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Found 1,208 results

  1. Size66

    Unfill & rapid weight gain

    I had a band fitted 5 years ago and was happy with the weight loss. For the last year I developed severe reflux , night cough, sliming. Etc. Surgeon reduced my fill by half and the symptoms disappeared immediately. BUT I’ve also gained a ton of weight in 2 months , feel no restriction and get severe bloating. Anyone else have this problem . Going to try a little fill ( after the holidays !!🤪)
  2. dena81

    Weight gain during period

    So I had my gastric sleeve on October 18th and since been losing weight evenly. I was down to 209 and then my period started on the 5th and I jumped up about 5lbs. I wasn't really worried as I normally gain 5lbs around my period but yesterday was the last day of my period and I'm still up about 5/6 pounds. Any of you have similar stories? Should I be worried or should it go down in a bit? Any advice is appreciated! Also having my 2nd follow-up with my surgeon next Monday.
  3. So much to touch on here and it may ramble but it all has a point so stick with me. 😂🤞. The first day I met my new doc 6 months ago, the last thing he said was, “I can tell who will be successful after surgery by the amount they lose before surgery”. Talk about pressure! Lol. Anyway, fast forward 6 months and the surgery scheduler calls to say I’ve been approved for surgery. I was nervous initially because I ended my 6 months 3 pounds heavier than I began so I was stoked that I was approved so quickly. SS said if I was able to take the next day off work (9/27), I could have surgery on 10/8! Oh boy! First person I call is my husband, who immediately starts in on me about how I need to wait until AT LEAST November because we can’t afford surgery now! Never congratulated me or anything. I actually hung up on him. Then I tell my bosses/receptionist. Bosses and nearby co workers all start in on what an inconvenience it will be with me out. God forbid they call their own patients or check their patients auth. No congrats there. Receptionist is like I don’t care what you do, I just want to go to Vegas for Halloween. 😒. I finally call my mother in law, who is loaning us money for this surgery and she immediately screams, “YAHOO!!!! CONGRATS!!! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!!”. Tells me to absolutely do the 8th. Don’t wait! Go for it! I get to my desk and after 30 seconds of pause just cry because only one person of the 6 I just told was happy for me. I let my old insecurities set in and figure, if more people are against sx so soon then maybe I should wait. So I scheduled it for 10/22. Fast forward to today. I’ve been incredibly agitated the last two weeks. Everyone at work is worried about how my sx will inconvenience them. I went from two weeks off work to one week and two weeks half days to maybe I can work from the hospital since I’m not doing anything. I’ve been binging on food left in the pantry (pasta, brownie mix, coffee) because I tell myself my hubs will be more relaxed if I eat shit and save money these last two weeks. In the back of my mind though I have the doc...”I know who will be successful after surgery based on how much weight they lose before surgery”. I KNOW I’ve gained weight the past two weeks. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was 10 pounds. 🤷‍♀️. So the self loathing begins. “The doc thinks I’m a shit patient for gaining weight and he’s wasting his time working on me because he knows I won’t be successful”. “I’m worthless”. “Why can’t you just make people happy and lose weight?!”. Tonight I told hubs I was going to bed early because I was “agitated” and when I laid down I stared at the ceiling sobbing my eyes out. I couldn’t cry harder if I tried. Then it hit me: why am I letting these people control my life?! So I text my husband to come to the bedroom to talk (I’m a millennial. It’s what we do). I proceed to tell him how angry I am. I’m angry that he was so concerned about money that he never congratulated me for a year of hard work. I’m angry that I let my co workers dictate my pre and post op care. I’m angry that I let my husband choose my surgery date. Most importantly, I’m angry at myself. Angry for letting them take away my initial happiness. Angry for being concerned about my co workers feelings over my own. Angry that something my doc probably meant as encouraging was twisted by my mind to negate everything I’ve done in the last year because I gained weight. As if the weight gain negated all the physical therapy, the personal training, psychology work, food logging, nutrition appointments, weekly classes for united healthcare, monthly support groups and $8000 in money to better my health for this surgery and life change. Angry that I let my emotions get the best of me and ate shit instead of grabbing my mother in laws credit card like she offered and getting the proper food I need pre op. He listened and apologized. We chatted a bit over his fears/concerns, my concerns (I’m not afraid of surgery) and my need to work on my people pleasing. It was cathartic. It was also humbling that I thought I had this mental aspect under control when clearly I did not if I let all of these people live rent free in my mind. Friday I’m going to for my pre op appointment and I’m going to be open, honest and an advocate for myself. I’ll probably stumble at some point in the future but I’m taking a screenshot of this post to remind myself that it’s ok to advocate for yourself and then pick myself back up.
  4. ncgirl0510

    Weight Gain

    Good morning all! I am looking to see if anyone has gone thru the same thing as I am now. So I had my sleeve surgery in Jun 2016 weighing in at 255. After the surgery, I lost down to 135 within the first 2 years because I was very strict in staying below 20 carbs daily and working out. After the 2 years though, I was getting to a point where my face looked sunken and I just felt like I definetly didn't want to lose anymore. The problem was that by sticking to my diet, I kept losing a few pounds each week. So I started to add more carbs back slowly. Over the last year though, I have gained about 15 pounds. I now am planning to go back to my orignial diet to try and lose the weight. Did anyone have any issues with weight gain? If so, were you able to get back on track and lose weight? I'm just worried that my body won't get back into that mode of losing weight like it was after the surgery. Any suggestions? Thank you all!
  5. Hello all, I have a lot to say/ ask so I hope someone out there is reading. For some background knowledge, pre surgery I weighed 225 pounds. In the last year and a half I maintained a weight of 152-157 I never reached above 160. I recently had a big move, new job, leaving my boyfriend, and a medical issue. I. H.a.v.e gained around 22 pounds in 2 months. I. H.a.v.e all of this self hate. I can’t look at myself because I pick myself apart, I notice a line in my neck and get nervous it’s a fat roll forming, I notice a double chin. I notice it all and it’s the most miserable I have ever been. I can’t fit in my clothes, I cry daily and try to avoid planning outings because I can’t stand my self appearance anymore, where as 3 months prior I loved myself and how I looked. I weigh about 172 as of today. I think one of the biggest things I. H.a.v.e noticed is that I had very little maintenance diet guidance. so I am coming to all of you for answers. In the beginning stages of our diet they say we should not be able to eat more than 8 ounces at a time. now that I’m 2 years out I guess my question is: how do you no how much to eat, how many ounces should you be eating each meal and how many ounces of each food group per meal? They say to eat your protein first then veggies, then starch.... if you were to make a dinner meal for yourself: how many ounces of each would you make. I cant let myself become the person I used to be, I need to get back on track.
  6. Anyone else experience weight gain years after Gastric-Sleeve? I'm almost 200 lbs again and very frustrated. I know a few things I'm doing wrong - not getting enough nutrient dense foods, too many non- nutrients rich foods/calories - not enough water *I hate drinking water - not enough exercise - Depression and stress have taken their toll. Now I need to 'start over'. WIth a busy life - 4 children ages 10-30 and 2 3 yo grandchildren - 3 part time jobs - volunteer positions at church - it's hard to focus on self-care. I need help, encouragement, focus and answers to reverse the effects of it all. Hoping to get some practical advise here to help me get my life back on track. I want to live a long healthy life and just struggle with the enormity of variety and choices in the diet and health world...
  7. My Dr gave me a RX for omeprazole right after surgery and told me to take it for 6 months. My surgery was on Sept 4th. so three weeks ago. I have to be honest i am nervous since Zantac was recalled and also i have read that the side effects of Omeprazole is weight gain. In the three weeks since my surgery I have only lost 13lbs. I have between 65-100 Protein, around 600 calories or less and drink between 80 oz to a gallon of water a day so i cant for the life of me figure out why i am not losing more weight. I wasn't given a pre op diet. I just have to do liquids the day prior to surgery. I am desperate for advice or insight because I am sort of freaking out. Could the medication be preventing my weightless?
  8. It has been over seven years since my surgery. I have gained a lot of weight back, what have you done to get back on track?
  9. So my VSG surgery on August 26 everything appeared to be going fine.... the last 4 days my scale has crept up from 242... to 245! I dont understand why this would happen, I'm following my plan, maybe a little short on water, but not much and I'm not premenstrual atm...... what would cause this...its disappointing seeing it go up ..... makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.... help.... has this happened to others? Sent from my SM-G965W using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. How much did or are you eating at 3 weeks post op VSG? Tomorrow will be my 3 weeks post op. I’m curious if I’m eating too much (I can eat up to 4oz). The pictures attached are all the guidelines I was given and even on the example meal plan seems way too much. I wasn’t given a calorie goal or anything. My mom was curious on how I was doing so she had me go on the scale Thursday and I had gained 1.6lbs. I know it’s not much but because I’m only on week 3. I make my protein goal of 50-60 grams a day but I’m always short from my 64oz of water by 20oz. I been back to work for 4 days now and I make it a priority to walk home from work since I live not even a mile from my job. Some NSV I have had since surgery are that I can almost touch my thumb and middle finger together around my wrist, I can sit on a conference room chair comfortably without the arm rests going into the sides of my thighs (now it still does but not as much as it use to), I see my face slimmer and as well as my stomach, I can wear jackets I had to put in the back of my closet because my arms were too big and I couldn’t zip them up.
  11. Is it normal to gain weight during the puree stage? I've been losing weight nicely but now it seems like I'm gaining. It is hard to get in all the protein so I'm working on that. But just wanted to know if anyone else has had this experience. Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. ALISON Easton

    Weight gain

    I am 24 days out of surgery and today I gained weight. Am I doing something wrong? Not a whole lot of weight it’s only like .4 but it’s my first gain in 23 days.
  13. It’s been six years since I have my surgery. Lost over 100+lbs. However in the past few years, it’s slowly regaining - approx 70lbs up atm. Most because I went vegan for two years and regained a ton because I ate quinoa mostly (carb galore) ughhh...mad at myself for that. I’m a lacto-ovo vegetarian now and looking for some help. Can anyone suggest any tips on how I can jump start my weight loss again? I’m thinking about doing the 5 day pouch test to start.
  14. I've been a little hesitant to post here as I've seen some very judgmental replies in other topics, but here it goes anyway.... I found out I was pregnant back in May, 6 months post op, after bc failed. Both my surgeon and OBGYN (who actually had gastric by-pass surgery and had a surprise pregnancy 4 months post op) are happy with my progress and baby girl is very healthy. I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow and while I fluctuate between 161 and 163 for the past few weeks, I haven't really gained any weight. I started this pregnancy at 175 and was so sick during the first trimester that I lost weight. While this my third pregnancy, I can't really compare it to my other two which I started at 265 lbs and 250 lbs respectively. I've brought up my concerns during my appointments and I've been assured that everything is ok and that if my body wasn't ready for pregnancy it wouldn't have sustained it. I guess I'm just looking to see what experiences others have had post-surgery with weight gain. Basically any and all (constructive :)) advice is welcome.
  15. Hi, Stayed 4 nights in the hospital (minor complications with my bladder). I got home and saw I gained 2 pounds since starting my pre-op diet last week! I had the RNY. I know there are some people the surgery doesn’t work, and I’m freaking out a tad! If it matters I started at at 305 and am now close to 308! I’m following the diet to the letter! I had a hernia repair too, as well as the removal of my nissen. Thanks!
  16. I’m about 2 1/2 years post sleeve and I did nothing but sat back and let the weight fall off. And I admit I’m a very lazy person but now I find that I can eat more so I’ve slowly started gaining weight. And as I’ve gradually gain 10lbs in 3 months as I’ve noticed I’ve been pushing my limits, but the good thing is I stop due to that I get really sick when I do which stops me but I have noticed that I can eat more now. My question is, is the damage done? Is my pouch already ruined?
  17. pupichupi

    Weight Gain

    So I am 5 years 4 months post op and I got down to my goal weight and then about 2 years ago I started getting my cravings back and started giving into them and started putting the weight back on, I have since gained about 55 lbs back and I am very discouraged, and feel awful. I had a great surgeon that did my surgery, and since my surgery he has left and moved across the country and I trusted him and felt good with him, so after he left I started seeing another doctor in the practice he was in and do not like him, don't feel comfortable with him and so since about a year after my surgery I haven't been back? He didn't seem interested in knowing how I was doing or my progress so I didn't go back, and just kept doing it on my own, but now I am this far and gained weight and I am not happy with myself and I am back to where I was prior to surgery, except I can't eat as much, and as many things. I have made steps in seeing another doctor that a friend of mine referred me to, she goes to this other doctor and she loves her, and so I am going to meet with her and see how I feel. I am nervous that I have stretched out my stomach and I don't know what they can do for that? I am so disappointed in myself, cause I did so good for 3 years and kept it off, and I felt so good, and now these past 2 have just been down hill? Does anyone know if you stretch out your pouch do they do or will they do a revision? Also does that help with the cravings?
  18. Last week I weighed in at 227lbs. Yesterday at the hospital they said I was 224.9lbs. I went home after my endoscopy yesterday and weighed myself it said 233lbs. I weight myself today and my scale says 236.8lbs. I’m just short of four months post gastric bypass has anyone else had this issue? I don’t really eat food to where it’ll make me gain weight. Throughout today I ate one whole pickle one egg and four oz of chicken. I don’t understand why I’m gaining weight.
  19. melvan71

    Weight gain

    I had the sleeve done 1 month ago. Lost 24 pounds the 1st 2 weeks and that's it. Gained 2 back! Help! What am I doing wrong??!@ Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Hello everyone!! I had my sleeve June 12th, been doing good, following meal plan and all however I am still struggling with my water intake. I have been losing about a pound a day however yesterday and today I gained a pound. There are no changes in my meal intake, is this normal?
  21. I am looking for someone who had gained quite a bit of weight after having had the bypass surgery and successfully re-lost all the weight and what program or diet they used to do this
  22. Hi guys, I started my pre-op diet last week. I can have 1 healthy meal a day and shakes the rest. My calorie intake can be no more than 1200. I had lost 5lbs when I weighed in on Friday, but when I weighed this morning I gained 3 lbs. back?!? I don’t get what’s going on since I’m following the diet and not having more than 1200 calories. Anyone experiencing this?
  23. It’s been a while omg hey guys! Ok so I could never understand before and after having surgery how people gain back their weight and sometimes more. I was sleeved over 2 years ago and now that I can eat whatever I want I completely understand the struggle. I still till this day can’t eat full meals like I would have a little bit of everything and just pick at the plate until I’m done which takes like an hour or two honestly, my problem is snacking. I can eat everything from snickers to Doritos and it’s just so annoying because having the self control is more like mind control. I always tell myself I don’t need it yet sometimes I still end up getting candy or a salty snack. My lowest weight has been 140, I recently went through a bad break up in April. I was 143 pounds and now I am 165 pounds. I’ve been eating junk food like crazy and even though it’s stress eating I need to find other ways. Can anyone recommend health Snacks? In the mean time I’m going to try and “reset” my sleeve. I called my surgeon about this a few days ago before I made this post (what a great guy he actually listened to me for a good hour) and he told me to start over from liquid diet to soft foods then reg and to keep going to the gym. Start: 316 • 12/14/2016 Current: 165 Lowest: 140 & here’s pic
  24. It’s been a while omg hey guys! Ok so I could never understand before and after having surgery how people gain back their weight and sometimes more. I was sleeved over 2 years ago and now that I can eat whatever I want I completely understand the struggle. I still till this day can’t eat full meals like I would have a little bit of everything and just pick at the plate until I’m done which takes like an hour or two honestly, my problem is snacking. I can eat everything from snickers to Doritos and it’s just so annoying because having the self control is more like mind control. I always tell myself I don’t need it yet sometimes I still end up getting candy or a salty snack. My lowest weight has been 140, I recently went through a bad break up in April. I was 143 pounds and now I am 165 pounds. I’ve been eating junk food like crazy and even though it’s stress eating I need to find other ways. Can anyone recommend health Snacks? In the mean time I’m going to try and “reset” my sleeve. I called my surgeon about this a few days ago before I made this post (what a great guy he actually listened to me for a good hour) and he told me to start over from liquid diet to soft foods then reg and to keep going to the gym. Start: 316 • 12/14/2016 Current: 165 Lowest: 140 & here’s a pic since it’s been a while
  25. 5/31/19

    Oh, the journey I've traveled.

    My weight gain started after a very depressing first marriage & continued on through single parenthood.  By the time I met my current husband (of almost 20 yrs now), I guess I was comfortable with myself & my terrible eating habits. I'm not sure I can pinpoint the moment I decided to have the gastric sleeve, but like many, I got to the point where I was so damn depressed that I didn't even want to go out. I didn't want to be seen or noticed. I was incredibly embarrassed with myself. 

    Fast forward, I had my surgery around 2014.  Became a weight loss facilitator hosting support meetings for newbies & post surgery. Started a demanding job that took me away from continuing the meetings only to wind up getting laid off 1 1/2 yrs later. Found a temp job but was very unhappy with the commute so I left. 

    Here's where you need to pay attention. I wound up unemployed for almost 7 months.  I became quite depressed and, guess what gained 25 pounds back. UGH, how could this happen, right?  Fortunately, once I was employed & allowed myself to become accountable to myself again, I started Weight Watchers.  Yea, you would think I knew what I had to do to lose the weight again but I needed the support & something I could 'share' with others.  

    Here I am, 4 months later & I lost the weight.  Pheww... I'm 5'2 and my average weight is around 142 pounds.  I may start those support meetings up again in the North Denver area. MIght be a great resource for many as it was when I first did it :)

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