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  1. i know quite a few people who are/were on it. those currently on it, lost anywhere from 10-70 lbs. those who are no longer in it, gained back anywhere from none to all the weight back. though the majority of the no-longer-users kept of "most" of their weight losses off. so still a decent net loss in the end (so far). i myself experimented with ozepmpic last year...my mom is diabetic and i asked if i could try her stash because she takes less than ½ of the lowest dose as she says its too strong (so she had lots of surplus omg)...she's lost maybe 30-40 lbs (my stepdad is also diabetic with his own ozempic rx, and he lost closer to 70 lbs) anyway...i took the lowest dosage for 4 weeks at 120lbs thinking i could lose 5lbs tops...i ended up losing 8 or 9 lbs i think. i stopped after the 4th week and pretty much went back to pre-ozempic weight-ISH within a couple months. (i am 119.1 lbs this morning). so yeah, just like wls and everything else in life, individual losses and experiences depends on the person. now while this was an interesting experiment, it was FREE. if i had to pay for it, i'd pass. for me, at least, its not worth it..but for someone with more weight to lose, and who has the means and the inclination, and the access...why not? good luck! ❤️
  2. JennyBeez


    Ooh, I always fall behind on that too. I've heard from so many people how important it is to practice when you're not feeling symptoms so you can kind of mentally pull it up easier when you need it -- muscle memory, but for the brain? -- but it's one of those things that I'll do for like a week and forget one day and not pick it back up. Meanwhile I know it would probably work amazingly since I've done similar things to practice getting out of night terrors (counting fingers, etc). ISTG if I don't set alarms to remind me to do certain things, they never get done.
  3. Hurray! My endoscopy was a success today 😊 No pain, no memory, no issues, all clear ready for the next step on my bariatric surgery. I’m thankful that I was put in for today’s list after someone cancelled as I was told that it was normally a 6 month wait as they on have 1 list per week for deeper sedation with only 4 patients on said list. Here’s a turn up for the books - the snotty Sister from yesterday’s phone-call was at the sister hospital today and sought me out to apologise to me 😮 To say I was surprised is an understatement but I’ve accepted her apology and I’m moving on. Thanks for all the support yesterday. It meant the world to me and showed me that I wasn’t being unreasonable. 💜
  4. Good evening I am 4 nights away from my gastric sleeve surgery. I am most nervous about the 3 weeks of liquids after surgery. I’m worried that I may get dehydrated or that I won’t get enough protein in while I’m recovering. I know everyone says use a timer but I still feel like I am going to need to rest during the day time from the anesthesia. 1. How do I keep up with the fluids and get in enough sleep/rest? 2. How do people tolerate liquids for so long without feeling like they are starving? 3. Provide 1 inspirational phrase or a positive statement
  5. I never had a leak but a relative did. The stomach takes 6 weeks to heal and she split open her sutures by not following plan. She ate solids way too early.
  6. I'll start! I just bought jeans almost two weeks ago and they are already getting baggy....think I might need to sport the mom/ boyfriend jean look for awhile
  7. KathyLev

    Weight gain/stall 1 month pist

    I know how discouraging stalls/gains can be . I'm still at a 2 and a half month stall
  8. I had the Pho broth from week one, I made it myself so it was not too salty or chilli hot. It was so good I could have bathed in it. At 2 years + now, I can manage a couple of spoons of noodles at the end of the meal. I don't crave mountains of noodles now, I am used to just a few for the mouth feel.
  9. JennyBeez

    Monday Check-In

    Oof, I'm still on cardio and working in light resistance training with bands (no weights yet). I keep re-straining my abdomen just doing simple things like twisting slightly when bending to get something out of a drawer at my desk, so my team has cautioned me not to start any actual weights until that pain leaves and stays gone for at least a week. :S My Monday is doing pretty good, but my weekend was awful (hormones, heightened body dysmorphia, heightened reaction to thinning patches of hair). This morning though, I found one of my matte eyeshadows is just the right colour to hide the most noticeable thin patch at my temple; I lost more weight this week than last even while fighting menstrual hormones and emotions; and several regular customers have complimented me this morning about both my hair and weightloss so even if I can't look at myself in the mirror without anguish, at least I'm getting some external confirmation that a lot of it is in my head. (@Bypass2Freedom I hope you're keeping an eye on your blood pressure too! After losing as much weight as you have already, it's not abnormal for blood pressure to lower even if it wasn't an active problem for you pre-op. Just make sure you stand up / raise your torso & head slowly after you've been exercising for a while)
  10. @ccast49 It does get better, It will get better, and I know you're probably sick of hearing it ... but walk walk as much as you can ... it will help. Be kind to yourself too. And a hot water bottle really is your friend, the first week I slept sandwiched between 2 with one in my front and one at the small of my back.
  11. hiya! do you have a team or doc to reach out to for guidance...you will find that calorie and macro advice will run the gamut on here, as our docs all have different recommendations! with that said, your intake will really depend you your own physiological makeup as well as if you are looking to lose more weight or maintain... at one year post, i was in maintenance, and was averaging about 1500-1600 calories with about 75g protein. i was also 5'2" and 110 lbs-ish at the time, doing about 1-2 hrs of cardio AND strength training 4-5 times a week today i am 5.5 years out and average about 2000-2200 (recently increased from 1800 because i am on an exercise kick at the moment: 1 hour of exercise 6 days a week) and weigh 118-ish on average. so the recommendation on your cals (and macros) will depend on how tall you are, how much you currently weigh, how much activity you currently participate in, and whether you are looking to lose weight or maintain.
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Down Time

    I agree, the drinking and eating is time consuming. Take at least a week. Take what you can, you'll be glad you did. Remember its a major surgery either removing a portion of an organ or restructuring your digestive tract - either way its a serious surgery.
  13. I absolutely had this, right around 4 weeks post-op from VSG. With laparoscopic VSG, there's one larger incision where they remove the stomach remnant (usually on the right side), and I know my surgeon said there's generally an internal stitch there that will dissolve over time (or pop, if you put too much pressure on it). In my case, I bent over pretty far to pick something up and felt a POP and a little pain, then it was fine. I noticed right after that my previously puckered-looking incision was now flat, so I was fairly certain it was the internal stitch popping. I asked the team about it, and they said that's exactly what it sounded like, palpated the area a bit, and had no concerns. Now, I'm not sure how this relates to RNY, but it's possible you also had an internal stitch that just finally let go. No pain following the pop is good. At 4 weeks out, your incisions should be starting to heal up pretty nicely, but it's definitely best to check with your team juuuuuust in case! Good luck!
  14. RnYBabe

    6-10 Week Out Restriction Feeling

    I did experience a sudden feeling of fullness that wasn't present in the beginning when I ate/drank. My doctor ordered an esophagogram and let me know it could be the nerves in my stomach healing or a stricture. For me, it turned out to just be the nerves healing and I got adjusted as the weeks went on.
  15. ms.sss

    running or walking?

    since we are talking about other exercise besides running and walking...want to chime in here that my current flavour du jour of exercise: REFORMER PILATES....kinda like yoga on steroids. i tend to go through phases of exercise types, and have tried countless forms of exercise to see what i like and they all come and go (hot yoga, regular yoga, aerial yoga, zumba, rock climbing, salsa, tap, pole dancing, kick boxing, cross fit, swimming, etc, etc). but so far running is the only thing that i have been able to keep an interest in this whole time is running (about 5 years now...) but methinks reformer pilates will make the long haul HALL of FAME for me (along with running), but it does tend to get expensive (running is FREE! lol). i've been doing reformer pilates 2-3 times a week now for the past 5 months and the interest has been sustained...well see! long story short, find something YOU enjoy doing, because that is the thing YOU will most likely keep doing long term. good luck! ❤️ p.s. i also do weight training twice a week...but RELUCTANTLY because i HATE it. i'll keep doing this until i can't (or won't lol) because i know its good for me. luckily my Mr. hounds me to do it every week, so that helps i guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ (but i still hate it!)
  16. newbegining2024

    How many 2 oz. purees per day?

    Wow 3 weeks post op and only 2oz? I would contact your clinic and see if they have any recommended plan. Did they tell you how many meals a day? For my program they told me to have 3 meals a day. I use my shakes as snacks. My meals at 3 weeks post op is 5oz tho. 3oz pf protein, 1oz puree vegetable and 1oz of starch. I can’t finish all, but I would stop and go back to it.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    OMG OMG OMG!!!!!

    I don't know why, but something told me to check my weight today. I had no intention of doing it for another week, but because I take Linzess for IBS-C and it pulls water from the body to help with pooing, I thought maybe I was shedding the water weight a little faster. Not only that, but I wanted to see if I lost the 3 pounds from the surgery I had, so I checked this morning. Omg almost there!!! 5 more pounds until I hit my official goal weight!!!! 😁
  18. I am 35 HW: 325 SW: 297 CW 189 Gastric Sleeve Surgery Date: 1/24 1. What was the best part of surgery for you? Having a ton of energy! Not feeling groggy, my knees don't hurt when I wake up, working out and staying motivated, playing with my kids after a long day and still having the energy to cook dinner and pick up the house and sex life has improved, 2. What was the worst part of surgery for you? The first week kinda sucked with how much gas pains and not being able to eat barely anything and I am dealing some hair loss right now. Other than that I had a really smooth surgery. 3. Did you have any complications (minor or major) during or after your surgery? I was lucky, mine has been smooth sailing 4. How has adjusting to your new life been for you? Its different, I get more attention which is tough for me to get used to, I love exercising, I love shopping, I love getting ready everyday for work. I am the best version of myself, my boyfriend and kids deserve it and overall I deserve it! 5. How long did it take you to feel comfortable eating food? I would say there are still things I don't want to eat but probably around 90day mark I felt good to eat just about anything within reason. 6. Is there anything you can’t eat anymore that you used to enjoy? Honestly I don't have the same desire to eat what I did. I will enjoy a couple of fries if I have an open faced burger or something but its not something that was a must like it was before. 7. What was your recovery like? Any vomiting or dumping syndrome? Recovery was great besides the gas pains. No vomiting or dumping syndrome. 8. How long did it take you to feel semi-normal after surgery? I would say 2 weeks. I was walking 1-2miles after the first week. The first week I walked around the block to get the gas out. I also have a high pain tolerance so that might have helped. Like I had two c-sections and once the epidural wore off I was up walking my babies up and down the hall, the nurses had to tell me to rest but I am Type A so I am a little nutty. 9. Did you experience higher energy level post surgery? HELL YES!!! I wake up start life, workout for an hour plus walk on my lunch break 5 days a week, I work full time and am a college student. I have 3 children and my partner. I have energy for everything and I am not dog tired at the end of the day. 10. Did surgery affect your mental health? Yes, I struggle sometimes with the new body, how ppl treat me, and still see the 325lb woman in the mirror but I moreso I am in a better spot. I am not as anxious, stressed and I am able to take on tasks with a clearer mind (such as school) 11. Do you regret it? Would you recommend it? My only regret is not getting it done sooner!
  19. Arabesque

    So much soup

    Oh yes. Food for weeks. I still cook more than I need but I do it on purpose now because I love having leftovers. Simply freeze the leftovers/excess for easy meals on another day. Just bag it up in appropriate serving sizes. (I love zip lock bags.) My freezer is filled with single serves of soups, bolognese, savoury mince, steak, chops, savoury egg muffins, … chicken, beef, lamb & pork. Don’t feel like cooking? Just defrost a meal & all I have to cook or prep are vegetables or salad if needed. Bonus you only have to cook dinner from scratch a couple of times a week. Found it very useful for work lunches too. Popped one of my frozen meals in my bag & reheated it at work. Easy.
  20. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    This time tomorrow I should be checking into the hospital! I've lost 15.4 pounds on the 2-week liquid diet, which is kinda crazy. My liver better be skinny enough to start a modeling career.
  21. Felicia1288

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Oh my gosh @MLC3409 why the 360 with the doctor? And I don't blame you with the food because this is very hard work (especially for myself with a husband and three kids). Did he find something wrong yesterday? Is he going to keep the surgery date? (I think you said yes) and they wouldn't be ordering meds without telling you. Keep on plugging along!! And remember the why and keep telling yourself that...Reach out whenever...my problem is I am also looking at stuff for the purees stage and so on lol because I want time to fly by. I been adding "bullion" to my broth as a treat.
  22. Good luck tomorrow, I had mine a week ago and completely understand the emotions. There are a few other March buddies who recently had GS & are doing great! I recommend bringing chapstick or ask for some at the hospital! And walk as much as you can to get the gas bubbles out. It really makes a difference.
  23. Daytimer88

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Jan 22, now one week out and still in significant pain. I had revision sleeve to gastric bypass.
  24. Hello, It’s been a week since i went through a gastric sleeve surgery and I use cannabis oils to help with other health issues, however, sometimes friends come over and i would end up vaping a little bit and now idk if its safe to vape after the surgery.
  25. ORFranP86

    Silly question

    I am new here and I’ve been devouring the forums. I am one week post ESG. I am down 16 lbs. I notice a lot of you have cute pictures on your signature showing your weight loss journey. Where do you get those?

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