3-week-stall is legendary around here. It happens to most people and there are almost 20,000 posts on this site alone about it. It's your body getting used to the new normal and doing some fluid rebalancing. It will break within a week or two, just keep following your program.
  7. It is normal to be thinking like you are. I think most of us do the same thing. It looks like you lost most of the easy weight before surgery. Many of us lose a bunch in the preop diet and the rest of the easy stuff in the first month post op then it slows down considerably. After my 3 week stall which lasted 2.5 weeks I am back to losing about 4 or 5 pounds a week. I anticipate that slowing down considerably as I pass 2 months post op. I obsess over weight from day to day and I know I shouldn't be looking at it every day but I do anyway. I find if I UNDER EAT then my body holds on to the weight a little more, like I am going into starvation preservation internally. I upped my calorie intake from 750-800 to 850-900 and it seems like the weight is coming off again. I tinker with things when I slow down to see if I can get it going again. The nutritionist is good about giving ideas on what to try.
  8. vikingbeast

    No weight loss

    Honestly, there are so many reasons. - You could be retaining water (are you near time for your menses?) - You could be constipated (I once lost 4 lbs. in 20 minutes...) - Your body could be readjusting its fluid balance (this is what causes the 3-week stall) Just keep following your plan. It WILL come off.
  9. No thanks

    September Surgeries!

    Hello fellow September surgery buddies, I’m 18 days post op. Eating a little better now that I’m on soft foods. Talked to my dietician yesterday and my biggest gripe is remembering to take tiny bites and eat very slow and chew thoroughly. I forget sometimes and eat too fast and then I have a horrible uncomfortable pain where it feels food is stuck. But anywho my question for anyone really is, is it just me or has anyone else noticed that other drinks go down way easier than water? I have to take the tiniest of sips of water and wait but with tea for example I can sip more easily and without issue. Just thought that was interesting. Lol I had my surgery 24Sep and I was 210 before surgery and am now 197. But I’m pretty sure I’m in the 3 week stall people talk about as I’ve been this weight for a week. But I’m proud of the changes I’m seeing. I took a pic today to compare it and I can tell a slight difference already. There were times I was second guessing the surgery but I can now walk two miles without a lot of pain. I have osteoporosis and arthritis and break bones easily so the 30 + pounds I gained in the last year put a lot of pressure on my joints. I’ve broken an ankle three times and had a broken back. Just some background info, I started at 227 pounds. I was about 222 in the black dress and today at 197.
  10. The Greater Fool

    NSV: Blood pressure medication

    Congratulations! "Only" 33 pounds in the 3 weeks since surgery! How do you show your face? You must be so ashamed of yourself. 🤣 Be warned you are on the threshold of the infamous 3-week stall. Before you panic and post about your stall, search "3 week stall" then change nothing and keep doing what you are doing. Good luck, Tek
  11. Right on time. Do a search for 3 week stall
  12. The Greater Fool

    Minimal to no weight loss?

    Everyone reacts differently to surgery. The 3 week stall is a thing, but it does not necessarily wait until the 3rd week. Your surgeon isn't worried and he did comment that you were a lower BMI to start, probably lost weight before surgery, so not losing much the first 3 weeks does not sound way out of whack. So... Get off the scale. It is crazy making and distracting and discouraging you. You don't need it for the important stuff. The important stuff: keep following your plan. Exercise if you are so inclined. Keep doing both. If you follow your plan, you will do fine. It will be OK. Honest. Good luck, Tek
  13. learn2cook


    I feel your frustration and worry. I just came off a 3 week stall. I think I was emotionally surprised I still have to work so hard at loosing weight. My mind knew the surgery was one tool, my emotions thought the first six months would have the weight slip off like water. I woke up and realized I still need to truly work it! The difference with WLS, when I try hard 2-4 lbs comes off versus 1/4 lb. I applaud your move to reconnect with the weight loss community. Maybe your dietitian can help? Does your weight loss center have a group to meet with? That helps me stay on track too.
  14. This is for those who have lost more than the weight required to hit the top of the “normal” BMI (I know - BMI is awful - but it’s a measurement that everyone is aware of). I hit the top of my normal BMI by 6 months post-op and have lost more since then (which I wanted to). I did not have any stalls until I got down a few lbs below the top normal BMI. I had selected 145 as my original goal because that was the lowest weight I ever achieved as an adult (through weight watchers) but have since adjusted to 135 (and quite frankly, feel like with my belly I could even adjust lower, although I think plastic surgery will be needed to really get things where I want). However, it’s been discouraging as I’ve definitely been dealing with 2-3 week stalls now - then lose for a week or two then repeat. I had a stall since the beginning of the month and then yesterday when I did my weigh-in I was down almost 4 lbs! Now, 3.75 lbs seems like a LOT to lose in a week at this point - not time wise as I am only 8.5 months out but given where my weight is - haven’t lost that much in a week in a while (and while I normally only weigh weekly I did check it again this morning to ensure that it was a real loss and it was). For those who have gotten below the top normal BMI, how was the weight loss once you got past that top normal BMI? Was kind of expecting only to lose a couple of lbs a month from here on out but seems like that may be a low guess? Just trying to get an idea mostly from a mental perspective - as I said, the stalls have been discouraging, although I know I was fortunate not to have a single one until I got below the normal BMI. I had a couple of weeks in the 3-5 month range where I only lost .5-.75 lbs but none where the scale didn’t budge like it has a few times lately.

    Revision to SADI

    I had ds surgery on 8/17/21 and i lost a total of 27 lbs so far but i hit a 3 week stall and it is soooooo depressing ,., idk what to do… and yes i can eat more than i thought i should be able too.. my doctor did tell me that they didn’t touch my sleeve either … So understand you… i feel like i lost with this surgery but i’m trying my hardest to stay positive
  16. i had ds surgery on 8/17/21 and i lost a total of 27 lbs so far but i hit a 3 week stall and it is soooooo depressing ,., idk what to do
  17. Thank you for responding. Now I know I'm not alone either hehe. I had surgery the day after yours so we are in the same boat. 😁I think as long as we don't get disheartened, it will break. Maybe our infamous 3 week stall is a couple weeks late. lol. It is definitely confusing when the CNP and nutritionist say opposing things. Either way I think we're still in good shape and staying on track with checking in, and connecting with others. Cheers!
  18. I was on my pre-op diet for a little over 3 weeks and lost 22 pounds. My surgery date was 8/25 and I have lost an additional 13 pounds. As silly as it sounds, I am paranoid about gaining weight once I start eating soft foods in a couple of days, and then solid foods the week after that. I am already dreading the 3-week stall that a lot of folks are talking about. I have a follow up with my surgeon on Thursday, and will see what he says.
  19. MoreThanWords

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Checking in Surgery Status: a bit over 6 weeks Post Op VSG Phase: regular food (but don't tolerate all of it well) Highest known weight: 201.5 Surgery weight: 201.5 (didn't need a pre-op diet) Current Weight: 177.0 I'm getting discouraged because although I'm THRILLED to have lost 24 pounds since surgery, I've been at roughly the same weight for 3 weeks now! I've heard of the 3-week stall . . . could that be what's STILL going on with me, even at 6+ weeks PO? My calorie intake is usually around 600-700/day, and I get close to 60g Protein in every day. I also get nearly the amount of water I should daily, and stay under 20 carbs/day. Am I doing something wrong? Please tell me I'm just in a (very long...) stall and the scale will start moving (downward!) soon!
  20. ortizeb123

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Hi everyone! First time poster, but I've been lurking around for a few weeks. I had surgery on 7/29. I lost 20 pounds in the first 2.5 weeks, and then hit my 3 week stall a little early. It was hard meeting my protein and fluid goals while I was on the liquid diet, but once my dietician cleared me for soft foods 2 weeks post-op, it got a lot easier to meet those goals. However, I've thrown up three times in the past week and I'm starting to lose my mind a little. I am still learning what my new stomach likes and can tolerate, but it's not really food that sends me running to the bathroom. The first time, it was because I thought I still had some food left in my stomach, so I took a medication that requires food in my stomach, but apparently my stomach emptied even faster than I anticipated. The last two times, it was because I waited half an hour after eating to drink water, and I guess that wasn't long enough. Today in particular, I haven't been able to even come close to meeting my protein and fluid goal because I threw up earlier this morning. At least they've been isolated incidences and it's not an all-day thing... I'm also still feeling extremely tired. I've gone out for a few walks/left my apartment for a few hours, and it just completely wipes me out. I was out for a few hours to see a comedy show on Friday, and walking around the area with my friend after the show left me feeling physically exhausted and with sore shoulders lol. That's how I know I'm really tired. I take my vitamins and move around my apartment every hour, but I was hoping that I could at least do a short cardio workout by now. Even the thought of doing that makes me tired. But otherwise, things are going well and I'm glad I got the surgery. I didn't the first two days while I was in the hospital, but things really do get easier every day... now just to get the throwing up under control!!!
  21. Candace76

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    You both might be at the famous 3 week stall. Sometimes it may occur after the 3rd week. There are many threads and posts about this on here. From what I have read from other posters, it is suggested to basically keep following your plan, making sure water & protein goals are met, stay off the scale for a few days, & wait it out. You should start losing again soon. It may take a week or 2. There are more detailed responses about this, you can search "stalls" or "3 week stall" in the community to see them. Good luck, I hope you both get back to losing soon! I will probably be joining you both in the famous stall any day now.
  22. BillyHalleck

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Hi all - So Ive lost 20 lbs in the past 2.5 weeks, but now I havent seen the scale budge in 3-4 days. I guess this is the 3 week stall I keep reading about. Anyone else experiencing this?
  23. Hi Everyone! I was hoping I could get some guidance! I feel like ever since I've been told that I can eat soft foods my weight has stayed the same!! My surgery was on July 14th and 1 week later my dr approved me to start soft foods since I was recovering well. Now, one week later I got on the scale only to see that my weight is the exact same!! Now, i've already been told about the dreaded 3-week stall but mine is happening at 2 weekss 😭 Nothing has changed besides eating soft foods and usually, I can only squeeze in dinner. For 2 weeks post op, my eating schedule has been AM Protein shake which takes hours for me to finish. Water Gatorade W/ Protein Water or Crystal light with unflavored protein water. Dinner, eating my protein first then vegetables, and usually ONLY last a couple of bites because I'm not hungry, to begin with. Any suggestions as to what could be going on?
  24. eholmes89

    Weight loss

    I am feeling the same way!!! I lost 8lbs in the first 4 days after surgery… then in the last 11 days I’ve only lost 2lb… I was expecting it to drop more.. I spoke to my dietician and she said I’m doing really well with protein (60g) a day and at about 1800-2000ml of fluid a day. I’ve started walking and using my exercise bike more.. I really hope the stall doesn’t last long it’s disheartening as it makes you feel it was all a waste of time (and for me lots of money) 😞 You say 3 week stall, but I’ve stalled since week 1….
  25. Arabesque

    No losing weight

    Stalls happen. And you will likely experience a couple of them as you’re losing. They tend to last 1-3 weeks but some people do experience longer ones. They can be very frustrating. I thought of mine as my body taking a breath to catch up with all the changes. It’s been going through a lot Some people say increase your caloric intake, others say to up your activity. I never changed a thing & mine always broke. Though this video from Dr Matt Weiner is in response to a stall when moving through the post surgical stages (the 3 week stall) it really applies to all stalls while we are losing. (The question is a little long.)

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