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  1. Normally following a tight regime of a controlled diet and regular exercises are the measures prescribed for weight loss. Most of the people find it difficult to follow these measures over an extended period. It is claimed that with Alli you can escape these grating restrictions and can follow near-normal routines; slowly but steadily you can manage to lose weight and lead a healthier life. Alli is a FDA approved OTC weight loss product. Alli is not a dietary supplement; it is claimed to help you lose weight gradually; by working as a fat binder or fat blocker. Excessive intake of calories causes increase of weight; and fats contribute far more calories in food-intake as compared to Proteins and carbohydrates. Fat in our diet is the main culprit in weight gain. When taken in the prescribed manner, the active ingredient of Alli attach themselves to some of the natural enzymes in the digestive system; this prevents these enzymes from breaking down over 25% of the fat you eat. This undigested fat cannot be absorbed by the body and it passes through the body in the natural way. This excess fat is prevented from contributing to weight gain. Alli only works on enzymes that would normally help in digestion of fat. So carbohydrates and proteins are not affected and these nutrients are absorbed by the body in the normal manner. Alli works only in your digestive system; it does not act on your heart or brain. You would not feel unsettling effects such as sleeplessness, racing heart or jitters which are commonly experienced with other weight loss drugs or supplements. When you use Alli to lose weight, you may have to observe certain drastic dietary restrictions, depending on your existing diet. Manufacturers of Alli advise you to consume reduced-calorie meals of 15gms or less of fats on an average. For some this may be a rather severe restriction, but that is the price to pay for being able to have the option of slow but steady weight loss leading to a better life. You may suffer certain side effects such as loose motion, frequent bowel movements, gas, etc. if you do not observe the restriction of 15 gms of fat. Obviously if you are able to adjust to the dietary limitations and put up with the side effects – “treatment effects” as the makers of Alli call them – Alli should be able to work for you.
  2. Laura - that sucks about your doctor not being more supportive. Too late to find another one? I'm not saying that they need to pander to you but they should give you more than "duh" answers, like "eat vegetables", duh idiot. Oh and that's nice that Russell asked about your weight gain. That just means he's paying attention. Since you're probably sulking about it. Is he the type to help out with it, and do you even want help with it? Like if you're eating something you're not supposed to can he call you out on it?
  3. Last night out of the blue Russell asked how I felt about my weight gain during pregnancy. Surprised me, because he normally doesn't bring up things like that. I told him I don't like that I'm gaining, I know I'm eating too much, but I feel like I haven't eaten in a week.. 24 hours a day. He just asked if I planned to commit back to it post-pregnancy, and I said of course. Right now it's my body being hungry all the time, it is NOT head hunger. I have evaulated that, to make sure it's not just me wanting food. I am truly hungry all the time. But the head part of me controlling myself, well.. that is lacking. I am hoping post-pregnancy with whatever I gain (sigh) I will be able to diligently get it back off. I just hope I don't continue at this rate, kind of wished I had morning sickness up to now so I'd have continued losing since it says many women lose weight beginning of pregnancy and 2nd trimester is when they really pack it on.. joyous. Today is our employee appreciation lunch & dinner.. where sales & management cook for them. I just finished helping set up the buffet and room, and it hit me again. I am absolutely starving. My stomach is actually in pain from being so hungry. I took a piece of pumpkin bread--only thing I can actually munch on, as everything else is outside getting cooked. It has done nothing, my stomach still hurts from hunger. I've had 2 bottles of Water this morning already, not helping at all.
  4. Kalipso2

    Life is not exactly what I was expecting...

    i feel the same way... so no, you're not the only one! i "gave up" dating a year ago this past July because i wanted to get my life in order... lose weight, gain self esteem, work out some issues with my family, stop letting ex-boyfriends just use me for sex. i "told" myself that i wouldn't start dating until January of 2009 to give myself enough time to get my act together. that date is rapidly approaching and i keep telling my friends i'm going to postpone my "coming out" date until i hit a year with my band which will be April 2009. the truth is... i'm scared that no one will ask me out come January. then what excuse will i tell my friends that i'm not dating? i go out with my skinny friend and the guys always want to by her drinks and since i'm her "fat friend" i get included. at least that's how my mind thinks. i know i still have a lot of self esteem issues to work thru because i still see the fat me in the mirror even though i'm wearing a size 8 or 10. maybe join a new social group where you know no one and have to make new friends and start off with people knowing the new you instead of the old you!
  5. KarinaM

    Tricare Denial..REVERSED!!

    Tomatogirl and Meggie, GOOD LUCK TOMORROW. Let us know as soon as you guys can how you are feeling. So happy for you guys. I should be getting my letter tomorrow, but I already knew it would be a NO since Meggie and JWRN got their approval so fast. Well I went to my PCM and gave her a letter asking her to give me a letter of referral and pretty much telling her what I need her to say. I was trying to fax all the paperwork to Travis but my fax did not work, I don't know why. I did write a letter (almost the same I wrote to Tricare) but I don't know if it will help me since my main problem is not have any comorbidity (diabetes or high blood preassure). I do have the family history and a very bad acid reflux desease getting worse with the weight gain. Since I have a rod and six screws in my leg I am trying to play the joint pain card. Do you guys think this will work???? DO they only take the BMI? If they go thru Tricare I don't think I should go thru the trouble. Well, GOOD LUCK again Meggie and Tomatogirl.
  6. natashabands

    How do you tell your friends?

    I'm pretty good support system-wise. Literally five people in my family have gotten the same exact surgery (including my mother) so I can probably go to one of them for help. It's just that I'm horrible with keeping secrets and how do you hide eating habits when your two closest friends love to eat? It's just frustrating because I KNOW my two closest friends won't understand. Not because they're skinny, but because I've never mentioned a thing about my weight loss or weight gain to them. Yet at the same time, they're probably the ones that deserve to know. I can tell I'm getting nowhere with this. Thanks for all the suggestions though.
  7. Elayne

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I'm bummed. ALL my exams and evals and stuff are done. I found out that I'm a tad "sicker" than I thought and even in more need of a band yet well enough to "survive" the surgery. Endo. found a wee hernia. Surgeon's office claims he doesn't "do" hernias. PCP said it's only an itty bitty one. Got my CRAP mask (intentional misspell) - because surgeon's office claims he won't perform surgery without the mask for the hospital stay. Pulmonary technician says my setting of "4" is the lowest setting for the CPAP masks. Cardiologist highly recommends Toprol (Beta-blocker) as a result of my 3-day series of tests (2-day stress, echo and MRIs) I immediately googled and learned that a delightful side-effect is WEIGHT GAIN! - (that monstrous metabolism thing again.) Also - may also cause sleeplessness and/or disturbing dreams. may also interact unfavorably with psychiatric meds may also mask diabetic symptoms (hypoglycemia) may also cause diarrhea (this one's OK - my hemorrhoids from hell will be relieved - literally!) And having said all this - I still must satisfy the 6-mo diet requirement as my insurance company's weight-management program doesn't count. although it may be factored in with my "official" dietitian/nutritionist program. SO - "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" And - Here in the beautiful Northeast - 2-3 inches of the sloppiest snow against my stubborn roses with more to come overnight (snow that is - no more roses until the aforementioned spring!) Any comments about beta-blockers and LBS? :biggrin:
  8. ajoneen


    I lost a very good friend in 06 when he decided he could not live anymore. No one really saw it coming but in hindsight there were some clues. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. It is very sad. Hugs to you. Good news about the minimal weight gain. That is a testament to your working out and building the muscle to burn off the extra calories. Great job!!
  9. lea2015

    Why were YOU overweight?

    I was always of normal weight (married at 135lbs age 25) Had three children with 1st pregnacy became diabetic controlled with diet. Lost all pregancy weight with all three children. At age 40 I became type 2 diabetic. After 5 years of trying to control my sugar wih diet and exercise, I was put on meds, with each new med I was put on to control my sugar I would gain 10lbs give or take a few lbs. After 5 years and 60 lbs of weight gain I decided to get my life back and my sugar under control. I am still working on control of my sugar but, I know in time all will be right in my world. I will live to to granchildren someday. Good luck to everyone.
  10. gentylwind

    Why were YOU overweight?

    I started gaining weight in my early teens. I idolized my brother, who was 18 months older than me, and when he hit male puberty, nobody bothered to tell me that I didn't need to keep up with him in my attempts to emulate him. I remember eating until I thought I would throw up, simply trying to eat as much as my brother did. I would pop Tums stolen from my father's vanity from a fairly early age in attempts to relieve the over-stuffed feeling. This all lead to a weight gain of course, though I was still in "normal" range at the very upper end (135-140 pounds, 5'3) Weight has always been a huge focus in my family. Being fat was unforgivable. As the only girl in the house other than my mother, what I ate and when I ate was carefully monitored. Separate food was purchased for me by my mother than for the rest of my family and the "good stuff" was hidden in various places and the amount of it carefully noted. I felt singled out and humiliated. My weight was a family conversation. My father would pinch my butt, criticize the way I dressed, wore my hair, wore my make up and criticized how much I weighed. It became my mission in life to find the good food and get my share of it. To this day, the minute I am alone in the house my first urge is to start searching for the "good stuff" (chips, Little Debbies, things like that) and then to gorge on them before anyone comes home. If I got caught doing this I was forced to confess it in front of my brothers. None of us could get up from the kitchen table until I admitted I ate the Fritos. This sent me spiraling more and more out of control and binging when alone became a way of life, along with attempts to then cover up my behavior. I stayed a pretty much high end of normal weight until I got married. At that time, I then just cut loose. Finally nobody was monitoring me anymore and I started to eat like a mad woman, everything I wanted, any time I wanted. I continued to eat when I was only one home as well. I gained 65 pounds with my first pregnancy and never lost it. I gained another 50 with my third pregnancy. My highest weight was over 280. I stopped weighing at 274. I weighed 135 on my wedding day and thought I was fat. I have lost successfully on my own and kept it off, but would like this tool to help me get the rest of the way. I will be seeing a counselor to help me deal with my deep seated food issues.
  11. tonya66

    Jammin January '07 Bandsters

    Cindi - So happy you popped in! You hit the nail on the head, the band is the one that continues to work, its "ME" that quits working with the band. I find that I eat more junk when I get comfortable and the weight creeps back on! I am the one that causes the weight gain, not the band. So good that you are still exercising. I'm become lazy lately at that. I know I need to get back into the groove, I set my alarm this morning to get up, but just couldn't do it. I will be going tonite! Keep posting, we miss u!
  12. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Good Monday morning! :thumbup: I am so sick of the political posts I want to yack. Blah. BUT I am down to only 6 pounds left on the weight gain from the unfill. YAY! Got .5 ccs on Friday, feeling tight. WOO HOO!
  13. Twilight

    How am I doing?

    Michelle, everyone's loss is different. There is so much variability. So many different things to think about. I really would try not to compare your loss with anyone else's because it gets really hard if you don't lose as much as someone else. Or then if you lose more than someone else you get a little complacent. It's crazy the head games we all play. 40 pounds in less than a year is awesome! I tried carrying around a 5 gallon bottle of Water yesterday, which is about that heavy, and it almost killed me carrying it to the truck. And just think how much healthier you are. Awesome. As far as how you are doing, I would look at the skills you have learned this last year. Have you gotten great at getting in all your fluids? 60+ oz per day gets you hydrated enough to burn calories. It is so key and seems so unmeaningful. Have you gotten great at counting your calories without a counter? I'm pretty good at judging my calories without using my book. With that skill I can stay pretty close to 1000 cals without a lot of effort. But it took me a few months of plugging in EVERY food to the daily plate. Until I could judge my cals I was up and down too much to stay consistant. Or maybe you have done a great job of getting in exercise 4-6 times a week. That's my downfall. Honestly it's the first think I don't do....and that is always a slippery slope. The other thing I do EVERY DAY is weigh in. That way I can keep close track of any weight gain. I have a number that if I get over that any morning I work extra hard that day to follow all the rules. Usually it's just a matter of daily fluctuation but I never let it get above that set number. So look at those things and see which you have made an awesome part of your life. If this is going to work, you have to make it a natural part of every day. That way we won't get off track so easy. Celebrate the greatness you have done. Then look at one more thing you can put into your daily routine. Make it natural and then see what else you can do. You are doing great though. This is a forever thing, not a month or two thing. We will always have times when there are bad days or weeks. It is just as important to have ways to cope with those as it is to lose steadily. Keep plugging away and celebrating your losses. Way to go!!!!
  14. muscatof08

    Daily Calories

    Thank you for posting that question because I have been wondering the same thing. My surgery was on 9/10 and I lost 13 pounds by 10/17 but have now gained 3 back. The dietitian told us not to count calories yet but if I followed their instructions and had only 3 Optifast HP per day (to begin) that was only 600 calories and I got headaches and hypoglycemia so I have since raised the calories to 1000-1200. I was still loosing at 1000 but I had a couple of days last week when I was so hungry I ate so many calories I stopped counting-thus the weight gain. I really need a little more direction even though I know I should be able to figure it out with the information I have. I had to cancel my first appointment for a fill and couldn't get another one until Nov. 4 so I am concerned that I am going to be hungry until then.
  15. phyllser

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    good afternoon, everyone! internet access slightly improved but have to use DH laptop. Sitting outside on the patio w/very good reception here. Saw the article about Fergie in this morning's paper. Have fun, Janet! Hope I take it easy on the liquid calories today, too, as the neighbors invited us over for "Happy Hour" and I think they're fixing margaritas! Maybe I'll bring a bottle of wine... fewer calories, I think. Figured out today that I'd shorted myself on one exercise session, so I updated my signature. slight weight gain this week, though.... we won't talk about that. I'm doing my usual... 3 1/2 lb loss X2, then a little gain. next week I'll be back down again. It was very nice to get a new military ID this week with a little better picture and the weight changed!
  16. grannytwinkie

    Diabetes and Lap Band

    I hadn't heard that Byetta would erode the band! I need to talk to my surgeon b4 I go to my diabetic doctor. I walk daily, sometimes in the morning and sometimes after work. It all depends on how I feel in the morning, I have never been a morning person and usually get up in time to get ready for work. But I always get my walk in. Once my doctor says I can lift I am going to start using my weight bench 3 times a week as well, I think he said 4-6 weeks after surgery, which means I have 2-3 weeks to go! I am hoping that I won't have to go back on the meds, it is so nice not to have to take them at all! I have some female problems so I have had the Depo shots every 3 months and that also promotes weight gain. GRRRRR. but as of this morning I am 23 pounds down. Hopefully things will work out.
  17. Hi Bimbabe..WOW..Ur down 20 already? My surgery was Wednesday. It went pretty smoothly. Only problem is this freakin GAS! OMG! It was so bad when I came out of surgery I stood in the middle of the recovery room and bust out crying. It was aweful. Last time I got on the scale, it showed a weight gain of 3 pounds. WTH?! I'm assuming that's all the fluids they pumped in me using the IV. I'm a little sore, nothing the meds can't knock. I can't wait to see some weight come off..Anyway, KIT..TTYL

  18. GratefulHeart

    I'm banded!!!

    I was banded on Monday too! The gas pain is just awful, more than I expected. I'm taking pain pills just for that pain - the incisions don't hurt a bit. Walking helps but not as much as I had hoped. I generally have a heating pad on my left shoulder, and it helps some. With that being said, I would do this again in a heartbeat. As for the hernia, I did as much reading on that as I could before surgery because I knew I had a big one. My doctor said that most people have small hernias, but mine was the biggest he'd seen in 30 years of medical practice. Anyway, with all the reading I did, no one seemed to have a reason for hiatal hernias, just that they happen quite commonly. And I am so happy that this is now fixed - none of the weird symptoms I had before are there. That part of the experience is just wonderful. I'm also not very hungry and find it a bit difficult to get in all the Protein shakes. Takes me a while to drink a whole shake, and if I add anything to it for flavor or texture (like frozen strawberries), I can't finish it. I did that in the diet before surgery, but can't manage it now. That's a good thing, I've started losing weight again after a couple of days of slight weight gain. Anyway, happy to join you and the other folks in Bandland!
  19. annecolorgreen

    Day after surgery

    Today I had a one pound weight gain. Fortunately, I knew that I would have a gain right after surgery because of the fluids they pump in you and the swelling at the surgery site. I felt pretty miserable last night and took a narcotic tablet that we had leftover from some back pain awhile back. My doctor doesn't prescribe narcotics...just an NSAID and I'm already on some of those (Voltarin) for my rheumatoid arthritis. This morning, I took 1/2 tablet and feel a little better. I'm wondering how much weight I will have to lose to go down a size? I just bought (online) a shirt to wear for Thanksgiving that is in my current size (but tight right now). I hope it literally hangs on me! We'll see...
  20. annecolorgreen

    Day after surgery

    Today I had a one pound weight gain. Fortunately, I knew that I would have a gain right after surgery because of the fluids they pump in you and the swelling at the surgery site. I felt pretty miserable last night and took a narcotic tablet that we had leftover from some back pain awhile back. My doctor doesn't prescribe narcotics...just an NSAID and I'm already on some of those (Voltarin) for my rheumatoid arthritis. This morning, I took 1/2 tablet and feel a little better. I'm wondering how much weight I will have to lose to go down a size? I just bought (online) a shirt to wear for Thanksgiving that is in my current size (but tight right now). I hope it literally hangs on me! We'll see...
  21. rodriguezequal

    medically supervised diet

    A lot of times they do the supervised diet to make sure that you are willing and ready to make changes in your eating habits. I also have a thyroid condition and have been on meds for it for over 10 years now. A hypothyroid can also cause or at least help along weight gain and inability to lose weight. Good luck and I'm sure everything will go well. :eek: Take care.
  22. LisaB411

    Diabetes and Lap Band

    Not all diabetes meds promote weight gain. What are you taking? I had the same experience. I was able to cut out my insulin and most of my oral meds during the pre-op liquid diet and for the first few weeks post-op. But when you start eating again, your blood sugar is going to go up. I noticed a big drop in the amount of insulin I needed after I lost 10% of my body weight. My endocrinologist says there's a big difference when you drop 20% of your body weight too. I know it's hard, but be patient. Your blood sugar will come around.
  23. I have type II diabetes and was banded on Oct. 7th. I was able to go off of all of my diabetes medicines about 1/2 week into the pre-op liquid diet and am now a little over two weeks post-op and my blood sugars are rising. 145 this morning and 215 about 2 hours after breakfast. I think I am going to have to go back on some medicines, but hate to do it cause they promote weight gain. I was hoping that I could stay off of the meds altogether, I see my physician next Tuesday 10/28 and am afraid she will put me back on all of them again! Anyone else have the same problem?
  24. lo2us

    Texarkana Bandsters

    I know I haven't posted in a while, everything is going great here. I thought I would post my 2 cents on Dr. H. I gained 12 lbs after an unfill this summer and was absolutely humilated to go in and "face the music." My bp was up and I got upset on the PA when she mentioned my weight gain. I asked to ask Dr. H to give me a couple of minutes because I was so embarassed. When he came in and we talked, I thought he was OVERLY almost hateful when lecturing me on my failuer...especially since I was noticably upset. I just sobbed until he was finished talking and got up and left. I have not seen him since. I really hope it was just a bad day on his part because I don't easily cry unless I'm ashamed of myself. I hope that if I see him again I can voice my disappointment in being scolded like a child by someone I paid $15000 to help me. I think he could have encouraged me and tell me tomorrows a new day. The last 2 times I've been my bp has been high because I worry I will have to see him again, and this time I KNOW I won't cry...I might just do some scolding myself!
  25. I hope you surgery went well?? Do everything the doctor tells you,, don't lift anything more then a gallon of milk for a month, keep walking and keep hydrated.. I have been free from uterus since Mar 06 and never regretted a minute of it even after the weight gain..

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