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Found 17,501 results

  1. I'm wondering how long any of your stalls have lasted. I'm 25 days out of surgery (sleeve to bypass revision), and I'm still at the same weight from July 3rd. Literally, not a single decimal point down. Here's what my nutrition looks like: Calories-500, Protein-60g, Carbs-<40. I'm having an issue with fiber and constipation (1 bowel movement every other day), but yesterday I started using Benefiber packets. I also ordered some protein shakes that have 4g fiber and some that have 10g fiber. Since I start work August 8th, I won't have time to eat an actual breakfast, so I'm planning on using the protein shakes in place of my coffee in the mornings. Ideas? Suggestions? Advice?
  2. Melinda72


    Hi all, haven't posted on here in a while, but I am struggling. I have been at a stall for almost 8 months. I have changed up many different things.... pretty much did everything I can think of and still stuck. I go between 190 and 195 and I am dying to see 189. LOL any suggestions? My doc put me on Addipex months ago and that's not even helping.
  3. 1.7 kilograms lost the past week, well before was 1.4.  Very happy!  Stepping on the scales is weird, I anticipate the worst for some reason, the relief is great when the numbers keep going down.  I'm sitting on 131.2 now, I'll be I the 120's next week or the week after!  150's, 140's, 130's, coming for you 120's!

  4. Ok so not my wedding 😆, but I am standing up in my best friends wedding as a bridesmaid 6/7 weeks post op from RNY. (Just got my surgery date today) Part of me wanted to delay the surgery until after, but ultimately didn’t want to pause my life for someone else’s wedding. Will I be ok at the wedding 6/7 weeks PO? Like able to make it through the night and enjoy it? Guess I’m hoping to hear from others who have had big events in the weeks after surgery. (bonus question - should I order the chicken or the steak? Lol!)
  5. Hi everyone. I was a cash pay in Vegas for gastric sleeve. They haven’t really followed up and I keep having to ask them for more info. They seem really relaxed about everything (outpatient surgery). I asked when I can exercise and he said I can begin anything I want now and I am only three weeks out. I’m just wondering if anyone else has been told that? I see 6-8 weeks most places.
  6. It's 6 months since my mini gastric bypass. I have lost total of 55 Kg or 121.25 lbs. My weight loss trend is still hovering around 6 Kg (13.2 lbs) loss/month. But from last 3 months, I have seen increase in my hunger. In terms of percentage, the increase would be 20 % as compared to the 3 months back. Is this normal? I am also spending a lot of time for workout - around 6 hours of cardio and 12 hours for strength training + HIIT + weights every week. Not sure if that along with muscle i am developing is causing this hunger? or maybe its normal? Also, lost my job to layoffs recently but finances are not an issue. So just trying to maintain calm and avoid any emotional eating. My current weight is 92.5 Kg or 203.5 lbs. Should I get my metabolism evaluated to see my calorie requirement or wait upto 1 year for weight to stabilize? I had my surgery outside country of residence due to surgery wait times. I do teleconference with bariatric surgeon every 3 months, but no in person visit option available. Please suggest. Thank you
  7. I’m 28 years old, and I’m 3 months and 2 weeks post op, and have had quite the journey so far….. I’ve had issues since surgery with not being able to eat and drink etc, finally got in for a gastroscopy the other week where they confirmed I have not one but 2 ulcers…… I’ve lost 80 lbs since surgery 3 months ago which to me seems super fast. Started at 297lbs, down to 213lbs. Anyways, so I’m on medication to heal from that, and have just noticed myself feeling worse and worse, zero energy since surgery, and feels like it’s depleting worse and worse every day…. Instead of getting better the further I am along…. Started to notice my back and hips hurting the last couple of weeks, thought maybe it’s because I’m not up walking enough….. sit all day at work in an office kinda thing, then go home and rest… idk why I took a test last night and sure enough PREGNANT 1-2 weeks pops up on the test…. what the heck am I doing!? Has anyone else gotten pregnant at 3 months post op and carried to term? I’m scared that because I’m not eating and drinking that I’m a danger to this baby and myself now, is it even possible to go through with the pregnancy?
  8. I just had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass on 6/13/23 and I am a little nervous now after reading a lot of these posts regarding the lack of weight loss.
  9. Met with my personal trainer and nutritionist this week and all was very informative. This is all very new to me, so I'm still very much learning and gearing up for the big day! I'd put more on my profile, however being new to the site, I haven't figured it out yet lol. When and if I do, I will share more. Thanks! 


    Have a great day!

  10. I went into this doing a ton of research. I knew to expect the week 2 or 3 stall. But man does it suck when your experiencing it. I haven't got the scale to move in about six days and it just feels so discouraging. I'm only 16 days out from surgery and I know there's so many new things my body is trying to adjust to. I just feel so bummed right now. All the hormonal changes aren't helping with that either. Ugh I cant wait to get past this little plateau.
  11. Sorry if this topic was already discussed, this is my first post here I had my surgery on May 22, it went great except for the first 13 days - I had the most horrible diarrhea I've ever had in my life. That's done (whew) but I'm so tired , I just drag myself around every day. I'm 69 YO . I was never really active except for short walks ,but now everything exhausts me. I was wondering if this goes away as time goes by . I'm at the purreed stage of my diet and I'm wondering if eating so little has anything to do with it. You can see, I'm full of questions LOL . Any experiences to share ? Thank you so much ...Kathy
  12. I’m 12 days post op and i lost 20.9 pounds since surgery. I’m stalling and i wanted to know if its normal and what do I do ?
  13. Almost 5 weeks post op. Occasionally I will start dry heaving or retching. Not necessarily after eating or drinking either, it almost feels random. This happens 3 or 4 times a day usually. I don’t actually throw up, I’ve only puked once or twice post op. 
Is this normal? It really sucks. Reposting in this forum because I had no responses in the other.
  14. 42 pounds in 7 weeks. That's great.


    1. LindsayT


      Thanks! It's been since my pre-op, April 17th

  15. Almost 5 weeks post op. Occasionally I will start dry heaving or retching. Not necessarily after eating or drinking either, it almost feels random. This happens 3 or 4 times a day usually. I don’t actually throw up, I’ve only puked once or twice post op. Is this normal? It really sucks.
  16. Is stalling every 2 weeks normal? I know stalls are normal, and I do expect it, but this much? It's super frustrating. I get a good rhythm of weight loss, then BOOM, nothing. This is my second stall since my May 1st surgery.
  17. Hello all! I've had my RNY on May 17,2023. I've been having nausea after eating anything that's not soft like yogurt, baby food, or eggs. I'm now on the soft chopped portion of my plan. Is it normal to be nauseous after eating things such as moist chicken, beans at this point? I've also had quite a bit of constipation and struggling to get water in. Please give me any tips or advice! Thanks!
  18. Hello all, I'm 10 weeks out from RNY and overall doing pretty good. My problem is I can't plan my food menu because one day I'll like a food, like eggs, and the next day it repulses me. Can't stand the smell of it. I'm like this with almost everything I'm eating. I can NOT do shakes ever again. I tried again about a month ago and gagged and threw it out along with the damn shaker bottle. Same with soups and broths. Can't even look at them. ONe day I'll do good with chicken and the next it sickens me. I'm often hungry, but eating makes me feel like crap. I enjoy nothing. I eat slow and don't eat until I am too full, so it's not like I'm overeating and getting sick from a food and then not wanting to eat it again. It makes me sad. Frustrating as hell. I'm hungry now, but nothing sounds good, looks good or tastes good. I often feel crappy after eating. Nauseated. Again, not eating until I'm too full, so it doesn't make sense to me. My dietician wants me to get in more protein but I can't figure out how. There is a part of me that wishes I never would've had the surgery because I'm so sick of feeling like crap. I have low/no energy. I'm taking all my vitamins and supplements. Anyone else have this problem? Will it get better over time? I have no idea what I'll take to work for lunch tomorrow. The chicken I made yesterday is grossing me out now. UGH!! Advice? I'm 34 pounds down now. I'm stalled but feel like it's because I'm not eating enough. I cannot do yogurt or much cheese as I have a hard time with milk products as well. Ack! One more thing I'll add is that I found I can't tolerate sugar free things either. I don't know if it's the xylitol, artificial sweeteners or what. Not eating sugary things either.
  19. 2 weeks & 5 days post op and I'm doing great

    Gatorade w/protein makes me gag now. I think from having so much of it.

    I had the ricotta bake for a few days. I'm in the puree stage but rotisserie chicken, chicken meatballs, cold cuts, & plain tuna don't bother me.

    I had a plain old fashioned peppermint and it made me nauseous... 

    1. Homestay



      Hang in there, it looks like you're going really well in your recovery phase.

      One thing, don't be shy in coming out to ask the Dietitian for more meal plan ideas that suit your surgery... and the gagging and feeling of wanting to vomit will pass.


  20. I downloaded this app tonight because I had a really strong a visceral panic attack about getting the surgery. I’m 4 weeks post surgery today (6/9) and as I’m immersing myself more into regular life I’m feeling anxious about meeting my water and protein goals. And all around, what I’ve done to myself lol. Being in the house and managing recovery and eating is so easy, but it’s summer and I have many trips planned. My first real trip after surgery was this week (still currently on it). I took my daughter to an inclusive resort so she could enjoy herself. So far, it’s been easy physically. I’m not experiencing anything bad. However, packing food for it was really difficult because I’m still in an early phase for food (blended/purée). So it’s not easy to meal prep blended or puréed meals for a 3 day trip when there aren’t many options or access to a kitchen. I will say, eating isn’t an issue for me. I’ve been blessed in my journey and experience thus far and know I will be throughout the rest of my life. It’s the water portion, though. I really don’t want to be hospitalized for any reason; dehydration, eating certain things or too much come to mind when I think about it. I’m doing the best I can. I don’t meet the water goal everyday anymore (minimum 50 ounces) and that makes me scared. I’m just feeling a lot of anxiety. In the beginning I didn’t have a “regret” phase, but I guess it just waited to hit me until now. I know it may get easier, but it’s not right now and it’s making me both scared and just hyper aware of my existence/physical needs. I did the research I could and briefly read studies, watched people’s experiences throughout their journeys and spoke to people. I just didn’t expect all of the prep and intentional work I have to put in each day to sustain myself. Especially in these early days. As I write this, I’m reminding myself that I’m not even a month out so I can’t expect easy or to not feel a way. It’s just where I’m at right now. Any words of encouragement or pointers are greatly appreciated.
  21. 2 weeks & 5 days post op and I'm doing great

    Gatorade w/protein makes me gag now. I think from having so much of it.

    I had the ricotta bake for a few days. I'm in the puree stage but rotisserie chicken, chicken meatballs, cold cuts, & plain tuna don't bother me.

    I had a plain old fashioned peppermint and it made me nauseous... 

  22. Lost 3 pounds this week. I'll take it!!!

  23. A little about me. 45-year-old, male. Fought my weight my entire adult life. Chronic IBS. GERD. Heart attack in 2016. Heart disease. Diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea in 2022. Fatty liver disease. Metabolic syndrome. Diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos - Hypermobility Type in 1997. Currently have chronic pain in both shoulders and both hips, especially when sleeping. This is due to the EDS. I have SLAP tears in both shoulders as well as partial rotator cuff tears, and frozen shoulder on the right side. Married. Twin 13-year-olds. Quality of life really hit bottom. I decided to take control of my life. I had my first appointment with the Dr back in November. Just had VSG on May 18th. Severe gas pains for about the first 5 hours after surgery. Like really bad. Gave me dilaudid to help with the pain, and it did knock the edge off. I was able to get up and walk, drink a little, and pee. Let me go home about 6.5 hours in recovery. The first nights sleep was brutal. THE HICCUPS! Why did no one tell me about the hiccups?! I was able to wear my apnea mask just fine, but every time I got up to pee (about 5 times total), the hiccups would start almost immediately and last for 30 minutes or more. I was shaking the bed and keeping the wife awake, they were so bad. Also had some mild reflux with a little bit of the foamies (I got those before the surgery when the reflux would flare). 1st day after surgery, much better. Very few hiccups. No nausea. Got all of my fluids and protein in. Even walked about 8000 steps (I would've done anything to make sure the gas pain didn't return). Now I'm on the third full day after surgery, and each day has been better than the last. Still tired. Off pain meds for the entire day today. I can't stomach the clear protein, so I'm drinking full (creamy) protein diluted 50/50 with water. No issues so far. I think I have overdone it with walking too much too soon, because I feel really tired and weak. I'm going to cut the walking down to 5000 steps and see if that helps. My ABS are pretty sore, especially immediately after sitting/laying. They tighten up pretty quick. Still a long road ahead, with 1-2 shoulder surgeries later this year. And I know there's still a long road ahead with my weight loss journey. I appreciate everyone's candidness describing their issues (poop, slime/foamies, etc). I like to know what to expect. No regrets.
  24. BypassTheBS

    Day 3 post op

    Definitely didn’t think i would enjoy broth as much as i do ☺️ it’s really getting me through
  25. Hi- just wondering if you didn’t experience the infamous 3 week stall, when did it show up? And I’ve read it can last 1-3 weeks. Any variations on that out there?

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