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Found 1,208 results

  1. My surgeon requested that I not gain more than 5 lbs prior to getting my bypass. I’m still a month out and noticed that I’ve gained 10 lbs since my last appointment. Has anyone else experienced weight gain prior to their surgery date? I have been lenient with my food choices recently since I will be starting the pre-op diet on 4-16...and know my future diet will be very constrictive. I am actually thinking of starting the pre-op diet sooner to counter the weight gain I’ve experienced. I’m curious to know if others have experienced these issues! Thank you in advance for any advice you may have!
  2. Any of you out there who have gone through a pregnancy while banded, I'm curious as to how much weight you gained during the pregnancy and if you were able to take it off post partum. I am only 13 weeks along, and haven't gained anything. It is very difficult on my psychologically not losing weight at this point, even though this is definately not the time for weightloss! I continue to monitor the scale, in a slightly less obsessive manner than pre-pregnancy. I understand that I'm going to gain weight, or at least just stop losing, either of which my OB/GYN is fine with, but I had no idea it would mess with me mentally. I find myself physically hungry pretty much all the time, thanks in part to the pregnancy and to the slight unfill (food doesn't stay in the band as long) I had as a precautionary measure related to the pregnancy. It's very bizzare after 9 months of being satisfied by Protein shakes for Breakfast and only a few small meals a day to now having my stomach growling the minute I wake up, and even sometimes waking me up! Obviously I am eating more now-hence the stop in weight loss (which is pregnancy appropriate), however I worry that I am eating too much, and struggling with the thoughts of seeing 240 or 250 or more on the scale again.
  3. sparkles62

    No weight gain but no loss either

    Went back to the doc today. He was disappointed in the only one pound loss in three weeks. Needless to say, so am I. I am still keeping caloried in check and exercising. For the most part I eat healthy. He did another fill under fluoro. I am up to 11cc now. I have been sick since drinking all of the contrast and upchucked it. I waited a couple of hours and tried some cream of chidken soup, unfortunately that came back up. I only hope it is just the fill today. We will see tomorrow. I sure hope it is not an obstrction. Been there done that. To top it all off, my treadmill died. Ain't that a killer!!!! Aggravated and disappointed but I guess that too will pass.
  4. Changingbodies

    Weight gain

    So after meeting with nutritionist a few time these past 5 months i have not lose a thing but gained 10 lbs. Ugh has anyone experienced this and did it effect your eligibility from insurance? Sent from my SM-N910P using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Hi I'm about 3.5 years out of surgery .since last fill Ive lost about 50 pounds in total But in the last 8 months I've gained about 10 pounds. I now have slime backing up if I eat too quick and some acid back flush through the night, and some weird noisy burping and gurgling noises coming from the throat can the band tighten up through weight gain ? reasons for gain are sliders lots of business meals and lots of long haul flying any comments welcome
  6. Hello! I have recently gained weight and I'm only 3 weeks out of surgery, I have been at the gym for the past week and I've been eating all the correct foods so I'm confused as to what is going on and getting quite worried. Any help would be amazing Thanks Xx
  7. Hi all, I had my sleeve revised to bypass on Monday, 8/31. I am 4 days in and weigh more than I did on surgery day. Is this still surgical fluids? I’m following my Stage 1 plan to the letter and frustrated.
  8. Okay so I have Aetna insurance and I am doing the three month program. I am currently on month 2 (about to be on month 3). In November (first month) my nutritionist weighed me in at 270lbs. I have also been seeing an exercise therapist that also weighs me and in November she weighed me in at 271lbs. At the very beginning of December my exercise therapist weighed me in at 271lbs. I just had my second nutritionist appointment today 12-22-10 and she weighed me in at 280lbs! I've gained 9lbs in December! Yes, I am definitely going to blame it on the holidays. I have been to SO many Christmas parties and it's just hard. Now, I know I can lose that 9lbs by my next and final nutritionist appointment which will be in January. However, I am just a little worried that my insurance company (aetna) will see that 9lbs weight gain and deny me. I mean, I AM going to lose it by my next nutritionist visit and be at my original 270lbs. I am just worried about insurance. So my question is, has anyone gained weight during their weight-loss program but then lost it to be back down to their original level and still got approved? Thanks!
  9. I lost over 100lbs with the band. I was 257 went down to 149 then I had a tummy tuck and one year later was pregnant (good planning right) I weighed 166 at 8 weeks pregnant. My band was loosened a about 1/2 way at 2 months pregnant. I was gaining weight really rapidly so I asked my doctor to put more back in. I was partially restricted for most of the pregnancy but still gaining weight at above the recommened amount. I was completely unfilled last week due to bad, bad heartburn and even thought that is helping me I am hungry all the time and gaining weight really fast - I am now 33 weeks and am up to 212! I am totally freaked that after all this hard work I will never be able to lose the weight again and that I will gain even MORE in the next 1 1/2 until I have the baby. Any tips/ideas/support? Thanks in advance!
  10. Posted 43 minutes ago · Report post I had surgery on 3/21 left hospital on 3/22; have been able to be up and around worked all the gas out have taken no pain medicine, tolerating my liquids cautiously, got on scales this afternoon and it shows I have actually gained 1.5 lbs; so BUMMED but my stomach is still pretty swollen..... Is this normal? Quote Edit
  11. I had Bypass 6/29/2017. I gained weight from surgery. Is that normal?
  12. Hi, it's been 3 years since I had the sleeve. I lost 124 lbs. , started at 287 and got to (my goal weight) 165. But now here I am 3 years later at 181 lbs. and struggling to loss that 16 pounds and get back to my goal weight of 165... I'm snacking to much and find I'm eating a little more at meals than I used to. Is anyone else having this problem? Dori
  13. I have never posted before. I had RNY on July 3rd 2014. Weighed 237 when discharged got down to 140 by January. Have maintained that weight I think I go by clothes size I fit into a size 5/7 from 18/20. The 7s do not fit anymore. I all of a sudden have went back to a 11 large muffin top has developed I look pregnant pregnant belly sticking out. 2 weeks ago I had a flat stomach. Going to try 5 day pouch test. I am severely sad. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
  14. I need to be on a 3 different types of psych medications that cause weight gain! I didn't want to take them, but my sanity and health depends on them and I was taking one of them before surgery. I have asked for similar medications that don't have the weight gain side effect and it seems like there are none that would take care of my symptoms. So I've been taking these. As a result, my weight loss has been very slow and compared to others minimal! I am at 13 months post op and have already gained 6 lbs after starting my last medication which was a month ago! Now, I'm not saying I have been perfect, but I don't think I've ate so bad as to have gained 6 lbs! I'm ashamed to tell anyone, but I'm sure they can tell themselves! I have already stopped taking one of the medications that causes weight gain because it really wasn't helping my symptoms much. There are 2 other medications I take that cause weight gain but since these are in my system long term, I am afraid to stop taking them and seriously doubt my doctor would approve. I'm afraid of not taking them too. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow, but I doubt anything will come out of it. There aren't many weight neutral psych medications! and it's already been difficult to get me stable so since these meds work for my condition, I doubt that my doctor will change them. And quite frankly, I am afraid to try other things since like I said, it took a long time and many trial and errors for me to become emotionally stable. My weight loss surgeon said the meds makes it harder to lose, but they have actually caused a weight gain! He gave me phentermine to help, but it's been two weeks on them and I see no difference! My eating hasn't changed much from when I was losing. I still exercise daily and stay away from starchy food. I haven't been consistent with logging food, which I started doing again yesterday. I'm 10 lbs away from my goal but I am not hopeful that I can lose these last 10 lbs. and I'm afraid of gaining more weight if I continue taking these medications. I feel defeated and feel like a failure because of the 6 lbs I've gained back. Has anyone been in this situation? What did you do? Please share your experience if you have had similar issues. Thank you
  15. I will be 1 year out from VSG surgery in May and am now 15 weeks pregnant and very excited!! I was just wondering if anyone else was in the same spot and if so how is the eating and weight gain/loss going? I am terrified to gain, I know I am eating healthy for the baby and I have just gained 2 pounds this week... so I am a little freaked out even though I know I am growing a healthy baby. I just want to know if anyone else feels the same?
  16. mmaddur

    question on weight gain

    i was banded on 4/8 and weighed 289 that day yesterday i weighed 275 and today i gained a pound. i am still on all liquid diet and i am sticking to it i only have protein shakes, water cream of chicken soup and sugar and fat free jello and pudding. does anyone know why i have gained i am just a little bit concerned:confused2:
  17. :help: :help: :omg: Okay, help I feel like a freak or a science project. i was baned on 4/27. As of approximately 1 week post-op i was down 15 pounds. Every morning I would get up and I would be a pound or two lighter. I started at 226 and at one time even saw 210. pop up on my scale. I was very weak during the clear liquid phase but stuck to it. I have since gone on to Protein Shakes and Soups. I have never exceeded 800 calories in a day, most days averaging around 600. Here is the problem. The last FOUR days I've gotten up and I have gained!!!!! Yes,it's true. Please don't run screaming from this message thinking that if you read it you might catch what I have. I need encouragement, help, scientific explanations on how this could be happening. I keep thinking it is Fluid but how many days will this continue? PLease don't tell me not to weigh myself, I can't help it I can't stop. First, I laughed not at all suprised by my bodies fear of losing weight (it has always been hard for my body to drop). but now I am starting to panic, what's the point of no food if I am still gaining f.....ng weight. I am really getting pissed. I AM NOT EATING!!! I feel like a science project that has gone way wrong. My scale says 214, now. Yesterday, after my 2.5 mile walk it even bumped up to 215.:angry Why am I not losing, and why am I putting it back on. I am starting to feel desperate and it isn't funny anymore. This makes me want to eat. Please help. Did I have the only band placed for weight gain? Should I call my doc and see if a horrible mistake has been made? Thanks, tina
  18. In a number of posts lately, opinions have been expressed that some people are gaining or at least not losing weight due to a lack of carbs in their diet. I've spent the better part of my spare time for the past three days trying to find any scientific proof of this theory. All I could come up with was a discredited study from some years ago. If any one has proof that this theory has some basis in fact, could you please present it on this forum so we might have a new reason for lack of weight loss.
  19. I started working out at the gym last week. On monday i had gained 5 pounds. Is it possible this is becuase of muscle gain? I had second fill last week also and food intake was a lot less. On monday i was looking forward to getting on the scale to see what the gym had done for me. When i saw the # i like to have passed out. Anyone see this before Thanks :rolleyes2:
  20. I am 3 weeks post op and was doing pretty good. In the past week, however, I have gained 4 pounds. I go next Friday to get my first fill. I am rather confused and frustrated. Not sure what I am doing wrong. thoughts??
  21. hunniebun

    Weight gain

    I have had the lapband for 4 months, havent gained but havent lost, i dont like the diet at all, im starting to feel like i couldve saved 10,000 & just followed Atkins Diet cause thats basically what my diet is, and i cant do atkins, have never been able to do it, constipates me beyond belief, my band is a 10cc & its filled 6.5, im starting to get discouraged. Has this happened to anyone else?
  22. Hi all, so I have a question because I'm freaking out a bit. The day off my bypass 13 days ago I went into the hospital weighing 275lbs. After surgery my weight went up 10lbs while still in the hospital which I understand is from the IV fluids and what not. However after coming home, I dropped to 264lbs and in the past three days I have gained 3lbs. I know that's not a drastic gain but I'm still concerned. Has anyone else had weight gain after leaving the hospital during the first couple weeks post op ? Sent from my Pixel using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. Hi everyone, I am new here and I have finally decided to go through with doing the Gastric Sleeve. My surgeon told me that my insurance requires a 6 month medically supervised weight loss with my primary care provider. I am scheduled March 24th for my surgery, but I have gained 8 pounds within the last two months of my supervised weight loss. The nurse told me try not to gain, and insurance can deny me if I do gain. I have tried to get answers from my insurance company, but nobody has been able to answer my question. I am located in New York, and my hospital plan is city of New York Blue Cross Blue Shield ppo. I am supposed to go on 2 week liquid diet on March 10th, and I believe I'll lose the weight I gained from that. I am just really nervous of denial, and was wondering if anyone has my insurance, or has been denied for weight gain on the supervised weight loss? Thanks!
  24. I am not a happy camper. I was sleeved on Dec. 30th 2011 and up until a couple of months ago I had lost around 110 pounds and was still losing. I then decided to start a different type of birth control and I chose the Depo shot. I had heard that weight gain was a side effect but I thought maybe 5 pounds at the most. Well, I've now gained 12 pounds and I'm freaking out! I have decided to stop the shot but I'm sure it will take awhile to get out of my system. I'm just really bummed because I was on a losing streak and now that's all messed up. I worry that losing the weight I've gained will be harder since I'm further along on my WLS journey. Anyway, I just had to vent my disappointment. Thanks for reading.

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