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Thanks for checking in!!! Congrats on getting your date! I knew everything would work out good for you!!!! I've lost about 23 pounds. The 20 pounds came off really fast, the last 3 were really hard though. I just went back to work so that helped, I have not started excersizing though, and I am pretty much eating the same types of food every day, yogurt, soup, water, protein shake, so that can't be great for my metabolism. I'm pretty optimistic though, my work pants were sliding off my butt when I went back to work, (I'm a banquet waitress and wear the whole tuxedo shirt/pants/tie/vest combo lol.) I'm so glad things are going well for you!!! The pre-op diet is super rough yes, but now that I am eating more normal foods, that is all a thing of the past and I feel great. Right after surgery, I was miserable and nauseous, I was filled with regret. But now I have come through to the other side, I feel great!!!! Keep in touch!!!
I was just banded on May 12, 2008. Prior to my surgery my nutritionist had a list of stages and foods that were allowed. What stage are you in? I might be able to give you a list of what you can have. I am in stage III and able to have cream soup that was provided (tomato and cream of chicken) I just add 6 oz of hot water and its delicious. Also, I can have sugar free pudding, popsicles, crystal light flavors in my water and of course my protein drinks that were provided and they are 15 oz of protein each. I can also have Dannon carb and suger control yogurt. I do not feel as if I am missing out on anything. I just also received a recipe with four cheese mash potatoes and chicken broth and its the best potato soup! I am staying with around 70 grams of protein daily and 64 oz of water (liquids, crystal light). I am only allowed products that have 5 oz or less of fat and sugars. I really am paying attention to the fats and sugars!
Day two down this isn't so bad 3 shakes, 4 slices of turkey, one vanilla Greek yogurt and all the soup broth, sugar free jello,and Popsicles i can eat COOL
#4 You may consume up to 3 oz. of the following high-protein foods,
5 times a day:
* beef,
* pork,
* chicken,
* turkey,
* lamb,
* fish,
* eggs,
* low-fat cheese,
* cottage cheese,
* plain yogurt (or artificially sweetened),
* peanut butter,
* beans/legumes.
I have to admit that this Pre-Op diet is harder than I thought it would be. I really wanted to eat a regular meal yesterday for Valentine's Day and I talked to my husband about it. He convinced me to stick to the diet, but it was SO hard!! Just hang there and get back on the horse today and you will be fine. I think postop that you can have yogurt, pudding, jello, broth and protein shakes for the first week and then move into soft foods and then finally solid food. I think it just depends on how your body reacts to them as to when or how soon you have them. My surgery is scheduled for early at 7:30 am, but I have to be there at 6am. It's like it will never get here, but you know it will! Good luck and hang in there!
Girl, things are going good right now, since I am back at work. I was super hungry today also. I had to question myself, did I really get the band?! I am drinking everything like a horse. I even ate some yogurt and little sour cream. At least your dog heard your growling stomach,try standing behind your boss!!...LOL I have a doctors' appt. this friday. I need to tell him I need a fill already.
I'm an ICU nurse, but enjoying my time off right now!
I'm still on pureeds, so I've been having baby food, pureed soups, I pureed some jamalaya the other day and it was nice to have some flavor (even though Im really not supposed to have spicey food yet!). I made some spinach and herb dip from tastefully simple with plan greek yogurt instead of mayo and I plan on mixing it with some canned chicken in my magic bullet. I've also had smooth peanut butter, yogert, cream of wheat, and my fave is a high protein pumpkin dessert I made with 15 oz pumpkin, 2 pks sugar free fat free vanilla pudding mix, 2 scoops protein powder, 1 cup skim milk, and 8 oz fat free cream cheese. I should have halved it b/c it made 4 cups and I can only eat 1/4 cup at a time! I figured that 1/2 cup has about 100 cal, almost no fat, and like 11 grams of protein.
My eating habits for breakfast would be soy milk with either the Carnation Instant breakfast drink (the one with no sugar added) or I'll do soy milk with a Kashi cereal/oatmeal or yogurt with wheat germ. For lunch its tuna, chicken or a soup. I don't eat breads/rice or too much processed foods. They don't go down well. This morning I ran for 5k then drank a protein shake and I'm good til this afternoon. But I keep reminding myself to stay on track especially when I try on one of my outfits and it feels a lil snug.
yeah i'm taking my vitamins. i get them from, they're all pretty good. except for the hot cocoa calcium vitamin. don't get that. those are really gross. i had to send them back. you can have yogurt too on the second week. just not with any fruit chunks in it. when i get to nutrition class they gave me a little book, split up by week of all the things i can eat on each week. didn't you get one of those?
Hello and I want to thank you for your concern and I have never heard the chicken thing but ok. This was my 3rd fill and I felt like this each time but only for a day or two and then i felt as if my band would open up. I feel better today my yogurt went down fine and my water intake is much better so I will be sure to monitor myself and again thanks I have been keeping up with your blogs and I enjoy them. I hope all is well and keep up the good work. Michelle
Yay... we have the same bandday... sounds funny but it's cool at the same time. I'm actually looking at it as my second birthday because this is DEFINITELY a life changer.
I'm over the gas... honestly, I never really had any MAJOR pain (a little in my left shoulder, but that's about it). I am on all liquids, but I'm thinking about treating myself to a yogurt tomorrow (YAY!). I can't wait to chew again... I don't car if it's celery or carrots... I just want to eat something.
Do you find that your stomach is ALWAYS rumbling? I mean, I'm not "hungry" but I always know that my tummy is empty. It doesn't make me want to eat so much as I just want it to stop.
Well, best of luck to you. As of this morning, I'm down just over 12 pounds... in 6 days... un-freaking-believable! For the first time in a LONG time, I don't hate the scale!
I hope to get to be friends with many of you all here... this is a great journey and I'm glad to have good people to travel with!
Goals for today are 8 cups of water, no frozen yogurt, eat something green, and eat at least 2oz of protein before I start on my sides.
Glad to hear I"m already thinking about when I can have normal food!! I go to the doctor tomorrow to get my staples out and I should get the okay to move on to some regular foods...scrambled egg, tuna or chicken w/mayo, refried beans, sf yogurt, cottage cheese, sf pudding. I'm ready!!! Pretty tired of broth and sf jello.
Hey Kelly. How are you doing? I see you have started on some yogurt. I can't wait! I have my doctor's appointment on Wednesday and I should be able to start on some light yogurt, sf pudding, cottage cheese, etc. I need to start working at getting my protein in as I have really just been focusing on my liquids this first week. I bought some Premier Choc Shakes at Costco that have 30 grms prot
That is awesome!!!! So happy for you!!! I went to the store today! I may not make it til Friday! LOL! I am sooo ready!! Was yogurt the first thing you tried? What kind did you get?
I cheated and started mushies early. Yogurt never tasted so good!!!! I got on the scale Monday morning and had to step off to make sure it was right. I lost 5 lbs between my appt and Monday morning... I was really surprised!!!
Day 5 Post Op... Its going good, so glad to be home... Just trying to get in the liquids. Shakes are going down good, and I am able to get down yogurt
Managed 8 oz of Milk and a few bites of yogurt. I felt weird so I put my baby spoon down and tested it out a few mintues. Now I have that full sensation. So that's a bummer but at least I'm getting some protein in. I just can't do shakes right now Yuck! Even the ones I like.
At a yogurt shop with my kids and friends during day 5 of liquid diet sipping in water!!!! Lord have mercy! Hoping my will power is strong enough...
i havent lost weight in 4 days and im 3 weeks out from post op... and i have been sticking to what they told me i can eat.. soup, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, applesauce. i dont get it. and im always active. i hardly sit and do nothing.
Day 25: I am running out of things to eat!! I am honestly sick of soups, chili, yogurts, pudding and never wanna see jello ever again in my life!! by the time I eat, it's time to have water. By the time I finish my water, it's time to eat!! WTH!!! my tolerance level is low, I am at the verge of tears one minute and angry the next....I am tired.
today is my 1 week post-op mark.... i can't believe i've already made it this far. Last night i tried some cottage cheese and it was tough but i don't think i chewed it enough, today i did really well with greek yogurt and i'm able to explore with my purees now. Any tasty ideas that work well for others during the puree stage, please share and i'll do my best to try all the suggestions
Had fabulous if inappropriate dreams about an affair with chocolate last night. Woke up and ate yogurt, no fun-size Milky Ways anywhere. It's tough to be a skinny bitch.