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Found 1,208 results

  1. I was taken off metformin by my primary prior to surgery because he assumed I wouldn't need it because I was going "lose weight". I have most of the signs of pcos and he thought I had it but was never told definatively that I did have it. I have facial hair, but I'm blond so I'm lucky and shave. Have/had type II diabetes Have so many skin tags that I can't count and want to wear turtlenecks all the time! My periods are six weeks apart give or take a day or a week or whatever but I'm almost 48 and don't plan on having anymore children anyway Can't go on the pill because I get/had blood clots in my legs Really bad dandruff Had a few uterine cysts but got an oblation Forgot on meds for anxiety and depression clonapen and cymbalta Naturally I have a weight problem and have put 20 pounds plus since surgery Anyone with advice. I was put on synthroid for an inactive thyroid that was just discovered prior to surgery but still gained back all my weight and feel like a loooooser!!! but not the right kind of loser!!!! Never lost weight after being banded 7 months ago, lost it during the medifast phase. I see my surgeon on the 22nd of this month so I don't know what he's going to do with me:confused: Thanks, brandyII
  2. Well, long story short. I started my diet in October. I also started Lexapro in October. As of yesterday, I have officially gained 20 pounds since October. Anyone see a connection?? Unfortunately, I cannot even credit the Lexapro with making me feel better as it is not...I am SO depressed right now. Is it even possible insurance will think about approving me with weight gain on the 6-month supervised diet??? :scared2:
  3. I am so frustrated. Right after surgery I lost about 15 lbs. Now, 15 days post op, I weigh myself and I'm back up 4. I just started mushies so I am having some foods with more sodium, but I'm not hardly eating. How could I have possibly gained weight? Does anyone know the reasoning for this or has this happened to anyone? I'm incredibly discouraged.
  4. :thumbup: I just went from full liquids to soft food this week and I gained 3 pounds this week. What did I do wrong? Is this normal? Has it happened to anyone else? :confused2:
  5. ladytuscanny

    ARRRGH weight gain

    I put on 2 pounds and i'm so upset with myself. I took my butt to Shapes today and worked out for 45 minutes. I thought going back to work would help me not think of food all the time and help lose weight. I called and moved up my first fill to the begining of April instead of the end of April. I hope that helps.
  6. I saw a recent picture of Carnie Wilson today on tmz.com and couldn't believe how much weight she has gained. She looks like she is 220-240 again. I feel so sorry for her. My doctor said that bipass patients typically gain back 25% of their weight in the first few years. I am so glad I have the band!
  7. I'm gaining weight after 3 fills. I've read the following. Has anyone been thought this terrible time? Thanks, Carol Please read below... Lap Band and weight GAIN... Is there such a thing as having the band tightened too much? Yes, the band can be over-adjusted. When the band is too tight, patients cannot eat solid foods without regurgitating the food or feeling very uncomfortable for many hours. When the band is too tight, patients tend to gain weight because they are resorting to the liquid and/or softer foods that travel through the band easily. These foods tend to be higher in fat and higher in sugar. When patients start this dysfunctional eating pattern, they are taking in more calories than if the band was looser. A band that is too tight will also cause heartburn and coughing in some patients. If after surgery, and despite following all the rules, I am at a plateau of weight loss, what should I do? Plateaus are a normal part of the weight loss process. In the first year or two after surgery, weight loss plateau usually means that you need to come in and have a little bit of Fluid put in the band to increase restriction. Occasionally, plateaus are caused by the Band being too tight. If the Band is too tight, weight loss will resume after a little fluid is taken out of the Band. If the above causes are ruled out, we will have you keep a food and exercise diary. The diary will include the times and quantities of foods eaten, drinks taken, Protein grams consumed, and an exercise log. We may have you consult with the dietician as well. What happens if 10 years from now I start to gain weight? What do I do? We see you annually in the office for a check-up, however if you are gaining weight, it is time to come in so that we can assess the problem. It could mean that you need a little adjustment in your band volume to provide a little more restriction. There may be a problem related to the types of food you are eating or there may have been a life crisis and emotional eating or depression may be taking hold.
  8. I was banded March 2007. I have not only not lost any weight, I've gained 3lbs over the past 10 months. I have been filled to the max. I don't eat much, let's be honest, I can't. I can't even eat the 4 oz portions suggested. Yes, I'm eating the right foods. I work out 3 to 5 days a week at least 1 hour to 2 hours each time. I was considered a low BMI on the lapband scale but still enough of a BMI to get the surgery covered by insurance. I'm frustrated and disappointed. Isn't there anyone out there that has had this happen? What's wrong with me?
  9. Merry Christmas everyone. I've gained 5 pounds since being banded on 12/21. Anyone experience this?
  10. Hi I was banded in Sep 2004 and lost 135 pounds to get to a normal BMI (just). I had a slip diagnosed in September this year and had my band repositioned. Both times i have had a fill since then I have had to go back to get some Fluid out because I was too tight. So I am feeling a little scared of going back for more fill. Plus I don't want to see my fill Dr because I have now gained over 50 pounds and I feel embarassed. I just can't stop eating - I know it's emotions. But I thought the band would help with the regain like everyone says. Josy
  11. wheresmyknight3

    Weight Gain

    This whole week was a mess. Mom in the hospital for 2 days and Thanksgiving. I've been eating like mad. The .5cc fill didn't work and I can't seem to get myself back on track. Tomorrow I will get back to protein shakes because I gained 2lbs this week. Arggg!! My neighbor is giving me a treadmill so between that and the Leslie Sansone tapes should be able to lose it again. I'm hoping to have another before Christmas because I don't want to be able to eat as much food as I did at Thanksgiving. Hopefully, the rest of the weekend is better.
  12. Hi I am new to this forum & had my lap band on 11/16. I have faithfully followed my diet instructions & am disappointed. I weigh 4 pounds more today than when I left for the hospital Fri. morning. Is that normal? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Did anybody gain weight while in the hospital? I actually gained 6 lbs! It must be retaining water from the IV's cause I was only on liquids.
  14. Hi, another new person here. Thanks for such a valuable site for information on this procedure! Seeing my surgeon this week; hopeful I'll get an approval for January surgery. I've read several of the different threads, and I'm curious about those complaining about weight gain. Why do you not mention returning to your doctor's offices on a regular basis for consultation - and what about fills to assist you and get you back on track? Isn't that the purpose of the "adjustable" band?? Thanks - and good luck to all of you!
  15. OK what am I doing wrong? I was banded on 9-14-07. On the pre-op diet of shakes and salad I lost 23 lbs. Since the 14th. I have gained 5lbs. back. I figures that since I am on the liquid diet that I have probably had too much broth (sodium). I can't find the fat free and the low sodium broth so I chose the fat free. I was told that this is a time of healing and not to worry about the weight gain but I don't like it. Has anyone else gained weight after the surgery? :help:
  16. I've put on 10 lbs in 7 mos. and too ashamed to go back to the Dr.
  17. Anyone else gain weight for the first 2-3 days postop? I am thinking it is water retention. Is this common? Was 282 day of surgery Tues today Thurs I am 286. I know i shouldn't be stepping on the scale, but it is impossible not to be curioous.
  18. I am finishing my liquid stage, during which I lost 24 pounds, today. Is it inevitable to gain weight now that I am starting to eat food? I find it hard to believe that, even with careful monitoring, that I won't gain weight initially. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you, Bruce
  19. Hi Everyone, I need some advice with stopping the weight gain I've experienced since I was disbanded 16 weeks ago. I had a pretty severe erosion and had the band removed. I had it for nearly 6 years. I opted not to get a replacement because the erosion was such a bad experience, I didn't want the worry of another band slippage down the road. Since being disbanded, my health has dramatically improved. I'm not experiencing severe acid reflux, inflamed stomach and esophagus, vomiting every single night no matter what, pain and sleeplessness, etc. However, I've gained 10 lbs in 16 weeks and I'm worried that at this pace I won't be able to fit through a doorway soon. The hunger has come back strongly and I'm not "bulemic" anymore. Everything goes down just fine unfortunately. I've been taking phentermine to take the edge off the hunger, and I've been walking and going to the gym much more often, but I still can't seem to keep the weight from piling back on. I have to say, this is truly a shock. I really thought I would be able to keep my weight stable but apparently my body has other ideas of its own. It's like all of the sudden, my body thinks it had been starving and is now in massive fat storing mode again in case there's a giant food shortage in the future. I am seriously considering getting converted to VSG if I can talk DH into letting me spend the $11,000. He seems to think it should be so incredibly easy for me to lose weight without the band. Well, that's why I got the band to begin with, I could not do it without serious help. What's the verdict - am I going to need to get a revision surgery to stop from plumping my way back into a queen size wardrobe again? It seems like my worst fear - regaining all that fat I hated - is coming true. I admit that I loved being normal body weight and feeling like I was attractive again. It wasn't so much a health issue for me but more of an emotional/social issue. I felt extremely self conscious about my weight when I was heavy and I isolated myself because of it. I never want to go back to that depressed and sad person again. I may override DH and spend the money and work OT to make it up in the future. Thanks.
  20. if you blame beer consumption, please discuss the before and after surgery effects
  21. Once you get to the mushie stage is it normal for the weight to start creeping back up?? I'm still on protein shakes, mashed potato, etc. and I've gained back 3 lbs in a week. I'm getting nervous!! I don't want to gain all the weight I've already lost. Do I need to start adding in exercise now to keep it down?
  22. I am on the PreOp diet and have gained weight. Before starting, I ate 2 meals a day, breakfast and lunch. Breakfast was a small low-fat yogurt, a little bit of low sugar granola and a banana or some other fruit. Lunch as usually out while at work. Normally places like Luby's, where I never get fried foods. Rarely ever did I get anything fried. I am a big salad lover with a vinegarette dressing. Now that I have been having a little breakfast (2 of what is on the allowed list), a sensible lunch (tilapia or some other sensible meat), and those 2 shakes (made with 8 oz of skim milk), I have gained 2 pounds. I am not eating sweets, I haven't been eating stuff that I shouldn't eat. What is going on? Any ideas?
  23. so when i went inot the hospital yesterday i was down 10 lbs from the preop diet...then while in the hospital all ihad was IV then water and tea and 2 cups of broth..then i came hoe and had gained 6 lbs. How much does the band weigh? Or is this from all the iv fluid...i am very confused...did not expect to come home gaining 6 lbs from no eating
  24. *JASMINE*

    weight gain

    Man, I'm just so discouraged. I am up to 145. I have gained 10 pounds. I feel like such a slug. All of my jeans are fitting extra tight. I went and had a fill about 12 days ago, got down to 141, but now am back up again to square one. I can eat more now too. I was so motivated after my fill, but now I am just stuck. I feel like I'm never gonna get back down to 135. I know, to most 145 is a wonderful weight to be at. But in my head, it's terrible. I know I should be greatful, but I feel like this is just the beginning and I'm gonna end up back up to 219. What's worse is that right now, I have no game plan. No way to combat the weight gain. Mentally, I am just exausted and stuck. I have lost faith in my ability to keep going. Every single day, every single hour of following the bandster rules is a complete struggle to me. I don't know why. I feel like a food addict. I think about food every hour of every day. I know something is not right in my head. The only stress I am feeling right now is the stress of building a new house. That's it. Nothing major. So what is wrong with me? I am tired of the mental roller coster ride...
  25. Has anyone gained any weight since they have had the lap-band???:hungry:

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