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  1. My post-op programme didn't limit anything - no calorie goals, no protein goals, no fluid goals even! I learnt all that by being on this forum. I was told just eat as you feel. Seems just basic common bariatric sense to me now to get my protein in first, veg second, fruit third and then other carbs after that. Even now at almost exactly a year out I don't reach 50g carbs or anything like it most days. Other than weekends, when I *choose* to drink some alcohol. So many ways to skin a rabbit, LOL.
  2. One of the real pleasures of my former lifestyle was having a good glass of wine with a fine meal. I really miss that. But I keep putting off my first post-op glass of wine. Of the few treats I have allowed myself in the past few months, I have chosen to have Desserts rather than wine. Then the next day I regret my choice because the dessert turns out not to be so special and I can never eat a whole serving anyway. I think I'm afraid to have the wine because I believe that alcohol interferes with weight loss even more than simple carbs. I guess I'll just wait until I reach my ultimate goal before I partake. But even then, I won't be able to drink it with my meal. Oh well, I'll trade that pleasure for my new healthier body anytime.
  3. JoannMarie

    I need Godly Council

    Careypea, don't worry about the nurse. If (when) she starts to give you a hard time, tell her it has been an emotional thing with you - and you are there to get your fill because you are dealing with those issues. You are not there for a lecture, you are there for a fill. Does your surgeon have a psychologist set up for patients to work with? I have continued to see the one I saw prior to surgery - on an infrequent basis, but still seeing him about every 2-3 months. We are on an "as-needed" basis at this point. You have some issues he/she could help you with - practical help with emotional eating and such things. Most surgeons work with a person like that or have suggestions about some who help people with our disease cope with the emotional aspects of it. Required reading for my shrink is a book called "The Emotional First + Aid Kit" by Cynthia L. Alexander, PsyD. It is available on Amazon for a modest price (paperback). My shrink said to BUY it, not borrow it from the library, because I could find it very helpful to refer back to as needed. The unfortunate thing about our disease/addiction to food - the drug addict can stop - the alcoholic can stop - but we still have to eat. You have taken a huge step in putting your emotions down on paper. It has helped you to talk about it with your most treasured friends. There will always be those like the nurse who are well-meaning in intent, but mis-guided in action. Pay attention to their intent, and forgive them their action. You do not owe an explanation to those people, but you do owe your best effort to yourself. God has guided you to this point and He is not going to abandon your here. Let it go and concentrate on the steps to make this journey successful.
  4. Aggiemae

    Easily gaining weight?

    By "not eating healthy" do you mean not following your prescribed diet? Being the same weight for days or weeks is normal but gaining 11 pounds isn't. How much Protein and carbs do you eat daily? Drinking enough Water? Exercising? Avoiding "Slider" foods and alcohol? You don't have to justify any of this to me but you do need to be honest with yourself. The WLS is just a tool. To lose weight we really have to do ALL the work ourselves.
  5. Bufflehead

    Vitamin question

    You want to ask your surgeon about rules regarding pills. They all vary -- there is no "we" in post-WLS patients when it comes to things like medications, food, exercise, alcohol, caffeine, etc (unless you are talking to someone who had the same doctor you did). My doctor's rules may be very different from yours. All that said, have you considered liquid multi-vitamins? I took Wellesse liquid multi for four weeks after surgery - a double dose. I didn't have any trouble getting it down, but you can dilute it with water or light fruit juice if the taste bothers you. My labs have always been great. Good luck to you!
  6. juliegeraci

    Lap Band vs Gastric Bypass

    The only reason why I didn't have gastric bypass was I didn't want everything rerouted. I also wanted to still eat sweets and drink alcohol. Good luck with your decision.
  7. Ivy Joel

    4 months post op--disney??

    Thats awesome thank you. They also bought the food package that includes 1 alcoholic drink. Im curious as to whether i will even be allowed to drink it. I know someone who got a bypass and she gets drunk off 2 drinks, so i know if i do drink not to have more than 1. But can i even have 1, 4.5 months post op? Or is that different for everyone too? Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Wow! So let me get this straight...lifestyle and diet modification is a MUST in order to experience long term weight loss? You really won't maintain long term if you continue to eat the things that "brang" ya to the Obesity Ball the first go-round? I'm actually pretty stoked to see this study. Thanks for posting it. I've believed that we had to change, and change fast and permanently since the year leading up to my surgery, and despite no matter how kind and gentle I shape my responses about this, I'm constantly slammed by "people who know better." People who want their proverbial cake and eat it too...(I'm not talking about the occasional "cheat" meal. I'm talking about people who think this is magic bean surgery that does all the heavy lifting for life and requires no effort or help from them. Who deny responsibility for their own behaviors re: food/alcohol/drugs/etc). This is most especially true on FB...not quite so much here in BP online community. Thanks for posting this. I'm def. gonna save it!
  9. I am 10 months out. Yes there is a very very small chance of a leak which is usually out of your control. I think the stats are 1%. Personally I have had no issues except a few gallbladder attacks from losing weight too quickly - which a lot of us unfortunately have to deal with. I can eat and drink whatever with no issues including alcohol it is the same for me as before. I have not experienced any form of dumping. So I still have my "treat" days. Weddings, parties etc. I am at first goal now of a normal BMI for the first time in my life and of course I have no regrets! My only concern now is maintenance and keeping vigilant about regain etc. Goodluck with your surgery and decision
  10. 9storme6

    Tips On Alcohol...

    I was told I had to wait a year before having alcohol. Im 3 weeks out, and I don't think my stomach could tolerate it. Having trouble with the Vitamins, so Im thinking I should wait till I can at least get those down. I love my wine, and have quite a few bottles, but Im waiting for the right time. Im concentrating on getting thin and healthy, Ill have my wine later.
  11. judych


    ..i had red wine and its not a problem.... only thing is, there is no more weight loss when we have alcohol, or at least there isnt with me. my body is very efficient at using very small amounts of calories now. im going on a cruise early nov... would like to have a small amount of wine then as well. im hoping that swimming will help my metabolism to step up a notch.
  12. KaiserKid

    Made the bmi but now.....

    First off, I'm so sorry for your losses. I work in cancer research and I know the trials that families go through, especially if it is a long, drawn-out process. I lost my mom in 2015 from a heart attack, and in a strange way I'm thankful she passed quickly and that's something I don't think I'd say unless I worked in the field I do... I have had depression from a very young age, and I had to explain to the psychologist how my last major depressive episode was 2015 after my mom died (complicated relationship), and I was also planning my wedding, which was also super stressful. She asked me if I thought my feelings about my mom were regular grief or true depression, and I think it's important to know where the grief ends and the depression takes over. My own med history says I was on prozac, zoloft, paxil, celexa, and wellbutrin for my depression, not all at the same time of course (age ~15 - 22ish). I have depression and bipolar and alcoholism on every branch of my family tree, so I was careful to explain the situations I was under while taking these meds, and how I handle it now. If you show your resilience and that your coping mechanisms are healthy ones, they should clear you. The fact you are seeking help and are on a stable dose of antidepressants shows you take initiative to properly help yourself, instead of self-medicating with food of alcohol, for example. Best of luck!
  13. BetsyB


    You made it a week---awesome! Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do. There just aren't any other drugs that do so "much" for a person. Think about it. The smoker can use a cigarette for stimulation. OR for relaxation. Without any conscious awareness, you can use more or less---take deeper drags or shallower puffs---to create dose-dependent effects. And you tie it in to all kinds of other behaviors, so it becomes really entrenched in your day-to-day life. (You know: cig with coffee, cig after a meal, cig when you drink alcohol---all those connections with other activities. Those behavioral things are really, really hard to break.) AND YOU'RE DOING IT! Pretty amazing feat, if you ask me! I quit about 11 years ago, but used many crutches, including the patch--which (at my doctor's recommendation) I tapered off of much more slowly than the package recommends. Slowly tapering the nicotine allowed me to work on the habits surrounding smoking (things like the urge to have a cigarette with coffee, after a meal, etc...) so that, by the time all the nicotine was out of my system, I already had formed the new behaviors and felt like a nonsmoker. It was relatively painless (in an excruciating way LOL)---and I really did break that connection between smoking and other behaviors. I have rarely even thought of it since (and I was a long-time smoker with some pretty deeply-entrenched habits). I bring this up only because the recidivism rate with quitting is pretty high. If you backslide (and I'm not saying you will---just offering a tool in case you need it), don't beat yourself up. Just talk to your doctor about things that might bump up your chance of success. Quitting will be THE BEST thing you do for your body. Better than the band, even. And with relation to that, it will make your recovery (and pouch health forever after--because smoking increases risk of ulcers) SO much safer and more comfortable. Great job! And good luck--you can do it!
  14. bren

    Roll call!

    I too have had binging/eating dreams since my surgery. I have heard that alcoholics and addicts have similar dreams about using their drug of choice. Makes me happy that I did this, because I truly believe that food is an addiction as well. Its great to have another support place!
  15. TerriDoodle

    How to tell when you are perfectly adjusted:

    BetsyJane posted this and I thought it might come in REAL handy. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` HowtoTellWhenYouArePerfectlyAdjusted: You are losing 1-2 pounds per week. If you are not losing 1-2 pounds per week: A. You may need an eating adjustment 1. Are you eating 60 grams of protein a day? 2. Are you eating 25 grams of fiber? 3. Are you avoiding all liquid calories? a. Soup can be sign of soft calorie syndrome b. Alcohol contains a lot of calories 7 calories per gram.(It's also a stomach irritant). c. Fruit juice is just sugar water 4. Are you making healthy food choices from a wide variety of foods? a. Are you avoiding soft foods b. You can't just eat what's easy c. Cheese is glorified fat 5. Are you drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day between meals? 6. Are you eating too much junk? a. Chips, chocolate, nuts, ice cream, cookies and other highly processed junk foods are too calorically dense to be regular parts of a healthy diet. But don't avoid them completely to the point where you feel deprived. b. Stay out of fast food places 7. Are you getting in two servings of calcium daily? 8. Do you always eat the protein first? 9. Then the vegetables or fruits a. Five servings a day b. Potatoes are NOT a vegetable 10. Is your portion size appropriate? a. Meat or fish (3 ounces the size of a deck of cards) b. Vegetables (½ cup the size of your fist) c. Starch (If you eat the protein and the vegetables first you don't need much - Avoid: rice, potatoes, pasta) 11. You might try avoiding artificial sweeteners a. Some people think that artificial sweeteners stimulate the appetite b. They are HUNDREDS of times sweeter than sugar c. They teach you to like things too sweet d. There is no evidence that people who use them are any thinner than people who don’t 12. Avoid most diet foods a. Real food usually tastes better b. Real food is more satisfying than low calorie substitutes c. When you are only eating a tiny bit the caloric savings is not that great (Use a teaspoon of real butter instead of a tablespoon of diet margarine. d. The body has no way to break down artificial fats). a. They may go into permanent storage b. Some people think liposuction is the only way to remove hydrolyzed fats from the body B. You may need a behavior adjustment 1. Are you eating only when you are hungry? a. If you're not sure drink 8 ounces of water and wait 2. Are you eating three meals a day? a. With maybe 1 or 2 small snacks 3. Are you sitting down to eat? 4. Are you eating consciously? a. No distractions, turn off the TV, put the book or newspaper away, pay attention to your food and your companions 5. Are you eating slowly? a. Put the fork down between bites b. Take 20 to 30 minutes to finish a meal c. Taking longer might cause the pouch to begin emptying 6. Are you taking small bites? a. Tiny spoon, chopsticks, cocktail fork 7. Are you chewing well? 8. Are you drinking with your meals or too soon after your meals? a. Practice water loading between meals b. You won't be thirsty if you are well hydrated before the meal 9. Are you stopping at the first sign of fullness? a. Sometimes it's a whisper: not hungry, had enough b. Hard stop versus soft stop 10. Do not eat between meals. Stop grazing. 11. Do not eat when you are not hungry C. You may need an activity adjustment 1. Are you getting in 30 minutes of physical activity at least 3 times a week? a. Over and above what you would do in the usual course of your day b. Could you make it 4 or 5 times a week? c. Could you make it 45 or 60 minutes? 2. Are you taking advantage of opportunities to increase your physical activity? a. Taking the stairs instead of the elevators or escalators b. Walking on the escalators instead of riding c. Parking your car further away from the entrance d. Getting out of the car instead of using the drive through e. Getting off the bus one stop before your destination f. Washing you car by hand instead of the car wash g. Playing with your kids D. You may need an attitude adjustment 1. Are you committed to your weight loss journey? 2. Are you totally honest with yourself about how much you are eating and exercising? a. Log your food and activity on ww.fitday.com for 3 days 3. Are you using food inappropriately to deal with emotional issues? a. Have you identified what the emotions are that drive your eating? b. Can you think of more appropriate ways to deal with those emotions? c. Are you willing to seek help from a qualified counselor? 4. Are you attending and participating in support group meetings? 5. Have you drummed up some support from your family and friends? 6. Have you dealt with saboteurs realistically? 7. Do you have realistic expectations about the weight loss journey? 8. Are you still obsessing about food, weight, dieting, eating? a. Obsessive compulsive thoughts (Obsess about something else) b. Perfectionism (All or none, black and white thinking) c. Patience with the pace of healthy weight loss 9. Are you acknowledging your successes with non-food rewards? 10. Have you learned how to take a compliment? 11. Are you giving up diet mentality? a. Stop weighing yourself several times a day or every day b. Stop dieting c. Stop depriving yourself d. Stop defining food as good and bad e. Stop rewarding and punishing yourself with food 12. How do you feel about all the changes taking place? E. You may need a band adjustment 1. You feel like you are making healthy food choices in appropriate portion sizes but getting hungry between meals? 2. You can still eat white bread, fibrous vegetables and large portions. 3. You are having to struggle to lose 4. You are gaining weight in spite of eating right, exercising and having a good mind set. F. You may need your band loosened 1. There are times when you can’t get fluids down 2. You are vomiting too much a. How much is too much? 3. Do you have frequent reflux or heartburn at night? a. Do not lie flat or bend over soon after eating b. Do not eat late at night or just before bedtime c. Rinse your pouch with a glass or water an hour before bedtime d. Certain foods or drinks are more likely to cause reflux: (1) Rich, spicy, fatty and fried foods (2) Chocolate (3) Caffeine (4) Alcohol (5) Some fruits and vegetables (6) Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, peppers (7) Peppermint (8) Baking soda toothpaste (9) Carbonated drinks e. Eat slowly and do not eat big meals f. If you smoke, quit smoking g. Reduce stress h. Exercise promotes digestion i. Raise the head of your bed j. Wear loose fitting clothing around your waist k. Stress increases reflux l. Take estrogen containing medications in the morning m. Avoid aspirin, Aleve and ibuprofen at bedtime (Tylenol is OK) n. Take an antacid (Pepcid complete) before retiring o. Try other over-the-counter heartburn medications p. See your health care provider
  16. JeanZ_RN

    Protein bars

    I love Quest bars - 20 gm protien, and only 3g net carbs per bar. There are lots of flavors; my faves are Cookies & creme, chocolate chip cookie dough and vanilla almond. I purchase them online, from www.questnutrition.com, because (a) I buy a LOT of them, and stores won't always have the quantities I want; and ( the ones I've bought in stores aren't as fresh as those I get online. For me, 1 Quest bar = 1 fully satisfying meal. For convenience and because I love the flavor, I would be quite happy eating a bar for 3 of my 4 meals each day. However, I've found if I eat more than 1 Quest bar per day, I stop losing weight. I don't gain any, but I don't lose any either. I think it's because I'm on the Atkins diet and the Quest bars probably have some sugar alcohols that interfere with that.
  17. I drank alcohol last night. It hasn't even been 2 weeks since my surgery and I feel like crap today. I ordered a beer without even thinking about it cause I was already drunk. I feel so stupid that I did that. I think it's what made me throw up. Do you think that my band could slip after one mistake? :help:
  18. SassySenior

    Diet soda

    I hate to burst your bubble, but soda and carbonation are not allowed ever again. It can stretch your pouch. I feel for you, I really do. The #1 thing I find hardest to even think of giving up is soda. However, after all I've gone through to get to this point, I cannot for a second consider doing something that might undermine my surgery. So no soda for me. I've already incorporated a new drink into my daily regimen, and cut back my soda from 3-4 a day to 1. But what I'm going to do is continue to drink my favorite diet soda, after it's sat long enough for most of the fizz to be gone. I mean, come on ... first, I had to give up alcohol, then I had to give up cigarettes, now I have to give up candy and most/all desserts. It's sadistic to add soda to the list. But ... c'est la vie ... what will be, will be. Good luck to you.
  19. SassySenior

    Diet soda

    Yeah, alcohol is ok, just beware that a little will go a long way! A drink that I like is club soda with a splash of cranberry juice and a twist of lime. You can add a little vodka to spice it up. It's pretty tasty and very low cal.
  20. Sara Kelly Keenan LC

    Here's My Story. Can I Get The Sleeve?

    Dear Pokieism, You ask so many good questions that I'm going to cut and past your questions and then give you very honest answers so I can keep it all straight. Sara - there was a question I wonder if you would answer - were you taking only what you are supposed to of the Alli? I did take more than the recommended doses. I took the dose doctor's prescribe when writing an Orlistat prescription, which is more than the over the counter recommended maximum. Overdoing is a lifetime pattern for me. All things to excess, nothing in moderation. Have you developed any eating disorders? I am addicted to Frozen pineapple on a stick from Dryers. I credit it with the 30 pound weight loss during the last 2 years. I make my main meal of the day lunch and then replace dinner with Dryer's Pineapple Pops. I stopped keeping ice cream in the house 2 years ago and go through 9 boxes of Pineapple pops a week--that is addictive behavior because many times a day I'm grabbing a Pineapple Pop give give my mouth something to do when the people around me are eating meals or when I'm feeling weak and might eat something with fat calories if I didn't keep the pineapple around. Dorrie had a wonderful answer for you. I would say a concern for you from me is def the cheating - because that will set you up to fail. Another serious issue. Crossover replacements for your foodstyle...they are known as addictions. Alcohol, smoking, weed, cutting, and replacement "feeling" (I forget that one - help me out Dorryie!). Yes, in the first 5 years of my band I did develop addictive behavior with wine coolers. The band was tight, and I would skip solid food and drink wine coolers after dinner. I was never a drinker before I got banded and one night I was watching an Oprah after work enjoying my dinner ---a 6-pack of Green Apple Smirnoff's Vodka Coolers. The topic of the show was people who got WLS who developed alcohol, sex, or gambling addictions once food was cut off to them as their go-to addiction. That was probably 2005 and even though I was at my goal weight I knew that Oprah Show was talking about me. I cut myself off from those friendly little bottles cold turkey. Now I may have one or two bottles once a month but that is all. Going to a counselor is OK - but what then - do you actively work on what you have talked about? Do you read on your own? If you were not taking a diet aid, could you maintain your loss? If I was not taking the Alli I could maintain my weight. I credit the Alli (and walking) for the 30 lbs I've lost in the last 2 years. I did go to a counselor for several intense years and I thought our work together was completed. I am going back to her. My nature is mostly that of a loafer, a lazy person who does the minimum required to get by in the world and I make no apologies for it. I know who I am, I like living a lazy life and I don't have kids so I'm not failing a duty to children to teach them by example to work hard. I will always look for the easy way out. But when I want something I will work. When I lost weight I jogged 5 miles per day 3-4 days per week. When I wasn't jogging I was on bike rides with friends in which 200 miles cycled in a day was not uncommon. I loved it, but then had a nasty bike crash while in a pace-line and that wrecked my right knee and ended my cycling career. The esophogeal stretch may be a way to get some of it covered by insurance, even if they will not approve the sleeve. My insurance is happy to pay for the band's removal, but with my behavioral patterns and a BMI of 32 I no longer qualify for WLS as a covered medical procedure. Replace the mochas with a coffee, or warm up and froth a glass of hoodia soy milk in chocolate or a spash of coffee. I go to Peet's Coffee and they make a non-fat, sugar-free mocha that doesn't taste sugar-free. I get a small and that's 250 calories. That is something I enjoy and wil continue to gie myself several times per week. I don't like soy milk, or black coffee, or tea. I have tried and they are not for me. Popscicles are good (Dryer's Frozen Pineapple Chunks on a stick) , Jello too! If you cant get away from alcohol, make a jello shooters, freeze them, and blend them in a blender with some crystal light you have poured into ice cubes. I stopped alcohol in my life because I knew it was becoming a problem in 2004/2005. Get onto My Fit Pal, get to know the site well, it will help you alot. Never heard of it. I'll look into it. Thanks! If you find yourself off the band, still go to therapy, and prepare yourself to do this old-style until your esophagus and tummy can heal - get the original "eat this, not that" book, and feel free to stick around the forum. There is alot discussed here, not all VGS related, and you can build up a healthy bit of knowledge. Notice I did not say yay or nay about whether you should get the sleeve...I cant make that decision. Whatever you go, I hope you work through everything and are well. You misunderstood me. Sorry my words were unclear. I wasn't asking anyone to make the "sleeve after band with esophageal stretching" decision for me. I know that only I and a willing surgeon can do that. I offered my medical history and was asking if anyone in this forum ever got the sleeve after having a band removed due to esophageal stretching, and did it have the desired outcome. I talk like I am telling you what to do - it is just my nature, I only intend them as suggestions... If you don't believe you can find a way out you become the problem. If you believe you can find a way out you have solved the problem. I know that ultimately it is up to me to change my love-relationship with the things I put in my mouth and learn to eat for nutrition rather than comfort. I'm working with a dietician now to do that. But I also want to take advantage of the latest medical procedures to build upon my efforts. My knees are shot and my spine is shot in two places so I live in constant pain and on Oxycontin 24/7. I need to keep working at getting the weight off this body sooner rather than later and this time I'm committed to doing it right with my therapist, my dietician and my personal trainer. But I do also want to know if anyone has a medical history similar to my medical history with the band AND has benefited from an additional, newer procedure. Thanks for your ideas and concerns. I really do appreciate them because you help me develop my own thoughts to a point of greater clarity and you help me see where blind spots in my thinking might cloud my judgement. Sincerely, Sara
  21. No splenda isn't made with those nasty alcohols. I really have to watch what is in some stuff -because the alcohols - especially sorbitol causes me such trouble. C.N.
  22. Is Splenda made with sugar alcohols? I did not think it was.
  23. Oh man do I know the woes of Splenda! I was so excited when it came out. Although the taste doesn't bother me, ANYTHING with the sugar alcohols in it make me so sick SO fast! I envy those of you who can tolerate it. I am an aspartame girl/addict really. I have also started putting Stevia in hot tea. I wish Iliked splenda people who cook and bake with it all rave. There are two chefs on the food channels who have gone lo carb and their recipes make me drool.
  24. jess9395

    Sugar alcohol

    I count net carb so fiber and sugar alcohols are subtracted out. Different plans have different "rules"
  25. How are you guys counting sugar alcohols in macros? I like Dr. Johns hard candies. 4 pieces count as 18 carbs, 16 of which are sugar alcohols. Would you count 18 carbs. would you count 2 carbs? What’s your thoughts?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
