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Found 17,501 results

  1. Just checking in to see if anyone has had the panniculectomy procedure? How bad was the pain after surgery? Did you see a noticeable difference? Was it worth it? Would you do it again? Did you gain any of your stomach back? Does the fact that they don't go all the way around bother you? So many questions, I appreciate any answers you can give me.
  2. JerseySleeved22

    Struggling with Weight Re-Gain

    It's a struggle. I have been gaining weight also and need to get this weight off. What is the shake diet you are doing? I may need to jump on this wagon! 😊
  3. I had a bypass over 15 years ago and at first it was successful over 10 stone loss and I felt amazing. My mobility has decreased dramatically nd I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I've gained all my weight back and more. My pouch im sure is huge, I get terrible reflux and I'm thinking a revision. Has anyone successfully had a NHS revision? What was criteria? What did the op entail? Also, anyone gone private for this in uk? What was the cost? Im so confused but I know to help my mobility I need to lose weight 😩 Any help is appreciated
  4. So since posting I’ve not been very active and my issue with weight regain has gotten worse. I am now sitting at 270 pounds. That’s 100 total pounds regained. I am miserable. I am going to start a protein shake diet thing for a week starting tomorrow and really try to get active again, but as I mentioned before I am still on night shift and a student as well. My fitness pal seems to cost money these days and im absolutely not paying 20$ a month for that, I wish it was still free. Any tips is awesome, motivations, and even pen pals, I find not having anyone to hold my accountable is really a big problem for me as I tend to convince myself to do as I please (I get it, I need to hold myself accountable, but it’s nice to have a helping hand) thanks for all the comments
  5. Thanks @Bypass2Freedom, @SleeveToBypass2023and @FifiLux for your kind comments. I think the MSK person just wanted to make me aware of what the future may hold for me and to temper any expectations I may have regarding WLS and my knees. As it stands at the moment, I find it difficult to weight bear as the pain can knock me sideways. I’ve had a little folding scooter for around a month now which means I can now get out of the house with hubby and be around people. I cannot begin to explain how this has added to my quality of life! I have some independence back!! I could go weeks at a time not getting out, so this is a massive change. I could actually wizz off to the park with my granddaughter at the weekend and just be there with her 😊 I also haven’t driven for almost a year now, which I miss but cannot manage at present as I can’t get in the van we have at the drivers side as it’s too high and my knees can’t cope right now as there are times when just bending them can bring me to tears. It’s not the end of the world, just something that happens 🤷‍♀️ These are all things that will hopefully change in the future. I know that weight loss will have positive impacts in lots of different areas of my life. I know that my knees will definitely thank me, knee surgery not withstanding!
  6. I think most just want to compliment you on your great accomplishment and we can be too sensitive. What I mean is no matter what someone says (yes some don't think it through AND do say hurtful things) it can be kinda hurtful if you think about it to much; " Oh you've let weight, you look great!" - So what are you saying, I didn't before when I was fat!? "You lost a lot of weight in your face, you're beautiful! - Again, I wasn't before? Its a very difficult mine field for ppl to transverse - I just take the compliment and move on. "better yet learn to see a person for who they actually are and not even notice a persons size amongst other physical things (only in a perfect world I know)." - After all the work I've gone though to lose the weight, its nice to have it acknowledged. I'm not sure I'd be happy if they just kept talking after not having seen me in awhile and not at least mention my weight loss...but, to each their own, we're all different. I try my hardest to not read into what or how ppl say things, I just take it as hopefully a compliment, but if it's not, then the hurtful thing is on them - not me.
  7. How did the prep for a colonoscopy go? I will have one in about 6 months and am super nervous about the prep. I've had many colonoscopies, so I'm not worried about that—just the prep with the new stomach! I've heard that our final weight can't really be determined until we are about 18 months out from surgery. I've been hearing people on social media say they have hit stalls that last as long as 3-4 months. It will be interesting what they say at your 6 month appointment. I wouldn't worry about anything at this point. I'm sure it's frustrating! I'm addicted to seeing that scale move... even though I don't want to be!
  8. I’m counting it since my body has been fluctuating weight for the last month! 😂 but this is insane, never have I ever been this weight in my adult life! Never have I ever been this fit, never have I ever stayed on this path and stuck it through. What an amazing tool! Next goal? BOOBIES 😅
  9. I had many questions. He told me i can work out now (yay!!!!). He said i can incorporate certain foods but mashed potatoes & sweet potatoes is a no go. So cooked veggies and chicken shall be my next go to. But i’m 181 today! Officially 36lbs down. He encouraged me that i was at the right pace because my starting weight wasnt so high — if i lost alot immediatley, he’d be concerned. On the table, i didnt realize i was 195😨. So yeah, he said im on the right track and i’d meet my goal of 160 probably in september or october. The good news? I can work out to keep active & busy
  10. One of my VP's at work walked by me and said if you keep losing weight your going to disappear...I just smiled and he laughed and said no really your doing great and you look great. Like I get it people want to comment on it, I have lots of weight and I have never ever ever been this size in my adult life. I think the last time I weight this was when I was 11-12 no joke. we had a new hire and I was training him, he saw pics of me when I was bigger at my desk with my family and said whoa is that you?! so its encouraging to know that new people who meet me or see me in the outside world they only see how I am now. I am battling with my own stuff, being so small now I have no boobs, my butt is 3/4 gone. I mean I workout and I look lean. I am not sure how I am feeling. This entire thing is a whole mind game lol
  11. It won't cure the arthritic knees and pain but it will help as you will have much less weight to be walking around with so less pressure on them. I have no cartilage in either knee and have been getting steroid injections and also hyaluronic to cushion the joints and they only last a while. Doctors told me I needed both knees replaced at a later date but I had to loose weight first and my knees need to thin down more (as I have bad lymphedema). I can already feel the difference now with the weight loss, I can walk further and faster without much pain. Whereas before I would not be able to sleep at night due to knee pain. I will get another round of injections in September before my holidays just to be on the safe side and will see what the ortho says about my knees (I don't think they have slimmed down enough yet) and I think my knees have a few more years in them.
  12. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    If there is a discord, I'll join it. So, I'm staying between 225-228 lbs. I dropped to 221 a couple days ago. Only because I had a colonscopy and I was on a liquid diet for nearly 36 hrs. Otherwise, my weight hasn't moved in more than a month. Edit* Hit the send to fast 😃 To finish what I was writing, I shouldn't be at a maintenance weight, which is what it feels like since ive been in this weight range for 6 weeks or more. If I ate less than I do now, I don't think it would be sustainable. I have my 6 month post op appointments next month. Hopefully by then the scale moves a bit more. I was hoping to be at 200 lbs. Or less by the time I have knee surgery in October.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Wanted - 2 New Knees!

    I have to believe that, while losing the weight won't reverse the arthritis, it HAS to help it not be quite as bad given there won't be as much weight to carry around. Any weight loss should improve that, I would think. Yes, there will still be pain, but not the added pain from the weight on the arthritic knees. So I have to believe the weight loss will be at least a little bit of help in the pain department there. I'm glad you got the answers you were looking for and have a plan moving forward!!!
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just approved for Surgery in October 2024

    My main concern is, with you being active and on liquids only for 3 months, at some point your body may think it's starving and hold on to everything. If you're active, you actually need more calories to lose weight. Make sure you're having things like protein shakes, bone broth, etc so at least your body is getting some of what it needs. Protein is REALLY important, so prioritize that. I absolutely wish you well!!
  15. Bypass2Freedom

    The Dreaded Calorie Talk

    Thanks lovely! I will do my best! The nurse did mention that I have lost 23.3% of my excess body weight so far, so I am definitely happy about that - I just need to do my measurements again as I haven't done that since pre-LRD!
  16. NeonRaven8919

    Just approved for Surgery in October 2024

    Thanks for the support! I've been told just liquids. I've lost .4kg (.8) after 1 day so imagine feeling encouraged! I've been told no food because I need to lose weight quickly for the surgery and I need 1000-1200 calories a day. But I also ride my bike everywhere so ai think that helps with the weight loss.
  17. Oh I get these all the time! My own brother made a disgusted face the last time he saw me and was like "You don't look good". The funny part is that he was also sleeved and is the definition of skinny LOL, so that tells you, don't take it personally! My MIL keeps telling me that I'm "disappearing" and people generally tell me I've lost a lot of weight the minute they see me. I don't think it comes from a bad place, I think it's the shock of how they're used to how you've looked (for me it was only the past 5 years as I was always slim and fit) and I remind them that I looked like that my entire adulthood before my ankle injury and then they go quiet. Sometimes people are simply jealous. People who genuinely say it to compliment me will say things like "you lost a lot of weight and you look so good!" or "good on you!" or "you look amazing" and I know these people mean well and there's no hiding green monster, so there you go. At one point - when tipping into 50's (kgs) I did worry that I was going too low - but guess what, I feel AMAZING and I'm really happy with the way I look (flat backside and all 🤣) and that's all that matters. Also, hubby can't get enough LOL!!!
  18. Had my MSK appointment yesterday to discuss my poorly knees and go through my X-rays. Turns out my knees are, and I quote, ‘riddled with arthritis’ and I will need both replacing. It may sound odd but it’s kind of a relief that the pain I feel is justified if that makes sense? The areas of pain on my knees marry up with the worst areas on my X-rays. She did explain that weight loss wouldn’t get rid of the pain but would obviously help with regards to the replacements and quality of life afterwards. I really did appreciate her honesty because the last thing I would want is to think that getting the weight off would make the pains go, and then be disappointed or blaming myself when that didn’t happen. So, can’t have any replacement op until I can get weight off - that’s a given so I was prepared for that. She did say that I was ahead as I’m on the Bariatric pathway which is a huge help. I’m booked in for steroid injections in both knees in 2 weeks. I’ve had these before which weren’t successful but I’m happy to try again, just in case! A couple of weeks after that I will be contacted by physio to see if the injections worked and to have some physio if so. 3 months after that I will be back to see MSK and discuss next steps. It was a huge help that the MSK person was also recovering from a knee replacement op that she had in January. She also needs both replacing and should hopefully have the second before this year is out. She explained recovery and how long it takes etc. It sounds 😬 but needs must and all that. Hopefully, by the time I’m 60 (4 years to go) my weight will be gone, my knees will by done and I will be able to run around with my 2 grandchildren 😊
  19. It doesn't get any better than this. You are not alone. I was about to write a post about the exact same thing. I was on a 2-week holiday in Thailand and the same thing happened to me. I was 70 kg on the day we started our trip and now I'm 66.5 kg three weeks after. I lost like 3.5 kg or so which is amazing. Not sure if that is a water loss or what but I'm happy haha. I can't say the same about my wife though. She is blaming me for gaining 3 kg on the same trip. We ate like "tourists" and tried the many wonderful Thai dishes and made sure to keep hydrated. We did a lot of walking, a bit of swimming and ate a lot of fruits so that might have helped burn the calories from all the coconut milk rich dishes we tried there. I was burning more calories during the trip and more active according to my Apple Watch. The same thing happened to me on a similar previous trip so I can totally relate.
  20. this is not the first time, but it happened again...and i think it's happened often enough now for me to consider it a "normal" thing: I. Lost. Weight. On. Vacation. it still fascinates me when this happens because the norm prior to wls was to GAIN weight during vacay. Every. Single Time. (even when i was not overweight) Went on vacay 20 days ago, and came back this afternoon. I did not count calories, track food, weigh myself, nor perform a lick of exercise (besides walking) all that time. And lo and behold, i lost 3.1 lbs. which is very unexpected, because me and Mr. basically ate and drank ourselves across a good part of europe, and i fully expected the scale to show a good sized weight gain when i got home (he says HE gained almost 4 lbs). honestly i felt like i ate (and drank) more in the past 3-ish weeks than i ever have since WLS 5+ years ago...but maybe i am mistaken? maybe i should have tracked my food intake after all... anyway, yay! i may just have to fully accept that i got this maintenance thing down pat. i didn't think about calories or portion sizes or whatever...just ate (and drank) what i felt like, in amounts i knew i could handle. yay!
  21. when i first started getting the "you are too skinny" comments, i was annoyed...because i was still considered overweight for my height and i thought the people saying this to me were blind. or stupid. then i started to feel secretly good about it, cuz i felt i looked great and was super proud of my weight loss and thought people saying this were just jealous. or stupid. THEN i started to doubt myself and be self-conscious about my looks as i began to take these people's comments to heart. i thought these people were mean. or just well-meaning (this was the worst stage...luckily this phase didn't last long...maybe a couple months). after a little more time, the comments began to just get boring. i finally knew i looked and felt awesome. so those people went back to being stupid. now, no one makes any comments at all (despite me weighing LESS now than when all their "concern" started showing up). almost all the people that knew me as fat are now used to me being skinny. others never even remember knowing me as fat. i'll be six years out in October. so long story short. eff all the people and their comments. so long as YOU feel great, you're golden. try not let others' opinions change your own good opinion of yourself. ❤️
  22. My standard reply when people begin this cr*p is to say, ‘have I ever discussed my weight with you before? No? Well I’ll not be starting now’, because my weight is not your business’ . that shuts them up. If it’s a friend, I just change the subject, but if pushed they get told, with a smile, my weight is not their concern.
  23. So I was pretty strict with myself up until probably this month when I hit 6months. I stayed away from carbs like they were the devil. Recently, I have incorporated 1/4C of diced O'Brien's potatoes and peppers air fried with egg whites and 1 slice of turkey bacon. Not gonna lie it scared me to do that lol Last night we had spaghettis and I made the sauce so I only had sauce on top of broccoli. You can still have the foods you like just modified. Shrimp is great, instead of real butter use pam or spray butter and add a side of veggies. this is the time to really focus on your relationship with food. This is for life. I have to remind myself of that all the time. I went off my rocker yesterday...I was snacking on pirates booty, a couple of Doritos here, a couple of pieces of chocolate there then had Froyo. But I realized that I cannot do that again and I know that I have the willpower to get back on the horse and forget about that day (I still tracked everything!) I have been working on my relationship with foods, and what I can have in moderation and what I really have to stay away from. I workout HARD too, weight lifting, cardio, F45 and I LOVE it, its become kind of a passion and I have a couple of ladies' that I do workout routines for them and sometimes bring along with me to show them as well as done zoom workouts with my bestie. Also I am an everyday weigher and I wont ever stop that. I need to know that what I am doing is working and when I have snacky days I like to see the damage. Surprisingly, there was none. What I am saying is take full advantage of this honeymoon stage! lose as much as weight as humanly possible and track and get a good workout routine going. If you are lost on where to start with weight lifting I am more than happy to help!
  24. I feel great! I have scaled back a touch since this post. I will lift heavier with less reps, wont do as many sets. I am getting bored so I am adding F45 workouts on Fridays to my routine. Then not lifting on Sundays just going for a run or a long walk with my kids. I am finding having two full rest days of weights is helping. The time is there, but if I workout at the end of my day I am finding that I am more frustrated with a full gym, lots of kids, ppl who are on their phone hogging the weights. So I have been working out from home on those days, and I seem to enjoy it more. I stick to 1hour of traditional gym workout and then I walk or run on my lunch break at work for 30min M-F.
  25. Wowo!! What a transformation. Congrats on your success!! I struggled with depression too. At my heaviest, 320 pounds, I felt hopeless after years of struggling to get the weight off. My body finally just stopped cooperating and I couldn't lose more than 30 pounds no matter what I did. With my decision to have WLS I suddenly found hope. I didn't need a procedure that helped me eat less. I needed something that changed the way my body processed food. When I heard it referred to as Metabolic Surgery, it caught my attention. This actually resets my bodyfat setpoint to what I was born to be????? Sign me upppppp! No regrets!! I pray continued success for you @Real Komboand hope you find the help and mental clarity to overcome the dark thoughts we all have to battle with at some point. {{hugs}}

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