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Found 17,501 results

  1. ShoppGirl

    Odd presurgery diet

    Usually depends on how much you need to lose to shrink the liver and make the surgery safe. I did the sleeve 3.5 years ago and I was a little smaller and only had to do a week of this same diet. This time for revision I had two weeks plus two days of clear. But you’re right. I was able to have a meal a day. It’s not much though just 3oz lean meat and a cup of veggies. I have seen some people have to do a full month. I am on day 15 of 16 now. It’s goes faster than you would think.
  2. Lilia_90

    Food Before and After Photos

    Some of my eats the past few days: Strawberry summer salad. I have an obsession with salads!! This one has baby spinach, strawberries, pomegranate seeds, cucumbers, walnuts, feta cheese, topped with crispy shallots and crispy garlic, with a pomegranate molasses dressing. My bowl below which I ate over the course of 3 hours. Chocolate basil seed protein pudding. 2/3 cups of basil seeds, 1.5 cups unsweetened almond milk, 1 scoop chocolate whey, 2 tbsp melted peanut butter, stir and leave overnight. Top with berries and pumpkin seeds. I ate 3/4 of one.
  3. Spinoza

    Question for post op surgery and matcha

    I know programmes differ hugely but my surgeon placed absolutely no restrictions on caffeine and I was hugely grateful. I have no idea whether there is good evidence that caffeine consumption affects weight loss after bariatric surgery but I suspect very much not. @GreenTealael do you have any evidence to share? I am a coffee, not a matcha drinker, but I know how much I valued those coffees in the weeks and months after my surgery. Might be worth drilling down into the actual evidence based practice with your team if matcha means as much to you!
  4. you won't always have to sip. I can't remember how long I did that (I'm 9+ years out), but maybe a few weeks (?). At any rate, it's not forever.
  5. Arabesque

    Pain after drinking, normal?

    It’s likely from swelling from your surgery. I had trouble swallowing for a good three days after surgery. I also produced a lot of saliva and carried a sick bag for a couple of days to spit out the excess spit. All from swelling my surgeon said. I found warm drinks soothing on my tender throat and tummy though some people say the colder the better. So try both to see which you find more soothing. And yes sip slowly leaving a couple of minutes between each sip. If it persists call your team. PS The surgical gas is pumped into the abdominal cavity and very little is actually in your tummy. You may feel bloated and you’ll develop shoulder pain as the gas moves up and is absorbed into your lungs to be breathed out. Takes about a week or so to be breathed out. Take little walks often. March on the spot. Raise your arms up and down and do some long slow deep breathing to help it move more quickly.
  6. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Need a substitute for garlic butter

    Its not spicy, my husband doesn't tolerate spicy at all and has no problems with it! If you like lime you will probably like it. I tend to eat the same things over and over because I detest cooking, so I cook for a weeks worth of meals. This changes the flavor and helps get passed the "yay turkey chili again" blues.
  7. I was sent home with a stronger med for constipation. I didn’t take it. Can’t recall when I started on the coloxyl. I think it was pretty much after that but I only took it (1 tablet) if I hadn’t been for three days. Five years out & I only take it if I need it which may be once one week then no need for a couple of weeks. It is good to keep on top of the constipation but you don’t want to become too reliant on it. Gotta keep your systems working as much on their own as possible. I’m presuming you need to keep things pretty soft after bypass or SADI more so than sleeve simply as you don’t want to strain your intestines at least until you are more healed.
  8. RN_Patriot

    Meds after surgery

    I just had the SADI on 7/3, and I haven’t taken my Trintellix since 7/2. Did you take your Trintellix whole or crushed after surgery? I need to start taking it again, but I’m nervous about my pouch tolerating the pill.
  9. FifiLux

    A Sparkling New Week

    @MrsFitz the body scan etc is not included free, there is a €150 charge for the administration/set up and then it is €85 every two weeks hence I only signed up for a six month agreement, to see if it is worth it longer term. That said it does include about 8 or 10 personal training sessions in the six months as well as general gym access. That main course sounds lovely, I love steak and pepper sauce though I tried it in July and it did not stay down, think the sauce I had was too creamy.
  10. I use NetDiary (track every day!) and I love it! I wear my apple watch everyday and I stay in competition with myself to see if how many times a week I close all 3 rings on the fitness. At work I walk every single work day for 30ish min on my lunch break. I do go to the gym as well to weight lift and a little more cardio. Not every day but about 3-4times a week. Take pictures! That is what encourages me, I have been documenting my journey and its amazing to look back at and see how far I have come. I weigh myself at least once a week, I am trying to stay away from the scale because I tend to beat myself up if I am up a lb in a day (WHICH CAN BE ANYTHING! late dinner, salt and not enough water) but I get flustered so I can't do that. Most importantly, What is your "why?" Why did you choose WLS? What or who is/are motivation?
  11. Arabesque


    Has anyone experienced an increase in their cholesterol levels? Before surgery, mine sat around 5 regardless of my weight (healthy, overweight or obese). In the first 3 years post surgery it was about 4. Then it went to 5 again. Okay I thought just where my body wants to be. But it’s 5.7 now. Like what?? My surgery follow up doctor suggested I speak to my GP about a coronary artery calcium store test. My dad had a higher cholesterol level but not enough for meds. One brother’s is about what mine is now but he follows one of those fat is good diet (I swear he slathers his toast with butter like an inch thick). My mum, other brother, aunts, uncles, grandparents levels are/were ok. Rest of my blood work was great.
  12. ShoppGirl

    I may be the only one...

    @SleeveToBypass2023 pretty much covered what you need to change so I won’t repeat that. I will add though that I got to a simlar point a little later than you when I was discouraged I didn’t reach the goal I secretly had in my mind for myself. I had stopped losing and stalled about 18 pounds shy of it for about three months then I started letting bad habits slip in and I started to gain and honestly I never stopped gaining. 3.5 years later here I am pending revision. I was also embarrassed to see my dr or even post on here and that only made things worse. I could’ve nipped it on the budd before I got to this point like you still can. Go back to your team and explain your struggles. See what they have to offer you to help get you back on track. Maybe even talk to a therapist to try to work out why you feel this way. It sounds like you really have only been off track for a little bit and you’re still early enough out that it’s not too late to turn this around. You just have to start taking steps.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Psych evaluation?

    Absolutely. I had the sleeve four years ago and now the revision and you definitely want to make sure that you’re in a good place with your mental health because it takes just as much mental energy as it does physical to deal with all the changes you will be going through. It’s like a whole new lifestyle post surgery if you’re doing it right. They are really great changes, but it is still alot in short time. Be honest and trust their judgment- they have done this a lot of times and they just want to make sure that you’re in the right headspace when they do it so that you can be most successful immediately post surgery to keep you safe but also long term so that you will be successful in your weight loss. One thing I did too was to ask my team if it would be okay for me to just check in with them a little more often than they typically require. They agreed to that and it has made the process a lot less stressful this time. I just get super anxious about everything and medical stuff is even worse so stuff like this creates a million questions and it’s hard when you call the front desk and they don’t know about your mental health for them to not be annoyed when you call a bunch of times. This time I just go in and have a chat with the NP about all my concerns and she reassures me everything is fine and I’m on my way. Also, you will want to let your prescribing Dr know about your surgery at some point if you haven’t already. They will want to check in with you a couple of times post op because sometimes with the absorption changes in the body your medication doses may need to be adjusted a bit. And keep posting on here. There are so many people who have been through anything you may have a question or fear about or if you just want to vent about a stall. People are so wonderful here and eager to help. Staying active on here and the in person support groups has really helped me. Im excited for you. It’s a pretty incredible journey and you will get there soon enough.
  14. Hiddenroses

    August Surgery buddies

    I think that's the website I was just on - I found a recipe for unstuffed cabbage rolls I'm going to try. I'll go slowly; not trying to push my stomach, but I know these two weeks of purees are supposed to help me get on the path to eating more variety so I guess I've got to jump in sometime!
  15. summerseeker

    My Body Shape is Changing.

    I never really noticed in my weight loss period because it was Covid times and I wore the same old stuff everyday. I was years out of the habit of looking in mirrors too. Nowadays, almost 3 years out, I buy clothes in my size -UK 14 - and they fit me all over. Like people say. the weight / fat distributes itself around your body after you stop weight loss. I haven't had any skin surgery either. People actually ask where I buy my clothes ! and copy me ! Where is the Vogue camera man when you want him ? Ha !
  16. FifiLux


    Everyone has different plans from their doctors but in all of them I have never heard of being on regular food after 2.5 weeks. Do you mean non liquid phase and that you are normal food but soft? I hope so as that is all your stomach should be handling now as you can't digest normal food at this stage, which is what may cause the vomitting and pain. It should be no water 30 minutes before and after a meal so maybe if you are only leaving it 10 minutes that is causing the problem? I did have gas issues but it was caused by complications so not the same for you I am sure. Could you ask your doctor about taking something to help with reflux?
  17. I went home to America for Thanksgiving for the first time in 20 years! I was really nervous about going back, but I actually had a really good time! Thanksgiving went really well! My stepmother had the sleeve two years ago and I told her I had the sleeve recently so she just dished me up a plate that was about the portion size she eats now so I didn't have to do any guess work with new foods! She even made a sugar free desert for the two of us! I had about a bite of everything and that was enough! I even managed to lose 2.5kg (5.5lbs) during the 8 days I was there. I think what helped the most is I was staying with my sister who has two girls who are 6 and 3 so she just dished me up the same amount that she did for her kids so I was never tempted to over eat. Child size plates have been really helpful! I went to my favourite stores for the nostalgia. I bought a hoodie which is a size MEDIUM and it fits! Eventually it will be as baggy as my current ones, but it feels really good to wear a medium! I was really worried about what this food centred holiday was going to do to me, but it went really well. I'm seriously considering moving back to Montana permanently, but that's a topic for another day.
  18. I had my gall bladder removed in 1997 when I was 4 months pregnant. I was told no caffeine for 6 months, nothing high in fat for a year, no soda or carbonation for 4-6 months based on how I tolerated it, and no restrictions on when I could introduce fiber. I stuck to this and did fine. Once my son was 3 months old and I was exclusively formula feeding him (supply just dried up and nothing helped), I went to drinking whatever I wanted and eating what I wanted and it was fine.
  19. Arabesque

    6 months post op 4 months of stall

    Great advice from @SpartanMaker as usual. I’d also add if you’re lifting weights you’d be building muscle which is heavier than fat. So you could have been losing some fat during this time while building muscle. May be consider having a dexa scan to measure your current muscle, fat & bone density. Then have another in a couple of months to compare. Are you still in contact with your dietician? If not maybe arrange an appointment. Because you are aware of your average daily calorie intake, I presume you’re measuring and tracking every thing you’re eating and drinking every day. I’d take this with you to the appointment and ask the dietician to go through it with you in case you are missing something not only in regards to calories but nutrients as well. If you’re a random tracker like I was and am, vigilantly track everything for a week or two before seeing the dietician. Don’t give up though. The scale may not be moving but I bet you’re fitter, stronger and generally healthier than you were before.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    I'm working on figuring out how to maintain lol I'm below goal, which is fine is I stay where I'm at. Don't really want to go any lower. I'm slowly increasing calories and carbs, but I can't go too high or I get sick. So I'm just trying to figure it out. My first year post surgery, I was half way to my goal (I needed to lose roughly 200 pounds to get to my goal). I had complications that slowed my weight loss (I lost 113 pounds in 8 months) after the 8-9 month mark. I had my revision 13 months after my initial surgery and lost another 94 pounds in a year. I also had 2 major surgeries during that time, too. Now my weight loss is (hopefully) stopping - 2 years after my initial surgery and 1 year after my revision. I've lost a total of 240 pounds from my highest weight and 207 pounds from my surgery-day weight. And it took me a total of 2 years. I hit many stalls along the way, but it's all been 100% worth it.
  21. draikaina8503

    August Surgery buddies

    Hi, I just got my date a week ago and will be getting RNY on August 16th. Super excited and super nervous! I'll be following along on this thread. :) i'm new to the site, so I gotta get used to actually talking on forums. 😅
  22. Oh my word! The gurgling stomach!! I joked with my mom that the 20% that was left for my stomach was awful chatty about getting rid of the rest of her!!!!! It isn’t as loud the second week I feel like.
  23. ShoppGirl

    August Surgery buddies

    I’m pretty sure dry skin can also be from l not enough protein I’m using my phone so I’m not sure which surgery you had but if it’s bypass and increasing, your fluids, doesn’t work consider whether you just need more protein than the average bypass or if your activity is high, talk to your team, but they told me I needed to increase my protein because of my level of activity. Also, if your activity is really high, you may actually need to increase your carbohydrates. I would definitely talk to your team about your activity and your food intake. I know that increasing carbs sounds scary and counterproductive, but I’ve been on here for about four years now and a lot of people found that when they exercise level was high their body thought it was starving and was hanging onto everything until they increased their calories and then it started dropping so I would definitely ask if that could be an issue. Daughter it’s just the three weeks stop which isn’t exactly at three weeks, but it does happen to pretty much everyone.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Almost a year out

    Ok, so I'm 2 years and 4 months out from my 1st surgery and 1 year 3 months out from my revision. I'm still losing (trying to stop losing but so far I'm still losing an average of 4 pounds per month) so I haven't experienced the rebound weight gain yet. I can tell you I eat popcorn all the time. I also eat smokehouse almonds, cheese cubes, salami and/or peperoni slices for snacks. I eat Rebel ice-cream, keto brownies, sliced apples mixed with fresh blueberries and raspberries, Greek yogurt with fresh berries and monk fruit sweetener mixed in, keto cake with sugar free icing, French toast with keto bread, fresh berries, and sugar free syrup. If I want "guilty" food, I have something like steak, 2 spoonfuls peas mixed with mozzarella cheese, and 2 spoonfuls of Bob Evans mashed potatoes. I don't tolerate carbs very well, so I have to be careful with them. I also have kettle chips fried in avocado oil, 1 packet (instead of my former usual 2-3) of oatmeal such as cinnamon apple or banana cream, and minestrone soup and crackers (only like 4 or 5). Everything is a balance. Nothing in excess, no large portions, no "off plan" foods too often. Just a little here and there and whatever you have should be fine. Just remember to keep working out, keep moving your body, keep prioritizing protein and you should be good.
  25. ShoppGirl

    Maintenance confusion?

    I wish I could say from experience but I never made it to the maintenance phase with my sleeve and I’m early out from my revision. From being on the boards though it seems what most people do is to add like 100 healthy calories at a time and wait and see if that makes them gain and keep upping it until they find what their body is happy with. Of course if you level of activity or type of calories changes you may have to adjust so I think if you don’t choose to log your food daily you may want to at least spot check it like once a week just so you can see if your habits change gradually and keep on track for what works for your body. Congratulations on nearing maintenance!!

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