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Found 15,849 results

  1. *susan*

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Eh, not really okay, but surviving. You can pretty much get the gist of it on facebook. Wow. When I was 20 I had a reduction. I was a HH and went down to a D. I used to have to have my bras special made in Orlando because stores just didn't carry them in my size. That was back in 1986 and they cost me around $80.00 each. And, that was also when I was quite small, weighed about 130, so I was very, very top heavy. It can be quite miserable. With my weight gain, I only went up to a DD, thank goodness.
  2. Charlene K

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    Charlene, when you eat real food don't just limit the quantity. Check the salt content. Your apparant weight gain could be from water retention. Also, if you're combining carbs with meat protein, you'll store the fat. If you don't have the carbs, the fat gets metabolized and used up. That's why its protein first then veggies and maybe a little fruit when you're in the weight loss phase. You even have to limit your whole grains because they still do break down into sugar, often have salt in them, and they're often combined with things that have fat, which you then store as well as the water. Thanks Cheri! I do think some of it is water retention due to carbs. I have always had a problem with water weight. Usually my weight goes down about 3lbs when the fall comes. Meanwhile, I will watch the carbs. Linda, yeah, I haven't made the chicken salad yet. It has grapes in it so I might just cut the light mayo amount in half. Grapes make it so moist.
  3. Apples2

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    This is a place that we can ALL post about our feelings, things that are bothering us, ppl that we just don't understand, etc. That's what is so nice about this thread that Janet started...our posts just don't have to be about food issues. We can vent. The more we stuff our feelings, the less free we are to deal with emotional eating, etc. So...vent, do whatever it takes. I am sure there are things that I gripe about and you guys are thinking "Why would she complain about that?". And, I know the lonely feeling that you have while your DH is gone and now you are also an empty nester again. I think the biggest reason for my weight gain was being lonesome. DH working 24/7, stuck out on this farm, not in the working world any longer. DH has done a wonderful job of now hiring a great percentage of the work done. He is seeing the light. He still works 12-13 hour days but he is finally now taking time to relax in the last 3 or so years. He made me a happy woman by seeing the light and dealing with his workaholism!:thumbup:
  4. ljv52

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    Hi everyone. Melissa, your job sounds like the last one I had in LA --I used to have to work at least 20 hours overtime the week before vacation and an extra 20 the week I returned -- in many ways it's a compliment that your boss wants only you to do the work - but believe me when you leave that job she'll adjust -- she'll have to do some of it or get HR to find other people to help her new assistant -- so you need to go to her and say, "I can't do this any longer -- it's affecting my HEALTH (which is NOT a lie -- weight gain is a big part of your health) and my FAMILY life -- and I can't work this much overtime so WE have to find a solution. If you make it "we" instead of "you" she should be more receptive. You should also suggest that the two of you work it out with someone from HR attending the meeting. If you're afrraid to do this, then please go to someone in HR and tell them you need a solution to the problem. You are a valuable employee that they won't want to lose. You really have nothing to lose at this point - if this will fix the problem then you're all set -- no more problem - if it doesn't fix it then you're in no worse shape than before and you can still be looking for a different job. If you keep going this way you'll end up just walking out one day and with this economy the way it is that would definitely be very harmful to your family. You owe it to yourself and your family to get this fixed. I wish I could come and do it for you -- would be your spokesperson if I could -- just take a deep breath. You've worked too hard to let this problem ruin your health again. Anny -- I used to put fruit in my shakes when I was on full liquids -- like strawberries or bananas and a little yogurt made it creamier -- ask your doctor first though. I'm sure that's allowable. You can also use flavorings which works well too. You're doing great -- but stay off the scale -- at least for the first few weeks -- the first six weeks after surgery is not about weight loss - it's about healing -- the last thing you need to do is stress yourself out about "only losing this amount of weight" this week -- take a break from the scale and then when you weigh in at your surgeons for your 6 week check up it can be a big surprise -- that's what I did - I stayed off the scales until then -- and I wasn't disappointed. Okay everyone, I'm home from the gym, took my shower and ate a bite - now it's time to watch a movie with DH. Love being off today!! Yippee!! CBL Linda
  5. ocotillo

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    Morning....fly by because I'm on my way to "the house". I finally got on the scale and don't like what I saw and knew it was happening. So that has ended and I'm back on the wagon. I have set a new goal for me, although it's baby steps, at least it's steps in the right direction. Although I've gained weight...10 lbs, this is a first for me. Usually my weight gains are all of what I've lost plus....you all know this cycle. This time it wasn't even 1/4 of what lost. This still isn't good, but I'm not going to beat myself up too bad, just get on Arlene's train and chug away at it. I haven't had to go up a size in my clothing yet. What I seem to be having trouble with is eating hot food. By the time I can get things chewed everything gets cold. In some ways that is good because then it's unappetizing, but I'm getting really tired of cold eggs. So the last couple of days (since I've been on the train) I've been adding Protein powder to my coffee and then about 10:30 or 11, I've poached an egg in V-8 (for some that may sound disgusting, but I love it). I've actually been able to eat the egg hot and then sip the V-8 warm. This seems to be helping me deal with the cold food issue. This could be because I've been so cold lately. I'm also doing more Soup, but that is also helping with the cold food issue. Last night I had shrimp with leeks and mushrooms. I made a one-pot dish and put the left over brown rice in it. It was very good, but because I really chew the shrimp slowly, I end up eating it cold. I threw out the rest of it. So this is my confession and it's probably the last you will hear about for a while. New year, new focus. Eva
  6. Tinagrl

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    1day at a time, did you lose all the weight and put it back on? How do you think the weight gain happened? Im just wondering because it sounds like you had lost some weight and put it back on again. Im worried i will do that too I learn from others and srry if im being nosey...just trying to catch up on the situation behind some of your posts. And YES you WILL take control of your weight. And there is a really really good friend to have in these situations...well in any situations....God. Best friend i ever had
  7. 1day at a time

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    Tina - I don't mind saying. When I started this journey I was 283 the lowest I got was 211 so far. I started to get cocky and my head got in the way. I asked for another fill thinking that would prevent my bad choices (which it did not it only made me tighter and gave me more problems). I also was laid off of work twice within my LB journey and I am an emotional eater so I was eating foods I was not supposed to which as anyone knows makes you feel good for like a second and then you feel horrible. I also got acid reflux from eating too late and eating the wrong things and worst of all being too tight. I tried to deal with it on my own and with the help of my friends here but it got to the point I had to go back to the Dr (just a note my surgeon is an hour and half away and I pay $100 for each visit due to the fact my insurance did not pay for the LB I had too) When I finally saw the Dr he took about half of my saline out (due to he was afraid I might get a slip and he knew my stomach was irratated and swollen) which basically put me back to the begining with the band. Now I can pretty much eat anything including things I could not eat for along time because I was too tight like cold drinks, fruit and salads. So the weight gain is all my fault and not following my surgeons directions. So please follow your surgeons directions. I go back on 01/04/10 to see my Dr and get a fill I hope. I try to do this my self but there is no restriction I am in what they call banster hell. Like what Janet said she mentally could eat more but doesn't. What hurts the most right now is my hubby and son have notice the weight gain and it makes me feel so bad I say I want to get to onderland but my actions have not changed. I actually do take meds for anxiety which help but my head is stuck in a rut. I am trying to force my head to get back in the swing of things by changing my job to a more physical type job which my back is freaking out about. I could walk to work which is 3.2 miles driving distance but my hubby and son are afraid things might happen to me walking not sure why it is not in a bad area and there are sidewalks. Okay I am just gabbing away I hope this answers your questions. Tina you are right I will do this. I just have to get out of the hole I created for myself with all this sugar and carbs I have been eating. Also I have tried to give my problems over to GOD but I have problems letting go. My Best Friend is helping me with my journey towards giving things to GOD I am a work in progress with that.
  8. Mrs. Bubba

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    Jodi, sorry you lost your posts.... would have been fun to hear every thing...... Glad to hear you are going to make Vegas.... It will be nice to meet Dassi, too.... Judy, you just put her out of your mind and listen to us.... You are beautiful.....just like Janet said..... Melissa, how are you???? You've not been posting much these days,.... Hope all is well... Joyce, good for you..... I love to go to water aerobics, but have no where to go now that I can't pull myself out of the pool.. I need a walk-out, like most motels have..... I miss that and am so glad you went and enjoyed it.... Lori, you are just a jet setter, aren't you......??? Good for you.... Sounds so exciting.... makes my life seem boring.... Well, I'm not sure who should be getting the kudos for 2nd bandiversary, but it isn't me..... Mine is in August.... about a month from now..... And I'm not happy about how I'm doing right now.... I'm gaining and I know it is mostly water weight gain from these dang pills.... I can feel myself bloating up..... I called the doctor to ask what I can do about it... I have other side effects, too....... Bad dreams..... I hardly ever dream otherwise and now it's most nights... Not nightmares, but weird dreams that make me feel odd the next day.. I'm jittery and my hands shake all the time and I have this horrid taste in my mouth all the time... I eat lots of popsicles to try to chew away the bad taste.... Sounds weird..... I hate the weight gain...... I know it's mostly medical, but it takes my mind back to other times when I failed and gained everything back.... Not good for the frame of mind..... On a positve note, the nurse called today to say that Mayo called and requested the actual discs of my MRI and x-rays... They only faxed the written reports.... So that means someone is paying attention to me and that I am worth checking the discs before they make a decison about seeing me.... I've got my fingers crossed that it means I'm going to get in...... Some one asked earlier a bout just calling for an appointment... Mayo clinic doesn't work like that.... They only take cases that cannot be helped my your local medical services or in specific extreme cases..... I have heard of people just going there and camping in their waiting room until someone sees them, but I'm not prepared to do that......YET!!!!! It seems like I had so much more to tell you all, but can't think of it right now.... DD called and said that lots of the kids at daycare had rashes and she didn't want Mimi there and could I come get her.... So, she is sitting in the chair watching Little Bear now.... We are doing "big girl panties" now so Grandma needs to pay attention.... I haven't done this in a long time and actually the sitter trained DD more than I did...... Oh, did want to tell you that DD and her family got a new puppy yesterday.... DF just had to have a dog... They had picked one out at the shelter and gone through all the things......3 visits, application, and etc..... but were turned down because the girls were too small and they didn't trust this 2 year old cocker with them.... So they went looking for giveaways and found a cute little beagle..... Vinny..... Now DD is potty training three babies!!!! OMG!!! Gotta run..... Hugs to all.... I just know I'm forgetting things I wanted to say..... But hopefully I'll remember soon... Julie
  9. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Hi All! With Spring just around the corner thought I'd try a colorful font. Back on the bandwagon pretty solid right now. Started to show some weight gain after last weekend's birthday party. That Hollandaise Sauce was a killer. Then there were these small cheesecakes.... Then Monday at work there was unbelievable goodies. Someone went to Panera Bread and bought all these day old pastries and someone else baked. I can usually say no to pastries but that was the day I found out we're getting audited for compliance with all the NCLB paperwork and recordkeeping. Plus I've been hurting, more this week than the past weeks. My neck is stopping me from being able to walk because just a little bit of arm-swinging irritates it and causes nerve-compression and headaches. I may go back to the Workman's Comp Dr. and request Toradol which is a powerful antiinflammatory and pain killer. I want to avoid having my neck get so bad I end up needing an epidural. That's what happened a few years ago after a bad fall. I shattered my knuckle and needed surgery but that didn't even hurt compared to my neck. I'm not that bad yet but I need to avoid exercise in order to not aggravate it. But that takes away my biggest mood controller, pain killer, and ADHD therapy--walking. So right now I'm gutting it out with the food and I don't have the exercise to help me. Hard protein and some veggies. A few nuts and seeds. SF DCaf lattes and protein shakes. Lost two lbs quickly. One to go. But I already notice my pants are tighter, not because of the weight as I'm only a lb over goal, but because of lack of exercise. Amazing how that trims inches. I may have to lose another 5-10 lbs to keep looking as thin as I did. Especially if I really have to limit the exercise from now on. I must say, that though I can eat around the band, its not comfortable. And the band made it really easy to get back into the groove. As soon as I started filling up with protein first, there wasn't room for much else. Congratulations to those newly banded and those about to be banded. Hugs to all those for whom life has taken a difficult turn. And when gas from sauerkraut has you walking the floors all evening and you can't find a comfortable position, just remember, this too shall pass. Laughter and love, Cheri
  10. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    Talked with my 7th grade girls group about the 10,10,10 principle, which is a way of helping you make decisions. We make decisions just about every moment and we need to ask ourselves what would the results be, good and bad, 10 minutes from now, 10 months from now, and 10 years from now. I thought about how that applied to food and how something that looks good right now and would satisfy our craving right now (or maybe not) ends up cumulatively as weight gain 10 months down the road which 10 years down the road puts us on the path of high blood pressure, high, cholesterol, high blood sugar, and prone to heart disease, strokes, Alzheimers, breast and colon cancer, Dr.s' bills, food bills, wardrobe bills, loss of income from not being able to work as well or at all, shame, etc.,etc., etc. Of course, for my kids, the consequences of bad decisions now, like just going outside and walking around at night in high risk neighborhoods, can be fatal. 10 minutes from now, 10 months from now, 10 years from now. Puts things in perspective.
  11. Charlene K

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    I think you are right. I take FM medication and bp medication. The dr told me the bp med I am on causes weight gain. I have been counting my calories and protein, but I haven't been monitoring my carbs. I need to go back and stay under 50 carbs a day like my shake diet. I forgot that you eat a lot of calories to maintain. We all have different metabolisms. I will probably buy the Optifast products today to supplement my new food diet. I don't think I am ready for a totally food diet. Great, thanks for the carb reminder! Janet, thanks for the pep talk! Apples, you and the gang keep me in check . Thanks for letting me vent. Okay, I walked.......gotta go shower.....go to nutrition class.....weigh.....babysit. Will check in later! HUGS!
  12. ljv52

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    I wrote the following around 8 a.m. but it wouldn't let me post -- luckily I copy & pasted it and didn't lose it. This site is terrible Goooood Morning All!!!! I agree that we need time to laze around and yakkity yakkity yak while in Chicago. That's why we need a week! LOL. I'm hoping most can come Thursday evening and leave Sunday or Monday. I myself will probably plan to get there Thurs. and leave Mon. Morning since I'm taking the train -- I'm in no rush to return to work. LOL. Apples -- are there trains from your area? I'm excited -- I love travel by train -- so interesting and relaxing. Sandy, I too used to be like you -- I was soooooo clean it was sickening -- I'm still fussy (no one can ever clean to my satisfaction -- I always end up firing any and all cleaning people I hire), but I'm not nearly as bad as I was in my younger days. My ah ha wake up moment was when I had kidney failure -- that was when I decided i wanted to live and get healthy and enjoy life. I agree with you about the 50 thing of realizing we aren't going to be around forever -- I quit smoking right after I turned 50 but it took me longer to realize my weight was also killing me. I used to say I was a "healthy fat woman". Wow, who the heck was I kidding? I used to say, "I'm never going to deprive myself of anything again cause it doesn't do any good." I also used to say "I can't exercise cause of my back - it will make it hurt worse" when in fact it doesn't hurt any worse and often feels better after exercise. That was just the fat chick inside me determined to take over and kill me! Once my GD was born it made me realize I wanted to be around to see her grow up. I'm so happy I made those choices. Eva and Apples sounds like a fun day - even if you aren't into sewing I'm sure the quit show was interesting. Apples, I am like you -- I have gotten away from all my creative projects as well -- especially sad I have not finished my book. We must vow to get back to these things this year. I too have a huge stamp collection and never make cards -- I have all these supplies and they sit, year after year unused. I must stop procrastinating and to it this year!! My DH was not feeling well when we returned from Des Moines yesterday. Tried a new bbque place that someone recommended and it was good -- I had turkey and a few bites of Beans -- couldn't eat much - DH had brisket and garlic bread (including mine), beans and french fries so not sure if something he ate made him sick or not. I felt fine -- it might just be the regular flu - -he had chills and aches and upset tummy. Hope he's better today - he's still slumbering - I really want to see the King's speech. Hope we can go. Aylah called and said she made us some refrigerator magnets and wants to stop by and bring them to us. She's so darn cute -- she's so excited. Spent about 2 hours in the kitchen after our return cleaning my chicken breasts and butterflying them in preparation for freezing - bought 10 lbs. of breasts - and it took awhile. Then I took the meat off the rotissiere chicken for DH - will make him some more homemade soup today -- that will cure him. Julie, sorry you are still having problems -- have you been to any doctors recently? When is your DH having his shoulder surgery? When is your DD due? Is it March? I can't remember. Sorry to hear about the weight gain -- try to eat mostly Protein and maybe some sugarfree puddings with extra protein in them -- that will help your hunger and shouldn't put on pounds. Have some protein drinks when you get hungry -- it's quick and easy - add a banana in it -- some Peanut Butter (or our powdered peanut butter) really helps fill you up -- DH is right - you need to have food to keep up your strength -- but the right kind of food is what you need --not carbs -- they don't build up your strength. Hope things turn around -- maybe you'll start to feel better when the cold weather passes -- it may be linked to cold, damp weather. I'm trying to remember when all of this started -- was it during winter? Hugs to you Julie, we think of you often. Hope it gets better. Cheri, Kaye has information on dumping syndrome on her site -- from what I remember reading it sounded like we could get it -- not just the by pass patients -- if I see that article again I'll send you the link. Arlene, you mom sounds like quite a lady -- I'd love to see a picture of her. I'm so glad she's doing better and ready to get back to her old life -- she's quite a fighter by the sounds of it. Good for her - you are such a great daughter -- glad you have such a good relationship with her - it's nice to hear about. I miss my mom and wish I could have some more time with her now that I'm older I think we'd have a better relationship. So please hear me when I tell you to enjoy her and be thankful she's still in your life -- once she's gone you'll miss her everyday. Well, DH isn't up yet so I think I'll get dressed and go work out. Have a good day everyone. Linda
  13. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    I've been making myself iced decaf coffee lattes with Splenda. I have a 20 oz container that I fill twice a day. I use a lot of 1% milk so that helps me get my milk as well as my 64 oz of Fluid a day. The milk provides constant Protein and a little fat and carbs and I think it keeps my blood sugar stable between meals. And it tastes good. The thing that made me want to totally stay away from pop is that the bubbles can stretch your new tiny tummy during the time when its still trying to stabilize and heal. I also don't want to get any more stuck gas in me than I already have. It can also cause reflux. You also lose some of your restriction if you stretch the tummy. Find a tasty substitute for the pop. Also for the ice cream if possible. I try not to keep it in the house, but my husband bought it for himself. He did, however, make me some ff sf choc. pudding to eat at night. The ice cream may be alright for you if you're sticking to the 1/4 to 1/2 cup guideline. Ice cream is one of my trigger foods so you'll have to judge whether it causes you to crave having more. I find that exploring and posting on this site is helping me. I was banded June 18th and I started a blog the week before to help me deal with all the other issues that go along with compulsive overeating. Its like journaling daily. On yesterday's blog I talked about eating disorders and their causes and my history of weight gain and dieting. If you'd like to view the blog you can do it at: IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF Dealing with the addiction in these ways has really helped me stay on top of my cravings. Don't beat yourself up. Guilting and shaming yourself will drive you right back into the food.
  14. LittleOleMeinFL

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    ok, ok. It seems my attempt at humor regarding the "coach bag vs. barium swallow to check band" joke was lost in the translation! My apologies. I received SEVERAL concerned and 1 pissed off comment about it, so let me say something for the record. 1) I have had reflux off and on for 10+ years and been on PPIs (prilosec) for 10+ years. 2) Studies prior to banding, during surgery and after have shown no hiatal hernia. 3. Lap banders with a previous history of reflux (almost but not always, usually) have reflux after banding (worst if you are "tight" or "too tight" or even at "sweet spot") 4. I would never ever EVER sacrifice my health for a stupid purse! (yes, someone, who is a "watcher" of our post but has never posted, accused me of putting my health in jeopardy for the vanity of designer THINGS.) DEEP SIGH. We are taking ourselves wayyyyy too seriously guys. They said I need to be careful of what I posted b/c there are LB patients who will take my statement as truth and will jeopardize their health and ignore serious symptoms. That being said, let me clarify things a bit. Yes, 3 months ago after an un-needed fill (which many of you thought I didn't need), I quickly had to go get an unfill. Although I have "maintained" my weight for the last 6+ months, I have in no way, shape or form been very healthy about it. Although I lead an active lifestyle (keeping up with a 6 year old, swimming, shopping, living) I have not been doing much purposeful exercise. The result of which is- I stayed the same weight, but lost muscle and tone. I have actually gone down in "size" but have felt an increase in abdominal fat. Now- over the last 2-3 months have seen a 8-10 pound gain. (hovering around 225 today) Although this seems a small amount (in the grand scheme of things), I truly think it was enough to effect my band. Our stomachs can lose and gain weight too. We have fat around and on our stomachs. Weight gain alone can cause our bands to get tight. If you add peri menopausal Fluid fluctuations in the mix, it can cause havoc on our bands. I truly think that the need for 3 unfills is more to do with the lack of exercise and gaining of 10 lbs, than it has to do with something serious. Other than the occasional reflux which got worse the last couple days, i have had NO PBs, no vomiting, no pain, and no increased ability to eat food- nor the inability to eat food. I have had the same restriction more or less since reaching my sweet spot- after a cup of solid food I am full. Both nights that I had severe reflux I ate too close to bed AND I had dairy (frozen yogurt) after eating solids food for dinner. The dairy then sits on top of the food and loves to cause havoc on my esophagus once it relaxes when I fall asleep. Is this clear as mud now? I am going to go make a Protein shake and take a shower. I walked 3 miles for the second day in a row and my legs are hurting..LOL. I will cbl...peasout..Laura PS. I will write more to everyone later.
  15. ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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    I have to take an anti-inflammatory every day. I take it with food or try to coat my stomach with something. Right now I'm tight from weight gain and am having some trouble taking it. I'm using an antacid when I take it to protect my stomach. When I'm not tight I have no trouble at all. More reason to take these lbs back off. I do supplement with Tylenol extra strength if I need more pain killer. I take half the anti-inflammatory I used to take. Need less with the weight loss. I have heard that Tumeric (spice) is a great natural anti-inflammatory but that doesn't mean it isn't hard on the stomach. Same with Fish Oil supplements. Those are known to contribute to reflux.
  16. Charlene K

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    Arlene, glad you are feeling better..... You have too many down days, too.... Life should be easier at this age.... Julie, I am feeling so much better. Everyone in this part of Texas has the "crud". Our weather goes from 40 to 80 in a day. One thing that has helped my FM pain is the steroid shot I got in my "trigger thumb". My thumb is fine now and when the weather changes I haven't had pain. Of course, the down side is weight gain. I think I gain when I take Tylenol. UGH! Janet, I am taking my friend to get fillers in her face. I am going to get an estimate on my mug while I am there. Does it hurt? Do you bruise? My mother said she would give me the fillers for my 60th birthday. Of course, my jealous sister (16 months older) said she wants them for my birthday too. Whatever! As long as mama is paying. lol Eva, good going on the Protein shakes. I know about the stomach rumbles. Gas-x helps. Take it before you drink the shake. Cheri.....HUGS for you DD! Oh, Janet, I have been walking everyday. I will go back to the gym when my coughing stops.....almost there. Joyce, how are you feeling? Okay gang, I checked in today......let us know how you are doing.
  17. LittleOleMeinFL

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    Hello all~ I am feeling better today. Last night I must've gotten up to pp about 5 times! Already this a.m. was back to 245, so we will see in the a.m. My feet are much much better. It's weird b/c this is the first time since surgery that I have had any swelling in my feet/hands. DH was also up 5 lbs or so from that trip. LOL Meredith! You are a trip, at least we are the same!:biggrin: Linda~ <hugs> I am so sorry to hear about your DGD's diagnosis. DM is a frustrating disease. It is good they caught it early and it does respond well to steroids and the IV meds. I knew they gave IVIG, but didn't know that much about the methotrexate. I will definitely keep her in my daily prayers. 1day~ Thanks for your support. It does help knowing you guys are there. And even more... knowing we have all been in the same place.:thumbup: Kath~ sorry to hear about your DD's relapse. Drug addiction is a horrible thing. It seems like your band is really helping you- glad you are having restriction with your 2nd fill! Young~ thanks for the tip. I hope your A1C does get better. They gave you a surgery date! :tongue2: That usually means they are confident that you will get things under control. Buckle down and be good these next few weeks and you could bring that # down! I use a mask with my CPAP. (ResMed- Ultra Mirage). I tried the nasal pillows but always had a leak. My DH has had a CPAP for 9 years and tried every mask out there! The one thing that helps me is the humidifier! If you don't have one, it may make the difference for you. I don't want to repeat the sleep study, but I am fairly confident that the weight I have lost has cured my SA. My DH, being an anesthesiologist, will watch and listen to me sleep sometimes. He said I have stopped snoring. I never had periods of stopping breathing- just that my oxygen levels went down. When we went to Quebec I didn't bring my machine and did fine. I know my SA was induced by my weight gain. One more thing to say goodbye to soon! And, yes, I would love to meet you when you are town! I've been busy unpacking, doing laundry, grocery shopping and getting back in the swing of things. Although we had a GREAT time in Canada, there is no place like home. Here are a few pics from the trip. After we landed in Newark the pilots invited Nelson up front. (he had an airplane shirt on and had an identical plane in his hand!) He was thrilled! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! peasout!~~~
  18. Apples2

    I'm here to help...

    Linda...loved your A.I. explanation. LOL I was saying a couple of weeks ago that I think I expected to lose my weight, look in the mirror and see the same 38 yr old face I had prior to weight gain. Heck, sometimes I startle myself (honestly I do) when I look in the mirror and I have aged. That's just not supposed to happen!
  19. jedp

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    Hey IndioGirl55 Wow what a great weight loss in a relatively short time. I am 5'6" and a whopping 300 pounds. I have had my band for five days and since my presurgery preparation have lost around 12 pounds - not much but best I have done in some years. I just gave up, around and around I went on the weight loss/weight gain merry-go-round and each time I lost I put much more on. I am so happy I have taken the plunge. I hope I will look half as good as you. Unfortunately, given the amount of weight I am looking at a cut and shut after I lose the weight. That's for another day. Bye from sunny Australia:cool2:
  20. Great2BThin

    I'm here to help...

    Good afternoon, well my volunteering days at the hospital are behind me. I was a little hurt that they acted like no other day and didn't really say good bye or anything today. Weird. I didn't expect a big party or anything but a thankyou or something would've been nice, oh well, I didn't do it for that, I did it because I wanted to. Apples, my volunteering sounds a lot like your's. One day when I was there a gal came in for a fill, the nurse practioner had me go see her in the exam room, weigh her, and talk to her about her weight gain, give her suggestions etc. she had me do everything but the actual needle part. I just felt the gal is paying to see a professional not a volunteer. And other times I'd get this list of things to do but wouldn't have a clue what it was etc. and would spend so much time trying to figure it out that it would be time to leave. It was so unorganized, she'd tell me to organize it, kindda hard when you don't know what many things even are. Today I organized all the preop class lists and cleared out 2007 and 2008's. I found mine for June 2008, seems like so long ago. It was dated 5/17/2008 which was my 50th birthday, that's the day I went to my first pre op class. Great way to spend my bday!! Getting educated for the rest of my life in my new lifestyle. Are you still cooking for all the men then? I thought you 'retired'?? Do any of the schools need volunteers? You could read to the kids or something? Laura, love the pool pic and the room your dad is sitting in all those windows, lovely! I bet the photographer friend really appreciated your order. Other Laura, CONGRATS on the mile!! That's awesome. Arlene, congrats on 2 more lbs!! Julie, glad you got some rest, hope those shots kick in soon! HotMama, welcome. Sounds like you could be too tight?? are you eating small bites, chewing slowly and still PBing?? I know we want great restriction but you can have too much restriction too.
  21. Apples2

    I'm here to help...

    Just working towards page #1000 and watching Desparate Housewives. Arlene...pecan pie is my favorite also and think that it was the cause of at least 75#s of my weight gain. My grandmother was the best cook and baker. She baked every day. She was our neighbor and always had fresh baked good when the 8 of us kids came home from school. Glad your son liked the cake. Lori...glad things are resolve with DH. Janet....the work change next week sounds like a good plan. Less stress during a busy week.
  22. Apples2

    I'm here to help...

    Hey to Everyone.... Linda...your bro's health problems break my heart. I cannot imagine how you are feeling. When you posted about jumping when the phone rings....Hang in there. You are always so positive and upbeat. I know you are processing everything and doing what you can at this time. I just with you would be able to go see him. Not saying that to put the pressure on you...saying that because that's what I wish for you. Jessica...what wonderful photos. That little Jake is such a cutie...you are so beautiful and hubby also is quite photogenic. What a pretty family. So sorry you are feeling the pressure. Love your idea of sending DS to GM so you can have a weekend to concentrate on your studies. Maybe some time alone with DH would give you the opportunity to talk to your DH about needing a little extra from him. Speaking from experience here......I had a plate FULL for many years, expressed my feelings to DH and you know what he says now? Why didn't you put your foot down and make me see what I was doing with being a workaholic?...I thought I was trying to get through to him. We made it work but I now know I should have done the ultimatum. LISTEN NOW....not 25 yrs later. A lot of stress on me and contribute most of my weight gain to that stress. I can't go back to live it all over again....just advice from an old lady. Just try to take some time for you and DH that you can try to meet half way on responsibilities. Julie...so happy you have come to the realization (and your doc too) that your pain was most likely caused by your band. You did it, you hung in there during the tough times and now you just have to figure out a plan that will work for you. You need some kind of support system. First, try to see if you can get some kind of support or someone to talk to that will be covered by your insurance. Even if it means going to your LB support group...it's someone to talk to.
  23. Apples2

    I'm here to help...

    Melissa....have you ever thought of having your DH pay for individual policies for himself and your DS and you going on your own with a policy subsidised by your state? I am not sure of the GA health ins laws, but in our state it is the most reasonable way to go when one family member is a high risk to ins companies. Might be worth checking out. Even with a high deductible, would be much less than paying out what you would with Cobra. Just a thought. If your DH and DS are healthy, they could choose a high deductible also and everybody would have a savings on premium. Do you have and ins agent that would go to bat for you? If not, find one that will take a look at your situation. I think of you often and the struggles you have been through the last few months. And, YES, you CAN get back to Onderland. Heck, I weighed 119-125 until I started on the weight gain wagon. Put your sights on a number you feel comfortable with and focus on that goal. We are here to help you along that path:tt1:
  24. kab1278

    I'm here to help...

    Hello again everyone!!! It seems that in the few days I missed checking into LBT, everyone has been snowed or iced in, or lost power because of the gas shortages associated with Texas! Wow! Well...anyhoo...I was glad to rediscover this thread as it took me about a half an hour. I haven't been on the site much lately nor since they changed things. So if I seem confused about things...I am! Ok...how to start...well, I became depressed and anxious as a teen and started Prozac which served me well for 2 years. When its effectiveness began to fade, as Rxs often can, I started taking Effexor XR. I started gaining weight very slowly even though I was on my school's and a community softball team, and running around like most teens do. A number of years later, my depression developed into Bipolar II Depressive (meaning I can get really, really depressed but my hypo-manic periods do not cause me to put reality aside in order to partake in high-risk activities. When I am hypo-manic, I am super fun and bubbly, ready to organize and clean my house from top to bottom.) So my psychiatrist moved me from Effexor XR to a different class of medication for Bipolar, and my weight gain stopped. I didn't lose any weight, but it finally stabilized. It wasn't until a few years after stopping the Effexor XR that my Mom asked if I had started my weight gain when I began taking the Effexor XR. We had found our answer. When I started gaining weight, I didn't let anyone help me because I was SO embarrassed. I had always been very happy with the way I looked...nothing special...but I was happy and that was all that mattered to me. And then gaining that weight; seeing family I hadn't seen in years; running into old classmates and dealing with being Bipolar and having Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Dx'd as a teen), I ran away from all help and probably made things worse without knowing it by not watching my food intake. Ok...last and (LOL)...last January, I went to the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, MD for a medicine protocol, which went well, but two of the meds they put me on after the protocol to go home on had a high propensity to make patients gain weight. In a month and a half, while eating a nutritionist planned diet, I gained 25 more pounds! I was inpatient for 4 months with the hospital keeping track of weight and food intake, and up until I started the new meds, I had gained 3 pounds over those 4 months. It was yet another blow. As I began to feel better psychologically on my new medications, I decided I was going to research the LapBand to get the aid I needed to lose 100lbs. I researched and researched, and researched, and decided it was my time to do something to help myself. I have been banded since 8/24/10 and have lost 28lbs! Currently I am in a depressive state which is why it took me so long to get back on here, but it seems to be lifting a bit with the sun we've had the past few days. I usually log my eating although other than Protein and calorie intake, I have no idea how to use the information because my surgeon hasn't been very helpful in that, but I have slacked off on logging for the past month and a half due to my depression. I spent 3 days in bed 2 weeks ago so logging wasn't much a priority. Same with exercise. I did order and get the Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred" and like it. It is pretty old school, so it isn't hard to keep up with...well, physically it is, but the moves aren't. I wish I had someone to go to a Zumba class with, but with this anxiety of mine, that is a tough thing to do alone. But I am staying positive that February will be my back on track month, and I will start losing again (been stuck at same weight for 3 weeks). I am trying not to beat myself up because I have many issues to deal with, and I knew going in I would have to work doubly hard. I try to give myself a short period to feel badly and then say, "Ok. Now we get to start again." I think my "book" covered what you were kinda asking for. Feel free to ask questions or give advice. The only thing I ask is that if I ask a question about my digestive track, you don't answer me back that "it isn't like you have a piece of PVC pipe from your esophagus to your bowel". Yea...some guy actually told me that. I thanked him for the physiology lesson. LOL Still makes me giggle. Hope it makes you giggle too! Keep warm. Please pray that Spring starts...oh...tomorrow! And be Blessed!
  25. Charlene K

    I'm here to help...

    Phyl, too bad you can't get an MRI......then you could get an epidural shot and hopefully relieve the pain before you leave. So glad your GS was not seriously injured. I bet he is really sore. Linda, sorry you are having Fibro issues. I am better today. I broke down and took Ibprophen last night.....really helped. I swear by the Savella I take for FM, but it is not for everyone. Lyrica causes weight gain. I won't go there......not for now. Judy, You go girl! I love the chocolate Optifast bars......creamy chicken soup too......not crazy about the shakes. Too sweet for me. Jessica, it is great you are re-connecting with your brother. Cheri.....the warm water therapy is awesome. I think I could hang in one all day. I did check into a therapy pool......very expensive. Julie.....Hang in There!!!!!!! Laura.....prayers for mom Janet......where are you? Apples......thinking of you!!! Lori......chicken thighs.......Yum.....my favorite part of the chicken! Okay, gang.......later!

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