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Found 17,501 results

  1. livvsmum

    Binge eating

    It is absolutely possible to still binge eat after surgery. Not at first. But eventually, yes. That's why it's SO important to do the hard work to deal with your binge eating disorder as the underlying root of your weight, and not ignore it. I would highly recommend finding an eating disorder therapist and working with them religiously throughout the process. I started meeting with one at 10 months post op and have been going to her weekly since then (currently 3 years post op). I know without a doubt I would have regained the weight I lost by now if I wasn't working so hard at the underlying causes. I also highly recommend the books by Geneen Roth. She deals with this a lot and her books were life-changing for me. It is a REALLY good sign that you are thinking about these things now. The more you are proactive, the better long term success you will have.
  2. Alish

    Too much exercise?

    Title says it!! Can I be doing too much excercise??? We got the xbox 360 kinect, and prior to this I was doing about 20mins of cardio a night, and some light free weight training. I've been stalled for two weeks, actually my weight has gone up .6lbs. I've only been doing the Kinect for a week now but I'm worried that I could be doing too much. My husband looked at me like I was crazy when I said it...but I'm serious. I played Dance Central for 2 hours last night!! WHAT?!?! The time just flew by BUT I was soaking wet with sweat and I'm sore today LOL. I've been doing at least an hour and a half since we got the stupid game....every night. I thought about it yesterday and it seems that it would burn a lot of calories, it's quite an intense workout. So I got on myplate and put my food in for the day, I had 1003 calories yesterday. My exercise based on weight burned 724 calories YIKES!!!!!! That was the 2 hours of dancing and free weights and crunches. I'm no NUT or fitness trainer but that's not good. There is no way I can eat 700+ more calories a day. I don't want to stop the dancing, or the weight training, what to do, what to do?? Suggestions would be great! How am I going to get out of this stall??
  3. Its so wonderful to hear from everyone and their great weight loss. I have lost a total of 53, 30 since the band. Its going slower than I expected, but at least its going.
  4. WhoozisAnyway

    Low Vitamine D Levels

    Vitamin D deficiency is related to hypothyroid, obesity and/or lack of sunlight. The whys behind that haven't been figured out completely, but I guarantee all three reasons are related to my D deficiency. I stopped "sunning" a few years ago after my obgyn fussed at me for having a slight tan (we had just returned from a Caribbean cruise, darn right I'd been in sunlight). I then gained more weight which made me too hot to sit in the sun. Finally I developed hypothyroid. A perfect storm, really. Sent from my iPad using VST
  5. on the papers that i sent to the doctor i said that i weighed 274 but i weighed myself this morning at 280 because i am a nervous eater. My surgery is on the 29th, what should i do?
  6. Cardio is an entirely different animal than weight training. Six times a week cardio is fine. Six times a week on weight training, if it is the same body part, is not fine. A muscle requires 48-72 hours of recovery in order to heal and form new and stronger muscle, as Wheetsin stated above. If you are weight training, I think 3x a week with a day off in between is better than 6x a weeek. Everyone has really good suggestions. If you were working with a trainer, they probably would not measure your body fat, redo any time trials/lactate threshold tests with cardio workouts, do any strength testing, or take any circmference measurements for at least 6 weeks. Also, I would like to point out that to build muscle AND lose weight at the same time is a kind of contradictory process metabolically. Bodybuilders cycle their workouts and eat a ton of food on the gaining cycle, THEN they go into a cutting cycle right before the competition. They DO NOT maintain 3% body fat during the training season. As for the process of weight training, or cardio training... it is really really really really really unrealistic to expect a change in 7 days. If you were to gain 20 lbs of muscle in A YEAR, that would be a HUGE amount of muscle. You are not going to be gaining a pound of muscle in 7 days. Unless you are taking steroids, and even then that would be exceptional. People often get frustrated when they begin a workout program. Often, a new work out program is a random series of events spliced together with no real idea of what to do or how to do it. There is a lot of information and "expert" advice that does nothing except muddy the Water. Hamchu, I know you have been really consistent and posting a lot about what you have been doing at the gym. It is a trial and error process and you constantly will learn new things about your body and fitness principles in general if you keep at it. Don't give up! In the end, if you make it to the gym regularly and do EVERYTHING wrong, you will be miles and miles ahead of where you would be if you stayed home and sat on the couch.
  7. OMG..I GOT SLEEVE LAST WEEK!!!!!!! IM 6 DAYS POST OP..and right now,i,was telling my husband i feel so,hungry. I lost 2 pounds yesterday and i gain 2 today. This,post gives me so much hope....
  8. So I was carpooling with my BFF this morning. She is the only friend who I have told that I'm in the process of getting this surgery. She and my parents are the only people I've discussed this with. She's overweight as well, though not as heavy as I am, she's still quite heavy. I don't really talk to her about it much, but she asked me how my seminar went on Monday. So I tell her how it was, how I already knew the things they were discussing, that I was anxious to see the MD, etc. When I'm done, she says, "I just don't think I could do that." I ask her why not? And she responds "I just couldn't give up fooooodddd," with such passion, as if she was talking about the love of her life. Now, she's a girl who loves to eat. I get that. But hearing her say that out loud, the way she did... it felt like I had just been snapped out of a trance. That was me. That was me when I was her age (she's 7 years younger than I am), saying the exact thing. And it strengthened my resolve to say I don't want to be a person like that anymore. I've already changed so much in the past few months in preparation. Saying no to things I would have never refused before. Working out. Tuning into my actual hunger... and it just made me a little sad for my friend. To be so thrown by the idea of having to be on a liquid to solid staged diet, and I explained that part only lasts about 8-12 weeks out of your ENTIRE LIFE. It's not the end of the dang world! Part of this is due to her own naivety about surgery in general, and the differences between them. I'm sure she has no idea what kind of surgery I want (although I've told her). So, I told her in my most patient voice, "Well, hey, I know where you're coming from, and I hope that you don't get to a point where you have to do something like this. But if you get to be my age and feel like an old lady too soon, you might change your mind about how important that food is to you." Now, I worried she might take that a little harshly. But I figure it's better than me saying what I WANTED to say, which was "Well, I know where you're coming from, but when the time comes that I'm the smaller one, you might change your mind about how important that food is to you." Does anyone else worry about how their friends and family will react to the "new you"? I suppose a side effect of losing weight is how it can potentially alter your relationships. I'd love to hear some other perspectives on this...
  9. bookwormswot

    Heat and workouts

    After a week of working out 30 min a day on my brand new elliptical trainer, the weather decided to thwart me. We've had three days of 90+ degrees and another on the way with all sorts of air quality warnings and such. As I don't have AC, I am certainly not getting on the elliptical. I feel bad for not exercising, but I c.an't really do anything in this heat. I am afraid this break is going to make it difficult to get back into exercising again. And I am afraid of how not working out for a week as I make the transition to mushees is going to affect my weight. I know I am being silly, but hey... So anyway, what do you all do when it is too hot to breathe let alone exercise?
  10. Taylee_Rose

    Did my Band Slip??

    Hi Everyone, So I am starting to freak out a little bit. I had a little stomach bug this past Saturday and threw up 3 times. I am not having any pain, no relflux, and no nausea. I do feel that my appetite it larger that it "should" be. I have not gained any weight either. I would normally go see my surgeon tomorrow...but I will be on my way to Mexico for vacation until next Tuesday. Should I worry????? Thank you!!
  11. Had my postop with my surgeon today. Everything looks good but he said something that concerned me. He asked if I was getting in my 64 grams of Protein daily and I said after the first week it hasn't been a problem, that I can get in closer to 9-95 grams daily (I track everything on MFP). He said he thought that was too much protein which confused me. I assumed if I had extra calories after I hit 64 grams of protein it was better to still get more protein instead of fats and carbs. My surgeon seemed to think its hard to lose weight eating 1000 calories a day and suggested I cut back to 800 cals a day. Has anyone received similar advice? How many grams of protein are you getting daily? I will consult my nutritionist but just wondered if anyone had a similar experience.
  12. Tania Rosaria Capuano


    I have had my lap band for two years and over that time i have had on and off tenderness at the port site. However over the past week the port site ha become so sore i went to the emergency ward at the hospital and was told i have "spontaneous cellulitis" and have ben put on a iv of cefriaxone 3g for three days untill i can get to see my surgeon. I have not had a fill for a few months so the dr can not find a reason as to why i have gained an infection. I have burning to the site and pain when i move. Has anyone had a similar problem and if so what was the outcome? i am a little concerned that if i need it removed or replaced that i may need to fork out another **** load of money grrrr!!!! And that once again i will be going under the knife for surgery!!!
  13. farmgirl04

    tummy tuck+?

    Hi All, Just Sharing. I had my first appointment with the plastic surgeon concerning my belly. I am running 3 miles a day X 5 days a week. I battle a chronic rash. I actually thought it was all cleared up only to find it is still there. I guess it makes sense that I wouldn't know since I've had 3 C-sections and have no feeling around the scar area. All the more reason to loose the skin! Anyway, about 10 days till I find out yes or no. Now it is the waiting game. Planning on a bladder sling at the same time. Since loosing all this weight I can't sneeze without peeing! Hope this isn't tmi! Fingers crossed!
  14. I was banded for 2 years, and revised to the sleeve in mid December. Stomach pain is gone, no vomiting, appetite control is in place, weight is coming off steadily. I wish I'd gone this way in the beginning. When I think of the money I wasted with the lapband surgery, the fills and unfills and other medical appointments trying to resolve the problems .....that's the only time I feel sick now. However, follow your own research and go into surgery confident in your decison, whatever it is. Best Wishes!
  15. Well, I didnt have to do one. But I thought I would anyway, for all the reasons you've got running through your head. I did last 3 days. Before i started fainting every time I stood up! Called my doc, he said I was mad to do that to myself if it wasnt even necessary and pointed out that its an extreme measure for an extreme circumstance and NOT a healthy way to lose weight at ALL. He said if it was difficult, made me feel sick and had me passing out, then stop doing it. I knew for a fact my liver was not particularly fatty and not enlarged at all and it wasnt going to be a problem for surgery. So I just ate sensibly in my last few weeks again. Not doing a liquid diet does not mean eating everythign not nailed down either. Cutting out the white carbs, getting rid of carbonated drinks and for me a huge one was cutting down drastically on caffeine (knew I wouldnt have the stomach space for my normal coffee intake afterwards) is going to help enormously. I have renewed respect for those that do do it. I've never done such an awful diet in my life. I couldnt do it now WITH a band.
  16. Navigating the Wilderness

    More than 4 Boeing 747-8 Passenger Airlines Fully Loaded

    Awesome, let the airline know I intend to give them some more of my weight.
  17. Sajijoma

    Unrealistic expectations?

    I was at or near 200 at 15 months out. It's been a slow few months because I have been recovering from a torn rotator cuff and couldn't do much. The further out you get the slower the weight loss goes. It still goes, just very VERY slow.
  18. juliarh


    I vote for 8 too -- way to go on the weight loss -- 72 lbs is amazing!
  19. genn

    Puréed food recipes!

    we had same surgery day I had rny tho. Hw 289 SW. 264 weight to after surgery from swelling and fluids 274. Current weight 250!! Down a total of 39 lbs. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. SarahS


    I was so proud of myself today. I got professional pictures taken I HATE getting pictures taken, but I wanted to do this so bad. I am going to make my Christmas cards out of one of these pictures, probably #8. If anyone has a favorite, please let me know. I let my sister take a picture of me the other day which was a huge step for me, and now I did this! YEAH! Maybe I will do it again June 8th.... it will be my 33rd birthday and Izzy's (fawn boxer) 6th birthday! I don't like looking at these pictures because I still have so much to lose, but I can't imagine what I would have looked like 72 pounds higher! I need to be happy about that 72 I have lost so far. Hopefully by next Christmas I will be to my goal weight! http://smilestore.picturepeople.com/PR3/Orderpage.aspx?pi=YH4C07EP000000&po=0&pc=15
  21. You look absolutely amazing! Those photos are such an inspiration! I know you want to lose more (as I do) but looking at you in the "current" pictures you look like a regular sized guy - would have never guessed you have lost 200#!!! I also love how you look at your weight losses - 80% of your excess in the first year is outstanding for a person who started with a high BMI! Thanks for sharing your story and you should frame your photo montage of progress - and hold that up to your face everytime you are feeling a little blue - you are already a tremendous success in my book.
  22. been a while since I've posted.... last I was around, I was preparing to have gall bladder removed...turns out that wasn't the problem... no gastro problems of recent... I am 16 months post op... got to normal BMI at 10 months... am now actually under my goal... wear size 4...21 BMI...25% BF was APPROVED for panniculectomy on first submission to AETNA and was supposed to have that surgery 2 weeks ago however, GYN issue became emergent and I ended up with hysterectomy that day instead... approval good for 6 months so hopefully I will get it in the Spring... Dr says I can get it as soon as 6 weeks post-hysterectomy however I am only 2 weeks out and in a LOT of pain still so that's definitely not happening...besides I need to go back to work for about 2 or 3 months to build up some FMLA time. I have always followed my own eating/exercise path post-VSG...glad to say its still working... I eat plenty of carbs, always start with Protein...plenty of Water.... take my vits & Probiotics.... I haven't really exercised in nearly 2 months and I maintained weight during that time, even managed to get down another 3 or 4 pounds....Plastic Surgeon says for me to expect another 5 pound loss once my extra skin is removed.... I cannot believe at that point I will be struggling NOT to lose weight... MIND BLOWING!!
  23. Hello, So, here's the story. I had the sleeve 4-24-12, and I've lost 118.4 (gotta include the .4), in the five months since. The only complication was my gallbladder - which I had removed 6 days ago. Besides the normal pain from the procedure, no other complaints. So, it just so happened that I had to get a "physical" for my new job that I started yesterday. They did the drug test, blood pressure, and pulse. My pulse was 52 on the machine. So the nurse did it with her fingers, and it was the same. I checked it a few times throughout the day myself, and it was high 50's low 60's... My blood pressure was excellent. So today, I checked my pulse, and it was 63, blood pressure was still fine. Any ideas? Yesterday and today I have been feeling "lousy". Headaches, fatigue, but not like crazy exhaustion or anything. I do suffer from anxiety - and knowing that I may have an issue kinda freaks me out. I am going to see my primary care doctor on Thursday evening, but I was wondering if anyone had anything similiar do you think it's from the weight loss surgery do you think it's from the gall bladder surgery do you think it's from the stress of leaving an old job and startin a new one? i mean, geeze, i lost 118.4 pounds - i shouldn't be having heart problems, right?? today, i felt a little better - barely a headache (but didn't take anything for it), and tired, but not that tired. please, any ideas, thanks!
  24. It depends on your insurance. I gained weight on my "6 month monitored diet" required by insurance, but all they were interested in was the 6 months of documentation that I went, not in my results. If I'd lost weight, I'd have been just under a qualifying BMI for surgery so I was kind of stuck. I was submitted the day of my first consult with the surgeon and started then and there (AFTER insurance submission) applying myself to my new lifestyle. Lost the required 10 pounds prior to surgery, (and then some with time to spare). You'll have to see what your particular requirements are.

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