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Found 172 results

  1. Hello 3 week stall.....ugh!

  2. 3 week stall...you suck.

    1. Chrystee


      Yes!! But you will get through it!

    2. ssflbelle


      Yes you will get through it and probably have a good weight loss when you do break it. I had my surgery in Jan and I have had 3 stalls all ready. This last one lasted 2 weeks and then I dropped 12 pounds in the next 2 weeks. This is a fantastic thread called Embrace the Stall http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/page-13?hl=+embrace++the++stall#entry4154431

    3. Myka99


      I hear you! The scale isn't moving much....but my clothes are getting bigger! There are already things I can't wear.....which is awesome...

  3. 4 weeks out and now i am having week one problems. Extreme nausea, dizziness, intolerance to exercise. I have orthostatic hypotension fainting spells several times a day.. dont know whats wrong with me. I was feeling great a week ago, getting lots of exercise, all gone now. Anyone else experience this?
  4. eclecticwingtips

    3 week stall.....

    So im dealing with the dreaded three week stall. It is VERY annoying and although i know it will pass it is still a little frustrating. How long did your three week stall last????
  5. Hi everyone. This Sunday will make 3 weeks for me and for the past week or so I have been at the same weight. I briefly saw a 2 lb drop but that was a flash in the pan - maybe I was dehydrated that am…... Do you all stall this early out? How do you deal with it? Thanks BP family!
  6. I've heard of the 3rd week stall! And guess how many weeks post op am I? Yep three weeks, but now my scale is saying am up a pound or two. And it's messing with my head! Is it because am on soft foods? Am feeling confused.
  7. Hello everyone, I was sleeved on 2/4/12 lost 22 pounds so far. the first couple of weeks after surgery I was losing a pound or two every day but once I hit 3 weeks I stalled out at 243 pounds and been stuck there ever since. Is this normal? Monday will be 4 weeks. I haven't been over eating or anything like that I have been sticking to my diet plan. I feel very frustrated that the weight loss seems to have stopped. Any help or suggestions will be welcome
  8. So, I hit my 3-week stall on Wednesday, and now it's Sunday. My stall has already vanished and I've lost an extra FOUR pounds since yesterday. Is this even normal? Yesterday, I did eat a TON of Protein. I mean, I ate so much that I thought I screwed up my diet. I ate like 5 pieces of beef tataki and 5 pieces of crab sticks. This is a lot to me considering it made me feel extremely full. I'm hoping my scale isn't wrong. I got on it 3 times and it keeps saying the same thing (229), and yesterday I weighed 232. It's my 4th day of PMSing so maybe the Water I was retaining has shed off of me, and I also had my first bowel movement yesterday since 3 days ago, (sorry TMI). Am I getting my hopes up? Or is this even possible?
  9. So tomorrow will mark 6 weeks post op. The first 3 weeks I was able to lose 34lbs but I have stalled for the last 3. My NUT keeps telling me it happens but I am getting really concerned. Scale has only gone down 1lb! Yikes! Am working out as of last week and just praying for things to shake up cause it's depressing...
  10. So I was sleeved 3 weeks ago and after loosing almost a pound a day it appears I am at a stall. I haven't lost anything in four days. I know this is normal but does anybody have tricks that knock them out of a stall? It's so frustrating.
  11. Pretty sure my body has stalled. Including my pre op diet.. i have lost 31 pounds in a month but now i think ive stalled. The scale is not going up or down..its just sitting there at the same spot. I am currently on purees and my menu looks like this: B- 1/4 cup cream of wheat with a splash of 1 percent milk and a tsp of seedless raspberry jelly L- a 1/4 cup of pureed refried Beans with a tbsp of sour cream and a tbsp of pureed mild salsa D- 1/4 cup of ricotta bake S- 1/4 cup of 0 percent vanilla greek yogurt S- 1 popsicle Beverages- diluted apple juice- 1/2 Water 1/2 no sugar added apple juice Exercise- 1 hour of walking at a mild to moderate pace..enough to break a sweat So..thoughts on how to get out of the stall?
  12. I have reached the stall everyone talks about. It's so frustrating. I hope it passes soon. Any secrets anyone has to hurry it up would be greatly appreciated!!
  13. I knew the stall would break, but seriously? 3+ weeks? I did lose inches. Pants that I couldn't begin to fit into now fit easily. How is that physically possible? Getting all my size 14s down from the rafters. I really like some of my size 16 pants, but if a wear a size too large it make my pooch look bigger - not flattering at all.
  14. Good morning everyone!! It's been 5 months already, hurray! So far down 71 lbs but for the last 3 weeks I haven't lost anything =(... Still exercising 5 times a week and eating the same amounts.. but not sure if its a normal stall or what! Anyone experienced a stall around this month? I'm just thinking its weird since I am burning what I intake, maybe it is the muscle I am gaining.. The trainer measured me and I did increase muscle on my legs... not sure if that is holding me back..
  15. So I haven't lost any weight in like 5 days. I know its the 3 week stall. How long does this last?
  16. What can I do to start the scales moving again? I have not really lost any numbers on the scale in a week & I have been walking two times a day????. Ready for them to start moving again, I have about another 40-50 lbs to get rid of.
  17. I am in the dreaded 3 week stall. Don't get me wrong - I am happy with my loss so far - have lost 25 lbs in the 3 weeks, but for the past few days I have been the same. Anyone have any tips to overcome the stall??
  18. I'm snarky, grumpy, discouraged and generally just over this whole sleeve thing tonight. I think I'm PMSing too. I've been on these boards for months. I've read everything to prepare myself. Yet I wasn't exactly prepared for just how frustrating this first stall was gonna be. Please, tell me cutting 80% of my stomach out was a good idea and that this will eventually work. I know I'm whining. How can the human body eat so little and not lose weight??????? I'll go to bed now and hope for some kind of improvement in mood tomorrow. It's gonna get better. Right?
  19. Joce1523

    3 week stall

    I had my surgery 3 weeks ago i was dropped about 1 1/2 lbs a day and now it stopped ... the scale will not move at all and it’s killing me . I know i shouldn’t be weight my self everyday but it’s a bad habit i have to break . I’ve been following everything and counting my macros but idk what is going on 😭
  20. BrookeTiffani

    3 week stall

    I suppose im experiencing my first stall. My first week post op i lost 22 lbs. Then from there to my 3rd week NUT appt i only lost 5 lbs. That was last monday and since then my home scale hasnt moved. How do you pull yourself from a stall? Im ready to start losing again because this is not a good feeling. Sent from my SM-S820L using the BariatricPal App
  21. Ok, question for all you preops and maybe newly sleeved folks....Have ANY of your surgeons or nuts explained to you that you will gain a bunch of weight while you are in the hospital for your surgery? In general, this is from the IV fluids they give you and from all the inflammation and swelling caused by the surgery itself. And have any of you been told that you will likely have a stall at about 3 weeks postop? Did they explain stalls to you at all? The reason I ask is because over half the posts from newbies are about these two subjects. (Those and the ones asking if it's OK that they just ate a cookie or a slice of pizza 2 weeks postop cause their mean family doesn't support them by keeping these things out of the house) Everyone that spends more than an hour on any WLS forum knows about these things. I just don't understand why surgeons aren't preparing their patients for the normal post surgical things that tend to send so many into such a panic. Just curious if anyone is actually being given any helpful instructions prior to WLS, or are you just left to fend for yourself on the Internet?
  22. So in week 3, I didn't lose anything. The sunday going into week 4...7 lbs down! So anyone in week 3 flipping out...don't. Week 4 will move right along. Having that said..I messed up today. I am in Protein phase and have eaten so much grilled chicken, I'm gonna be one soon! So I had a piece of jerk chicken...yes. spicy food. BAD IDEA! matter of fact..terrible idea! I feel so sick right now. It all came back up. I learned my lessson..."stay in your damn lane. Follow the diet plan". So if this describes you, or something you're thinking of doing...don't!
  23. So I keep hearing people mention the dreaded "3 week stall." I think I am there. I am only almost 2 weeks post-op, but I'm almost 4 weeks since I started my pre-op diet. Since my pre-op diet started and after surgery I had been consistently losing a lb a day (except when I gained weight from the iv and gas after surgery and quickly lost it plus more). The last few days I have not lost anything. Maybe I'm just being overly analytical, but it sure seems like I am slowing and stalling. My question is how long does the stall last? And does a big loss come after it? Is there anything I can do to jump start the process? Thanks for your help! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. My stall began on Wednesday, and my 3 weeks was on Thursday. So it was right on the money, lol. I'm fine with the stall since I was expecting it. I've been going from 234 to 232 for days now. How long does it usually last for most people? If you had the stall, once it went away, did you go back to losing weight rapidly? I want to start losing weight rapidly again, and I'm worried that it will be slower after the stall goes away.
  25. magpie26

    3 week stall?

    Is this the dreaded three week stall? I thought it was a joke! I weighed in at the doctors on Wednesday and haven't lost anything since! My scale said I even gain half a pound! I am not eating anything I'm not supposed to. I am transitioning to liquids to blended. However, I'm having a REALLY hard time getting my water in. I try to eat, I get so full I feel like I can't put anything in my body for like 2 hours, and it's not like the old days where you can just chug your water. I sip all day and I can barely finish 24 ounces. I'm 19 days post op today. I have been way more conscious of how fast I'm eating, I am chewing things to death, I use a baby spoon, I put my plate away, I wait between water and good but I'm a!ways so uncomfortable after eating almost any amount i am just afraid to drink! I feel like this is why I'm not losing. I also use the baritastic app AND write in a journal. I'm seriously thinking of having my friend that's a nurse come over with an IV!

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