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Found 1,208 results

  1. Hey all, Well since news of my surgery date I have had dinners everynight and gained 12 pounds in 3 weeks!! YIKES! Today is day one on my pre-op shakes before surgery for 2 weeks. My question is - how much weight did you gain during Last Supper Syndrome and how much did you before surgery. I only have 2 weeks to lose this and hopefully more. Were you able to exercise? I was 255 and now 267. :cursing:
  2. :cursing:Ok fellow bandsters, I need to vent a little. I had my surgery on the 29th of July and have been doing very well with the weight loss (15 lbs) so far, but now I've gained 5 lbs the last 3 days, I was so close to 299, but now I'm back up to 305! It's been 3 days and the scale hasn't moved. My first fill is Fri in the AM. I hate this, I don't want to eat that much, but it's hard to ignore a rumbling tummy that won't shut up! I know I've lost 3 inches off my hips & thighs, and 1 inch off my neck so I know I'm doing well so far, but this is just so discouraging!!! Has anyone else had to happened to you? Can anyone relate? Thanks for letting me vent a bit.:huh2:
  3. My doctor did not put me on a pre-op diet. My only orders were that I had to quit birth control and start taking a B-complex vitamin. I have pre-op on Thursday at the hospital and I'm wondering if it may be a problem if I've gained 5-8lbs since my first consultation on 7/16. Anyone know???:smile2:
  4. I am curious to hear from other bandsters who have had a tummy tuck and then gained some weight back. How does your stomach 'feel' now? I was banded on 1-12-07 and had a tummy tuck on 2-19-08 after losing about 50 pounds. Since that time, I have had to start taking a couple of different medications for almost daily migraines, and have gained back around 15 pounds. I am so disappointed and just feel miserable about it. I am going to work really hard to get the weight off again so that I don't feel like a COMPLETE failure, but am having a hard time ending my pity-party . . . I need one more fill to hopefully get me back to my 'sweet spot' (life was good when I was at my sweet spot!) and I have that appt. scheduled for next Tuesday morning. I know that not having enough fill for the past 6 months has allowed me too much room for error in my eating. I have got to get the structure back and then figure out how to deal with the medications. I am concerned too, because before I had the TT, my stomach felt 'normal' other than being able to feel the port. Now I often have discomfort in my abdomen that feels like it is sometimes going to pop. It feels so tight and uncomfortable and my upper abdomen looks like a watermelon. I didn't start this thread to whine, I just wanted to see if there were others out there who either had, or are experencing the same things I am. I would love to hear from you if you don't mind sharing. Thanks in advance for your input.
  5. Did anyone gain weight pre op?? I was weighed in May, and I've gained 10lbs since then. My surgery is in Sept. and I meet with my surgeon tomorrow, and I'm so nervous he will turn me down. I have been working really hard, but I still gained..help....
  6. hello everyone. my name is della and i was just banded on monday the 4th. i am doing pretty good ,better than i thought,but i do notice a tight/pressure like feeling in my chest/upper stomach and was wondering if anyone else experienced that at all? also i weighed 286lbs day of and day after discharge i weighed 293?????? i had lost 13lbs on my pre op diet and after i have gained 7lbs!!! what is that about??? could it be the iv fluids? :thumbup:
  7. Dear Nightingale2u,

    I saw your post about the weight gain and if you knew then what you know now you would have had the by-pass. I too feel the same exact way! I have spent more time and money running to the doctors with fills and unfills and another problem is the place I go to is 50 miles from my home and what a hassle making appointments meet my schedule, forget it. I wonder how many others feel our same way. By the way It's been almost 3 years for me since banding and I've lost 55 pounds.

  8. tootie_belle

    3lb weight gain

    So it must have been the chocolate although the nurse seems to think it's carbs. I guess I got lazy. I have started keeping my food journal again to keep track of the calories, carbs, protein, and now fats. Whoever said that the lap band was the quick fix was soooo.... wrong. It's still alot of work. The journal helps to make sure not only that I'm eating the right amounts of food but by writing it down it will eventually come 2nd nature for me to chose the right amounts. It's just a constant struggle. Can't hurt to try.:frown:
  9. ok ... i still had a minimum of 50 pounds to lose to even be at a weight i can live with... my first appointment, my OB suggested i maintain while pregnant... at first i seriously thought no problem!! but now that the morning/all day sickness has pretty much subsided, i'm famished all.the.time.... and i've gained about 3-4 pounds... i can just imagine her freaking out on me my next appointment (next Monday) cause i gained... i know i'm not supposed to 'diet' while PG, but there's the mentality there that almost makes me want to...
  10. I have been advised due to bleeding that need to have the mirena (intrauterine levonorgestrel device inserted), or otherwise have a hysterectomy. I put on weight when i take the pill, get bad cellulite on my thighs. Has anyone got any feed back re weight gain - re mirena, also if you had a hysterectomy, many thanks.
  11. These are some pics of me in 2000 when I got married and I looked and felt my best. I had lost 60 pounds doing Atkins to lose the weight.
  12. Okay..so here is my latest strange question...in my search for answers! In addition to seeing so many wonderful stories here, I've read about people gaining weight, wanting to take diet pills, doing 2 hours of exercise each day.... I understand that the band will just be a tool and you still have lots of hard work to do, but given what the band is suppose to provide for you, like getting fuller faster, digesting slower...it seems like you wouldn't have to kill yourself at the gym or that you could eat enough to gain weight??? Does that make sense? I'm trying not to be offensive, just trying to understand. Do the people who struggle eat more often? Do they eat liquid calories? Are they not following the *rules* of the band? I just want to have a clear understanding of what I'm potentially getting into!! I want to understand what has happened that the band is helping you achieve the weight loss. :confused2:
  13. I have been overweight for most of my adult life. Big boned was the explanation and quite true in my teens as I was very muscular, broad shouldered and round in the butt.... After miscarriages in my early twenties, two successful pregnancies for beautiful children, and two more miscarriages in between them my weight went crazy. Also I started to get Gerd, arthritis, IBS, diverticulosis, kidney stones and gallbladder issues. After my son was born in 2000 my female issues increased rapidly and I was in pain so much that exercising was intolerable. In 2006 after a year of non stop ER visits and doctor appointments I was diagnosed with Adenomyosis of the uterus. I had a total hysterectomy due to that and pre cancer cells on my cervix, cysts on my ovaries... I was told I absolutely had to take HRT even though I didn't want to. Six months into them I had gained 47 lbs. Believe it or not, I was eating 1500 to 1800 calories a day, swimming or walking 4 miles 4 times a week. I was devestated by what was happening to me and stopped the HRT on my own.. No more hot flashes, anxiety or weight gain.. phewww.. The only problem was I couldn't lose the weight. I went to a nutritionist and kept food journals on sparkpeople.com,, kept exercising and started to become seriously depressed. The only thing that made it worth it was that I didn't have anymore PMS or other female problems or moodswings. My doc said I was BS'ing her and needed to get it together.. Last aug 07 I fell of a landing on the river and shattered my leg.. 2 months in a wheelchair, 6 months physical therapy,, jan to april in a gym.. full exercise 3 days a week for 60 minutes, stationary bike at home 5 days a week and still no weight loss.. We were so broke from me being out of work I couldn't aford to overeat.. total frustration... My lipid specialist wants to refer me for lap band surgery.. I'm terrified of being layed up again, but fear onset of diabetes, heart attack and stroke.. I have 2 brothers who had attacks at age 50, one wasn't even overweight. I also fear that after I go through with the surgery that it won't help because of my hormone issues.. Has anyone had lap band after hysterectomy and been helped???:confused2:
  14. Hi. My name is Alllie and I had my surgery in June of 2003. I started at 300 and I lost 120 pounds with in 2 years. Things were going great. I was looking good, feeling good... then I went and had a fill - I guess it was too tight - I started throwing up bile in my sleep, couldn't even recline without burping up nasty stuff. I refused to go to the doc for a while- because I wanted to keep losing weight. When I finally went back- it seems as if I had turned my esphogaus into a baby stomach. That meant that I had a stomach in my esphogaus, the band stomach and then the regular stomach. They took all the Fluid out of the fill - I started eating like a wild woman- seriously - with in a month- I think that I gained 20 pounds. So - Over the next 2 and a half years- I have been filled and unfilled so many times. Sometimes I can eat whatever, whenever. I'm back to being filled at 2.8 - and haven't lost anything with in a few months. My weight is back up to 280 and I feel like such a failure. I didn't tell many people that i was getting this surgery- and I'm glad that I didn't - due to this. I'm wondering if anyone has been in a situation similiar to mine and what they have done to help get back on track. Thanks Allie
  15. I had my surgery done by Dr. Pohl (Johnston, RI) back in 12/04 (I was 34)and had a couple of fills in the spring of 2005. The last office visit was.. lack of a better word, Painful!!! They spent 40 minutes stabbing my belly with a long needle trying to find the "fill reservoir", they couldn't find it since I had a lot of scar tissue. So I ended up having to reschedule and go to Roger Williams Hospital (Rhode Island) and use an X-Ray machine so they could find my reservoir and filled it. That was the last time I saw Dr. Pohl or his office, life got out of balance after that when I went through a divorce, job lose and almost a foreclosure in the next 2 years after that. It was a tough couple of years, I didn't bother with the fills, weight or even a diet, I was just doing whatever to get through life.. Now my life has been rebalanced, I have a wonderful fiancee, great job and I'm finally happy with my life! Now I want to get my weight under control and live a healthy life. I was at 301 (5' 8") when I had my surgery in 04 and got down to 230 in 05. Now, over time, I'm back up to 255, I was eating whatever and whenever I felt like, the stress was killing me and I wasn't exercising either. In time, I noticed that the lap-band doesn't really restrict anything anymore except for when I eat food quickly, it ends up getting stuck and I have to .. Well you know... I can now eat as much food I want without feeling full. For all I know, the lap-band could have stretched or worst, slipped. Do you think the doctor will help me start all over again? I'm not too crazy about Dr. Pohl or the Dr guy who did me fills with Dr. Pohl, but I need to finish what I started! Can I start over with another Dr (any suggestions)? Will I have any problems with fills with my new insurance (was BCBS now it's UHC)? I'm going to call Dr. Pohl's office this week and see what my options are. Anyone ever do this, go a few years without Dr. care and then go back? Any comment or ideas? PS this Forum is great, back when I had my lap-band in 04, there was very little info on it. It's nice to see other people feeling the way I did/do. Christian
  16. I was watching a program on PBS called "Depression: Out of the Shadows". Anywho, as one who has struggled with anxiety/depression and obesity for many years I have also struggled with the fact that having anxiety and depression contribute to my weight gain and vise versa and also the drugs that I take may also play a part in my weight issues. Back to the PBS show, there was a man on the show who had been profoundly depressed for a while and took a large cocktail of drugs that seemed to be working for him. He also took some medications that were to counteract some of the side effects of these drugs. He took a drug that I wasn't familiar with to counteract the weight gain side effect. Actually I'm going to try to go to the transcript of the show to see if I can find it but it was almost inaudible to me while watching. I then did a little research on the web myself and came across a drug called "zonisamide or zonegran". Has anyone ever heard of this before or have you been on them for this reason or anyone on a similar type of drug to counteract the weight gain side effects? I know there are certain antidepressants that specifically say they don't affect a person's weight but those are either drugs that haven't worked for me or not found to be true especially with the combination I take. And Wellbutrin has no affect on me whatsoever, just as an example. Thanks ahead of time anyone who has any info and would like to share, brandyII.:rolleyes2:
  17. Ok I searched the forum.... called a friend who had the lap band a month before me and she didnt gain weight... So here I am asking away... Ok liquid Protein shakes sat sun mon and tues.... then nothing after 9pm on tuesday....Surgery on wednesday around noon... Since then I have had ice chips and Water.... I have had 2 shakes since I returned home today (thurs) and I just for the heck of it weighed myself.... AND I am up 10 pounds from Wednesday morning...How does that happen... And how ticked off do you think I am about it Arghhhh! Anyone else experience this....? And if you did when did that come back off... I am assuming it is water and swelling.... All comments welcomed!
  18. Hi Ladyinpink,


    My weight gain started after my surgery, so I can't relate to such good loss numbers that you had in the beginning. It sounds to me that you're having problems with your reflux and once that is treated and you get back to your sweet spot again you should do fine. But I know how depressing it must be for you and probably scary too!


    I hate to see someone who has done so well all this time get so down on herself because she's put back weight because of the unfill. There are a lot of people out there who have lost a lot of weight like you have and then started putting it back on for various reason.


    I'm trying to get this social group moved to a more open area where more people can see it. But I'm thrilled you found it not many people have! Maybe if we can get it moved and you repost you'll be more likely to find others who have had similar problems to yours, thanks brandyII.

  19. mariecarmen

    Insidious Weight Gain

    I lost 76.5 lbs since my surgery in 9/06. Doc tells me I'm at goal, I figure another 10-15 lbs. Eating well, exercising semi-regularly with a buddy, getting nice compliments, shopping at decent clothing stores. All the perks of being a normal weight. Then, the week before Christmas my kitchen and 3 other rooms in the house flood from a faulty dishwasher connection. Rooms are gutted and most meals are prepared/microwaved or restaurant/diner. Fast forward to this past weekend (152 days later). scale is returned to kitchen and I am 14 lbs heavier!!!! I just went on a 152 day LSD food trip. It's back to square one for me--shakes all meals for a week and I'll gradually build up. I'm astounded at myself for so easily slipping into such awful eating behaviors and food choices. Any advice, encouragement?
  20. Hi all, I had my surgery on May 12th. On the surgery date, I was 208lb. It has been 1 full week and I'm now at 211lbs. Everyone tells me not to sweat it... but is this normal? I've been walking about 2 hours a day so I want to say that it's muscle gain. I'm still on protein shake diet, with about 1 cup of clear broth a day. I just need someone to tell me that it's okay and yes i will lose the weight... ( A smack on the head might be good also!!) thanks!
  21. Hello All! I need some help! I was banded on 4/21 and have dropped close to 20 pounds (with the help of my son's nasty stomach bug). To my horror, I got on the scale this morning and had gained 3 pounds! I am currently at the mushie stage and I'm eating what I was told and in the amounts I was told, so I don't understand the weight gain. Has anyone else experienced weight gain in the beginning stages?
  22. Hey Everyone, I have a question for those of you using Protein powder as a Meal Replacement for 1 meal a day. I am getting my first adjustment in two years tommorrow and i know i wont be able to eat Breakfast because my band gets very tight in the mornings. I have been looking through the many posts regarding Protein Powder and their is so much debate about wether or not it helps lose weight or causes weight gain when you use it as a meal replacement for 1 meal a day. So i was hoping that any of you who USE protein powder on a daily basis can share your experience with me as to wether it helps or hinders you, i would also like to know if you find it filling? Thankyou in advance for anyone who can help me, im so confused and really dont want to use weight loss Meal Replacements. Bel:thumbup:
  23. mmaddur

    question on weight gain

    i was banded on 4/8 and weighed 289 that day yesterday i weighed 275 and today i gained a pound. i am still on all liquid diet and i am sticking to it i only have protein shakes, water cream of chicken soup and sugar and fat free jello and pudding. does anyone know why i have gained i am just a little bit concerned:confused2:
  24. Doctor put me on xydep 100 - which is a sertraline anti depressant, he knows i have the band, said should not be a problem he doesnt think. Any ideas? does it cause weight gain, going through stressful time not because of band but other personal problems at moment, do they put on weight?? that way know must deal with less calories , or more excercise, any reasearch help on this much much appreciated!!

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