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Found 1,208 results

  1. Just was wondering if others have a weight gain right after surgery. I know that it must be water weight but I gained 7 pounds! How quickly did you lose it? thanks for your response
  2. Hi I lost about 50 lbs since June and recently gained 10 lbs. I need diet ideas to get back on track would like to lose another 30 lbs.....thank you
  3. I was taken off metformin by my primary prior to surgery because he assumed I wouldn't need it because I was going "lose weight". I have most of the signs of pcos and he thought I had it but was never told definatively that I did have it. I have facial hair, but I'm blond so I'm lucky and shave. Have/had type II diabetes Have so many skin tags that I can't count and want to wear turtlenecks all the time! My periods are six weeks apart give or take a day or a week or whatever but I'm almost 48 and don't plan on having anymore children anyway Can't go on the pill because I get/had blood clots in my legs Really bad dandruff Had a few uterine cysts but got an oblation Forgot on meds for anxiety and depression clonapen and cymbalta Naturally I have a weight problem and have put 20 pounds plus since surgery Anyone with advice. I was put on synthroid for an inactive thyroid that was just discovered prior to surgery but still gained back all my weight and feel like a loooooser!!! but not the right kind of loser!!!! Never lost weight after being banded 7 months ago, lost it during the medifast phase. I see my surgeon on the 22nd of this month so I don't know what he's going to do with me:confused: Thanks, brandyII
  4. Hello all! This is my first post here and I am thrilled to have this resource available at my fingertips. I have been reading posts for about two weeks and decided it was my turn to ask for your opinion. My relationship with food has been a lifelong struggle. After a while I gave up hating myself and tried to work on self love, which really just turned into justifying my bad habits. I started this gastric surgery journey at over 300 pounds after seeing a candid photograph of myself. I didn't recognize the person I saw in the photo. I had been ignoring health issues far too long that I knew were related to my habits. I began to make small changes like eliminating soda and fast food. I knew, though, that I needed to make a longer lasting change and the sleeve sounded like a great tool to reset my eating habits and relationship with food. My first appointment with the surgeon was June 8 2017. I weighed in at 294. I had four months worth of nutritionist visits, all of which I fluctuated between 295 and 297. Then I had my psychiatric evaluation on August 23 2017. My weight that visit was 299. The psychiatrist cleared me, but was very insistent that he typically wouldn't clear someone who had gained five pounds since their first visit and that my surgeon wouldn't perform the surgery unless I was down 5-10 pounds. My current weight is 290. My pre-op appointment is November 8 2017 and my surgery is scheduled for November 13, 2017. I am a nervous wreck. I have started going to the gym five days a week and doing half an hour of cardio. I don't restrict what I eat, only how much of it I eat. I know I will lose some weight as a result of the liquid pre-op diet but the psychiatrist's words haunt me. I am convinced after paying such a high deductible and all I've already been through that for some reason my surgery will be postponed. Has anyone else had a similar issue? How was it resolved?
  5. Went to see my PCP this morning and I gained 10 pounds do you think when I see the surgeon at my preop appointment he will say anything? I don’t start my liquids until Nov 3rd. My preop is Nov 11th. I seem to be eating like I will never be allowed to eat again. I have decided to start to protein shakes a day and a small healthy dinner in the evening and see if I can make the extra ten pounds go away J I was hoping not to have to do that as I don’t want to get burnt out on the shakes before I even get the band.
  6. I am going to get banded on April 21st (supposed to be on April 7th) :glare:; however, the ENT put me on Prednisone for 10 days due to chronic sinus infection. Will I gain weight using the steroids for 10 days? Thanks,
  7. So I am going to have my Gallbladder removed on Thursday. In my research I keep finding that people who have had theirs removed, complain about weight gain in the following years. Are there any bander's out there who have had GB Surgery (after the band) and are you having a difficult time with weight loss now????? Anything I should know???? Thanks for your replies and advice.
  8. Here's the deal, I see this over and over in people's posts, and it just doesn't make sense to me. It's along the lines of "you didn't gain it fast, why would you lose it fast?" That doesn't make sense to me, because you see, I did gain it fast. One month I gained 25 pounds, another month I gained 18 pounds, one summer I gained 50 pounds. When I was really sick with asthma, and have to be put on steroids, I would automatically gain 10-20 pounds, 10 of which would be a killer to lose. My calories didn't change drastically, nor did my activity levels change. So, my question is how did you gain the weight? did it just sort of sneak up on you? did you gain steadily did you gain in small bursts did you gain in large bursts
  9. Tyne88

    Weight Gain

    Hey everyone I have had my band for around 5 years noq my starting weight was 128 Kgs and got down to 78 kgs !! Im 30 years old female and from australia, My husband and I started trying for a baby we fell preganant so I went adn got 2.5mls taken out of my band I had 3.5mls in the start with in 6 weeks I put on 12 KGS !!!!! we lost our baby due to a misscarriage this was a hard time for me as it was my secoud in about 2 years, We are ok though I have awesome support from my husband which is great! My issue is that after 5 years and sitting on around 78-82 kgs I really thought in my mind I had it under control my eating.... as soon as I knew I could eat I did!! I was out of control I went to see my doctor today he put 2mls in so I now have 3 mls I need to get myself back into it and lose the 12kgs I pt on !! It actually freaks me out to think that this band is so important to me as I need it more than I thought I did ! Why do I always think of food? has anyone else felt this way ? A x
  10. So is it normal to gain weight during the process? I start the liver reduction diet on Monday, January 9 and VSG is on January 23, 2017. Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App
  11. I had my IUD taken out in February and I have gained 10 lbs. I knew I had gained 5 but I got on this morning and I am up 10 lbs! I am sick over this.
  12. I'm considering getting banded (yay me!) But my body can be very frustrating some times, most recent example was gaining 8+ lbs in the span of 3 days (not it's not Water weight.) So it sparked the thought - I'm not sure how I'll handle GAINING weight after being banded. I'm curious if anyone gained a significant amount of weight in the first year and how much? Did you get it back off again? Thanks for any feedback!
  13. SoonToBeThinKAT

    Weight Gain For Tom

    I know this might be a stupid question but I never paid attention to it when I was heavier but is it normal to gain 3+ lbs during that time of the month? I got on my scale this morning and I was shocked to see the gain and I've been doing everything right.
  14. Hi all! I was banded back in 2003, and it took me 2 years to reach my goal weight. Then came the great lap band slippage of 2005. I went for the corrective procedure and was told all was well, since then I have had nothing but trouble - I've regained 60lbs and can't seem to loose any of it. It's as though EVERYTHING I eat causes me to gain weight - even though my diet consists mostly of veggie Soup (cause its about all I can keep down) and I wake every night choking on reflux, not to mention the constant pain at the port site. So today i went back to my surgeon and as suspected, the band has slipped again. I've discussed my options with Dr.D and have decided the best plan for me is to remove the band and have the revision to a sleeve. Dr.D tells me that I have to remove the band, wait 3 months for my stomach to relax then have the sleeve done. I've tried to argue with him re; the 3 month rest period but considering he is the surgeon, and I have no idea about surgical matters, I didn't get very far in my attempts to get him to do the removal and sleeve in one surgery. Has anyone had the same experience - Band out, few months wait then sleeved? I'm so worried about the weight gain in those 3 months - can anyone share their story? Did you gain weight? How rapidly? Or how did you maintain your weight loss over that time? I'm not going to lie, this is terrifying me - so I thought I'd reach out to fellow banders for support!
  15. jesuslovesme1-

    Weight Gain

    I had a lap band 5 yrs ago I weighed 235 pounds I went down to 150-155 my goal is to stay at 155 I lost the weight in less than a year which was great I have gained 20 pounds which is a lot to me having a hard time staying on tract I went back for a fill 6 weeks ago I am going back thurs for another fill I do not feel the restriction I feel I need
  16. emk101009

    Weight gain

    I have asked this question before and didn't get many responses. I had the sleeve over 5 years ago. I lost 90#. I have gained back half over the past 2 years due to binge eating, prednisone, and the fact that my surgeon NEVER told me I would need to live on 1000 calories a day. When I went back to see him about 6 months ago he told me its too late and will not be able to lose weight anymore!!!!! I am really frustrated and struggling.
  17. I gained 3 lbs one month post op I’m kinda freaking out I was doing so well but I started eating normal! My stomach takes food well 😞 any helpers please 😞
  18. I have been advised due to bleeding that need to have the mirena (intrauterine levonorgestrel device inserted), or otherwise have a hysterectomy. I put on weight when i take the pill, get bad cellulite on my thighs. Has anyone got any feed back re weight gain - re mirena, also if you had a hysterectomy, many thanks.
  19. penelopeolivia

    weight gain

    Hi everyone. I weighed myself a few days after surgery and went from 238 to 221, but I weighed myself today, ten days after surgery, and I'm up to 226. I'm barely eating anything, mostly on the liquid diet, so I don't know if there's another reason for the weight gain. Thank you.
  20. Size66

    Unfill & rapid weight gain

    I had a band fitted 5 years ago and was happy with the weight loss. For the last year I developed severe reflux , night cough, sliming. Etc. Surgeon reduced my fill by half and the symptoms disappeared immediately. BUT I’ve also gained a ton of weight in 2 months , feel no restriction and get severe bloating. Anyone else have this problem . Going to try a little fill ( after the holidays !!🤪)
  21. New to this app. Don't really have a support group to ask. Is it normal to gain 3 lbs in a week this soon? I had RNY bypass April 20th and this just really got me down today. Sent from my LG-H811 using the BariatricPal App
  22. Wanted to ask you all if having a hiatal hernia is a cause or can it cause weight gain? I got sleeved in May 2015 and a few weeks ago my surgeon did an EGD and he found that i have a hiatal hernia which i think is way to early since i am only 1 year post-op and also mild dilation. My weight has been fluctuating alot recently and now i am seeing numbers that i had not seen in a long time. I'm a 6"1 male and i was always at the 180-182 mark but now my weight is hovering at the 188-190 mark.. my diet and routine has been consistent which also makes me feel somewhat frustrated with this weight gain. if anyone has any information please share. I am going back to see the surgeon in 2 weeks to discuss the results and see what is the next course of action. Thank you Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Anyone else gain weight for the first 2-3 days postop? I am thinking it is water retention. Is this common? Was 282 day of surgery Tues today Thurs I am 286. I know i shouldn't be stepping on the scale, but it is impossible not to be curioous.
  24. Hi all! My surgery is next month and my pre-op appointment is tomorrow. I've gained a few pounds since my last weigh-in a couple months ago. Did any of you gain weight after approval? If so, did it matter? My pre-op appointment is tomorrow, so I'll find out then but I wanted to check in with everyone here to see if anyone else experienced this.
  25. I’m about 5 and a half weeks post-op, and my period showed up about a week ago. I haven’t seen a period in roughly 3 years (very irregular). The issue is this: sweet/salty cravings have surfaced, I’ve gained 2 lbs during this week that my period has been on. I’ve had horrible pms symptoms, my flow has been super heavy 😩. Has anyone else experienced weight gain this early on? Please tell me that I haven’t messed anything up. It’s very discouraging to see the scale go up when I was losing just fine. At 1 month post-op I was down a little over 30 lbs total from my highest weight. I’m just hoping to see the numbers on the scale start to go down again. Especially after my period has gone off; should the weight I’ve gained go away? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Happy New Year 🎆!!

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