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Found 172 results

  1. Ok, question for all you preops and maybe newly sleeved folks....Have ANY of your surgeons or nuts explained to you that you will gain a bunch of weight while you are in the hospital for your surgery? In general, this is from the IV fluids they give you and from all the inflammation and swelling caused by the surgery itself. And have any of you been told that you will likely have a stall at about 3 weeks postop? Did they explain stalls to you at all? The reason I ask is because over half the posts from newbies are about these two subjects. (Those and the ones asking if it's OK that they just ate a cookie or a slice of pizza 2 weeks postop cause their mean family doesn't support them by keeping these things out of the house) Everyone that spends more than an hour on any WLS forum knows about these things. I just don't understand why surgeons aren't preparing their patients for the normal post surgical things that tend to send so many into such a panic. Just curious if anyone is actually being given any helpful instructions prior to WLS, or are you just left to fend for yourself on the Internet?
  2. So in week 3, I didn't lose anything. The sunday going into week 4...7 lbs down! So anyone in week 3 flipping out...don't. Week 4 will move right along. Having that said..I messed up today. I am in Protein phase and have eaten so much grilled chicken, I'm gonna be one soon! So I had a piece of jerk chicken...yes. spicy food. BAD IDEA! matter of fact..terrible idea! I feel so sick right now. It all came back up. I learned my lessson..."stay in your damn lane. Follow the diet plan". So if this describes you, or something you're thinking of doing...don't!
  3. So I started at 314, now down to 274, but the scale has stopped moving completely. I've been at 274 for over a week and I'm soooo frustrated. I only weigh myself on Friday mornings.....how long does this stall last? I'm cleared to start working out again on Monday, can't wait and hoping that will help
  4. Ughhh doing soo good first 2 weeks 26 lbs down this week my third week 1 lb whole week, still eating and walking same as b4 soooo frustrated Sent from my SM-G900V using the BariatricPal App
  5. So I keep hearing people mention the dreaded "3 week stall." I think I am there. I am only almost 2 weeks post-op, but I'm almost 4 weeks since I started my pre-op diet. Since my pre-op diet started and after surgery I had been consistently losing a lb a day (except when I gained weight from the iv and gas after surgery and quickly lost it plus more). The last few days I have not lost anything. Maybe I'm just being overly analytical, but it sure seems like I am slowing and stalling. My question is how long does the stall last? And does a big loss come after it? Is there anything I can do to jump start the process? Thanks for your help! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. My stall began on Wednesday, and my 3 weeks was on Thursday. So it was right on the money, lol. I'm fine with the stall since I was expecting it. I've been going from 234 to 232 for days now. How long does it usually last for most people? If you had the stall, once it went away, did you go back to losing weight rapidly? I want to start losing weight rapidly again, and I'm worried that it will be slower after the stall goes away.
  7. I had surgery on 12/12/19 and I dropped 20lbs right away, then another 3 over the 3rd week. But I've been stalled for over a week and a half. I decided to stay consistent with my protein, meet my water goals and stay on top of my vitamins. After a couple days of this, I dropped 3lbs over night!! I know it's a small victory but after having surgery being stalled so long is worrisome. Anyone else go through this?
  8. magpie26

    3 week stall?

    Is this the dreaded three week stall? I thought it was a joke! I weighed in at the doctors on Wednesday and haven't lost anything since! My scale said I even gain half a pound! I am not eating anything I'm not supposed to. I am transitioning to liquids to blended. However, I'm having a REALLY hard time getting my water in. I try to eat, I get so full I feel like I can't put anything in my body for like 2 hours, and it's not like the old days where you can just chug your water. I sip all day and I can barely finish 24 ounces. I'm 19 days post op today. I have been way more conscious of how fast I'm eating, I am chewing things to death, I use a baby spoon, I put my plate away, I wait between water and good but I'm a!ways so uncomfortable after eating almost any amount i am just afraid to drink! I feel like this is why I'm not losing. I also use the baritastic app AND write in a journal. I'm seriously thinking of having my friend that's a nurse come over with an IV!
  9. Whoo Hoo! Down 5 lbs after a 3 week stall! Can't wait to see what I weigh tomorrow. :-)

  10. Still in the 3 week stall and my scales aren't trustworthy. Time to invest in better scales!

  11. 3 week stall......hanging in there....down 33lbs.....joining the gym tonight. Time to get into shape!

  12. I think that I am defiantely at the dreaded 3 week stall. I only lost .2 today. Hopefully I can break it next week when I start hitting the gym. I am kinda bummed about it but knowes that this is part of the process....

  13. onderland her I am, broke the horrible 3 week stall. Yahoooo

  14. You say u hit the dreaded 3 week stall.. I say I hit my dreaded 1 week stall lol.. restless but feeling bit bettter:)

  15. Finally.....the 3 week stall is OVER.....255!!! YAY!!!!

    1. Stevehud


      Awesome, way to go! Keep it up!

    2. ProudGrammy


      so happy for you -congrats on your success - keep up the good work kathy

    3. JerzyTomato74


      Wonderful! Glad to hear you finally broke through!!!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  16. I Finally ended a 3 week stall & broke the 230 mark!

  17. The 3-week stall is real...no weight loss over the past 10 days! :(

    1. biginjapan


      Actually, Japan is like that too. I just read an article that says Japanese are the worst for taking any kind of paid vacation - less than 50% of what they are owed (which is about 2 weeks). Even school teachers don't get much holiday time, since they are often involved with sports and other club activities throughout the summer, plus PD. Luckily, I work at a private university, so I don't have to worry about things like that.

    2. Newme17


      Really? So Japan isn't all great in that area either huh? Well, you enjoy your private institution then! If my work ends up becoming too stressful for me in any way, I will be leaving. So far, it's not. I'm a one man show these days with the bosses showing up occasionally. So it's good. But my husband carries all the weight anyway, I work to stay busy. :) Do you plan to stay in Japan indefinitely?

    3. biginjapan


      I'm not sure - probably (even though my Japanese is terrible). There's not much in terms of full-time work back home for teachers like me (all short-term (4 month) contracts). As long as I can keep getting long-term contracts with lots of vacation time, then I'll probably stay.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  18. 3 week stall sucks but I am sticking to it.

    1. Slim-Shady


      I feel your pain. Going through it now too. We've got to keep pushing. This too shall pass!

    2. OutsideMatchInside


      I thought I responded to you earlier, but yes, this stall is really terrible. On the bright side, unlike when I have dieted before, I can't quit now, so I just have to power through this stall.


    3. Djmohr


      I know that feeling but you will come out the other side. Stay the course!

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  19. 3 weeks stalled :-( am eating about 800-1000 calories a day and exercising but no scale action. not losing inches either. i don't need a fill because i have good restriction so i don't know what else to try! trying not to lose hope.

  20. Okay so I keep hearing about this 3 week stall what can I do to start loosing again? At my biggest I was 282 pre op I was 268 now I'm 255 which I have been stuck at since the 10 th... What should I do????
  21. I'm at 3 weeks and 2 days. I've lost 17 lbs in those 3 weeks, consistently losing around a lb a day. However the last 3 days I've stayed the same and even went up a pound. I've read of this 3 week stall and am terrified that my body is gonna stop losing weight. I'm gaining confidence by the day but would hate to stay like this. I know this forum is flooded with people needing reassurance but dang. I'm frustrated already. Ps, I finally feel normal post op-no pain and energy is back. Yay!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Idk if I'm in a stall or doing something wrong but I'm getting frustrated! Is there another time that is known for stalls? I'm at 4.5 months
  23. bsanders

    3 week stall

    I expected the 3 week stall but it is still playing mind games on me.. I feel so weak and tired to the point my doctor gave me another week off from work.. So dealing with the stall, feeling weak and no work is kinda messing with me.
  24. Hi. So my pre op weight was 198. I had surgery April 4th. My doctors goal for me is to lose 70 pounds total. My weight is stuck at 162. I know I haven't been exercising enough. I fractured my foot. I also don't think I'm getting enough calories in. Will the scale start moving again? I'm scared I'm done losing at 3 months. Any words of wisdom out there? Especially since I have a broken foot.
  25. Hello, im 27y.o i got sleeved on 12/6 Sw 250 Cw 203 Its been almost 3 weeks and i havent been able to lose any weight, im scared this is it! When i do not go to the gym im working out at home. My doctor said i need to eat more Proteins bc im eating under my 70grams i get full quickly and i can only eat chicken or fish, bc the other meats are too hard for me. It hurts when it goes down so i tried to avoid them. I dont know what im doing wrong, also my hair started falling like crazy and for some reasons im having bad body odor (armpits...tmi) which it never happened to me since i was 12 So idk what to do next? What am i doing wrong? Im getting so discouraged like this is it?

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