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Found 17,501 results

  1. Jalapeño

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    When I went to the hospital, I wore my pyjamas, comfy crocs and a fleece. I packed another pair of pyjamas, underwear and phone charger. Nothing else. In the UK, hospitals provide you with toothbrush/toothpaste and toiletries for showering etc. Besides, when you get admitted, you have to change into a hospital gown. I kept my boxer shorts on, and discarded them in the hospital bathroom bin when I showered three days later. You want to keep packing light, make it easier on yourself. Most of your time will be spent in bed recovering, not surfing the net.
  2. AmberFL

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    its been a weird week! Im glad its Friday here and my work day is done in 6hours lol! a GG?! wow I am sure you have nice boobies still even with the weight loss. I think with the weight loss and breastfeeding two of my children for over a year my boobs were like ya there is no way your coming back from this. So booby surgery is a must for me lol! Hoping to have a chillax weekend! You as well and get those lashes girl!!! I am thinking about it too but I spend way too much money on myself as it is hahahah
  3. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    I’m terms of work it really does vary quite a bit person to person. I had my sleeve 3.5 years ago and physically I could’ve returned to a desk job the next day out of hospital in terms of pain but I was tired and took alot of naps. Some people that had same surgery around same time as me were in pain for a week. I think one of the main differences is whether any air gets trapped in there because that causes a lot of pain and takes a while to get it all out. I have been on these boards for a while though and honestly there are plenty of people with very little pain from day one like me and then there are also others who are in a great deal of pain for a couple weeks. I have even seen some that take a full month off. I’d say MOST fall somewhere in between. I would also keep in mind what your home demands are too. If you can’t come home and just rest then it will probably take you a little longer to be able to return to work because even when you do feel ready for work you most likely will not have your normal stamina for a little while. You most likely will need naps at night for a while after working full time. if you do a search on here for recovery time or time off work, etc. You will see lots of posts about this if you want to get a better idea.
  4. I guess I should add that this is the same surgeon that did my sleeve just 3 years ago and I had a week long liver shrink diet before the two day liquid diet. I’m wondering if it’s different since the sleeve part is already done??
  5. FifiLux

    Itty Bitty Titty Committee

    I am the same, have lost my boobs and bum and just feel I look flat. I was feeling quite down about it a few weeks ago so I went out and for the fist time ever bought padded bras. I look and feel so much better but I would like to get a little work done on them at a later date. @ms.sss I think yours look how I would like mine to be. I was around between a 36-38 DD/E and now a 32-34D but saggy. I am not sure if boob jobs are covered here under the state insurance here, will ask in the coming months as I think they say I have to wait at least a year and a half, until the weight loss slows down and remains stable.
  6. I was the opposite in a way, I blindly went into the operation having being told the standard bit about possible complications but was confident in the team and was excited to start a new life so didn't over think it it all. Then suffered severe post op complications, spending months in hospital and having numerous procedures and only finished treatments 10 months after original op date BUT all of that said if your medical team are happy you are a suitable candidate I think it is worth it. You have done good work already to get to where you are and you sound like you could reach the 65lb loss yourself over time but the surgery would be a boost to that and if you work with the tool correctly over the years you should be able to maintain. That is how I looked at it, I had no problem being strict and loosing weight but it would just go back on and I would be on a yo-yo cycle. Plus who is to say what will be in a year, maybe your surgical team will change and you have to start the process again, maybe insurance coverage changes..... Travel wise I haven't had any issues, been to the US and other EU countries in the last few months and usually been able to find something suitable to eat though I always carry a few protein bars and powdered protein coffee with me just to be sure I meet my goals. A bonus on the travel is that I now fit comfortably in my plane seats and can do a little sprint through the airports if running late With regards to waiting for your wife to conceive, not sure about that one but recovery time is only a few weeks for 'strenuous' activities and wouldn't it be great to be over the surgery and well on the road to a fitter healthier you when she becomes pregnant so you can help her out more?
  7. Bypass2Freedom

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    It sounds it! But also seems like you have coped as well as you could have and you have made it to the end of the week! woo! Yeah - it is like carrying the weight of a baby on my chest at all times 🤣 I don't THINK they have gotten any smaller just yet, but I know it is to come as I am still not even 3 months post-op yet! How are you feeling about the surgery? I am the same haha but I am so impulsive and I am always like "treat yourselfffffffff" so maybe I will get lashes...you should too! 😂
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Monday Check-In

    Happy Monday!!! Just walked 4 miles total to our local lake and back and then work on my arms with light weights and resistance bands. I have my 6 week post op appt for my hysterectomy today and then I finally get to go back to work tomorrow!!! So excited. I've been bored out of my mind being home the last 6 weeks lol I can speak to the blood pressure getting a lot lower the more weight we lose. I use to be on blood pressure meds that kind of controlled it, and now my average bp is 105/60 lol So crazy.
  9. Bmanns01

    October 2018 Sleevers

    still out here and hanging in there. gained back about 50 lbs of the 120 I lost after surgery but as of Feb 2024, been refocusing on my habits and so far I've lost about 18 lbs of that 50. overall I'm still happy I had the surgery as I'm healthier and more active then before. my annual follow ups were getting a bit hard to face but am hoping this year's goes better since I'm working back down towards goal weight instead of further from it. I've attached a pic of me pre surgery and a few months post surgery (pink shirt). the separate pic in the bright blue shirt was taken last week during my husband and i's anniversary trip to the mountains.
  10. LGJR24


    Sorry for any mistakes I make in my entry, but english is not my first language :) I am in need for some advice since I'm getting frustrated. So it's only 2,5 weeks since I had my sleeve-surgery, and the doctors have told me to be patient, but I just want to check in to see if anyone else have experienced this (I'm sure there is!). I am now on regular food, which means I can eat anything, but as adviced I always try to up my protein. After I eat a meal I feel alot of discomfort in my chest, I feel so much air have to come out, I often get the hiccups and I burp alot, I also gulp in my mouth. I make sure I don't drink water 10 minutes before a meal and 20-30 minutes after. But I have been vomitting my food , especially my dinner, alot. That happend yessterday evening, I ate dinner, waited 30 minutes, drank a sip of water. Then felt so neouses I had to make myself throw it all up, and it was hardly any food since my pain in my chest (gas) keeps me from eating. I have not yet felt full from eating, but I always stop because of the pain in my chest. My quesstion is why am I throwing up and when will the pain in my chest go away. Thank you in advance :)
  11. draikaina8503

    August Surgery buddies

    I did tell my husband that doing laundry today was too much bending. So he knows that if laundry is getting done again in the next few weeks, it's on him to load and unload. I can pour in the detergent and get it going, but I just can't bend over to move the clothes around. I've been using alcohol swabs to try to get the sticky stuff off, but some of it is absolutely being hardheaded and wanting to stick around. Oh well, it comes off a little bit at a time lol. The grabber thing is a great idea. I hadn't thought about that. For the allergy tests, they do keep medicine in the office to reverse reactions. So if you want to play it risky at home, just make sure that there is someone with you in case you go into anaphylaxis. In office, ambulances are only called when even an Epi Pen doesn't cut it.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just approved for Surgery in October 2024

    Honestly, in pounds, you weigh 272, and you need to lose 27. That's absolutely doable. I agree that 12 weeks is a LOOOONG liquid diet. Are you able to have even 1 meal per day at any point? I understand they want you to lose 27 pounds before your surgery, but 3 months on only liquids seems really, really harsh. Either way. congratulations on getting your surgery day!!! You'll love your life after, I can tell you that.
  13. Arabesque

    Slightly Dizzy = Hunger?

    Working out real hunger from these hunger is a major learning for us all. Takes time though to work out which is which. Unfortunately you won’t get proper or true signals about hunger, fullness, etc. until you are fully healed (about 6-8 weeks) cause all of the nerves that were cut during surgery. As someone arise who really ‘ate’ two meals a day in the beginning, I too had that dizziness or wooziness, ensure up you have something before you do anything active. It will help ward if possible hypoglycemia episodes too. You may find too that your blood pressure drops which will make you dizzy, woozie or light headed, doughy in the head, find your vision narrows (lasts a couple of seconds) or at worst you may faint. Try adding an electrolyte powder to your water or take an electrolyte drink with you when you’re more active. It will give you a boost. I found it very helpful. For most people none of these things last once you are eating more regularly, eating a wider range of nutrients and are eating a little more. I’ve always had a tendency to low BP and had random episodes of hypoglycemia. Since surgery they’re more frequent. (The low BP is an every day thing now.)
  14. I thought about that. I just worry I'll start looking too skinny an sickly. That happens if my weight goes too low. Maybe I'll go 2 weeks and then weigh and see what it looks like.
  15. NeonRaven8919

    Just approved for Surgery in October 2024

    Yes the doctor wants me to lose 10% of my weight before the surgery. Being on the national health service, I guess they want to take extra precautions to make the surgery approved by their boards and directors. 12 weeks seems a really long time, but I've had weight problems for over 30 years so in the grand scheme of things, it's no time at all. Thanks for the suggestion about ways to celebrate my birthday! I've made plans to get my nails done with a friend so that will be great!
  16. I had this long stall as well. Just keep doing the plan and just broke through with a 2lb loss.
  17. JennyBeez


    Goodness yes. I am incredibly emotionally reactive right now -- and prior to all this, as an adult I've always been very non-reactive, to the extent that I used to wonder if I was a sociopath. The past two-ish-weeks I've been on a rage bender, and now I'm starting to see that ease but now instead I get teary when I tell my dog I love her, etc. XD
  18. NickelChip

    Slowing Down 😶‍🌫️

    Oh, yes. I'm just a bit ahead of you surgery-wise at nearly 10 months post-op, and I've noticed a few things as time has gone on. First, the number of pounds I'm losing in a month has slowed. Early on, I was losing 10+ lbs in a month. Two months ago, I lost 6lbs in a month. Now, I'm losing more like 2lbs in a month. Second, there's more noticeable daily fluctuation now. (I like to weigh myself every morning right when I get up, just to have a record.) In the past, I would bounce up or down a few ounces over a few days and then continue my downward progress. Now, I see half a pound or more difference, and I might bounce around for a week or two before reaching a new low weight. I'm currently about 12 lbs away from a "normal" BMI, so that has a big impact on how quickly weight changes. My smart scale also tells me I have higher than average muscle and bone (taken with a grain of salt since I know they're not completely accurate). One thing I notice now is that some of what I see on my body as "areas for improvement" are no longer simply "would look better if less fat." Now it's more like "would look better if more toned." As for staying on plan with nutrition, I'm not going to lie. This time of year is a challenge. There are sweets everywhere, and sadly, I can eat them with far too few side effects. I'm not going crazy like I would have pre-surgery, but I would say it's pretty easy to not be in much of a calorie deficit, either. Plus more eating out at restaurants, more holiday parties, etc. Nutrition is something I will tackle again in January.
  19. Arabesque

    Finally on the other side!

    Five years out and the poltergeist in my tummy is alive and well. It was grunting this morning after breakfast. And I mean grunting. I asked the doctor who does my follow ups about it a couple of years back because all the grumbling, rumbling and whining was so loud. She said it was my digestive system doing what it’s supposed to do: digest food. It differs person to person & I believe surgeon to surgeon (some are just more rough), After my sleeve I had very little bruising. Though others have posted some pretty significant bruises here after theirs. Can’t recall after my gall but I’ve had more with my recent surgery. (My poor belly button is so tiny now with the 3 laparoscopic abdominal surgeries I’ve had that have used it.) Each time the wounds were different. This time I even have a little lump from a pleat in my skin from the internal sutures. And one I swear looks like the Enterprise from Star Trek. And one can be more tender one day and the next another one is. Took into the third week for the bruising to be fully gone this time. The incision they removed your stomach through is usually a little longer than the others & is the one on the right of your belly button.
  20. Thanks @FifiLux, @SleeveToBypass2023and @NeonRaven8919 for your posts. Some excellent questions which I will note down because I have a mind like a sieve at the moment and information falls out of my head as soon as it enters it! As you said @FifiLuxI have a lot of information from the team already so it’s putting it in to some sort of sense for me now - LOL! I’ve received an electronic copy of my appointment letter with the name of the surgeon I will be seeing and so no hesitation - straight on t’internet to find out what I could. From what I’ve read, he is experienced in all things gastric and Bariatric. Hubby seems to think that he whipped out my gall bladder last year (same surgeon team) but I honestly cannot remember, what with writhing around in pain at the time of seeing him 🙄 Anyway, his CV seems very impressive so that’s reassuring. @SleeveToBypass2023- exactly that - nervous, excited and freaking out a little! @FifiLux- my new, pretty scales are here. I’ve got the basics set up but not the all-signing, all-dancing bits to them just yet. I definitely like the bigger, light-up numbers on them, saves squinting while trying to make out the numbers (don’t wear my glasses obviously because that 50gms or so that they weigh will make all the difference when weighing in 🙄) @NeonRaven8919 the LRD I have to do is 3 weeks. I did tell the dietitian that as long as I had 3 weeks plus 1 days notice of any last minute cancellations for surgery then I was good to go. Thankfully hubby will hoover up any foods that I won’t be eating so there won’t be any waste. I’m just hoping that the surgeon is happy, the MDT all agree and (a bit of wishful thinking I know) I’m able to have surgery this side of Christmas.
  21. Alice F

    Mexican Food

    Mexican was my first restaurant after DS surgery. I was only twe and a half weeks out. I ate the beef and cheese from a taco and refried beans. I had enough beans left for 3 more meals at home. It was perfect!
  22. draikaina8503

    August Surgery buddies

    Reading through some of the posts (it's a lot and I'm new, I'll get them all eventually), it seems a lot of you knew for a couple of months or more that you were having your surgery in August. I'm a little jealous of that ability to plan ahead lol! I went for my follow-up appointment during the first week of August, and then they were like, "You're doing great! How about August 16th?" I'm nervously excited about it. Part of me wishes I had more time to truly get everything prepared, since I work 3 jobs. But I'm also ready to fully be on the path to a healthier me. I've been listening to audiobooks and podcasts to try to mentally prepare me for this, and to also be prepared for if there are complications. SW: 350 CW: 322
  23. AndreaJD

    August Surgery buddies

    Hi, @Justarwaxx! I'll be only 2 days ahead of you, so we'll be going through this together. I'm nervous and excited, too. Looking forward to being all recovered and starting my new, active lifestyle. Looking forward to not constantly thinking about what I can wear to try to disguise my weight and what people are thinking. I will miss food as a coping and comfort mechanism, but my husband and I are slowly learning how to cook healthy, unprocessed meals. I'm looking at it as an adventure of discovery - what new foods, spices, and ways to prepare them can I discover? I know the next couple weeks will be rough, and the next 3 months will be a marathon slog. I'm ready to tough it out - eyes on the prize!
  24. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Almost exactly the same here. 16 pre op and 13 post op. I'm having a little stall right now with three days stuck at 210, but not going to worry. My focus right now is coming up with good food options I can rotate for meals and figuring out what time of day would be best for exercise.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    First Stall and I am scared

    I can relate to being afraid of gaining weight after working so hard to lose it. We all deal with that here. But it's a fine line between being mindful about it and developing disordered eating habits. I can speak to this because it happened to me. I was dropping weight like a champ, then I hit stall after stall, and each one lasted longer than the previous one. And I would panic. And I would restrict the amount I ate, I would kick up the intensity and frequency of my work outs. I would have anger and confusion and fear anytime I either didn't lose or I gained a little (turns out, I'm one of the ones that gains 3-5 pounds during a stall and then just sits there for weeks and weeks. Then when the stall breaks, I drop like 6-7 pounds all at once). I had to actually go to a therapist that specializes in bariatric disordered eating (not easy to find, btw) to get my head on straight. And it's still a struggle sometimes. Especially since these last 11 pounds absolutely fight me tooth and nail and just don't want to come off. I said all that to say just be very careful. I never started out intending to have these issues. I thought I'd have the surgery, lose the weight, get healthy, and bada-boom bada-bing, life would be great. But it's never that cut and dry, is it? We can become obsessed with losing the weight, seeing how low we can get the scale, getting into that lower size, looking thinner, never gaining weight again, getting that bmi just a little lower.....and before you know it, you have a whole new eating disorder that's even harder to get out of and we're doing even more damage to our bodies without even meaning to. And we can justify what we're doing because HEY, we got off our meds, we're getting healthier, we're losing the weight, we're EXTENDING OUR LIVES damn it!!! And that's harder to overcome and harder to recognize and going too far than being obese is. We knew we needed help. We knew we were doing wrong. That's why we had the surgery. But now? Now it gets harder to see what we're doing because HEALTH!! WEIGHT LOSS IS GOOD!!! NO MORE MEDS IS THE GOAL!!! JUST A LITTLE MORE WEIGHT OFF CAN'T POSSIBLY BE BAD!!! So please please just be really careful with where you're at now and where you're wanting to get to. Lastly, on the days you're working out (especially the really hard weight days) increase your protein and calories. Your body thinks it's starving, so you need to reassure it that you're not. The heavier the work out, the more your body needs. You can't run a car without gas and you can't run your body without food. So give it what it needs, in the amounts it needs, and it'll do what you want it to. Make sure you also have a larger amount of fluids than you normally would on those days, too. Dehydration can really do a number on the body, as well.

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