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Found 2,865 results

  1. SCLosingIt

    Hiatal hernia repair

    Hi. I'm new to this site but had my VSG 8/14/14. With the liquids, you are doing the right thing with trying different temperatures. You may want to take smaller sips. At one point my sips were just getting the tip of my tongue wet. What really helped me was walking while I drank my Water. I don't mean a stroll. I was moving my legs! The moving helped the water pass without feeling like someone kicked me in my chest. May I suggest that you put the scale away. You are three days out from surgery. Standing on the scale every day will do nothing but drive you batty. I still don't have a scale in my house because I am compulsive. I would weigh several times a day if it was right there in my home. In the beginning I just waited until my surgeon visits to find my weight. I was never disappointed. I didn't have that dreaded 3 week stall everyone gripes about. I weighed in the doctor's office during the week 1 visit and weighed again during the week 3 visit. Guess what....the weight was down. No stall. After a few weeks, I picked Monday as my official weigh in and just plot my weight once a week on a graph. Some people plot their weight once a month. This way I don't get caught up in the day to day fluctuations your body will make. Before surgery I wrote a list of NSVs I wanted to achieve. This way I could Celebrate something in the event the scale doesn't move from one week to another. Who cares that I didn't lose 1 pound this week because I was able to button a pair of pants that I haven't worn in yearssssss!!!! Just find other ways to celebrate.
  2. Adri

    Im really FRUSTRATED

    Hi Jinjin, I just started week 10 post op. I had 2 stalls within 8 weeks. My first 4 weeks were awesome...lost 30 lbs. Then at week 5 I came to a screeching halt...I even gained close to 3 lbs in weeks 5, 6, and 7. Yes, I had a 3 week stall and was freaking out the whole time!!! Reading these boards helped me so much. I stopped weighing myself every day, now just weigh-in every other day. Somewhere between week 8 and 9 I stalled again for a few days...BUT, after all is said and done...Since July 1st (the date my first stall started) I have lost another 7 lbs. And I'm good with that. If you look at some postings of long-time sleevers, you see the number of lbs. lost really go down after the 1st and second month. I've realized it isn't how fast I get it off, but that I KEEP getting it off...and ultimately that it stays off. I was complaining on previous posts that when I stalled at about 30-35 lbs, this was the same amt I've lost on countless other diets, it felt like the same old bad vibe. BUT with my pre-op diet loss, I am at 45 lbs. lost. Now that is a new one for me! I have not seen this weight since I was a teen. And now I know, the weight loss may stall, but it will not stop anytime soon. Stop worrying! You WILL keep losing and you will become happier and healthier! It took me a week or 2, but now I'm not worried, I am just trying to stick to the rules...and rule#1 for me, low carbs...40g or under a day if I can; less than 1000 cal a day if I can, and all my Water. Exercise is my issue right now, but it may not be a coincidence that when it increased, my weight decreased and my stall broke. I am a very "the glass is half full" kind of person, and this is what I now say to myself: "I CAN'T wait for my next stall !!!" Because that means between now and then I will lose some weight, and then once the stall is over, I will lose again!!! Yay for stalls!! (I know, I know...get over myself! ) Take care, I hope some of these words are helpful to you.
  3. Everyone stalls no matter what, but it will all work out in the end. Keep believing in your success. It will happen. I had a huge 3 week stall starting at week 5. You may see a stall that will last 1-2 months as you get past month 6. No need to worry. That too shall pass. Keep up the good work!
  4. Butterthebean

    Stall Started At Week Two! Really?

    It is a "thing." It's called the 3 week stall. Most people get it. It will end on it's own very soon. Read the link in my sig. Good information about why you are stalling.
  5. I was also unable to escape the dreaded 3 week stall. Surgery date was 6/24 and I lost 20 lbs the first 2 weeks. Now I have been at the same weight for 9 days. Everyone keeps saying "hang in there, it will pass". I'm ready for it to pass!!
  6. SweetCarolineMidwest

    3 weeks post op and depressed.

    You could just have described me! I am almost 2 weeks post op and other than the acid reflux (doc said to take Prilosec for 3 months to keep acid down and the stomach heals). I lost 7#'s the first week after surgery. I am getting in at least 60g of Protein. I'm drinking 60+ oz of Water. I eat soup (tomato mainly) - and I can eat the entire can - I didn't think I would be able to. I haven't lost any #'s the last week. I feel like I didn't even have surgery! I'm hoping when I get to the pureed stage that I will fill up with small amounts. I'm not depressed - I'm just concerned that I'm not doing enough of something or too much of another; I know about the 3 week stall but I haven't heard of a less than 2 week stall! :/ I'm also 3-wks post op and not loving life. I have very little discomfort unless I take too big a swallow of something (my own fault). My biggest frustration is that I'm not losing weight. I lost 10 lbs the first 7 days and since then nothing. Here I am 3wks post op and I've only lost 10 lbs. I hear other people at 3wks lost 20+ lbs. I try not to compare myself but jeeze I'm bumbed. I'm logging every bite (range between 800 - 900 calories/day) and every sip of water (40-60 oz/day) and every bit of exercise (walking about 2 miles every other day). Oh, another crazy thing is the lovely acid reflux I have every time I eat (never had that before - yummy!). And, when I drink water, soup, or any liquid, my internal plumbing likes to grunt, groan, and gurgle until air bubbles come up as burps. I can stifle the burps but I can't control the other noises and my co-workers are noticing and giving looks. Yup, so I'm there with ya on the frustration platform.
  7. SweetCarolineMidwest

    3 weeks post op and depressed.

    You could just have described me! I am almost 2 weeks post op and other than the acid reflux (doc said to take Prilosec for 3 months to keep acid down and the stomach heals). I lost 7#'s the first week after surgery. I am getting in at least 60g of Protein. I'm drinking 60+ oz of Water. I eat soup (tomato mainly) - and I can eat the entire can - I didn't think I would be able to. I haven't lost any #'s the last week. I feel like I didn't even have surgery! I'm hoping when I get to the pureed stage that I will fill up with small amounts. I'm not depressed - I'm just concerned that I'm not doing enough of something or too much of another; I know about the 3 week stall but I haven't heard of a less than 2 week stall! :/
  8. takingbackcontrol

    Another stall!

    Me too exactly! I'm at 8weeks too and have been stuck for the last two weeks. Maybe there's something about 8 weeks, like the famous 3 week stall??? I never stalled then, this is the first and it's making me crazy!!
  9. I love MyFitnessPal too. But you should also note that it's VERY common to stall in your weight loss at right around 3 weeks post-op. Try a search on "3 week stall", and you'll find a bazillion posts from people in the exact same situation. Don't panic, the weight loss will start up again!
  10. Liliana Arleen

    When To Expect My First Stall?

    Usually the 3 week stall is the most common first one but you will have stalls often Don't worry,as always with hard work and dedication they shall pass
  11. Pam_2-06-2017

    Weight loss

    Yep...I sure would like the weight o come off fast:-(. I was sleeved on 2/6 and down 35 pounds. I went into a crazy 3 week stall that made me think I was some kind of anomaly:-). How can I lose 80 percent of my stomach and still not lose weight!? I'm passed that now. Happy for the weight I've lost and thankful it is still heading in the right direction albeit slow. Took me years to get this big. That's what I keep telling myself. Good luck
  12. ShrinkingPeach

    Best Advice I've recieved from this site

    The 3 week stall, if not fer here I would have panicked. Love the support here, and love helping others and giving ideas. Almost learn something every day and I def did my research before surgery. This board is amazing!
  13. Today marks exactly one year since I started my preop diet and I was reminded of all the wonderful things I've learned from this site so I thought I'd share a few. 1. Never knew about the 3 week stall until I read it on here. 2. salad Bar-Someone else had posted this tip. I now go to the Salad bar at Safeway right down the street from my house and load up the container with all sorts of veggies and do not add any dressing. Then for the week I just use my precut veggies out of my box. I waste so much less and it's super easy. 3.Powercrunch bars...they are my favorite. 4.Genepro unflavored Protein. Love this stuff heard of a new one called Piping rock that I will try when I run out of GENEPRO. 5.If you stall keep measuring as you're probably losing inches 6.Healthy options at fast food places, recipes, snack ideas And now I've ordered a new moisturizer cream. So much wonderful information on here. I am sure there is more that I am forgetting. How about the rest of you what have you found to be the most helpful? ~LA
  14. bobbyswife

    1 week post op!

    @@Fancynancy37@cox.net 3 week stall. Search for it on this forum and take a deep breath.
  15. I remember the 3 week stall but is there also a big stall at the 6-7 month mark. I am 10-15 from goal and haven't lost anything in about 3 weeks. Just wondering if everyone stalls or am I leveling off? Hw was 232. Sw 218 and current weight 155. DOS 3/26/13.
  16. NMJG

    Gaining 3 weeks post op !

    It is really unlikely that you can eat enough calories at 3 weeks to gain actual fat, i have to say. You are also coming up on possible 3 week stall.....give it time and just stay on plan. Start your exercise as soon as your doctor gives the ok, it will give you a lot of benefits.
  17. I've read about the 3 week stall and even a 6 month stall. Anyone stuck/been stuck on a 3 month stall? I'm going into the 4th week of this stall with my weight fluctuating up and down 2-4 ounces. No changes in body measurements either. Protein goals and water goals met. Not sure what else I can do other than ride this out. All suggestions welcome!
  18. Rena's got this

    Tracking food too much for anyone?

    I don't track, except maybe in my head. I keep a guesstimate of how many carbs, fats, and Proteins I've consumed, but if I'm off, its ok. I'm not obsessive. The only real effort I'm making at this point (6 weeks post surg) is in getting Protein and Water. I've done ok so far. I thought I hit that dreaded 3 week stall, then I got a tummy bug and boom... lost 6 pounds overnight. I'm positive most of that was water, but I haven't gained much of it back, even though I've rehydrated myself. I wish I could track, I've even gone so far as to load myfitness pal onto my smartphone, but haven't even started using it yet. I don't think that tracking capability is in my brain.
  19. I was eating about 600 calories per day 6 weeks out. You're doing fine as long as you are getting in your protein/fluid requirements AND making sure your daily carbs are LESS than your protein intake. For example if I made it to 75g protein I could indulge in about 40g carbs. It worked great for me and my NUT was the one who said to just make sure your protein is higher than your carbs. Everyone is different so please speak with your NUT to make sure you are okay. Also another good thing to keep in mind is that if you're working out every day calories shouldn't be a major concern. For example I would eat 600 calories and burn 400 at the gym (BAD Idea!! I put my body into starvation mode and had a 3 week stall until I eased up on the workouts). Sorry this is so long lol. Hope this helps! HW: 299lbs SW: 268 CW: 220 Surgery date: 12/14/16 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Wednesday will mark 3 weeks for me. My start weight was 283 surgery date weight 270 and for the past week I have been between 250 and 253. I have gone up and down between those weights. My doctor cleared me for soft foods last Wednesday so I thought that would help get things moving. I'm frustrated because I hit a "stall" a few days before 2 weeks and now I'm hearing about a normal 3 week stall. I'm not noticing anymore NSV witch is frustrating to. Actually felt bloated the last couple of days. I'm also having an on and off again horrible pain on my left side closer to rib cage. Doctor said he has no idea what it could be but possible kidney stone. Also worried because I have NO problems with any fluids. I can drink a lot just have to remind myself to. And haven't gotten sick from any food I've tried. Yesterday and today I have felt hungry really for the first time also. ????. I have anxiety pretty bad and I think I'm over thinking all this so much! Any advise would be great. Thanks so much!
  21. Daisee68

    stall at a month out?

    Famous 3 week stall. Your body is trying to catch up. Search for 3 week stall and you will see tins if posts / advice on it. Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  22. swimmom

    Frustrated #failure

    First of all, the depression is TOTALLY normal right now - your hormones are still all out-of-whack from the surgery and you are adjusting to a radically different lifestyle. Second of all, just work your plan and keep track of everything you eat - as long as you are doing all the right things, you are just in the 3 week stall - it will eventually end and the weight will start coming off again! It happens to everyone at some point in their sleeve journey - keep the faith!
  23. How do I get over a 3 week stall? How long will I lose my hair? I have cut it short but it is getting very thin? Help?? I was sleeved 2/19/2014
  24. I read somewhere that the first few weeks it's 5-10 lbs a week then 2-3 pounds a week on average (of course most of us had the expected 3 week stall). I initially lost maybe 8-10 total in the first 2 weeks then it dropped to 3/week then 2 a week steadily unitl the 6/7 month mark when I hit my goal of 70 lbs. Everyone is different.
  25. Daisee68

    Advice please :-)

    It is the famous 3 week stall. You have lost 15 pounds in 20 days! That is amazing! I actually gained coming out of the hospital due to the all the fluids (and imagine you did too) so given that, the loss is great! I thought I was a slow loser too and I will be 1 year out this week and down 120 pounds since surgery (145 total including pre-op diet). Those losses add up! Here are some suggestions: 1) Stay off the scale for a week (admittedly, I was never able to do that but just thought I would throw it out there ). Hopefully the stall will be broken in a week and you will see the loss and can decide how you want to weigh going forward. 2) Are you able to eat more than 1 meal per day? Seems that is a little low. If you are able to eat more than once, I would look in to having at least 2 (maybe 3) small meals per day at this stage. Take no longer than 30 minutes to eat. If you are not done with your 4 Tbsp in 30 minutes, put it away and have it at the next meal. Do you need some suggestions for foods other than fish or were you instructed to just have fish? 3) Are you able to drink something other than Optifast for shakes? I think there are some much better options - but it may depend on what your dr instructed and where you are located geographically.

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