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Disgusted, Disgruntled, but Determined
Mspretty86 replied to lindsxlurid's topic in Gastric Bypass Surgery Forums
From various bariatric groups that I'm in, I hear that the people who regained weight who luckily regained control of their situation, They stated that they shifted their mindset and went back to things that Worked from the beginning. some said they quit night time snacking. Some went back to tracking their food, some stopped over eating, some stopped eating out and went back to cooking their own food and meal prepping, so it looked like they were just getting back to the basics that helped them lose the weight at first. Movement was a big aspect as well. They started back walking Or running. -
Shoulder Pain After Hernia Repair
Karlid1 replied to MissyJake's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
On 1/22/25 I had surgery initially to bring my remnant stomach down from my chest and they said while they were in there, they'd repair a hernia.. It was done robotically, so I anticipated the dreaded CO2 shoulder pain. I was up & walking, doing what they recommended & was discharged the next day.. After about 48 hours, it had subsided but had occasional twinges.. Unfortunately, I wasn't informed that I would need to be on straight liquids, but I had a Roux-en-y in piece of cake. What wasn't so simple was taking my various pills & having one get stuck 3 days post-op. I had no choice but to throw it up. Apparently that caused swelling, so I ended up in the ED... After about 10 hours, the swelling reduced & I was able to swallow again. After a few days of taking bare necessities, I flew home to CO. I will be doing my 2 week surgical follow-up via tele-health. However, I am now 10 days post op & I am having intermittent what I assumed was CO2 shoulder pain. It is excruciating and extends up my neck & radiates into my ear. I couldn't figure out why I was suddenly having shoulder pain again as the CO2 should be out of my system by now. After reading about everyone else's experiences, at least I know I'm not crazy but hope that the stress and swelling after the pill incident didn't mess things up. Needless to say, I will be calling my surgeon first thing in the morning. BTW.. Even though I had some complications after my bariatric surgery in 08..I would do it ALL over again. No regrets.. I was 333 pounds the day off my surgery and 169 today.. And here's something only a bariatric patient will appreciate.. At 5'8", I was no longer considered OBESE, just overweight.. That is until osteoporosis hit and I am now 5'3, still 169 but back to being obese.. It sucks cuz I have maintained my weight between 167-169 for over 15 years but I can't control the fact that I shrunk 5 inches in the past 6 years.. The joy of getting older 😁 Thanks to everyone for sharing and saving my sanity.. -
Disgusted, Disgruntled, but Determined
SpartanMaker replied to lindsxlurid's topic in Gastric Bypass Surgery Forums
There are things I could suggest to help you get back to your goal weight, but my fear is that until you address the reason you regained weight, you're just going be back on the diet yo-yo. My suggestion would be to seek out a mental health professional that specializes in eating disorders. I'm not saying you definitely have an eating disorder (that would be up to them to diagnose), but it would appear on the surface that you may at a minimum suffer from disordered eating. I'm basing that on your post that seems to indicate that you may be self-soothing with food. Once you've got that under control, my next recommendation would be to seek out a Registered Dietitian to help you with a sustainable diet. There is no shame in seeking help from professionals and they will be in a better position to assist you than anyone here that can just give general advice. -
gastric bypass Disgusted, Disgruntled, but Determined
lindsxlurid posted a topic in Gastric Bypass Surgery Forums
167 was my lowest weight and I was determined to keep going, then life happened. I started a new, stressful job, bought a house, moved within a month, and then my dog died in my arms all within a year. To say I'm disgusted with myself is an understatement. Being someone who considers themselves a perfectionist, this is really dragging me down. On top of all this good stuff, my body dysmorphia is unreal. I see my current self in pictures or in the mirror and I see my 300lb. self. Even though I'm in medium clothes when I used to be in 2-3X, I can't get myself to see the change. I didn't have the surgery for vanity. It was successful in helping me come off of diabetes and high blood pressure meds. But now that my life feels like it's finally getting back to a normal rhythm (besides having a 6-month old puppy), I am ready to get back on track and get back down to a reasonable weight. I can see the gain in my face, and it's killing my confidence (if I ever had any). I've talked to my gastric bypass team - I know what to do, but I'm having a hard time getting back on track. I'm trying baby steps, but I'm looking for other tricks and tips for getting there. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Best -
Accurate Macro Calculator
SpartanMaker replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
@AmberFL Thanks for the additional detail! I agree with @ShoppGirl that localized swelling and postoperative edema may be causing a lot of your gain. I do also totally understand the concerns, though! I recently had a procedure done on my proximal hamstring to treat a partial tear. While not nearly on the same scale as your plastic surgery, I wasn't able to workout at all for a full month and even now almost 2 months later, I'm still having to ramp back up really slowly. For example, I'm still not allowed to do any lower body strength training and my running mileage is only at about 50% of where it was before the procedure. Like you, I also saw my weight go up during this time. Even though I knew edema was the likely initial cause, it still messes with your head. This was especially true for me because my workouts are frankly a form of therapy for me. It felt like a double blow. It really sounds like you've got the diet mostly dialed in for now. I suspect one of 2 things will happen as you heal. The most likely eventuality is that your swelling and edema goes down and you find you're happy with where you're at weight wise. If so, be sure to up your calories as your workouts resume. If you find that you are a little heavier than your ideal, then no worries. Once you are working out again, the easiest solution would to only eat back about 50%-75% of your workout calories. This will be slower, but is super sustainable, compared to a drastic cut in calories that would get you leaner quickly, but is also a lot more likely to cause some rebound weight gain. I also noticed something you said in an earlier post and I wanted to commend you for it. You mentioned something about maintaining around 1700-2000 calories. This is something a lot of people don't understand, but you can successfully maintain across a range of calories. Many people think they've got to be EXACTLY at a certain number to maintain. That's just not true. The reason is that most people will subconsciously be a little more active when the calories are higher and a little less when they are lower. Please check in every few weeks and let us know how it's going? I'm sure you'll do great, be we are always here to help if needed. -
Accurate Macro Calculator
ShoppGirl replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I totally get that a five pound gain messes with your head. My weight fluctuates by like 10 pounds through out each cycle with the chemo. I shoots up almost immediately on treatment day and then goes up and down until it gets mostly out of my system. Since I am still in the honeymoon period from my surgery and don’t really even want to eat apart from cravings it is sooooo hard to not just starve myself when I see the numbers go up. I know it’s not the exact same as your situation but I imagine the mental shock of the number is very similar. Hang in there. You should be able to get back to the majority of your routine soon and be back to your old self before you know it. I will probably be on here asking what worked for you this summer and fall because Im having a bilateral mastectomy with expanders in early May and then a reconstruction with implants planned after radiation. Although I’m trying to get in for a consult with that Dr to find out about that fat transfer option. Im not sure if its new or not but the surgeon I met with did not offer that option. Did your surgeon tell you to get routine MRI’s to monitor for leaks. (You said you got silicone, right?). I’m sure your surgeon went over the risks with implants in general but there is something I just learned about the other day from a lady at my craft group called Breast Implant Illness that’s worth looking into. It’s not a formal medical diagnosis but it’s a collection of issues that people commonly have after implants that often go away immediately once they are removed. There is the surgeon in Florida that she is going to that people go to from all around the world just to have their implants removed and he can do this procedure if you want them replaced where they transfer a fat from another area of your body. I am trying to get into him to see if it’s possible for me to have that instead of an implant for my reconstruction. They are very selective with who they give appointments to, though. I guess his surgeries are booked like a year out Anyways, not to scare you but there are also lots of more researched issues that a silicone leak can cause as well to include a very rare type of cancer even. I am not sure how much your surgeon went over all of that with you but to me it’s definitely worth being aware of and monitoring routinely. Your surgeon should be able to tell you how often to scan and what to watch for just to be safe. Best of luck with your recovery and I can’t wait to hear about your being all healed up and getting to finally take them girls out on the town. 😂 -
Accurate Macro Calculator
AmberFL replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
@SpartanMaker PS= plastic surgery, being non-active my weight has gone up but the macros you suggested I started yesterday and I felt satisfied with focusing on Whole Foods, mostly protein and it worked out. My issue is that working out I felt leaner, and didn’t have bloat, even if I didn’t have a “perfect” day or “binged” on some sweets. I felt like I created a terrible habit and now I am trying to get back in the mindset where I was when I started this journey. You have given me awesome advice! Thank you for giving me some of your wealth of knowledge! @ShoppGirl im sure some of it is inflammation, I notice that if I wait to weigh myself later in the morning I’m weigh less than right in the morning. I figured that the implants weighed a couple of pounds but dang seeing me be 5-7lbs heavier is messing with my head. At first I told myself it’s okay if I gained a little I was getting too thin, now I’m like AHHHH nooooo I can’t. No one truly knows these feelings and mental strain this is if they were not obese at one time. I try not to talk about these feelings to anyone but this platform because I always get “you look fine, why are you worried, your overthinking” thank you for chiming in, I appreciate your intake!! -
Accurate Macro Calculator
ShoppGirl replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
You know, @AmberFL, part of your gain could just be inflammation from your surgery. Has your weight gone down any?? I would say that the implants are probably only like a pound or two themselves, but mostly I bet it’s inflammation. Not sure why I didn’t think of that before. -
Accurate Macro Calculator
SpartanMaker replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
@ShoppGirl I hear you. Yes I saw the articles from HSS and a few others that quoted that amount, but I've found that sometimes things like this often become an echochamber, even among doctors and other healthcare professionals that should know better. All it takes for this to become the "standard", is for a 50 year old medical textbook or two to print this (based on old data or beliefs), and an entire generation of doctors come to accept it. Look no further than BMI as an example of a well meaning, but ultimately wrong calculation becoming the standard by which we judge obesity and you can see how this sort of thing may not be based on science, but on "generally accepted knowledge". Back to the subject at hand. We do know that RMR can and does increase during recovery, but the amount is not always the same and is highly dependent on both the injury/illness, as well as the individual themselves. As a general rule of thumb when talking about athletes like @AmberFL, the number of calories needed during recovery is typically a little higher than maintenance, but quite a bit lower than what they might have needed when working out. That said, we also need to recognize that Non-Exercise Energy Thermogenesis (NEAT) can vary by many hundreds of calories between individuals. This is important, because even though RMR may increase, it's logical to assume people will have a concomitant reduction in NEAT when ill or injured. The net effect of that may mean the calorie balance may not really change that much if at all. Here's an example: Let's use a 3 factor calorie model, meaning RMR, NEAT & Exercise. (I'm going to ignore TEF for now since it won't make a lot of difference here). Let's assume an RMR is 1500, since this is around the average for all humans. Let's also assume a NEAT of 600 for a total calorie burn before exercise of ~2100. I've selected this since it also is fairly close to the median. Obviously these are just averages and every individual will be different. At an RMR of 1500, if we use as an example a 25% increase due to illness/injury, that would mean the new RMR would be as much as 375 calories more. We would expect NEAT to drop in most people when ill or injured because they tend to sit/lie down a lot more, walk less, etc. Especially in people that have a high NEAT amount to begin with, a drop of 375 calories per day or more is easily within normal ranges when they don't feel good. The net result in our "average" person here is that while their RMR went up, their NEAT went down by the same amount, thus completely negating any need for additional calories. At the end of the day, like you pointed out, we all have to decide for ourselves what we believe and what we think is right. I'm certainly not opposed to anyone consulting with their doctor regarding nutritional needs, as long as you recognise that most doctors get, at best, a single course in nutrition in medical school. Many get even less. I'd tend to suggest a Registered Dietitian instead, especially when dealing with chronic or acute injury or illness. Full disclosure, my background in this area is in nutritional needs for athletes, not people that are unwell. The flip side of this is that I find there are very few RDs that have the requisite knowledge to properly coach athletes, since so much of their training goes into how to help with weight loss, or assist with the nutritional needs of diabetics, cancer patients and the like. We also know that there are some really lousy RDs out there as well, so caveat emptor. (Otherwise, why would we see some of them trying to get very active bariatric patients to stay on an 800kcal/d diet.). Any RD that does that is, i'm sorry to say, an idiot. I'll close by saying that I don't doubt you in the least that you needed to up your calories by a significant amount due to cancer and chemo. I'm sure you recognise that's really in a different league to what most people are going through when recovering from an injury/illness or even surgical procedure. In your case, you have both the fact that cancer cells are effectively using calories that should go toward healthy tissue, as well as the fact that chemo is incredibly destructive to the rest of your body. Best of luck. -
Accurate Macro Calculator
ShoppGirl replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I’m certainly not trying to be argumentative either. The reason that I went out of my way to state that it was from AI to begin with is so that the OP would be aware of that fact and take it as they may. Then I added that I was able to see the original articles and they could too if they did the research themselves and I suggested that they ask their doctor if it applies to them specifically. Also if you’re speaking specifically about the part that was talking about their rule of thumb for number of calories per pound, that was not from AI at all. That was from and I referenced that above so that one can find and read the article for themselves and determine if it is applicable. It was all intended as food for thought and something to look into. Not medical advice as I am not a doctor Personally, if I have a question I gather data from a lot of sources to include chats and AI summaries as well as medical journal articles or friends and then I ask a professional to decipher the medical jargon, tell me what out of the chat and less reputable sites or word of mouth is true and what applies to my specific situation. In my opinion though, what it boils down to is that our metabolism while recovering from surgery or something else is going to be different than the same person when they were feeling fine just trying to lose weight and we should at least be aware of that and ask the right people the right questions if we care about weight, muscle loss, recovery time etc. I can only ever speak accurately about my personal opinion or experience and that experience is that the oncology dietitians’ advice worked for me and it was basically if you’re craving a cookie then no, don’t have it but if you’re craving fruit or vegetables or something otherwise nutritious then your body probably needs them and you should listen to that when your recovering from something. Basically don’t just be counting calories and starving yourself during recovery, nourish your healing body. Of course my situation is different so that’s why you should always consult with your doctor. -
Accurate Macro Calculator
ShoppGirl replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Well, it wasn’t exactly an AI generated recommendation. It was an AI generated summary of all the articles that applied to the question I asked Google. So basically One of the articles them gave that recommendation is below and you can read the full article of course and determine whether it’s a reputable source and applies to you. I agree with not going by a cookie cutter approach regardless of where it came from. Especially the Internet, but it logically does make sense to me so it would definitely be worth talking to your doctor about and asking for a specific plan for you. I know for me, my body is fighting cancer and processing chemo right now which both increase metabolism. Currently I’m logging like 1000-1500 cal more a day and still losing (albeit a little slower to appease my doctors). It changes your metabolism when your body is fighting something and it does burn more calories during times like this. How many that would be something your surgeon may be able to help you with a refer you to someone who can. I am very fortunate that I am at a big fancy breast center and they have an oncology dietitian that is helping me throughout all of my different treatments that I have in store for me over the next year to keep me on track for both that and my bariatric journey. i think the most important part would be to just be mindful of the fact that healing does require adequate nutrition and not to be at too much of a calorie deficit because yes, we will heal like we did from our bariatric surgery but that doesn’t necessarily mean it was the ideal circumstance or that we we’re healing as fast as we could have. I know you are itching to get out and back to your activity asap as I would be and good nutrition is very important for faster healing. I’m not saying that means you need to eat as much as you were eating when you were working out like crazy, but if it was me, I would focus primarily on fueling my body to get better faster, without gaining of course, and really focus on the weight loss once I was back on track (it won’t be that long). I mean if you can lose a bit great but if your body is screaming out for nutritious food it’s probable that there is a reason. The nutritionist that I am working with would not give me a specific calorie amount instead she told me to still try to avoid cookies and chips, but to eat when my body was craving nutritious food and she checks in with me every week to see how I am doing and make tweaks Does your surgeon have a nurse practitioner that you could talk to if you give them a call? Or was your dietician from pre surgery very helpful (mine was worthless 😂). Maybe you would get a more in-depth response from them than your surgeon who’s always super busy. -
Accurate Macro Calculator
SpartanMaker replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
@AmberFL I must have missed that you are recovering from surgery. While I probably wouldn't recommend a significant fat loss diet while healing, I'd also be a bit cautious about using Google AI recommendations. The idea that you need 15-20 calories per pound of current body weight to heal just doesn't pass the smell test. If this were true, none of us would have properly healed from our bariatric surgery. Keep in mind that 15-20 pounds for you right now would be roughly 2500 to 3400 calories. At your starting weight, that would have been about 4500 to almost 6000 calories a day! Looking through the scientific literature, I couldn't find a single reference that this level of calories was needed to promote healing after surgery. There were some references to additional calories being helpful in the event of significant wounds, thus your calorie needs may be somewhat higher for more involved surgeries vs simple ones. I apologise, but I have no idea what "PS surgery" is, so that doesn't really help narrow things down. I think my recommendation would be to base this more on feel. If you are feeling really rundown, that's probably a good indication you may need to up your calories. You're always going to feel somewhat tired after any major surgery, so I'm talking about feeling excessively tired. If you do feel the need to add more, my recommendations above regarding macros still stand. We do know that wound healing requires adequate protein (thus 1.6g/kg is a good minimum target). We also want to make sure you're getting adequate essential fats, so shooting for a minimum of 50g is still good advice. If you are more like 70 to 80g, especially when not on a fat loss diet, that's just fine. I wouldn't necessarily recommend going much higher that that on fats because if you do, if will mean you would likely be subtracting calories from carbs. Good whole food sources of carbs like whole grains, vegetables and fruit have tons of nutritive value that you really shouldn't be skipping right now. In short, protein first, essential fats next, and carbs for the rest of the diet. -
possible to stall after 9 day?
DaisyChainOz replied to DaisyChainOz's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Thanks for the reply @ShoppGirl I know I shouldn't but it's a compulsion... and honestly if I *had* weighed myself every day back when I was slim...and taken action when my weight crept up in the first place... I wouldn't be here now 😝 I am NEVER going to not weight regularly again. Thank you @Arabesque, great advice and encouragement as always 😁 ffor double post above, I can't remove or edit it either. -
Accurate Macro Calculator
ShoppGirl replied to AmberFL's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Okay so I was curious to know exactly how much more our bodies burn while we are healing so I asked Google and this is copied from AI response. Basically if we need more calories to maintain as your healing you really may be good by just cutting back a tad on the extra Carbs since your carbs were much higher due to a very high level of activity, which you’re not sustaining but honestly if I was you I would Just wait until your through this to worry about losing you could take even longer to get back on track if you try to lose now “Yes, your body burns more calories during the healing process after surgery. This is because your body's metabolism increases to help heal the incisions, fight pain, and prevent infection. Explanation Hyper-metabolic state After surgery, your body enters a hyper-metabolic state, which means your metabolism increases. This causes your body to break down muscle protein, fat tissue, and neurotransmitters to provide energy for healing. Calorie needs During the healing process, you should consume more calories than normal. A general rule of thumb is to consume 15–20 calories per pound of body weight. Protein needs In addition to calories, you also need more protein during the healing process. Protein is a key building block of the body and is necessary for tissue growth and repair. Hydration Drinking plenty of fluids, mostly water, helps deliver nutrients to the wound site. What to eat Eat a balanced diet with a wide variety of foods Eat nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, lean fish and chicken, grains, beans, and nuts Take a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement if you don't get enough nutrients” This is from “How many calories should I be consuming since I will be inactive? Now is NOT the time for weight loss! When people are immobilized, they worry about gaining weight. However, you should NOT decrease your calorie intake because you will be inactive. In fact, your calorie needs are now greater than usual because your body requires energy from nutritious foods to fuel the healing process. You will need to consume about 15-20 calories per pound (using your current body weight). If your overall energy and protein needs are not met, body tissues such as muscles and ligaments will begin to break down. This will compromise healing and may prolong your recovery period” -
possible to stall after 9 day?
Arabesque replied to DaisyChainOz's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Unfortunately weight loss isn’t consistent. You won’t get a lovely perfectly straight line on a graph. It zig & zags. More one week, less the next. None one week and a gain the next. We also have natural fluctuations in our weight which are all normal and when we are weighing ourselves every day they suddenly are very obvious. There are many reasons why we have these fluctuations and I swear sometimes it’s just your body messing with you. As long as your weight loss trend (over weeks and months) is in a downward direction you’re doing well. Add some soluble fibre to your soup or shake each day to help with the constipation. I got into a routine too. No poop for three days I took a stool softener. Remember too at first you’re not consuming much so you don’t have much for your body to excrete from so don’t expect to go every day. Despite some hiccups (like the power outage and loss of food) things seem to be going pretty smoothly for you. Yay! -
possible to stall after 9 day?
DaisyChainOz replied to DaisyChainOz's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hi, thanks for the reply yeah I know it's too early to be worried. TMI ahoy...Pretty sure it's the above!! 🥴 This has been a problem for sure! I had a truly awful bathroom visit this morning for an hour trying to birth something equivalent to Rosemary's baby 😬😱 only the second time I've been since surgery. Still feeling somewhat blocked up, will get something strong to help. I know I shouldn't weight daily, and shouldn't expect to see a smooth downward projection on. the daily but my (not Dx'd) ADHD compels me lol -
possible to stall after 9 day?
ShoppGirl replied to DaisyChainOz's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Well, we are all different so take this with a grain of salt, but I was the same BMI prior to my preop diet as you are now so relatively close and I just looked back at my weight log and Iwas losing about 6 pounds per week on average in the beginning, but I also had the SADI which is quite a bit more aggressive than the sleeve or even the bypass so my loss statistically should’ve been more rapid than yours with a sleeve. Frankly, I think that you are doing very well with losing a pound a day and I wouldn’t be too shocked if it does slow down a bit. It definitely will not be a perfect line where you lose the exact same amount every day though. There may be times when you even gain a pound or three and hold it for a few days and then one day you will just drop those 3+ another pound. But if you only log your weight once a week, even if you must get on the scale every day, if you only look at the once a week or even once a month, your trend will be far more consistent. Some people only get on the scale once a week or once a month. I know I couldn’t do that but it really would be better for your mental health if you could hide your scale and just do what you’re supposed to do and trust the process. -
possible to stall after 9 day?
DaisyChainOz replied to DaisyChainOz's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hi, thanks for the reply yeah I know it's too early to be worried. TMI ahoy...Pretty sure it's the above!! 🥴 This has been a problem for sure! I had a truly awful bathroom visit this morning for an hour trying to birth something equivalent to Rosemary's baby 😬😱 only the second time I've been since surgery. Still feeling somewhat blocked up, will get something strong to help. I know I shouldn't weight daily, and shouldn't expect to see a smooth downward projection on. the daily but my (not Dx'd) ADHD compels me lol -
possible to stall after 9 day?
SpartanMaker replied to DaisyChainOz's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
I think we first need to define stall here. A true stall is when your weight does not go down even after 2-3 weeks. 3 DAYS does not constitute a stall. Keep in mind that your body is made up of lots of other "stuff" besides fat. Things that can easily vary from day to day and even hour to hour besides fat: Muscle mass Water weight (did you know that your body is about 60% water?) Food weight Stool weight Of those, the biggest culprits early on are likely water weight and stool weight. The latter one because lots of people struggle with constipation early after surgery. Water weight can vary for lots of different reasons, but hormone changes, medicines, temperature differences, fluid consumption rate, stress levels, excess salt consumption, illness and low protein, potassium or magnesium intake all can contribute to water retention. I know you said you just HAD to weigh yourself daily, but if you are expecting to always see a nice linear drop in your weight day-to-day, weighing so often is probably not a great idea for you. Remember, this is for the long-haul, so don't stress small variations in your weight. It would be physiologically impossible for you to have literally stopped losing fat at this point. -
August Surgery buddies
ShoppGirl replied to Averdra's topic in PRE-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Oh yea. Well I never did like to shower on the cold winter days because my wet hair makes me cold afterwards but they are usually only a handful of really cold days abs then we have a warm day after. This year I don’t have as much insulation or hair for this freakishly cold winter. The hair thing works out for after the shower but your head does get cold even inside at like 69 without hair it’s weird. I used to always be hot and 69 felt good but not this year. I lost 85 pounds and all my hair and of course it’s would be our coldest winter in 20 years. Triple whammy. 😂. I guess at least in the summer I won’t be so hot 🤷♀️ i am definitely gonna talk to my hubby about converting our guest room into an exercise room. We haven’t had anyone over in years and I really would like to get a normal sized treadmill the one I have works for space but not for my clumbsy nature. I could get some shallow shelves and keep all the weights and yoga mats and all that in there too. -
possible to stall after 9 day?
DaisyChainOz posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Hi guys, I had my Sleeve 9 days ago, and am averaging 430 cals per day. Trying to get my 2 litres of water, but mostly 1.5 or so. Still on liquid diet, having one shake in the morning and 2 x 125ml (half cup) serves of home made soup with protein powder for lunch/dinner. At first the weight was falling off at .5kg (1lb) or more a day. but the last 3 days it hasn't dropped, in fact this morning it was 200 gm (half lb) up. Not panicking, I know that there will be stalls, but I didn't think at this early stage 🥲 I also know I probs shouldn't weigh everyday, but I *have* to 😝 Today I thought I might try to up the cal intake a bit and get a bit more steps in. Anyone else have this so early? -
21 years out of surgery and having issues
Dsmart replied to Dsmart's topic in Gastric Bypass Surgery Forums
Thank you 🙏🏻 my gastroenterology appointment is in three weeks so I am going to start there and I look forward to figuring it out because it’s not fun I have talked to a few doctors on the scope of my PCP…. One has seen complications/odd symptoms in long term gastric bypass patients. When I say complications, I mean digestive complications because there are plenty of people who don’t have enough nutrient, etc., and have issues that are beyond that. I pretty much covered all of those in my first 10 years when I really didn’t know how to take care of myself from a nutrient standpoint and vitamins. I do think it could be a parasite, or potentially a combo of diverticulitis and acid reflux. Most of the potential diagnoses have weight loss associated with them, and that is definitely not the case unfortunately lol. Yes, I would love to press the fix me button, but I know I have to do the work on this -
21 years out of surgery and having issues
Dsmart replied to Dsmart's topic in Gastric Bypass Surgery Forums
I didn’t have significant issues immediately after the surgery. I know a lot of people experience, dumping, nausea, and vomiting. I had one experience of vomiting, and it was simply because I made a bad choice to drink a drink that had too much sugar in it. I really had, other than the inability to eat big portions, no issues at all. Since that was what I was going for to begin with I was pretty happy and felt very fortunate. I followed what I now know to be a pretty typical less fiber, diet as the lettuce and other things seem to not do well. But vegetables that were cooked were fine. About three years ago, I started to experience extreme, explosive diarrhea - at first I thought it was random… Maybe I was sick, or I had eaten something bad. At that point, the occurrences were about a month apart. As this started to occur more often, I started eliminating things from my diet. Last summer, it was every day. I also had cramping and it would continue until my bowel was empty. At that point out of complete necessity I changed everything I wrote down what my habits were, anything that was consistent that I was consuming. I started systematically removing. I had stopped drinking diet sodas about five years ago, and it never occurred to me that artificial sugar could play a role in this however, I did find out that as I added, sugar-free vanilla to my coffee each day, that was playing a huge role. As soon as I started drinking, just black coffee I felt some relief. I thought that maybe I found the solution. It went from every day to every other day basically. So I started cutting more things out. And then I started having more symptoms. My stomach hurt when I ate. It felt like my esophagus hurt. I started having food come back up. I had to eliminate anything with oil in it. Almost everything I enjoy eating in anyway is off the list. Which is fine, I’m 63. I don’t need to enjoy my meals, exactly. However, it makes selecting food very difficult, especially as I travel a lot. I’ve now started adding gas, more cramping, and the symptoms are better one day worse than next. as to what my team says, lol… My gastroenterology appointment is next month. I have been waiting four months for that appointment. My blood work is perfect better than it’s ever been. I’ve had an ultrasound on my abdomen. Everything is fine except for my gallbladder has some sludge in it. I am well aware that my gallbladder perhaps is part of the problem. However, my PCP thinks that I should just lose weight and my gallbladder will be OK. With that, I can’t lose weight. I’ve actually gained during this whole time. Which seems almost impossible as I spend a tremendous amount of time eliminating everything I eatalmost immediately. The other amazing part of this is I feel great other than the diarrhea/other stuff. I go to the gym, I travel every week for work, I am in different environments with different schedules and somehow I have been able to work around my situation. I have had to cut out longer flights, which has made me really sad because I’ve missed several opportunities to go places I’ve wanted to go, but the risk of not being able to being in a bathroom for a half hour is too high. my current list of what I can eat with no issue is toast, sharp cheddar cheese, cooked green beans, chicken noodle soup, and Parmesan cheese crisps. It’s not a diet that anyone really wants to live on lol. Nor is it actually possible to live on. -
21 years out of surgery and having issues
The Greater Fool replied to Dsmart's topic in Gastric Bypass Surgery Forums
I'm about the same amount of time since my bypass. I don't recall having an intollerance to almost all foods for extended periods. But for a few days or a week, sure. I don't think you should rule out the experience of anyone based on years post-op because there are people here that know more about weight loss surgeries than you and I. Heck, they give many surgeons a run for their money. Some of us research the stuffing out of weight loss surgeries before we even see a surgeon. Could you fill us in on what's going on? How does your intollerance work? Does it prevent you from swallowing, or does your food come back up? How long after eating? Anything else change during this period? Your previous issues could also provide insight into your current issues. Also, what does your medical team say? Tons of knowledge and experience is on the edge of their seats waiting to help. Tek -
So unmotivated to do anything, but frustrated that I'm not doing anything!!!
Bypass2Freedom replied to SleeveToBypass2023's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Just to echo what @SpartanMaker has said in developing a habit - I only started going to the gym a few months back, after pressuring and guilting myself into not going to the gym since the start of my weight loss journey. I just started with going once a week, doing a short full-body workout, and then from there I sort of just fell into it once I realised my body was capable, and I wasn't in pain with it! I think my brain was putting it off so much because I was relating it back to my experiences with exercise when I was 100+ lbs heavier! Needless to say, it was painful and I hated it. Just take baby steps, and find what works for you, even just a short walk to clear your head (which may help with the mental health too), and go from there. Wishing you all the best ❤️ You have smashed it so far, you will smash this too!