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Found 17,501 results

  1. NovelTee

    Upcoming surgery in April

    I had surgery last week and those were definitely my feelings lol. Honestly, I’m still excited and nervous—excited at the changes to come but also nervous that somehow I’ll let myself down. Grateful for my support system. Just taking it one day at a time. Good luck to y’all!!
  2. AmberFL

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I love Mexican food and deli sandwiches lol! So the week before my husband told me to choose foods that I wanted and the whole family would eat it. Then I ate chocolate, cake or sees candy. All the things!
  3. Ritah64

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    25th for me, this time next week I will be at the hospital
  4. Happy 10 day post-op! Im sorry to hear about your belly button discharge- do you have an incision close to it that caused it? I am also about 3 weeks liquid phase including pre-op. Im so sick of it. My fluid intake for water/sugar free gatorade is okay. I’m no where near 1.5 L a day but its slowly getting better and im definitely drinking more now than I was the first two days. Did you develop an intolerance to lactose after your surgery?
  5. Char V

    November 2023 buddies

    Yep those sneezes and hiccups hurt so much. I’m 25 days post op and it still hurts. Even the burps do. First time round- I took photos in different standing poses and even in bra and underwear. I did all the body measurements too. (As Cat says. It’s good for the stalls) This time I remembered on the morning as my daughter reminded me. the dr said I wouldn’t loose much as I lost it all the first time a year ago. But I’m 5 kgs down
  6. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Sounds like you're doing well! I'm only down about 20lbs since surgery (but 35lbs if you count the 2 week liquid diet), so I hope they're pleased with your progress. And I completely agree it has not been easy! It's really been a struggle and never knowing what will be okay and what won't from day to day is very difficult.
  7. My surgery went well. I also had hiatal hernia repair. I was an outpatient and had little pain after coming out of anesthesia, was able to keep water down and walked....gas pains were mostly non existent. Currently having mild pain, due to soreness from hernia repair. Liquids going down well, ready for pureed foods. I have my two week post op on Wednesday 3/20. I lost 19 lbs in my two week full liquid pre op diet and 6lbs down from surgery, so a total of 25 lbs.
  8. Meisha

    November 2023 buddies

    @ChunkCatDANG GIRL! You look great! I'm so sorry you're struggling with POTS. That stinks, but it sounds like you've got a plan in place to help you manage until - 2025 (so ridiculous). I can't believe it's been almost 6 months already! I sometimes forget that I had it done (until I try to eat fast - LOL!). I'm down 77 pounds since my highest - 69 since the surgery. I still struggle with not being able to see the change (because I see my self every day), but occasionally I'll see a picture of me or see a reflection at a certain angle that makes me go... wait... a... minute! :) I'm down 2 jeans sizes (probably actually down 3 sizes because let's be honest, those 24s were STRETCHED to capacity! LOL!). I could get my 20s on a few weeks ago but I couldn't breathe, so there's that. I did go on a cruise week before last. That was interesting. I gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted and I found that I'm now starting to naturally lean toward healthier/smarter choices. I only gained 2.2 pounds that week and it came off very quickly. The big news is that I've scheduled my knee surgeries!!! Getting one done in June, the other in October! I'm nervous because of the unknowns (pain after the surgery, rehab, not being able to drive, etc), but I'm more excited because I'm ready to have my life back! New body, new knees... I'm going to be unstoppable! Can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!
  9. KateG41

    April Operation Buddies

    Mine is April 23rd. I started my pre-op diet on Tuesday this week. It was a rough 2 days, but I'm getting the hang of it now. I know I am not going to want to eat certain foods for a bit - cottage cheese, being one of them. Pickles have been helpful. Good luck to everyone! I'm ready for it to be here.
  10. I also had this fear. 1% chance is world wide and I’m guessing you had your surgery in a western country and good hospital so chances are closer to 1 in 500 chance. Moreover 70% of the time they happen in the first week. So your odds are very very slim. Just follow food instructions and you will be fine best of luck
  11. NickelChip

    Upcoming surgery in April

    Excited and nervous pretty much sums up my mental state from last July when I started the surgical program to last week when I finally got the surgery!
  12. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    Two Month Update!!! How is everyone going?? I have been losing and gaining the same 2-4 lbs for a month now. Stalls are stupid. They swear the weight comes off the fastest in the first 3 months but that has not been my experience past the first two weeks. It is frustrating. But I feel a lot more energy and my underwear keep trying to fall down even though the rest of my clothes still fit, so I figure something must be happening. I got out my tape measure to do my month two measurements (I skipped the first month because I figured it wouldn't have changed much) and great balls of fire people, I have lost 26 inches!!! In two months!!!! I've lost 28 lbs since surgery, I had no clue it would add up to that many inches lost... I've lost 8 inches from my chest 😭 and 6 inches from my waist alone!! That means I'm losing a lot of visceral fat, which has me sooo excited. And is probably the cause of my underwear falling down. LOL Everywhere else (hips, thighs, arms) have lost 2-3 inches each! Moral of the story?? BE SURE TO TRACK MEASUREMENTS!! I have them in my Baritastic app and also on paper in case the app does something stupid with them. In other news, I've decided I can be more active now, so I'm adding in steps at about 1,000 per week. Last year with all the injuries and illnesses I averaged about 1,000 steps a day, can you imagine?? That is so low it is scary to me. So this week I'm doing 2,000-2,500 steps a day, and will increase it by about 1.000 a week until I hit 10,000 steps consistently. Steps are excellent cardio because below 5,000 you are considered sedentary/low activity. Over 5,000 is considered medium activity, and once you hit 10,000 daily you are considered highly active! So that's my goal. I can't do lifting or an elliptical or anything because I have a shoulder injury we are still assessing for surgery. But once that is taken care of and healed I'll add weights into my workout. I have a gym phobia but my partner is lovingly encouraging me to face that, as it will be the only way to get those steps in, we don't live in a walking friendly area. So to celebrate my progress so far I ordered a few funny sarcastic gym tanks and sweatshirts to cheer me up for when I have to go face the gym. Sarcasm always helps. 😂
  13. NickelChip

    Upcoming surgery in April

    Excited and nervous pretty much sums up my mental state from last July when I started the surgical program to last week when I finally got the surgery!
  14. Doing it!KH

    Buyers Remorse?

    I’m new here, my surgery is April 8. I start my two week liquid diet tomorrow officially, I actually started today because my pre-op appt is tomorrow and I really hope I’ve lost since my last appointment.
  15. Hi there wondering how everyone is doing???? Current weight is 142 5”3 I eat every 2-3 hrs snack and have three bigger meals which is breakfast lunch and dinner. Still could only have about 5-7 spoon fool of the larger meals. Rice does not agree with me I figure it may never. Alcohol hits me super fast so I have to be very careful!
  16. AmberFL

    Weight loss SLOWING way down!

    One of the hardest things that I am trying to teach myself that is is not a diet! this is a lifestyle. In life we eat right 90%-95% of the time and work out 3-4x a week, and the whole purpose of this was for me to be healthy. It is scary to think of being 297lbs again because of how unhealthy and how much pain I was in. I have to reflect on my "Why". Thank you as always for your words of wisdom! ❤️
  17. CelticSoul

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    The purpose of this diet is to shrink your liver. The liver is in the path of surgery. Following the diet will use up the glycogen that is stored in your liver. Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates. Depleting your liver’s glycogen stores shrinks the liver, which can decrease complications during and after surgery That being said, 4 weeks of nothing but meal replacement shakes is a tough row to hoe. I agree with the broth suggestion. You may also want to ask your doctor if you can have non-starch veggies - at least for the first two weeks. I had to do 2 weeks of a full liquid diet; it does get easier the closer you get to surgery - because you are ALMOST there! And as you get closer to the date and you are losing weight and your clothes are getting looser and you feel better, it is even more incentive. Hang in there!
  18. It’s usually about four weeks before you can lift more than 10kgs/20lbs but please check with your team as to when you can introduce more strenuous activity. Requirements differ plan to plan & patient to patient. Nothing stopping you using some resistance bands at home in the meantime. You’ll tone muscles without straining your abdominal area. (Remember it takes about 8 weeks to be fully healed.)
  19. After the birth of my second child, I underwent tubal ligation for sterilization. However, my periods were extremely heavy, so I started taking the pill to lighten or stop my menstrual cycle. I was instructed to discontinue the pill two weeks before the surgery and to wait another two weeks after the surgery. My periods were terrible before, and they are terrible now. I have just resumed taking the pill, so I am hopeful that they will improve soon. lol
  20. mine sucks apparently. lol I had one 2 weeks post op and it was for 5min then they havent told me to meet them again...so I have no idea!
  21. I wanna fight EVERYBODY!!!!! LOL I'm kidding but I'm sick of liquids. I did a week before surgery and now 4 days after surgery that's 11 days. I want solid food. *has adult size tantrum Okay I feel better now lol
  22. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Mine has felt slow too. I went from 238 to 223 on my two week pre-op diet, which was so fast, and now at 3 weeks post-op I'm only at 217. Did you lose a lot pre-op? That can slow the post-op loss in the beginning. I figure 21 pounds in 5 weeks is awesome, but 6lbs post compared to 15lbs pre feels very slow indeed! I know there's a lot going on internally, and that pre-op, it's mostly fluids that are lost. I know I need to remember that this is a 12-18 month process that will happen at its own pace. But it's hard to be patient in the beginning when so much of what you read and hear are these crazy high weight loss numbers the first few months. Of course that's often with people who had a much higher starting BMI. But it sure does make you dream of it happening faster. However, I will take the victory that I've had to start pulling out smaller jeans and bras already because my pre-op favs are way too loose now.
  23. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    That makes so much sense! I kept comparing to other people’s weight loss per week and I am along myself down. But with their percentage calculation it is a much better way!
  24. Hello! I had my surgery March 25th and am only a week post op. Now I understand right now I cannot take normal sized bites and cannot drink with meals but will this be a forever thing? Will I ever be able to take normal bites of food again or be able to drink water with meals? I had a gastric Bypass
  25. Brii K.

    3 years PO & Struggling!!

    The up to 4-6oz is meals. Mainly it’s my dinner meal. My snacks are usually no more than 2oz of weighed portions and depending on the food of choice, it’s not a lot visually either. I just moved and don’t see a PA for potential new surgeon for post op care until the first week in June. My previous nutritionist through them was also not very helpful with guidance either. The first one I had for the first 2 years was helpful but the new one isn’t/wasnt.

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