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So, the Goodwill thrift store is my favorite place to shop now. I wish I had thought to shop there years ago. You can find really good stuff, really cheap. I go every few weeks. I went this morning, because I wanted to find another pair or two of jeans. I need more pants that fit my smaller body!!!! I loaded up with tops to try on and then hunted the racks for jeans. Added a few pairs to try on and even one that is a size way lower than anything I've worn in 20 years. I only liked how two of the pairs fit, but that one pair, was a size 12 (Gloria Vanderbilt). I thought I'd try them just for giggles, but they were pulling up really nicely and then they actually pulled up over my butt and then I just about fell over when they buttoned and felt comfortable!!!!! The other size I got was a size 14 (Cato). The pair I was wearing when I went shopping were size 16 (Ralph Lauren). I am adding the brand names, just to show the way that different companies size things. All three pairs fit very, comfortably. All are sizes that I couldn't wear when I started my pre-op diet in August. I've also recently gotten tops that are in Large not X-Large. More and more people are noticing that I've lost a lot of weight. I am definitely glad I got the band. I am turning 40 this year and by the time the next holiday season (Thanksgiving/Christmas/Hanukah) rolls around, I'm going to be a 40 year old hottie!!!!!
great discovery!!!! as time moves on you will find other NSVs to help mark your progress. Cheers on your journey
Is my doctor crazy?!
LilMissDiva Irene replied to Lila21's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Yes it is true and possible, however keep in mind - she is a woman and she weighs less (so her metabolism is going to be quite different). It's not going to be as easy to lose as it may have been for you. Regardless, Congratulations for you're really doing amazing!!! Lila, wow - I agree so much with feed's Dr. I follow that same guideline that I will find my successes in more ways than just the scale. I specifically look for NSV's every single day! My weight loss has been much lower than most others around here so that is what I do to keep positive and know I AM doing a good job. Though I do use my scale as a guide on whether I can try harder or not. However I am very content on my losses to date!! I do set mini goals but and I have set dates attached to try to work to get there. It is disappointing though when I don't make them. I just set the bar lower this time, to something I personally know I can do. Good luck to you!! -
In 2004 I had back surgery for herniated and ruptured disk, as well as a spinal bone spur. The surgery helped but I struggled to lose the weight needed to really get the benefits of the surgery. One of the things I noticed after surgery was that when I would lay in bed on my right side, often I would feel pain. It felt as if my lower spine was in a "V" shape. I would have to change positions quickly or the pain would become really bad. It was the weight of my stomach pulling on my back. Since lapband surgery and weight loss I hadn't even given it a thought, but this morning I noticed that the pain was gone and that my back felt ... normal. For me, this is a really big NSV. Anyone else with back problems notice a difference? ~Fran
Today while I was getting ready for work, I put on a pair of pants I haven't been able to wear for 6 months! I was very surprised & happy when I buttoned & zipped them up without any problem. Yay! Also - started the Lifestyle Challenge at work today and at the weigh-in it showed I have lost 5 lbs in the last week. That makes 9 since surgery and 28 since starting the pre-op diet. I also stepped up the diet today to include a little more quantity. Still eating pureed foods, but more at one meal. To be honest, I feel really full after eating 2 meals today that were bigger than what I've been used to. Oh well...guess I'll be a good kid & follow the directions
Banded Dec 28 - 1st NSV for me!
Pamalamadingdong replied to mom24teens's topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Congrats, its the little things that are really big. My NSV was I had to buy a belt today, my pants are getting too big. -
This morning, getting ready for work, I put on a pair of pants I haven't been able to wear for 6 months and THEY FIT! Woo-hoo! This should open up the work wardrobe choices a bit
NSV shout outs
BlackBerryJuice replied to BobBayCityMI's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Well, I've crossed the overweight/normal weight barrier, so there have been quite a few NSVs lately. 1) Can fully cross my legs without getting uncomfortable at all. 2) Was in a clinical skills session where the doctor was using me to show the sternoclavicular joints and everybody in my group said, "WOW, you have such big clavicles, I can see everything!" 3) Running at 6.0 mph is too slow now - I used to struggle with 6.5 mph, but now it's my cruisin' speed! Haven't run any 5Ks or 10Ks since the surgery, but I suspect my time will improve quite a bit. I also walk way faster! 4) Went to an adult ballet class and was the fittest person there (not the skinniest, but definitely the strongest). The teacher said "You clearly have had some ballet training, so you should check out a higher level class." For someone who's always been fat and clumsy, that was huge! To top it all off, I placed in 4th level ballet even though I had only had the equivalent of 1 level of training. Now that the weight isn't getting in the way, my natural strength and flexibility are finally visible! 5) I don't even think about walking a couple of flights of stairs, I don't get out of breath at all. 6) My "skinny clothes" of yore are all at Goodwill or sold on Ebay now, because they were all way too big! 7) I can wear regular boots instead of special-ordering wide-calf ones and paying 3x the price. -
This evening I did something I haven't been able to do for 3 years--I was able to put on my wedding rings! Not on my pinkie where they had been but on the ring finger! I took them off about 6 months into my pregnancy and hadn't got them back on until now. Makes me feel great. Now my husband can't tease me about not being married.
NSV for sure! Atta girl!
Well, I made it to my "goal" weight that I had set for when we went to Vegas last month. Yeah!! Plus, this was the first time in MANY years, that I did not need a seat belt extender for the flights! Yeah x 2!!! But, I have not done well since. With Vegas, Christmas, and a convention all last week, I haven't lost anything since then due to all the going and excellent restaurants we have eaten at. I HAVE NOT gained, but haven't lost either. I MUST get back on track, as we have moved up our South Africa trip from next year to this I desperately need to lose another 50 pounds (minimum) before then...that's my personal goal. So, starting today, I have gone back to drinking my shakes, and logging my I was pre-Vegas. I have also got to get back to exercising. We have one last deer hunt starting this Friday (which consumes ALOT of time), so I am hoping on Sunday/Monday, I will be back in full swing of things again. I have even thought about doing the liquid diet again for a week to get a jump start on things. I am now 3 months out and am noticing that I can consume a bit more than a month ago. Anyone else with the same??? I know that all the swelling and such is gone by this point...just wish I was that "tight" again!!! So, even though I was somewhat victorious, I need to be scolded to get back on track!!!!!
I posted on here a couple weeks ago about my worries with traveling. I'm back from my trip to California and pleased to say I didn't have any troubles at all! For the first time in my adult life, I didn't need seat belt extenders on any of the flights. We walked and hiked up mountains and I was able to do it. I look at pictures and am not appalled. This surgery is the best thing that could have happened to me. On the scale, I haven't lost since Christmas. But thinking more positively, I can't think of the last time I went throughout the holiday season and on a vacation without gaining a ton of weight. So here's to committing myself to exercise and eating better in the new year. But right now, I am pretty darn happy! )
NSV - but need to be yelled at now!!!
dbrar88 posted a topic in POST-Operation Weight Loss Surgery Q&A
Well, I made it to my "goal" weight that I had set for when we went to Vegas last month. Yeah!! Plus, this was the first time in MANY years, that I did not need a seat belt extender for the flights! Yeah x 2!!! But, I have not done well since. With Vegas, Christmas, and a convention all last week, I haven't lost anything since then due to all the going and excellent restaurants we have eaten at. I HAVE NOT gained, but haven't lost either. I MUST get back on track, as we have moved up our South Africa trip from next year to this I desperately need to lose another 50 pounds (minimum) before then...that's my personal goal. So, starting today, I have gone back to drinking my shakes, and logging my I was pre-Vegas. I have also got to get back to exercising. We have one last deer hunt starting this Friday (which consumes ALOT of time), so I am hoping on Sunday/Monday, I will be back in full swing of things again. I have even thought about doing the liquid diet again for a week to get a jump start on things. I am now 3 months out and am noticing that I can consume a bit more than a month ago. Anyone else with the same??? I know that all the swelling and such is gone by this point...just wish I was that "tight" again!!! So, even though I was somewhat victorious, I need to be scolded to get back on track!!!!! -
Next week I will celebrate my 6 month surgiversary. Brassiere: 42G (and truthfully uncomfortable and spilling out) to a 38DD. Pants: 24 and uncomfortable, to 18 and perfectly loose (16s still too snug for real comfort). But the real NSV that I had recently, can only be appreciated by my peeps who have Been There: It was really cold the other day and I had left my jacket in the office. A colleague offered me her windbreaker. She's kinda chunky-fat and if I were to guess her pant size I might say ... near mine I guess, 16-18. But Before Surgery I just would have insisted through my blue chattering lips that I wasn't cold at all, just to avoid the embarrassment of a jacket that didn't fit. This time I accepted the jacket, put it on, and it engulfed me. Too big. =) =) =)
A Truly Amazing "WOW" Moment!
LilMissDiva Irene replied to Brian66's topic in Weight Loss Surgery Success Stories
Brian, what an incredible moment that must have been for you!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I do love reading NSV's like this. There is always SO MUCH to celebrate!!!! -
Cheri, I've thought the same thing, I really think DD's MIL doesn't care if she weakens the marriage as she didn't want it in the first place. First and foremost the MIL wants to be proven right. Forgot to mention in my original post, she accused DD of faking the contractions and that it is just gas. AS for my MIL, DH has sat down with her in the past and drew some very good boundaries, since that time she has been good. However, am nervous to see how she responds this time and if she crosses that boundary, I know DH will pounce. I think she knows it to, but time has a way of making one forget or want to retest those boundaries. Thanks for your input, it's always so insightful. As for an update, lets see if I can remember. We've had some ill mothers, Phyl's mom is better and Arlenes mom went to rehab today. Meredith passed her math test and lost 9 lbs! WOO HOO Meredith. Apples left 2 days ago and checked in the first day from KS but didn't check in yesterday so not sure where she made it to. Phyl is trying to take some control back from Earl in the kitchen and jokes if her 46 yr marriage can make it to 50. LOL She also got in trouble for taking the cart and Zoey and visiting a neighbor and Earl not knowing where she was. Janet is probably at the gym. LOL Linda's DSD may be reported to the authorities as a drug user and lose custody of her child. LauraK, had a good time at a singles dance and we are wanting to know if Mr Filet Mignon was there. LOL Kelly checked in and is down 50 lbs. TX checked in and is doing well and getting ready for fill number 2, he also had a great NSV Eva, is doing yard work and got work at home work from her friend. She's also having a hard time with the senseless shooting in Tuscon. I know there's more but that's all I remember now. Someone else fill in the gaps??? oh and we have not heard from Julie and are missing her
The good thing about being a slow loser
chilo1 replied to coops's topic in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums
Loving the fact that you can actually fit sweats under you 16's that's a NSV! I'm in a bad mood, very hormaonal (TOM) haven't lost anything w my lowcarb 5 day pouch(granted i cheated but still way less carbs than usual) Well i'm back to my higher carbs, that obviosly works for me! -
Oh man,.. the Peanut Butter was gooooooood!!!! Only managed a slice and a half of the wholemeal toast, and that took me 20 mins or so... the pouch test might have done NSV though!!! x
Watched the KC Chiefs get slaughtered this afternoon. Oh well........ Light snow on the ground and much more coming - 4 to 8 inches overnight. Have consultation with trainer tomorrow to set up my plan. Knee is more comfortable when I do NOTHING. But, I can't let that stand in my way. Surgeon confirmed it is fine to work out. Chris - congrats on NSV. Arlene - I agree with Janet and Lori - one program that works for you. You are so dedicated. Nice to hear your mom realizes that it is time for assisted living Linda - sending hugs. Others have expressed how I feel too. You are a strong lady, and have faced challenges and shown love for Aylah, and will continue throughout her life - for your daughter, as well, but her demons are hers to chase away.
Oh no, I think Janet just called me a pig! LOL I love costco samples. LOL Don't get them often but love to try the new things. DH and I always cruise through when there to check them all out, I only partake if it's something I am interested in though. But have been known to get one anyway to give to DH LOL We have sunshine today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it's even melting a little of the snow. They say we may even get above freezing tomorrow I think it is. We've not been above freezing since Dec 29th they said. I don't care so much about that, but we have sun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta watch my Packers play this afternoon. They have to win so maybe they can play PHyl's Seahawks next and Phyl and I can cheer our teams on and have a little rivalry. LOL Phyl, I love Angry Birds. i completed all levels on my ITouch but have it now on my Droid Phone and this time I am not advancing levels until I get all 3 stars, much harder that way! I also downloaded the holiday version. TX, congrats on the NSV!!! It's amazing how many things we notice getting easier. Linda, so sorry about your struggles with you DSD I pray she gets the help she needs for real this time. It's one thing when we do things to mess up our own lives but when it affects others especially children so hard to take. Arlene, how was your DH able to eat the muffin? I thought with bypass they dumped on things like that? Does he not have problems with the dumping? Congrats to him on losing 100 lbs!!
Good Morning Gang... Linda sounds like you had a good day - OMG I don't think I could live in that cold ;0) - Trader Joe's are always crowded -we have 3 one in Palm Springs (20 miles) Palm Desert (10 miles) La Quinta (5 miles) I have never been to Palm Springs store Palm Desert Store in a strip mall - not super big and neither is the LQ store - they are out of my way - I rarely go.. I get some of my dog/cat food at Petco (halo) but the little ceazer I get at Target cuz it's cheaper - Ya unfortunate that SD is an addict - That's a tough one - So Sad - Hugs & Love and glad you are seeing some one... That she's lost one child and can lose another - so very sad and the damage that she did by using while p.g. - but that's an addict - So very hard to understand - we understand addiction - but ours (food) only hurt us.. Your dinner sounds good... Yep it was me and costco - OMG the pigs in those stores act like they have never eaten - let us know how it is - it's always nice to have something on hand when you haven't taken anything out - That happens every now and then - mostly on the weekends when I am busy doing something (out and about) come home and nothing to fix for dinner - Chris - WTG on your NSV (being on your feet) Once you get back to work - things will get better - too much togetherness ;0) Charlene - GF this is what I have been preaching since day one - find what works for you that you can live with for the rest of your life - quit treating this as a diet - it's not - it's about eating healthy - smaller portions - exercise.. 0h ya - next time you go out to bf don't take the muffin home - leave it on the plate no one needs it - Well Not much to report - Had dinner - Fish - Spinach - Rice - SF Ice Cream - Took my vitimans & Calcium (omg that stuff is like alli to my system in the morning tmi :0) Watched tv that I recorded... Up at 6:30 - on 2nd cup of coffee - gym at 10 the normal Sunday Target shopping home -- That's my exciting day :0) CBL
Janet, your right! I went off the rails in October when I started following too many plans at one time. I am going to continue to do pts/calories. I have been through so many plans over my life I need to do what is best for me. TX, Awesome about the NSV! I know what you are talking about. If I get up your way I would like to meet you and your DW. My DH has had gastric bypass so he can relate to weight struggles. He lost 100lb and has remained the same weight for almost a year. Even the weight training has not changed his weight, but he is getting muscles back. He really feels great. I am glad you dad is doing well.....keep us posted. Lori, Thanks for affirming Janet's suggestion. No matter what, I will weigh on Tuesday. I am going to try to get my mother into the nursing home tomorrow. She told me this morning that she thinks she will be ready for assisted living. Staying in the hospital this time has been her A-ha moment. I haven't even talked to her about the oncologist. We will deal with that when she is stronger. Eva.....Prayers and Hugs for you today. Everyone in your city is connected in one way or another, and we are connected to you. This tragedy brought back memories of JFK (I was 11 then), Bobby Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan. We come together in these times as a nation and look to God for healing. I am not going to church this morning. The front is blowing in with thunderstorms. Today we are honoring our state champion 5A football team. The coach goes to our church. There will be about 200 extra people there so I know I won't be missed. When the rain clears I am going to the hospital. Julie......where are you????
Good Morning Everyone. Good to hear from you Chris and wtg on your back and knees not hurting as bad as they would have prior to surgery-- yes that definitely counts as a NSV and a big one. You're progressing nicely - especially since you had the shoulder surgery at the same time -- and you were so limited in your physical activity - 38 pounds is a huge deal -- that's about 4 sizes -- they say every 10 pounds is a size. Isn't it great to feel so much better and be able to be so much more active? WTG, keep up the good work. I am in shock about this shooting incident - what a terrible tragedy -- just unbeliveable violence -- really scares me that we have so much violence. Arlene, I agree with Janet and Great. I think stress makes you weigh more -- I do think it has something to do with it. Just relax, try to eat healthy every day. Hey, at least you are more aware of your eating now and that's a good thing. We had an absolutely perfect day yesterday in Des Moines. Katie was feeling better and had her brother stay with her and help her with Aylah so we didn't have to take her with us. We wouldn't have minded, but had a lot of stops to make and it's such a pain to drag her in and out of her car seat especially in this cold weather -- was a high of 12 here yesterday. We dropped my Kitchen Aid mixer off to be repaired -- the entire assembly that holds the beater in place fell out last time I used it -- they have to order the new part, wonder how much that will cost me. Really disappointed in this as I bought the "professional" one cause I use it so much for heavy duty stuff. I really haven't used it all that much -- have only had it 3 years. Oh well, hopefully it won't be too terrible. Then we went to Sam's to get stocked up on all our paper products and a few other things -- I was disappointed however that they were out of rotissere chickens -- the next batch wasn't due to be out for almost an hour and we didn't want to wait. The place was an absolute zoo -- and yes, the people crowding around the tasting booths really irritated me this time -- I think it was Janet who said she noticed it at costco last time she went -- they all just rush from booth to booth and grab food and stand there and eat it, blocking the way, etc. They had a stand for tasting the frozen parmesean tilapia but alas, I missed out -- by the time I got close enough the plate was empty and she said it would take 10 mins. until the next batch was done. She looked at me and said, "oh honey, you'll really like it, go ahead and buy it anyway." LOL. So I bought a bag of it for nights when I'm tired and just throwing something in the oven is necessary -- it has 230 calories and 10 grams of fat per each 4 oz. fillet. Looked decent -- will let you know how it is. Have any of you ever bought it? It will be one of those "special" treats for me. I thought it was ironic that the ONE thing I wanted to taste I couldn't taste. Went to Petco for dog food and treats, stopped at Starbucks (I just had a reguular coffee), and then went to Trader Joe's. OMG - I thought for sure they had a radio dj inside giving something away -- the people were just pouring into the store -- I actually said to my dH "they must be giving money away in here" -- it was unbelieveable. Once inside, you couldn't really even move - it was just wall to wall people all jammed in this tiny store. We got a few items - hummus and apricot chutney and left -- had to stand in line about 15 mins. just to buy that. We shopped at Trader Joe's in southern california and the stores were about 3 times the size of the one here -- but it's been open since last fall, so not sure why it was so crowded. The sales clerk said it's like that all time -- no matter when you shop it's always jammed with people. I said, "well, they need to open another one". SO maybe they will since it's been such a big hit here. But alas, my DH was disappointed cause he was hoping to get his "Italian" olives that they had in So. Cal. and they didn't have them in this store. I'll have to see if I can order them on line. Probably. Then we went to our Bonefish Grill for dinner and had a fabulous dinner. I had longfin tilapia which is one of their specialities. I splurged and had the one that is topped with lump crab, shrimp and scallops and drizzled with lemon caper butter. OMG it is to die for. Able to eat about half. I usually have plan fish grilled but decided to have a special treat. Also had one crab cake which are very very good -- hand made there out of lump crab as well. They give you two sides with your meal and they have two sides that are very band friendly -- so I had steamed broccoli and steamed mixed veggies for my sides -- and they were perfect. It's nice that a restaurant offers healthy choices for their sides. Again, I just can't say enough good things about this restaurant, I just love it. Apples, so happy you made it as far as you did -- hopefully after today you'll have great weather. Janet, glad to hear you got your energy back -- sounds like a good/busy day - feels good to get that kind of stuff done -- I'm lucky that my DH doesn't work and does the vacuuming, etc. But I have plenty to do with keeping kitchen and bathrooms clean and all the dusting. I do miss having cleaning people, but half the time they were missing so much I still had to do some of it, so why spend the money? Now that I've lost the weight I breeze through it. Melissa, haven't heard from you - hope you are doing okay. Thinking of you. Julie, same to you. Hope you get some relief and soon. Janet, yes, Katie had a son who is now 7 -- she lived in Oregon at the time -- they took him away at birth as he was a crack baby -- then gave her an opportunity to go to a rehab WITH him and if she made it through the rehab would have been able to keep him, but alas, she couldn't get through it without breaking rules -- and about 3 weeks before she would have graduated they caught her off grounds with a guy and tossed her out and her baby was adopted by the family who had fostered him at birth. It's an open adoption and she does get pics and a note once a year. He's autistic and has multiple problems and it 's heartbreaking to us as we know her drug use caused these problems. We are so grateful that Aylah doesn't have these kinds of issues and we want to make sure she is raised in a loving environment. If that means we will have to do it ourselves, we will. Katie's going to have to make some tough choices in the very near future. You'd think her near death experience in August would have changed her -- well, it changed her for about 6 weeks -- after that it was back to the same old same old. She's had years and years of counseling, been in at least 12 rehabs -- she's kinda like Lindsay Lohan I guess - just refuses to stop. Well, I need to get going here -- it's 8:30 -- time to go work out - think I'll do step here at home -- that way I don't have to deal with being out in the 9 degree weather. But, the sun is out -- so that's great!!! Drive safely Apples and DH! Love you all. Linda
Congrats! Time well spend interacting with our children has to be the best NSV yet!
I've been doing the 5 day pouch test(finished yesterday) and haven't lost any weight, not even 1/2 a pound,granted it's TOM as well, so I'm not beating myself over it (last night, my last day i gave in to a glass of Rose and a piece of homemade wholemeal bread, the crusty bit dipped in aromatic olive oil ) So that wasn't a success for me, my own fault Yesterday afternoon however, we all went to the park, husband and 3 girls, and we had a blast! For the first time ever, I put my jogging bottoms on a sweatshirt, my trainers (sneakers) and felt really good about myself(I actually felt quite "cool" as opposed to fat, forty and frumpy) and I went on loads of "rides" with the girls. I've never done this before cause I always felt to old, fat, ugly . Yesterday I felt so young and carefree. My husband pointed out that I always used to just sit on a bench while they palyed. This is probably one of the best NSV in these five months since surgery. I am so happy (even though I cheated on my pouch test last night )