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Found 1,420 results

  1. FluffyChix

    Chewing Slowly

    Dumping is different and involves your blood sugar going very low which causes nausea, sweating, throwups, shakes, fast heart rate. (It's usually a result for some people who have too many carbs/sugar at one time or who might have too much fat.) It can also result in big D. You're talking about foamies/throwups from not chewing your food, eating too fast, or eating the wrong thing that your tum doesn't like. It actually gets stuck in your pouch. It may also cause a RH (reactive hypoglycemia) attack which would lead to the dumping phenomenon...but only cuz it's stuck in your tool and your body released insulin on what it "thought" you were about to send down the pipes that didn't end up showing up.
  2. Sweetums

    Canada - Alberta

    I know, once I hit 200lbs I knew I had to do something. I am trying to protect myself from diabetes, heart disease, and joint replacements in the future, but Alberta isnt working from a preventative medicine perspective, Just a reactive perspective. I would also like to add that I have visited my family physician and she is very supportive with me leaving the country to obtain medical care, She has informed me that she has had about a dozen patients obtain barriatric surgery in Mexico this year. That was important to me, because she has agreed to follow me post op. I believe its very important to be open and honest with my family physician, and had she said she thought it was a bad idea, I think my decision would have been different. I am going to see Dr. Oritz in three weeks! I have done more than enough research. I did look into additional travel insurance, however it is quite cost prohibitive. From what I have been able to find, regular travel insurance will not cover you if you are going down there for surgery. There are a few companies that will provide coverage for Medical Tourism, but the policy is spendy spendy. My plan, is at any sign of trouble, is to get on a plane, and get to a hospital at the first point of entery into Canada. I know this plan is inherently flawed, however its the best one I can come up with. The complication rate for my surgery is less than % and my surgeon's record is pretty good. My biggest concern is if I am one of the few that does develop complications. If anyone has a better idea, im open to suggestions.
  3. The following are some of the common abbreviations used on this message board: ACL = Anterior cruciate ligament AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible (crossfit) BB = belly button bc = because BCBS = Blue Cross/Blue Shield BED = Binge Eating Disorder bf = best friend BM = bowel movement BMI = Body Mass Index bp = blood pressure BPD = Borderline Personality Disorder or Biliopancreatic Diversion (Scopinaro procedure) bs = blood sugar btw = by the way CBT = cognitive-behavioral therapy CC = common channel c diff = clostridium difficile cos or cuz = because CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure CRNP = certified registered nurse practitioners cw = current weight CXR = Chest X-Ray Dr. = doctor DS = Dumping Syndrome or Duodenal Switch EGD = Esophagogastroduodenoscopy EKG = Electrocardiography ff = fat free GERD = gastroesophageal reflux disease GI = gastrointestinal GNC = General Nutrition Corporation store GP = general practitioner or family doctor HBP = high blood pressure hr = heart rate hw = highest weight ICU = Intensive Care Unit Idk = I don’t know IMHO = in my humble (honest) opinion IMO = in my opinion IUI = Intrauterine insemination LAP Band = Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band lol = laughing out loud LSG = Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy med = medicine msg = message NASH = Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis nf = non fat NG = Nasogastric NP = nurse practitioner NSAIDS = Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSV = non-scale victory (“scale” means “weight scale”) NUT = nutritionist OA = Overeaters Anonymous Onederland = a magical place or destination for those trying to lose weight. It might correspond to attaining a weight in the hundreds or losing a hundred pounds. op = operation OSA = Obstructive sleep Apnea Oz = Australia PB = Productive Burps PCOS = Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCP = Primary Care Physician PM = private message (email) PMS = premenstrual syndrome POSE = Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal postop or post–op = post-operation or post-surgery PPI = Proton Pump Inhibitors ppl = people preop or pre-op = pre-operation or pre-surgery PTSD = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PVC = Premature ventricular contractions RA = Rheumatoid arthritis RH = reactive hypoglycemia RN = registered nurse RNY = Roux-en-Y RTD = ready to drink SADI-S = single anastomosis duodeno–ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy s/f or sf = sugar free SIPS = stomach intestinal pylorus-sparing surgery smh = shaking my head, scratching my head SO = significant other SOB = shortness of breath sw = weight at surgery tmi = too much information TPN = total parenteral nutrition TT = tummy tuck TTC = trying to conceive u = You UGI = Upper Gastrointestinal VSG = Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Vit = Vitamin wks = weeks WLS = Weight Loss Surgery WOD = Workout of the Day w/o = without wt = weight : ) or :-) = = smiley face : ( or :-( = = sad face
  4. Llyra


    I am happy to see this thread has been reactivated. My name is Llyra and I have thirteen years of clean time. My banding was done on March 3 of this year and I have lost 26 pounds with approximately 60 more to go. Until I got the second fill, I was afraid I was in line to be one of the lap band failures- the weight simply was not coming off. The second fill helped immensely as has a gradual adjustment to a new way of eating. I teach belly dance, garden and maintain two horses so exercise is not as big a problem for me as for some, though I do tend to spend too much time on the couch if I am feeling low. After six years of not attending meetings, I returned to the rooms in October. The catalyst was the death of a friend in a motorcycle accident. I saw so many old faces at his funeral and realized I missed them. Didn't expect to be recognized after so many years and a 75 pound weight gain, but I was welcomed back with open arms.
  5. Halobabe


    This may be a silly question---if your TSH is WNL, but your T3 or T4 is high(toward hypo range) other than raising Synthroid, what can the doc give you? This is me.
  6. knormlaver


    I'll admit that I'm having a few. I am dealing with some serious reactive hypoglycemia 5 months post op. I had the surgery to avoid diabetes. Now when I eat, my blood sugar spikes (even with careful avoidance of simple sugars etc) and then drops dangerously low about 2 hours after meals. I'm learning that this is a more common consequence of gastric bypass than I initially thought. I had originally wanted a gastric sleeve, but the surgeon felt mini gastric bypass was a better option for someone who is prediabetic. I was not warned about this potential complication.
  7. peacequeen

    Vsg & Hypo Thyroid

    5 of my 6 sisters as well as myself have thyroid disease/conditions and we all have children,,my mother also had hypo and had 8 kids. I'm sure if you let your thyroid condition go and not treat it, it would cause all sorts of problems.
  8. mamamckinzie

    When did you know...

    When I ran out of diets to try! I had been thru the gambit of diets (insert what ever name you like) twice and I was to the point that with extreme effort I could only lose 15 lbs. It used to be I would only gain back to my starting weight but the last few go rounds it gain back to start and pack on more. After being on Jenny Craig all of last year and losing only 14lbs I gave up. I could not afford to keep spending my money on failed diets. So I decided to just not worry about my weight anymore. Well, that lasted about 3 months and I could not stand it anymore and reseached wls. I was to the point that I did not want to participate in anything cuz I was so tired all the time. I have Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, hypo thyroid, and high blood pressure. It was time. Started out thinking lapband and then found out about all the problems and switched to sleeve. Hoping to surgery in 6 weeks. Good luck!
  9. ummyasmin


    13. One skill or hobby you want to take up. I have three and I can't choose between them. When I get down a bit more, Imma reactivate my scuba license; take up horseriding with my daughter and start doing zumba/aerobics Sent from my SM-G930F using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. lisalee

    September Bandsters

    BJean, I'm still trying to figure out why I bought the scale but it is fun to use! It has one function where you can calculate whether you have "average" muscle mass related to your age and height...as some people can be at ideal weight but undermuscular or over fat. I liked that even though it describes me as overweight, I am also overlymuscular, or have more muscle than the average person for my age and height. It describes me as "stout".....but I'll take that as a compliment! Great news....I went to my regular doctor for a follow up on cardiac concerns....had what's called a highly specific c-reactive protein drawn pre-band. It is an indicator of arterial inflammation and was off the charts. My bad cholesterol was high and good cholesterol too low. Well, the bad cholesterol is still high (they want it under 100 since I have a bad c-reactive protein) but the good cholesterol is still high. So...I start on Zocor. Seems it is genetic and even though I run about 10 miles/week now and have lost weight it hasn't changed it enough. But the good news is that my blood pressure is that of an athlete's.....90/60 and my pulse is at 60 while sitting. That means my heart is in such good shape that it doesn't have to pump hard to get blood out to the extremities. The doc says I can eat all the salt I want! So.....I am genetically predisposed to arterial disease but I have strengthened my heart significantly. Frankly it is nice to hear that even though I will have to take a pill to reduce my cholesterol, it is not entirely my fault No weight loss for me...still at 183. Had another NSV this week though...I went out and bought some size 14 clothes in resale shops and most of them fit nicely. THAT was a huge motivator and reaffirmation for me. I can now say that I really am losing inches, even though the pounds aren't dropping. I may have to reconsider my goal weight of 138 and move it up to 145 or 150. I would like to be in a size 10, maybe an 8 but don't want my face to look too drawn either. What a dilemma :mad:
  11. outofusernames

    Hypothyroidism and gastric bypass surgery

    I was diagnosed with hypo at 10 years old. Weight has been a struggle all my life. I've been on Synthyroid (levo), Cytomel (lio), Armour and a combo of Synthyroid and Cytomel (best imo). In 2019, I had been on only Cytomel for 3 years and had heart, liver and kidney failure caused by Cytomel (lio) toxicity. It had been eating away muscle including my heart. When I was taken to the ER, my heart rate was 20 and they couldn't get a temperature because I had hypothermia. I was in my 30's, btw with no prior health concerns other than hypothyroidism. I believe it was made worse because I thought I had a virus for 3 days but my heart was failing. I went into a myxadema coma. After 11 days in ICU and 3 weeks in the hospital, I couldn't lose weight to save my life. After trying to lose for 8 months, my Endocrinologist recommend sleeve surgery. My loss has not been as fast as many on this board. I had surgery in July and my pre-surgery weight was 208 at 5'5". Pre-surgery diet was only a week long and I may have lost a few pounds. Since surgery I have lost about 56 pounds. My surgeon is fine with my loss. He says to hit protein and water goals but don't go below 1200 calories and eat whatever you want (after post-surgery diet, of course). I suppose I feel that surgery is pointless if I have to starve and restrict. I've done that most my life. I know many don't agree with that and I understand why. I found my tastebuds changed and sweets aren't as important as they were pre-surgery. I hope to meet my goal by 1 year. My periods have been lasting 2+ weeks and are super heavy so now I'm anemic and I'm sure it hasn't helped my weight loss. I am having a DNC soon to see if there is an underlying reason for all the blood. I can't be on normal birth control due to my heart. I went for an echocardiogram this past week and it came back normal! Considering I had cardiomyopathy, a temporary pacemaker, kidney dialysis, and liver failure less than 2 years ago (in my 30s lol), I am happy with my progress. I think having surgery with hypothyroidism is worth it.
  12. Creekimp13


    https://www.healio.com/endocrinology/diabetes/news/print/endocrine-today/{1dc23215-49dc-4ad7-90da-346ba16663d6}/post-gastric-bypass-hypoglycemia-a-serious-complication-of-bariatric-surgery Bypass people have more hospitalizations for hypoglycemia and tend to have more severe symptoms, but sleeve folks can get it, too. Research on this complication is ongoing. Of 175 eligible patients, 120 were randomized 1:1 to RYGB or SG; 117 (93%) completed the 12-month follow-up. Reactive hypoglycemia was detected in 14% and 29% of SG and RYGB patients (P = 0.079), respectively, with the effect of treatment in multivariate analysis significant at P = 0.018. Daily hypoglycemic episodes during continuous glucose monitoring did not differ between groups (P = 0.75). Four of 59 RYGB subjects (6.8%) had 1 to 3 hospitalizations for symptomatic hypoglycemia vs 0 in SG. The static β-cell glucose sensitivity index increased after both treatments (P < 0.001), but the dynamic β-cell glucose sensitivity index increased significantly in SG (P = 0.008) and decreased in RYGB (P = 0.004 for time × treatment interaction). Whole-body insulin sensitivity increased about 10-fold in both groups.
  13. Never give up, chatted with a lady who was worried because she was 3 years out, wondered if it benefited her? Reminded her You're still alive, there's a bonus right THERE, when you start out at 300 or 400 pounds all you hear is Doom, Gloom and You're Gonna Die Soon! Are you still hearing this from doctors? No? Good Step! I even had my pastor get on my case, wondered how soon he would have to preach my funeral? Told him put the prayer books and Bible away, I am not plotting my demise in the near future, if anything happens , I'll have my son call YOU!❤ Yeah I too have Thunder Thighs and a Hubba Hubba Heinie, joked I could feed an entire cannibal family off one butt cheek for Easter dinner! As I lose weight, I hardly recognize myself, I used to have pudgy chipmunk cheeks, round-square shaped face, now my face has narrowed out and I am starting to resemble several dead relatives, never saw a likeness before. I think my color is off, live in Ohio so winter pallor, sunshine has yet to kiss my face, of course when it does I will either freckle or it will reactivate my rosacea, the curse of a Celtic ancestry. Its hard to be accused of being a lush ( just because I'm Irish) for my blotchy cheeks and 👃. Few attempts I made at alcohol made me only sleepy, if I'm gonna get taken advantage of, might as well stay awake to enjoy it! Yeah, I once might have been as big as the Blarney Stone but inside me resides a leprechaun spirit, don't take a lot serious anymore, I'm more fun at 73 and losing down weight than I was at 30, or even 50-60, I now have hope and that enlivens all the facets of my life. The world had discounted me as fat, worthless, might as well die, well I am proving them wrong, they were looking at a. fat shell, they didn't try to know me, the real me inside. For a while I couldn't visualize any changes in my exterior, thought it was useless. Then I started being able to sit in chairs I used to have my son help pry me out of. I could stand up off of furniture without him holding and yanking me up. I was having better luck having strength to go places, pay my bills, do all those little errands. And clothing that used to split me where I was trying to sit, suddenly I had wiggle room. And those little things kept mounting up. One of my latest, bought an outfit for an upcoming doctor appointment, hung it in the closet, morning of the appointment I started dressing, pulled on the pants and they fell down! Good thing I had saved all the tags. Back they went to get a size smaller. Still didn't believe it totally so I tried the next lower size on! OMG I really was that much smaller, fit better than any others had recently. I had a lot of " well it's close to right, I'll just have to settle for that." All of the sudden I can try clothes on, choose what I really want, not to panic and buy something just because you're afraid they won't get that size again. And it is so blasted cool to have such an option. Now I Am not the Largest size they carry!💦Tears of Joy!
  14. Hi everyone, it has been a couple months since I posted last and everything is going pretty good. I am now 15 months post op. I lost about 65-69 lbs total and still have about 18 lbs to lose. However, things have completely stalled out and i haven't lost anything in many months. my stress level is sky high with grad school two kids, a new job, and life in general. i have noticed over the past few months that my stomach fat is much more noticeable and although the scale hadn't changed (THEN, but haven't weighed in 1 month) things just are sitting differently. i actually FEEL very similar to how my stomach felt pre op, but i'm still wearing the same size pants, it's just very bothersome to me. my main issue right now is i just started a new night nursing job which i really love, but not being a night owl, i find myself eating small Protein, fruit, snack and drink portions (not all together) through the night to stay awake and functional. although it is a VERY busy unit, we get very quiet and sit down around 1AM and don't do much for a few hours (this time is the hardest for me). i have found i got reactive hypoglycemia a few times when i tried to go without eating and then started my morning rush. i try to NOT eat much during the days before work, knowing that i'll eat a few small meals when i'm there, but i AM getting plenty of calories each 24 hr period. further, we aren't allowed to leave the floor regularly on night shift, so going for a walk or something isn't really an option, we eat our meal and hang out in the break room area. Anybody who works nights, especially those in healthcare who only work 3 shifts a week may be able to relate. there is no 'regular' schedule anymore. however, i enjoy my team and prefer nights for my graduate school demands. but i don't know when is the best time to weigh, how to count meals anymore, etc! i am also trying to help my hubs lose some pounds as he has put on about 20 lbs in the past year. i can eat mostly everything. i only get dumping issues when i eat something REALLY packed with sugar (tried a small scoop of ice cream once-never again!) i eat around 1200 cals per day. i only exercise by walking a few times a week. Here is my plan: 1. Go back to including a Protein shake DAILY maybe as a smoothie for 'breakfast' on non-work nights and take with me as a meal supplement when i do work. 2. try to fit in a walk every 24 hour period 3. can't abate the stress much, but MAYBE trying some basic yoga or stretching regularly 4. start logging on here every day and seeking the same level of support and involvement i did pre op and immediately post op ( my area support group meets while i am working, and the nutritionist that works with my surgeon now is very specific to meeting only with people who have gained more than 20 lbs back OR are still pre op!) anybody have any other suggestions or support for me? i really need to lose these final pounds. i also need to get in to see my surgeon and wanted to in the next 8 weeks, and DO NOT want to be the same weight i was the last time he saw me!
  15. Edee Formell

    Help I cheated on preop diet.

    Yeah I see a lot of people say they only had to do a few days before and my doc nutritionists is scary the daylights out if us saying if we have anything at all then there will be stomach residue which makes me think then how do other people only do a few days. Doesn't make sense to me. I Have lost 5 pounds in 4 days. But I have reactive hypoglycemia and the nausea and headaches are killing me.
  16. I finally had my first fill this past Saturday ~ 2 1/2 CC's. There are a couple of reasons why I wasn't able to gett a fill sooner.... 1) my insurance would only cover it if it was at least 90 days after surgery... and 2) I was going on vacation... and my Dr. didn't want me traveling across the country for my first fill (just in case I would be too tight). So........... this past month I was totally stalled. It was pretty frustrating... plus I found myself to be REALLY hungry. Well, so far the fill seems to be working.. and I'm not hungry. My Dr. has me on liquids for 2 weeks... YES ... 2 weeks. Seems everyone here is only on liquids for a couple of days. Well.... I asked why.. and they told me that they have found it very successful in "jump starting" the weight loss again. I have a hypo-thryroid... so I definately could use a "jump start". I'm gonna give it my best shot. So far.... so good. If a few more days go by and I find myself craving solids... I'll call my Dr. and see what he says. I also have to admit that prior to my fill, I was able to eat everything and anything. On vacation, I found myself going back to "BAD" habits. So, maybe, if nothing else, the 2 weeks on liquids will get me back on the right track.
  17. kebsa

    Lab and testings

    they are general health readings. if things go as planned, this is virtually bloodless surgery but it can be lenght surgery and put you at rsk for clots in the leg etc from lying in one spot. they need to know that sodium, potassium and other electrolytes are in a good range as all this can affect the amount of fluids and drugs they use in OT an post op. they may not do as many tests for smaller ops but this is classed as major surgery and we are slightly higher risk patients simply because we are bigger. the chest xray is saftey too. you will be ntubated ( tube into lungs to breath for you while you are under) and they simply want to make sure you lungs are in good nick before OT, no chest infections etc that they did no know about- not worth doing that too soon before surgery date though as it is like a snap shot only. the tests you have donein the assessment period are to make sure there are no major reasons why you are not a good candidate for this type of surgery. the next round of tests are just so they have enough information to hopefully avoid any problems but also so they have the information in the case that something did crop up. its all about being prepared rather than being reactive- a sign of good management. try not to get too anxious about t all. talk to you surgeon or his support staff if you have any specific worries too. they can get into a real routine about taking these tests and may not stop to realise how anxious you may be going through all this, particularly if you have not had much surgery in the past. good luck
  18. I've been wondering the same thing! I deleted my Facebook (gave it up for lent) and then reactivated when the Facebook group was mentioned. I never received an invite, so I deactivated it again.
  19. dmtjet

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Well, have to tell you all ... my baby turns 21 at midnight!!!!! YIKES!!! Talk about a restless and nerve racking night!!!! She just left for the evening and I am a bundle of nerves!!!! I can't wait til these next few days are over!!!! She just thinks her dad and I are way to over reactive, but man, it scares the daylights out of me!!! She did promise not to drive and will stay at a friends, but nonetheless, they are going out too!!!!:nervous Oh well, besides that, we took her to Red Lobster tonight, because that is where she wanted to go ... I'm thinking well, what am I gonna eat there? ... it wasn't bad, I had about 3 bites of salad, 5-6 bites of mashed potatoes, probably 1/4 cup of cooked veggies, and 1/2 of a haddock broiled and lightly seasoned haddock fillet. So wasn't bad, no problems and I am feeling great this evening!!! So there is life after the band!!!! I do enjoy going out once in awhile, it is nice to know we can!!!
  20. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    I will pray for your family. My daughter and I have Hashimoto's. My daughter's goiter was very larger a few months ago and the endocrinologist increased her medicine. That disorder comes and goes.....hyper and hypo....so many doctors don't treat it. We take medication. I hope she gets the treatment she needs. Hypo or Hyper can really make you feel bad. Cheri, the info about muscle helping you burn calories came from DietandNutrition@EverydayHealth.com I thought you could just go there and get the information. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Lori, I wish I could go to Las Vegas with you! Have fun!

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