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Found 17,501 results

  1. ms.sss

    No scale

    noticing how your clothes fit is a good idea for monitoring weight loss if you don't have a scale. you could also take your measurements if you have a tape measure; you could use the scale at your doctors, the gym, at a department store; or even water displacement, lol: fill a tub with water to a certain level get in up to your neck and mark the waterline...😂
  2. Sleeve in 2017 to revision Gastric Bypass Aug 2023 - Update Hi All! I can't believe how fast time has gone! I will be going to my 6 mth check up tomorrow 2/20/24. Everything is a lot better! As of today I am 173lbs, I'll update my ticker it's still at 183. I am able to eat more varieties that I cook at home. Can't tolerate beef to well but I was never a big red meat person. I am still on the fence with salads/raw vegs though I can tolerate raw onions and tomatoes. I CANNOT eat take out! Purchased chinese for my son as he was going back to college... tried a little and was bringing it back up the rest of the night! If I eat out it has to be at a place that actually cooks food like salmon, veggies, no added anything. Food prepared at home is MUCH beter because you know what's in it. I am not doing too well with my multi because I purchased capsules that I open to put in my protein smoothies (Unjury Vanilla) which I don't take every day anymore. I just purchase the multi-vitamin patch from the bariatric store, I'll update you on that later My food is mostly a diet consistency of pescatarian due to the low cal/high protein and the ease of my system digesting the food. I would occassionally eat chicken as well (ground, poached breast etc), turkey hardly ever because the meat is not as soft as chicken. My veggies are fine steamed, some legumes & beans (occasional), as far as grains or potatoes etc I try to not do carbs at all or keep them at a bare minimum (jasmine or basati brown rice) with an occasional meal...I've really gotten into sweet potatoes as I didn't eat them a lot before. Swelling is gone, skin is good, and I can visually see the difference in pounds and inches loss especially from a side view lol. I still have work to do (vitamins, eat more, move more) and I am working on it. BTW!!!! I am back in the health & wellness field as I start my new position next week. I took a pause last summer. Now as I am on my health journey I'll be helping my patients with weight loss and adopting healthier lifestyles. My goal is to lose 13 more lbs and as you all know after running so long and you can see the finish line in sight....your legs get weary and that last sprint is the hardest. It is good to move from "morbidly obese", to "obese", to now "overweight"...do you guys feel the same? Let me know how you all are doing!
  3. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    I'm a little confused. According to your sidebar you've lost almost 100 lbs in 3 months?? How much were you expecting to lose? I'm guessing your surgery weight was different than your starting weight. To put this in a bit of perspective, I had surgery almost a month before you (Nov. 1st), my highest weight was 320 but my surgery weight was 307 and I'm currently at 251!! And my weight loss is considered quite a good pace and certainly within the realms of an excellent result thus far. That change in clothing size is way more important than a number on the scale! Feelings with these surgeries are tough because for some reason our brains expect years of weight to take a few weeks to come off. LOL Everyone thinks they need to lose faster, even the fastest losers among us. Everyone thinks they should be further along, even if they are quite far. We have really high expectations of ourselves and our bodies, probably in part from years of everyone else having unrealistic expectations of us and our bodies. This surgery is an opportunity to give ourselves a bit more kindness and compassion, and maybe recalibrate our expectations. Healing takes time. Even with surgery, weight loss takes time. And the entire process is SOOOO frustrating! I get it, I experience frustration on a regular basis. Today I was lamenting the fact that suddenly my boobs have flattened like pancakes. 😢😂
  4. Honestly, this seems way off-base, with the exception of 60-80 grams protein, which is completely sufficient for most people (but not all!). Your calorie estimations are much too low for the vast majority of people in maintenance mode. So rest assured, you won't be on 650 calories for life! Also, 25g carb is extremely low carb and not a lifestyle most people are eager to embrace. If a doctor insisted on 25g carb for life as the only way to succeed, I would seek out a second opinion for sure. From what I see people saying around here, 1200 to 1500 is a much more realistic calorie range for the long term, although that is for maintenance, not for weight loss or for early days after surgery. If you eat to maintain your current weight right now, that would seem to go against your goal of losing 20-50lbs more. I have two suggestions. First, check out some bariatric cookbooks because they will tell you appropriate portion sizes for maintenance as well as give you some ideas for what types of foods to be eating. My favorite is Kristin Willard's Bariatric Meal Prep Made Easy: 6 Weeks of Portion Controlled Recipes to Keep the Weight off. She's a registered dietician specializing in bariatrics and every recipe has a gorgeous color illustration. Second, take a look at the Portion Perfection brand bariatric plate. It's kind of expensive, so you may not want to buy it, but the concept is really good. Basically it's an 8 inch plate (with a one inch rim all the way around, so a 6 inch circle of eating space). There are lines and illustrations to divide up the plate and show you where to put your foods and how much. If you're a visual person, this may really help. Other than that, you may want to check out some of the nutrition videos as well as the weekly podcast done by Dr. Matthew Weiner (Pound of Cure). I find them so insightful and he and his dietician, Zoe, are very keen on plant-based nutrition, which may be perfect for you. Edited to add: Here is a link to a dietician article about post-op goals that might help: https://www.mybariatricdietitian.com/mbd-blog/portion-sizes-after-weight-loss-surgery
  5. newbegining2024

    Incision area bulge after Gastric Bypass

    I’m doing ok. I had revision and it’s definitely not the same as I expected. It’s slow weight loss but at least it’s going down. Body take longer to heal compared to before. Over all can’t complaint. Thanks for asking!
  6. Hello. I had a conversion from the gastric sleeve (2017) to the bypass on 1/8/24. I should start regular foods this week, however, I am at the pureed thin phase as once I incorporate foods with any weight or texture, such as oatmeal, scrambled eggs, finely blended chicken (not pureed), the food feels stuck in my esophagus and I am vomiting froth and mucous (not the food). Has anyone else experienced this? I have contacted my surgeon, seeing her Wednesday as she was on vacation last week, I have spoken with my dietitian and the center for weight loss and they believe that my esophagus is having spasms. Has anyone else experienced this? I have simply gone back to full liquids as I had no problems with that.
  7. KathyLev

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    I don't know the percentage , but I lost 25ish pounds so far. My doc said weight loss at my age will be alittle slower because my metabolism has slowed down. So far so good !
  8. catwoman7

    Gastric sleeve after menopause

    you won't always show loss every week. In fact, most people experience occasional stalls when they won't lose anything for 1-3 weeks, even though they're sticking to their plan 100%. If and when you hit those, just make sure you're following your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. The stall WILL break as long as you're following all the rules. I had bypass, not sleeve, but I was post-menopausal. I lost over 200 lbs.
  9. Arabesque

    Weight Gain Scare

    Weight regain happens. You’re not the only one you had or will experience it. We get over confident or complacent & poor choices slip in. We go back to old behaviours of using food (or alcohol) to comfort us or sooth us in times of stress or emotional upsets. It’s why what you need to do is reset your head not your tummy. Remember how we always said doing the head work is a very important aspect of our weight loss & maintenance. A pouch reset won’t reduce the size of your tummy (not that your’s would be stretched) nor do anything to get to the root of your eating & change your behaviours. Stretching your tummy is pretty difficult. It would take a concentrated to eat excessive portions multiple times a day for a prolonged length of time to do it. You’ve made the first two steps already by acknowledging & recognising the what & why behind your regain & by starting to track your food again. Best advice then is to go back to how you were eating (food choices, portion sizes, eating behaviours, meeting protein & fluid goals) when you were nearing your stabilised weight. Would you consider going back to your dietician to help you get back on track? Did you see a therapist when you had your surgery? Maybe get in contact again for the regain & also the drinking. We have to be careful with addiction transfer after surgery. It can be a slippery slope. All the best. You got this.
  10. The Greater Fool

    No scale

    I owned a home scale, but for the first 18 months or so I was too large for it. I did have monthly follow-ups with my surgeon, so I weighed in there. At my follow-ups the topic of my weight / weight loss was never brought up unless I brought it up, since there were more important things to talk about. The things my Doc paid attention to were how I felt physically and mentally, if I was having any issues or concerns, did anything significant change. The things I also paid attention to was how my clothes fit, my stamina, was I happy. Once I could fit on the home scale I almost lived on it for a couple weeks, as the novelty of it was just too much. Then the novelty wore off. Since then I only weigh at medical appointments when they ask me to do it. One does not need a scale to succeed at weight loss. Home scales can be had pretty inexpensively, I see one on Amazon for $16. If it's a matter of dire circumstances I'm sure your Surgeon or PCP or any of your other medical professionals wouldn't mind if you stopped by for a weigh in. Most department stores that sell home scales would allow 'testing' the scale before you buy or don't buy. Good luck, Tek
  11. Did anyone have anything similar? 7 days post op and I am insanely itchy and red circles around incision. I’ve been trying not to scratch (I have waken up up scratching). I also have a hard knot under the bruised incision to the left of my belly button. I had a lot of blood loss during surgery and ended up staying from Wednesday until Sunday in the hospital to get my blood count stabilized. Just now getting to where I can move around easier, but that left side.. helps with a binder or holding something against it when bending or raising up.. I think I just need someone to tell me I’m not the only one? lol… everyone I personally know that’s have sleeve or bypass it was so easy, no extended hospital, no crazy bruising.. I read up on what could happen, just didn’t think it would go this way. Pity party for one? lol
  12. summerseeker

    My pre op

    Hello Irene, Welcome in here and congratulations on your surgery date. You will find a March 2024 group on here that you can join. Don't read anything on the net. Scare stories are not needed. This surgery is very safe. This forum is a safe place. Stick to your teams advice, There is not a single person on here who has the same regime as you, pre or post op. Don't buy loads of things you think you may need. Our tastes buds change after surgery because of Ketosis. Just buy a few of a selection of protein shakes. You may want to buy pain meds if you are not in the UK. You will not need much at the hospital. Go in clothes that you can go home in. Take a Chapstick and some Biotin. Some people take a phone charger with a long lead. You might want to use a recliner chair for sleeping, if you have one. I didn't and had to sleep upright in bed for a while and a recliner would have been easier. I had a bed wedge and lots of pillows. If you have a pre op diet they are tough for the first 4 or 5 days but its worth it in the end. You will have a weight loss stall at 2-3 weeks. You have not done anything wrong. You may get over emotional and / or get the regrets at this time. Our hormones are in the fat cells and releasing them in such a hurry makes our hormones go on a wild ride.
  13. This isn’t uncommon. Our tastebuds & sometimes sense of smell changes after surgery while we’re healing & our tummy is very sensitive. It is temporary usually about two months which is about how long it takes you to fully heal from the surgery. Unfortunately though it can make finding foods & drinks we can tolerate challenging. You may find something you easily ate yesterday you can’t face today. Don’t give up on that food. Just avoid it for a few days & then try it again. Some foods seem extra sweet or salty. Textures can be off putting too. Sometimes a food or flavour you didn’t enjoy before tastes delicious during this time. Add to that our loss of appetite &/or interest in eating & it can feel like a nightmare & you’ll never be able to eat again. In a few weeks you’ll find you are enjoying flavours, textures & foods more. If you’re lucky your loss of hunger & interest in eating will last a 6-12 months +/- which helps with your weight loss but they too will pass. Actually after they return you often wish they hadn’t & you still weren’t hungry. I embraced things tasting exceedingly sweet at this time. I gave up sweet foods - never reintroduced them. So no cakes, biscuits, desserts, lollies, flavoured carbonated drinks, etc. except on very odd special occasion. Very little added sugar (<5g a day) & avoid artificial sweeteners or sugar alternatives where I can. I ate a lot of soup, yoghurt & extra milky scrambled eggs & extra milky instant rolled oats during purée. During soft foods I ate a lot of minced meat dishes (meat balls, savoury mince bolognese, …) with sauces & slow cooked stews/casseroles. Give your self time to heal & recover & your tummy to be less fussy & sensitive. I used to say my tummy was like a petulant temper throwing 2 year old during that time.
  14. SomeBigGuy

    Cut Fat Keep Fit

    Congratulations on the surgery and improving your health! Sounds like you are doing well! Just a heads up, you're approaching the dreaded Week 3 Stall, as its known, but don't get discouraged. Everyone hits a wall for about 2-4 weeks around that point, but that's just your body recalibrating itself to deal with the rapid weight loss. It will retain water and try to hold on to fat because its panicking from sudden change. Keep the same diet and stay the course, and it will release that fat once it realizes its safe. Expect the same temporary plateau around the Month #3 and Month #6 marks as well. Our body has to readjust periodically. Weight loss will resemble stair steps, with a brief regain of a kg or two before resuming loss, instead of a straight downward line. Just remember it's normal when that happens! You're doing great!
  15. You will only get help and kindness here but we are not surgeons or dieticians. We can only help so much. We always recommend a visit with your team if possible. If you are not eating well and not getting enough liquids in then your body is holding every little calorie it can because you are in starvation mode. You will not loose weight, your body is in charge of this. If you can not get water down and you could a while back then you have a narrowing/ swelling in your new tummy and it needs a little easy tweak to stretch it back out. Its called a stricture. If this is something you have had from the beginning then you are forcing too much food and or drink in at once. Small sips of drinks, they can be hot, cold or frozen see which might work . Once you have mastered drinking, then pare down the foods to really soft, protein based ones again. Chew well and add sauces, it helps. Soft eggs, protein yogurt, soft cheese etc. Only eat a small amount, say 1 - 2 ounces and see if you can keep the foamies at bay. Foamies happen when your stomach rejects the food or drink it does not want that day. It may have been ok the day before but.... today, oh no you are not putting any more of that in me ... I haven't exercised as such, I was too decrepit too start with and I lack motivation now so I walk a few miles a week. Exercise doesn't really count for much weight loss unless its marathon running or such.
  16. ms.sss

    Improved back pain

    short answer: yes! upper/lower/mid back pain improved! as did foot pain, knee pain! long answer: it got better, then it got bad again, and then better. apparently rapid weight loss results in weird aches and pains as your body musculature re-adjusts to your smaller size. lower back pain returned and i got a new hip pain, but then both went away. aside: but one thing that was new and annoying and hasn't gone away is that get back pain now when i sleep on my stomach (i never had this problem before)...my guess is because now that i don't have a larger stomach to prop me up, my back is actually hyper-extending now when i'm on my stomach which results in pain in the morning. boo.
  17. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    That makes so much sense! I kept comparing to other people’s weight loss per week and I am along myself down. But with their percentage calculation it is a much better way!
  18. yep. i was notorious for barely eating anything. i just didn't want to honestly. and i want to be the type of person to force my self to eat if i didn't want to (personally i think that is just as an unwanted eating habit as eating out of boredom). i did also lose more that i wanted to after reaching goal (at 7 months), but it all leveled out eventually (by 1 year). and no, i did not waste away, i did not become malnourished, i did not starve to death. while i did look pretty gaunt for a few months, that too went away despite not re-gaining any substantial amount of weight. i did have to re-learn how to eat higher calorie foods (abstaining from them during weight loss phase got ingrained into me, so it took me a few months to be mentally ok eating it again, you know?) i'm 5+ years out and there are still days when i just don't want to eat, or just forget to eat altogether. i don't worry about it too much because i know there will be a day when i just wanna eat. so long as my weight stays within my acceptable range, my pants fit, my doc is not concerned and i feel great, then i'm all good. honestly i just accept that i didn't reach my goals that particular day...so long as i reach them at least like 60-70% of the time, then i consider it a success. but i'm a bit far out now...during early weight loss phase i did try a little harder by drinking protein shakes (which i don't anymore), also i never tried to forcefully increase calories during weight loss phase though, no matter what i was eating. but during maintenance i was concerned about increasing calories...see my go-to's below: stuff i ate to increase calories in the early days of maintenance when stomach real estate was on ongoing issue: - avocaods - nuts and nuts butter - full fat dairy and cheese - beef jerky - olive oil drizzled on whatever - chicharron / pork rinds --> yeah this one would raise eyebrows cuz the crazy fat content, but i loved/love it! plus it had the added bonus of being very high in protein, ha. and it really helped to bump up my calorie intake. finally, i am also a grazer...since i can't really eat alot in one sitting, i eat a little bit every hour or so. this was really an issue for me in the early years, but now my food intake capacity has increased so it doesn't feel so much like a chore as it used to. In sum, just do your best, keep up with your labs and doc appt to make sure you medically ok, and eventually the stuff that you are worrying about now will be just that thing you used to worry about. good luck! ❤️
  19. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    2 lbs a week is considered "rapid weight loss". I know it doesn't seem like it, especially when comparing to others progress, but it is true... By 3 months you want to have lost 25% of your excess weight to be "average" and right on target, though even if you aren't at 25% lost there is still hope, because some people lose very slowly the first 3 months, then pick up the pace. If your surgery weight was somewhere around 286 and your goal is 150, your excess weight is 136 lbs. 25% of this would be 34 lbs. You have lost 43 lbs. So you have actually lost 32% of your excess weight! That is excellent!! You are ahead of schedule... Percentages IMO are much better to use than actual lbs lost because it is the percentages that really show you where you are! And on a funny note, I was exactly where you are at 3 months--43 lbs lost, 137 lbs excess weight, so 32% towards my goal weight! LOL Your team should be thrilled! Sorry your boobs are going south too... A good bra does help, I am losing fast in the band size for some reason, I have to buy a new bra every month! LOL
  20. SomeBigGuy

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Agreed! We all have a baseline weight from parts of our body that just have to be there (bones, organs, skin, etc). On top of that is muscle (good weight) and fat (we need a little of this, but excess fat is what we're fighting here). That's why tracking percentage weight loss is more important as we get closer to our goals. An example I was given, just using big/easy round numbers, is pretend your start weight is 300 and your goal is 200. That means you would have 100 pounds of excess weight to lose, and the 200 is your base weight your body needs to survive (again, just using easy numbers here, not an actual guide) So if starting at 300, and you lose 50 out of the 100 excess lbs, that's a 50% loss. After that, you're starting at 250lb over the 200lb goal. To lose 50% of that (25lb), you would have to put in the equivalent amount of effort that helped you lose the previous weight, because its 50% of excess. This is why it feels like we have diminishing returns on our work. 25lb total loss at this stage feels like its not much, but its still a 50% excess weight loss! That's why weight loss slows as we get near the goal. Our metabolism readjusts because if we kept losing at that original weight, it would put our body into shock since it can't adjust that quickly. Just expect it to slow down and taper off, but track that percentage rather than actual pounds. One more thing, as you put on more muscle, that will likely keep you from hitting the exact goal if it is too low. Muscle weights in excess of 1.5x as much as fat per volume. If you go to the gym now when you previously didn't, you will gain more muscle weight, which is a good thing. The more muscle, the higher your baseline metabolism, which burns the excess fat off quicker and keeps it off. The scale doesn't tell you everything. You're doing great, keep up the good work!
  21. n3turner3

    My Story

    I want to thank everyone for the kind words and provide an update. I had my one-year post op doctor appointment yesterday. It went well and they were happy with the results. I still need to get blood work done, which I will do tomorrow. The blood work is probably the most important part of the visit, so I am hopeful that everything is right with it. I have had the 'normal' hurdles over the last 16-months that everyone has to deal with, and I am very thankful for little to no complications. I feel for those that have had more challenging journals, since I have been so lucky. Again, I want to stress that I am not special or unique. I hope someone out there might read this and it helps them in some way. It is hard work to lose weight no matter how you do it. It requires mentally reprograming how you have lived your entire life and making physical choices to match, but it can be done. Tons of success stories in this group are proof. Stay positive and go day by day with it. Stay off the scale and celebrate the non-scale victories. My wife and two kids have been so supportive: everything from education to food prep to walking with me to listening and talking about the process. Not an easy process, but because of their support it has been much easier. I am so grateful for the changes they made to support me. I will probably never be able to express that to them at the level it deserves it. I have never been happier. My wife attended the appointment with me yesterday and the update went as follows. I started in 9/2022 at 514-lbs. I had my surgery in 2/2023 at 488-lbs. My weight yesterday was 254-lbs. Its official I am truly half the man I was compared to the start of this program. Weight loss is different for all, especially someone that started as big as me, but it was great seeing those results. My 'ideal weight" connected to my 'normal' BMI would require me to loss another 80-lbs. I told my doctor from the beginning that I never cared about being skinny or normal and that has not changed. I wanted to improve my quality of life by being less huge. I wanted to be able to participate in activities with my family. I am happy to say I have achieved that goal! I am not done yet! This is not a diet -- it is a lifetime change! I do not care if I ever become 'normal,' but slowly losing and not gaining is the only plan. The future holds unlimited possibilities for me and my family. Future goals for me are to increase my exercise plan by adding strength training as priority number one. My second goal is to continue to try new 'healthy' foods that I may or may not like but expanding my options for more variety and balance helps me stay on plan. I will finish by saying if anyone has questions or thoughts, especially those big boys out there, feel free to ask and I will provide more detail about my experience. I am no expert, and we all have different programs, so I can only share my experience, if that can be of help to anyone. Good luck to all with your own personal journeys.
  22. Edward

    Band to Sleeve?

    Great information! I will ask again since surgery was delayed for 2 months. I was concerned about certain limitations with other procedures with medications I take and other negative side effects. Back in 2008 I was so opposed to even the band at that time and wanted the least evasive procedure. I will do a little more research and ask, I do have some time due to having 2 procedures, (1) Removal and heal (2) ? sleeve, SADI, GB etc. To be honest if I loss 100lbs I will be so happy and just pray I can keep it off, it's a realistic number and my doctor agrees. Of course we all want to be at ideal weight but to loss 100lbs off my knees would be great. I'm 59 and 6'1 so I can live with that number. Thanks so much.
  23. After about 3 weeks post op, I am finally feeling better. So I am back to focusing on what I am eating and trying to break my stall. I have the stall at week 2, only really loss weight for 1 week after surgery when I was in the liquid stage. I want to ask all of you, how much proteins you eat a day? Before the surgery I was told to have 65-75 grams of protein a day, but when I follow up 1 week after surgery, my nutritionist told me to drink 2 bottle or protein shake a day. That’s already 60 grams! However I followed what he told me for a week. With the 2 bottle of shakes, my protein intake is over 100grams a day. When week 2 ended I didn’t loss any weight, but gained 2lbs…I feel like I took too much protein so when week 3 started I stop drinking 2 bottles of shakes and only drink 1. I can eat 40-50 grams of protein on my own right now. With the shake I am ranging from 70-85 grams a day. I like salmon, tuna and other type of fish and it gives me good amount of protein. Now after a few days of doing that. I finally loss that 2 lbs and back to my 1 week post op weight 241 lbs. do you think I am doing the right thing here not listening to what my nutritionist tell me?…he said I needed more protein to heal. 85 grams of protein is already 20 grams over what they told me to take initially tho. My liquid intake is 48oz a day now. This is hard because I literally can only sip very small sips. To finish a full bottle of water 500ml, it will take a 1 full hour, sometimes longer. With 3 meals a day, not drink 30 mins and 30 mins after, 48 oz of liquid is at my best. My eating schedule is 8am-5pm. 8am breakfast, 12pm lunch and 4:30pm dinner. Take me 30 mins to finish my meal. I feel like drinking water is like a full time job now. Surgery date 1/22 250lbs Post op 1/24 257lbs 1/31 follow up visit and started 2 shakes a day 241lbs 2/5 243lbs I stop drinking the 2 shakes 2/9 241lbs So after almost 3 weeks I loss about 9 lbs, and it was only during the first week when I was eating! Now I am feeling better I want to continue with the loss and not gain weight. Any input would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
  24. Oh yes, way off the mark. You’re not in maintenance yet. You’re in a weight loss stage if I read your post correctly. You have every right to ask for the details, guidelines recommendations around your food intake & options, macros, calories, & whatever else you need to make you feel comfortable & confident about what you are doing. They are supposed to be there to help you & provide you with the depth of information you need to be successful regardless of current thinking or their own beliefs. It’s then up to you how you use that information - a guide or rule. Plus you have to work out what you (your body) needs to function best & most effectively. While some plans recommend getting your calories up, it seems to begin after you are on more solid food so 2+ months. From puree I was advised to eat 1/4 - 1/3 cup of food, slowly increasing to about a cup at 6 months. I was a bare cup & maybe 900 calories at my goal at 6 months. Ate about 1200 at my lowest weight (48.2kg at 18 months) & maintain 48.5/49kg consuming about 1600 calories. My portions only became about what is considered a recommended portion size around the 2 year + mark (3-4ozs protein & 3/4 cup vegetables). Oh & I didn’t have another shake after the liquid stage either. But that’s me & what worked/s for me. You could be totally different. To me a snack is generally a couple of bites. My snacks can be a level teaspoon of peanut paste, 1/2 a protein bar, 8 grapes, 1/2 a small apple, a stick of string cheese, about 6 macadamias to give you an idea. I used to eat a tub of 20g protein yoghurt over an hour as a snack too. As @catwoman7 said we all have different caloric & nutritional needs. Age, gender, general health, weight, height, metabolism, activity levels, etc. all factor in. And yes, if you want to lose more you will have to eat less than you are eating now & you’d have to eat less to maintain the lower weight than you would to maintain a higher weight.
  25. Elizabeth21

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    In another weight loss attempt I went on an all liquid diet for 4 months (yup months). The first week is the hardest. After that the routine was kind of set. I found it very helpful to keep busy. It was especially important to keep my hands busy. Hobbies, like playing solitaire or crochet, and physical activities that you cannot eat while doing were helpful. I also focused on just counting down the days. Reminding myself that I only had "X" number of days to go helped me focus on the end game. And water. Lots of water. Best wishes!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
