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Found 1,208 results

  1. I have read into the Phase 1 of this book. I am impressed. Oprah does the forward. Even with the band we have issues. Right? I am involved with this new program with high hopes. My wife has joined me this time. I have high hopes. Anyone have opinions on this book? There is some solid info there. Also the best life products. Barilla has the new Pasta plus out..Its good and better for you. I hate to say it but I had a severe weight gain over the holidays. Gaine 13 lbs in the last 6 weeks, thats never happened in 3 plus years of being banded. I hurt my back in the gym and had to rest plus got the flu. You see what happened when I didnt exercise? BAM here comes the lbs. With my band restriction I can eat if I have the desire to drink with my meals. I feel Im in a good restriction when Im respecting my tools like the band to help me. Thats why I dont want another fill yet. Lifestyle changes is what I want to cure this weight gain. I completely stopped drinking alchohol. I thought this would be a definate weight loser! Nope, I gained. Maybe I replaced that comfort with food. Obviously huh? Better to not drink. Sober 5 months and counting. A record for me. Anyway I am back on track and have my wide joining me for support now. this could be the recipe for success. Lord knows that recipe has worked for everything else. Thanks folks.
  2. makemelean

    Xmas weight gain

    Dear Fellow bandits has any one but me gained weight over the holidays? I was banded 11 21 o6 and have never felt any restriction at all to this date. I feel like I never had surgery and never went into the pureed form of foods and never felt any ill effects from this. I see my surgeon today and I am scared he is going to say I am a failure. I am scared to be weighed but I have to face the music for failing myself, could anyone relate to me on this? I feel so alone in this matter and defeated. Thanks for having this site so I could vent my frustrations and anxieties.
  3. jqpublic

    medication vs weight gain!

    where is the edit button?
  4. jqpublic

    medication VS weight gain

    Please help, need help fast! Started taking new meds for Pain two weeks ago gained 10 pounds how can that be! Im eatting around 1000 calories, can this be Water weight? Ive been eating the same food and water intake for almost two years now! Doe,s any body have a clue?
  5. I was banded last Friday and am surprised by the amount of pain I am in - I decided to weigh myself today and found that I had gained 1 1/2 pounds even though I am eating at the most 3 Protein shakes a day and Water. I decided today to stop using the pain medication prescribed by my Dr. I(in case it was increasing my constipation) even though I still feel very sore, especially when I lie down or get up from a lie-down position. I haven't been able to have a bowel movement and am wondering if that is increasing the soreness I am feeling. I started to take Colase (stool softener) and today I took Correctol but still no luck. I'm sort of ranting today - feeling uncertain about what to expect and whether this is normal. All I know is that I hurt, am constipated, have no hunger, but am gaining weight. Oh yeah! The other thing is that I am on an Insulin Pump and I haven't needed to add any insulin since this started which means the pump is giving me about 70 units a day spread out over 24 hours. Prior to getting the banding, I was using about 300 units a day and still had uncontrollable blood sugar levels.
  6. I was banded almost 3 years ago. I actually reached my pre-band goal. I wore a size 10... ok, maybe it was only for a day or two.. but i did get size 10 on my butt. THEN... I gave up the other butts. I quit my 2 1/2 pack a day smoking habit after 25 years. (started when i was bairly a teen) I've gained 30 pounds in 9 months since quitting. I have good restriction. I suck at dieting. I joined weight watchers, thought i had a great week.. I gained a half a pound. I feel huge again. I'm only down 30 pounds from my banding weight. I don't eat much. I just make the same bad choices too often. Tell me there's hope?????
  7. Pinkylee

    PB's = Weight Gain?

    I've noticed that when I PB--the next day I seem to gain a little weight--even when calorie count was low. Anyone else experience this?
  8. juliegeraci

    Fast Weight Gain

    Hello all, Have you ever gone off of your program and eaten a little too much and bam..the weight just heaps on? Do you know why that happens? Is it because we limit our calorie intake and then when we eat like regular again or add a small meal our bodies don't know what to do?
  9. I am new to the site and have banding scheduled for 7/31. I have been reading lots on the site and a lot say they have gained back. I am now very worried about this. Is this a common occurance or is it mostly people who don't get Protein and follow the program? I guess I just want some great reassurance that this will be successful as I believe it will be.
  10. I have recently been diagnosed with mild hypertension (even though I have recently lost 140 pounds with my lapband - go figure) I never had hypertension (high blood pressure) even at my highest weight of 365, but it runs in my family.....long story short, I recently started on lisinopril about 2 months ago and have had a weight GAIN of 15 pounds!!! I have been doing the lap band diet rules and still have gained. I do realize I need another adjustment/fill but I honestly had been "holding my own" or maintaining before the blood pressure pill (lisinopril). Has anyone ever taken it and noticed a weightgain? I am VERY frustrated and have an appt for a fill/adjustment in couple of weeks and so dread my doctor because he will fuss about the gain. Any suggestions? Thanks
  11. Hi I was just wondering how many of you gained weight before your first fill. I was banded in mid Apr and lost consistently until I started solids (and I was still very careful in what I ate AND have been exercising). I've noticed that I've gained 3-4 lbs in the last week!!!!! WTF!!!! I go for my first fill next week. I've heard this can happen but I'm just curious as to how many folks it has happened to. I'm trying not to beat myself up or get discourgaged by it but it is difficult!!
  12. :help: :help: :omg: Okay, help I feel like a freak or a science project. i was baned on 4/27. As of approximately 1 week post-op i was down 15 pounds. Every morning I would get up and I would be a pound or two lighter. I started at 226 and at one time even saw 210. pop up on my scale. I was very weak during the clear liquid phase but stuck to it. I have since gone on to Protein Shakes and Soups. I have never exceeded 800 calories in a day, most days averaging around 600. Here is the problem. The last FOUR days I've gotten up and I have gained!!!!! Yes,it's true. Please don't run screaming from this message thinking that if you read it you might catch what I have. I need encouragement, help, scientific explanations on how this could be happening. I keep thinking it is Fluid but how many days will this continue? PLease don't tell me not to weigh myself, I can't help it I can't stop. First, I laughed not at all suprised by my bodies fear of losing weight (it has always been hard for my body to drop). but now I am starting to panic, what's the point of no food if I am still gaining f.....ng weight. I am really getting pissed. I AM NOT EATING!!! I feel like a science project that has gone way wrong. My scale says 214, now. Yesterday, after my 2.5 mile walk it even bumped up to 215.:angry Why am I not losing, and why am I putting it back on. I am starting to feel desperate and it isn't funny anymore. This makes me want to eat. Please help. Did I have the only band placed for weight gain? Should I call my doc and see if a horrible mistake has been made? Thanks, tina
  13. I was wondering if anyone had the same problem as I am having? I was just banded on April 11th 2006 for the first 21/2 wks I couldn't eat anything at all, in that time I lost 21pds. Now that I am able to eat very little I have gained back 4pds!! :help: I haven't been eating anything bad for me basically solid foods. General day is::hungry: 1 egg (if I can eat the whole thing) for Breakfast 4 peices of deli turkey breast for lunch with 2 peices of am cheese 4oz of chicken breast with a small salad for dinner About 50oz of Water through out the day I know I am supose to drink 64oz but I can't seem to get it all in right now. Oh ya and not to been having trouble going to the bathroom. Is this normal a 4pd gain, or can it just be water weight? Any suggestions on what I can change? Thank you for all your support!! Felicia:help:
  14. Beaglebragade1

    Weight Gain

    I am just curious if there are any people out there that have been banded and lost the weight, but then gained it back even though they were still banded? Is it common for someones stomach to strech that much? :confused:
  15. I have really been thinking alot lately due to a very good friend of mine having her fill all removed due to slippage. She now has to have her band removed. In the time since the fill was removed she has put on around 30lbs in about 2 months. I see alot of people struggle with the same problem. What scares me is that we get the band, get to goal or are working on it and then something happens and we lose our band or fill. Is it just inevitable that we are going to put all our weight back on because we cant continue to eat the small amounts we did banded on our own. I know there is no way I could live on the amount I do without my band. I know I am worrying about something that hasnt even happened and may not ever happen, but I like to think through the "what ifs". "What if" you lost your band...I think I would be back up to nearly 300lbs in 6 mths....*sigh* but outloud I say "I will never allow myself to get that big again, I cant"...I just cant go back to that...the thought scares the crap out of me enough to really put a dampener on my day. This post really doesnt require an answer, I am just thinking outloud and sharing my paranoid thoughts. I really think I have come to the conclusion in my mind that i will slip, its just a matter of when. I cant get a grip on the fact that my life will not be led fat and depressed. I have a right to be happy like I am now...I really do, why cant I just accept that? This university course really has me doing some major thinking. :eek:
  16. Does anyone else remember gaining a lot of weight right after surgery (the 2-3 days after, I mean) due to Water retention and/or swelling? I've gained 10 lbs since my removal surgery 2 days ago and I've hardly consumed any calories at all. Of course, what I HAVE consumed has been broths that are high in sodium. Still, that seems extreme to me. Anyone go through anything similar with any surgeries you've had? Is this remotely normal?
  17. Does it seem difficult to lose weight before during and after your menstual cycle it seems I always put a .5 to 1 pound on prior to my period and it takes so long to get it back off it is so frustrating. The bloat and the retention just frustrated
  18. Here's the deal, I see this over and over in people's posts, and it just doesn't make sense to me. It's along the lines of "you didn't gain it fast, why would you lose it fast?" That doesn't make sense to me, because you see, I did gain it fast. One month I gained 25 pounds, another month I gained 18 pounds, one summer I gained 50 pounds. When I was really sick with asthma, and have to be put on steroids, I would automatically gain 10-20 pounds, 10 of which would be a killer to lose. My calories didn't change drastically, nor did my activity levels change. So, my question is how did you gain the weight? did it just sort of sneak up on you? did you gain steadily did you gain in small bursts did you gain in large bursts
  19. Any of you out there who have gone through a pregnancy while banded, I'm curious as to how much weight you gained during the pregnancy and if you were able to take it off post partum. I am only 13 weeks along, and haven't gained anything. It is very difficult on my psychologically not losing weight at this point, even though this is definately not the time for weightloss! I continue to monitor the scale, in a slightly less obsessive manner than pre-pregnancy. I understand that I'm going to gain weight, or at least just stop losing, either of which my OB/GYN is fine with, but I had no idea it would mess with me mentally. I find myself physically hungry pretty much all the time, thanks in part to the pregnancy and to the slight unfill (food doesn't stay in the band as long) I had as a precautionary measure related to the pregnancy. It's very bizzare after 9 months of being satisfied by Protein shakes for Breakfast and only a few small meals a day to now having my stomach growling the minute I wake up, and even sometimes waking me up! Obviously I am eating more now-hence the stop in weight loss (which is pregnancy appropriate), however I worry that I am eating too much, and struggling with the thoughts of seeing 240 or 250 or more on the scale again.
  20. Today has been 1 motnh since I had my band removed and Iam happy to report I have NOT gained any weight back. I made it through Christmas and all the goodies, booze, & food with no gain. I'm using my head and still working it like a true bandster would. Just thought I'd share this good news with all of you
  21. Ok, so I have decided to see how far I could go without throwing up and I feel like a bottomless pit. I was banded Nov. 15 and am going back for my 1st fill next week. I lost 15 lbs but have gained 6 of it back. It's x-mas time and I am having a hard time of it. I can eat a lot more that 1/2 cup of chicken. I guess the hardest thing for me to do is not drink anything until an hour after eating. Does anyone else have problems with this? I am getting discouraged.
  22. OK I need advise please. You all may think I"m being stupid, but here goes. I started with a really bad cough over a week ago. I do have asthma that comes and goes, never that bad though. A week ago today my cough added a bad cold to it. Last Wednesday I went to the doctor. She did not take an xray, but gave me an antibiotic and Predisone. I remembered how nuts my daughter was when she had been on Predisone so I decided I'd wait to start that. The I remembered the weight gain also goes with the crazy moods. I'm crazy enough as it is, I sure don't need help! My girl friend told me that she was on them for a few days and she had the weight gain and her face got puffy! Just what I want when I have relatives who I haven't seen for months coming over. (I'm down over 40 pounds) Well I finished the antibiotic yesterday. I still have the cough, but not as often and the cold is still hanging around. I went to the chiropractor today and she nothing in my chest was moving and that I had phemonia. I just hate the side effects of that medicine, and I would do anything not to take it. So if you have any suggestions I'd really appreciate them. Thanks for your help.
  23. Today Tell Newyear's Day The Average Person Will Gain 7pound's Of Weight. Due To Over Eating And,( Also Liquid Calorie's ) Add Up Fast. Putting Off, There Daily Walk. I,will Do It Tomorrow. Mine Is Over Eating Candy! That Is My Down Fall! I'allow My Self To Eat Some What Of Junk Food One Day,a Few More Hundred Calorie' Intake That Day Then Fight The Calorie's The Rest Of The Week! I Hope Every One Out There In Band Land Will Have A Safe And Loving Time With Your Family's And Friend's Over Christmass!!! And Also Remember To Think About All Your Choice's Of Food,however If You Been Fitting A Few Pound's For A While Now Is Not The Time To Let Your Self Go With Eating As You May End Up Fighting For Another Month.weight Loss. Well Good Luck Most Of All God Bless You All! Have A Safe Hoilday! And No Drinking And Driving "i Want To See You All Here Back After Christmass.johnq
  24. Guest

    weight gaining

    I'm 2yrs into the lap-band and I'm gaining how can I get control of it before it's too late?
  25. I'm so discouraged - I had my surgery on July 26th. On the morning of my surgery I weighed 259. Today (2 days post op) I'm up 7 lbs to 266. I know that they pump a lot of Fluid into you during surgery, but I think that would have dropped off already. I don't feel puffy and I was well hydrated when I went into surgery. Has anyone else had this same experience? I was on liquids for 7 days pre-op, and I'll be on liquids for the next 3 weeks. I had my hopes up for a big loss over this period, but maybe I'm being unrealistic. On a positive note, the surgery went great and I feel pretty good. I'm tired and a little sore, of course.

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